Trustee Meeting Minutes

January 3, 2025 Organizational

December 11, 2024 Regular

November 13, 2024 Regular

October 9, 2024 Regular

September 11, 2024 Regular

August 14, 2024 Regular

July 10, 2024 Regular

June 12, 2024 Regular

May 8,2024 Regular

April 16, 2024 Special

April 10, 2024 Regular

March 13, 2024 Regular

February 14, 2024 Regular

January 10, 2024 Regular

January 4, 2024 Organizational

December 13, 2023 Regular

November 8, 2023 Regular

October 11, 2023 Regular

October 11, 2023 Retreat

September 13, 2023 Regular

August 18, 2023 Special

August 9, 2023 Regular

July 17, 2023 Special

July 12, 2023 Regular

June 14, 2023 Regular

May 24, 2023 Special


May 10, 2023

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell, Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer (FO), Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector and Lora King, Administrative Assistant (AA). Also present were collaborative partners, Village Administrator RC Wise and Kenyon’s Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith, as well as community members Martha Rambo and Kathy Yarman.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the regular minutes from April 12, 2023; Trustee O’Connell second; Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the emergency minutes from April 18, 2023; Trustee O’Connell second; Vote: All Yes.

Village Administrator RC Wise was invited to speak to the Board first. Village employees Randy, Josh, Jeremiah were all in attendance at Saturday’s Dumpster Day. There was some feedback that community members also wanted a shred day, which they may consider for fall. Village Council passed a new zoning resolution to put into effect the new zoning ordinance that was completed with the help of a consultant and is user friendly. It takes effect June 1. It can be found on the Village’s website. Ward Street from Brooklyn to Kokosing is bid out for sidewalks (base bid), open June 1. The additional bid is a segment along Brooklyn and along Kokosing, if it is within the budget. Village may need to work with Ian to complete this. There is a Village
ordinance out to hire McDaniel Construction to create a natural play area at the community park. Some of the older equipment would be removed. Received stage two plans of the roundabout today. They have taken note of all comments. The biggest takeaway is that the retaining wall is going away. They will scope back the hill. There has been a complaint sent to ODOT from the county engineer’s office warning about possible pedestrian repercussions of not completing the path past the roundabout on the bridge and Laymon Road. It is tricky with this project because it is a local road, not a federal aid project, and the bridge is owned by the county engineer. Overall, VA Wise has been thrilled with ODOT and the execution of the
project. They have been very responsive to comments. The project is open for comments until June 2.

Kenyon’s Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith, was invited to speak, and he delivered an update on the campus. Final exams end May 11 and the next weekend (May 20) is Commencement. Following commencement is reunion weekend and then 2 summer programs. Windows are going in at Bexley Hall and it will have students in it in a few months. There has also been movement on the south side of campus. Kenyon is already thinking and preparing for Pelotonia in August. Students return in the fall and there is a solid first year class coming in that is on target. It will be a full campus.

Trustee Ingles spoke about CTFD Memorial to VA Wise and asked if the Village may be interested in collaborating on the garden portion, perhaps if there is a waitlist for the community gardens at the Village. VA Wise will check with the waitlist. As is, the community gardens are set up with clearly defined plots. The Township and Village will kick it around further.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Wise were thanked and they exited the meeting.

Ms. Rambo introduced herself, thanked the Township for the floor, and expressed that she would like to share her written message to the board. She thanked in detail AA King, Supervisor Smith, Inspector Yarman, and FO DeCosky for their hard dedicated work, time, and service to the Township, and went on to thank Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell. Ms. Rambo referred to the 2021-2022 Audit Report. Trustee Houston clarified the audit report is not something the current board and FO can discuss with Ms. Rambo as it came from the Auditor of the State, however, the board would be happy to listen respectively. Ms. Rambo continued and referred to her written statement. Ms. Rambo’s assumption on finding #1 in the report (treasury, FICA, individual income tax) is in regard to Assistant Fire Chief Ashley Thompson. She clarified her assumption is based on memory because she no longer holds the Township’s records. Ms. Rambo explained Ms. Thompson’s belief that there had been skipped pay when Ms. Thompson was promoted from firefighter to Assistant Chief. Ms. Rambo had looked into this with due diligence, and she could not find evidence backing up Ms. Thompson’s claim. Ms. Rambo shared this information with
the former sitting board, which is documented in Township minutes, and invited the highest official from OP&F to look over the records with Ms. Rambo and AA King, who could not see any skipped pay period either. However, Ms. Rambo was authorized by the sitting board, as indicated in the minutes, to pay Ms. Thompson out of the accounting side with no benefits as all believed it could be possible, they just were not able to find the mistake. Ms. Rambo stated that the entity was broke at the end of the year during Covid and she had to rob Peter, pay Paul, and
find out where she could find any resources at the end of that year to cash out and balance. The auditor said Ms. Rambo paid Ms. Thompson’s check out of the wrong fund because it should have been paid from the General Fund, but the General Fund was broken. The Township was doing the best they could, and Ms. Thompson got paid, however, she got paid out of an account in the UAN system that did not give the Township the opportunity to qualify it as payroll.
Regarding audit finding #2 on the report: FO’s ability to transmit OPERS retirement
contributions in a timely way. Ms. Rambo believes it is specific to one employee who, for some unknown reason to her, was not being calculated appropriately through UAN, which she was aware of and had tried to solve with outside help.

Regarding audit finding #3 on the report: During transition Ms. Rambo was responsible to identify and contractually agree with a vendor who would do all of the drug screenings and physicals. When the sitting board determined that Mr. Smith would be the chief, he went to the vendor selected and approved by the board, per the minutes, to get a physical. That vendor contract included that they would perform the physical. They did not want Ms. Rambo to see the physical for privacy reasons. They said they would send it as part of the contract, but they did
not. Ms. Rambo never saw it. She never broke the chain of custody. So, that finding with OP&F that is specific to the physical required with OP&F, never got sent. Ms. Rambo personally had to go to the vendor and say that it was part of the contract. Rambo was not aware for a long time that it was not sent and the entity was in noncompliance because the vendor did not supply the information to OP&F.
Regarding audit finding #4 on the report: non compliance for not sending Ohio Bureau of Workers Comp quarterly payments in a timely way. The Township was in transition. Ms. Rambo stated the Township would have to research why the $815 was not paid in a timely way. She has no records in her possession. AA King knows the records well because she redesigned the filing system.
Trustee Houston took the floor and thanked Ms. Rambo for coming and went on to explain he understood her desire to be in front of the current entity and thanked her for her dedication. Trustee Houston reinstated that the board could not talk about this matter as it came from the Auditor of State. He recommended that she contact the State Auditors and the Attorney General’s Office. Ms. Rambo stated she is being sued for $7225.00. Trustee Houston stated that the State of Ohio has the findings and the current Township officials provided the documents they requested. Ms. Rambo asked who represented the entity, and Trustee Houston restated that he was not able to discuss this. Ms. Rambo said she called Mr. Faber’s office. She requested that it be recorded in public record that she will find out how this happened, because
she doesn’t pay $7225.00 to the State of Ohio for things she will request public record for with her attorney. Trustee Houston agreed that is the best course of action. Discussion continued.
Ms. Rambo said the Township will hear from her attorney and thanked the Township for their time.
The board did not receive the written statement.

Trustee O’Connell and Inspector Yarman looked at a site that Kenyon wanted to do last week. They talked over some different aspects, such as the sewer system, water, and placement of the building. Inspector Yarman’s eyes are improving and should be able to get with the zoning board in the next month or so.
He went to the farm today, across Porter Road on Laymon. They are going to take out the swimming pool and deck that is in the back of the house and extend the deck out and bring a raised area up on the deck, back towards the crop field behind them. Inspector Yarman dropped the permit off today. Trustee O’Connell went to RPC last month in Yarman’s absence. He will also be attending for him next month when he is out of town. Inspector Yarman brought up that the previous administration would have Kenyon make an application when they had requests, and sometimes they would waive the fee. It is up to the Board if they want to waive the fee moving forward. The Board will take it into consideration.

There is a large stone memorial to be placed on Rambo plot. Noone is officially buried there. It is a memorial for the owner’s son who has been gone a number of years and is buried in Washington State. It will serve strictly as a memorial stone.
Trustee Houston emailed George Kopscick regarding Friends of Quarry Chapel, who put him in touch with Diane Kopscick. Susan Ramser will be taking Mark Ellis’s place as board chair. Trustee Houston will try to reach out to her again to come to the next meeting to share info on cemetery level. For now the Township will table the levy.

Need for Help: Trustee Houston received an application from a student worker that may be able to help Supervisor Smith this summer with general labor (15/hr). The Board will talk on parameters on what would be expected of someone under 18. There is a description of a general laborer in the organizational meeting. AA King also gave an application to someone today that would qualify as an equipment operator who is very interested.
Work Orders: Supervisor Smith and AA King discussed the benefits of official work orders to track status of projects and have put it into play. Proper communication can take place when it comes to questions and residents’ inquiries. AA King will share on google docs.
Trustee Houston took a call from the Jamiesons’ about part of Porter Road eroding. This may be something that the Township already has on their radar.
Roads Report (Supervisor Bill Smith) – May 2023 (read by Trustee O’Connell after fire
New cutting edge installed on the plow. The plow and spreader have been moved to the salt bin for the summer. No issues to my knowledge on equipment. I did take one of the chainsaws to Troyer’s for repairs and he’s sharping some chains for me. I’ll pick them up mid- May. Any word on the tractor and mower?
Houston: tractor is ready. Ingles and Smith will look at it on Friday at MoTrim. It will be delivered Tuesday. An announcement will go out to residents when it arrives. AA King will do Facebook, homepage of website and bulletin board at website. Inform residents about ditch clearing/brush capabilities, boom arm. Trying to move the edges back. Clear right away. Necessary for safety. AA King will work on.
Sign Grant:
Everything has been delivered and sorted and the Village has received all their items. The State has received all the paperwork.

Our salt was delivered the 29th . The 2023-2024 Salt Contract was turned into ODOT April 14 and I’ve gotten confirmation they received it. We have multiple projects to work on this spring and summer. 1) cleaning up all storm debris along the roads and trimming back trees. 2) cold patching multiple holes in roads. 3) install new road signs. 4) cleaning trees out of creek bank on Monroe Mills Rd. 5) adding dirt to graves at cemetery and planting grass. 6) mowing roads and picking up trash. 7) road paving/chip and seal we’re planning on this year.
Dumpster Day is May 6th , from 0800 to 1200. Phil is working Dumpster Day and will try to mow some this weekend. We will try to catch up on mowing, we’ve just had too much rain when we’re available to mow. I have multiple projects to do at the Center.
My thoughts on Cemetery Levy would be a five year and see how it is doing in the fourth year to determine if we need to extend it. I truly think we need to consider a Roads Levy the following year for 1 to 1.5 mills to help get the roads back into shape and to help pay for an employee. Just my thoughts for moving forward.

Recess 7:27
Back in Session 7:32

Update on Memorial: Trustee Ingles and AA King have worked together on a letter to the Steering Committee for grant funds for the project. $5368 is the estimated total cost of the project, which includes everything discussed. Trustee Houston, being the chair, will present it to the Village Steering Committee. They have a meeting for May 25 at 4pm via Zoom. The board will sign the letter, get to Mayor Kessler, and go from there. The only thing it doesn’t include is the electric lighting that would be a part of the Co-op grant.
Update on Bunk: Trustee O’Connell read a recap of an April 20 email from Justin Hutchins with the Ohio Dept. of Commerce, which referenced sprinkle requirements. The State asked that we provide revised drawings and code analysis showing that the R-2 use is an Accessory Occupancy complying with all the requirements from section 508.2 OBC and upload them to the web portal for resubmission. Jeff Kubala sorted it out. We are under percentage as needed for bunks. Mark O’Brien and Jeff Kubala should be able to resubmit anytime. Trustee O’Connell is hopeful that we are in the final steps. Trustee Ingles has stayed in touch with Mark O’Brien regarding the PA system. Mr. O’Brien is waiting on final approval then will be ready to go.

Trustee Ingles led discussion regarding MVFD changing some of the exhaust system
connections at the Service Center and at the Mount Vernon station.
Fire report read by Ingles:
March calls –

Kenyon: 20
Village: 4
Twp: 4

1. Service Center US Flag has been fixed
2. Issues with front door/consideration of updating entry system: waiting on quote from Overhead Door. Estimates replacing door, fixing door frame, entry system similar or update would be 3K or less for front entry man door. AA King requested a door with a bigger window and security glass. MVFD is getting ready to change their entry system.
Down the road the Township may want to adapt what they are doing and can update
down the road. The Township will try to do due diligence and get a second quote. AA
King did try to contact someone else and never heard back. Trustee Houston will reach out to someone and inquire.
3. Trustee Trees Cleanup at Service Center: Trustee Ingles suggested a few hours of
trustee time to clean up. Trash gets stuck in the trees. They have tools and could do it
relatively quickly and will discuss further. There may not be a free weekend until after Memorial Day.
4. Records Commission to report to the Board: AA King shared Township has gotten
approved paperwork back from the State. Township is good to go with records
guidelines and cleaning up records.
5. Rinehart Review: Overall it looks good. Trustee Ingles brought up the issue of who will replace equipment as they’ve reached their life. He also, brought up the question of whether the Township should donate equipment to get off Township insurance. As it stands in the contract with MVFD, MVFD is responsible once our equipment is not
6. Township Website (referenced in FO report): AA King explained options. She contacted Bluehost who uses WordPress to build the site. They cannot help unless the Township pays a service fee. The Township can pay for 1 month and Bluehost will help fix issues for $165. Trustees agreed to pay the 1 month fee and get as much done as possible in the month. Trustees will look at the website and send AA King wish list.
7. Discussion on Cemetery Levy/Continue with Friends of Quarry Chapel Support was
discussed under Cemetery and tabled until June until we hear from Friends of Quarry Chapel.
8. Discussion on possible future road levy.

At 8:32 p.m. Trustee Houston made a motion to go into executive session at the request of FO DeCosky to discuss personnel. O’Connell second. All yes.
At 8:39 p.m. the Board came out of executive session.

Fiscal Officer’s Report –
Selective Insurance/Bond Payment

Selective Insurance has been in contact with FO DeCosky about the claim payment on a former bond. The insurance contact will continue correspondence regarding this with the Township when they return to the office next week. However, the Township can expect payment soon.
Resolution of Necessity – Cemetery
Language for tonight’s possible Resolution of Necessity was reviewed and confirmed by Prosecutor McConville. Should the resolution pass this evening, it will be ready to send off to the Knox County Auditor for their estimates. The Resolution to Proceed would then move forward at the June public meeting. From there it would be approved by the Prosecutor and then submitted to the Board of Elections to be placed on the ballot November 7.
2024 Budget
FO DeCosky will have the first pass of the budget ready for the June public meeting. The Township can advertise to the public that this discussion will take place at the June meeting. This will allow the township to pass the budget via resolution at the July meeting, meeting the Knox County Auditor’s deadline.
Public Records Request via Township Website
There was a public records request via the “contact us” button on the Township website. The Township did not receive the request and has contacted the website host to help resolve the problem. AA King will present options this evening. Fortunately, the person who made the request also called the Township to let us know they had submitted this. Until the button on the website can be fixed, the button has been disabled and the email address “” has been listed as the contact on the site.
Financial Reports
Monthly financial reports are in your folders and should reflect current actual financials.
Courtney DeCosky
Fiscal Officer
College Township

10. OTA Call to Action
11. Handbook has passed through Trustee Ingles and O’Connell. FO DeCosky will read next. It will then be passed on to Trustee Houston, Supervisor Smith, Phill Blubaugh, and Prosecutor McConville.
12. AA King Notary renewed

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, and Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.
Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:48 pm with a second by Ingles. Vote: All Yes.




April 12, 2023

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell, Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer (FO), Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector and Lora King, Administrative Assistant (AA). Also present were collaborative partners, Village Administrator RC Wise and Kenyon’s Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith. 

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the regular minutes from March 8, 2023; Trustee O’Connell second; Vote: All Yes.

Village Administrator RC Wise was invited to speak to the Board first. VA Wise thanked the Township for their collaboration on the sign grant. The signs have arrived. He then shared the Village Newsletter containing many of the Village’s upcoming events, including Dumpster Day (May 6) and 43022 Day (April 30). The Village recently purchased a new dump truck, which arrived. They will put the old one in the GovDeals auction that goes live April 13. The Village signed a contract with Knox County to do Village’s IT. They will help with IT issues as they have them at an hourly rate. The Village is thinking of paving Quarry Chapel this year. According to the map, part of it is in College Township (a little over 50%). The Village is not sure how it has been done in the past and questioned whether it has been a shared expense. The Village may end up picking a different street. In the meantime, the Township will put it on the radar and see how it has been done in the past. 

Kenyon’s Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith, was invited to speak. He noted it is getting close to the end of the semester. Lots of construction going on on both ends of campus. The first of 3 residences is nearing completion. One year from now it should be ready to turn over to college, with the second following in January 2025. The third building will go up after Bushnell and Manning come down in summer 2025. Bexley Hall will be turned over to college at the end of August. Summer Send Off is April 28. Commencement is the weekend of May 20. Alumni weekend follows on Memorial Day weekend. ODOT will have the next stage of roundabout design in May. They have been very responsive. In regards to the fire contract, Smith will have the information back to the Township soon.


Discussion took place about a possible .25 mill cemetery levy. Based on the amendment of R.C. 5705.19 a few years ago, the township may propose a continuing levy for cemeteries.  It would need to be stated that the purpose of the levy is “for maintaining and operating cemeteries” pursuant to R.C. 5705.19(T) and that the levy is for a continuing period of years.  The Township will likely move forward with a resolution of necessity at the May public meeting.


Inspector Yarman wrote a permit for Mr. Reddick for an extension on his garage and received a check for it.  Because of recent vision issues, Inspector Yarman will have to put off the first meeting for the zoning board. A realtor recently called him who is looking to break up a 34 acre parcel on Porter into 5 to 6 acre lots. The realtor was looking to get information about setbacks, etc. Looks like it’s just being proposed right now. Yarman spoke to Darrel Severns at RPC regarding this. Most Townships have changed requirements for frontage in that anything over the normal 5 acre lot the frontage does not have to change. The Township will consider adding to its regulations. Realtor also wanted to know about flag lots, which the Township does not allow. Yarman will get wording from Mr. Severns regarding possible changes. The Township will need to appoint a replacement zoning board member to fulfill the role of one who recently passed.


Roads Report (Supervisor Bill Smith) – April 2023 (read by Trustee O’Connell)

I’ll install new cutting edge on the plow before the plow is put away for the summer. Once the salt is delivered, I’ll put salt spreader and plow in salt barn for the year. I’ll get the mower out of storage in the next week or two. Miller Electric repaired the generator for the center.

Sign Grant:
All items have been received from the Sign Grant. I will go through the signs to get the Village what they ordered.

Salt was ordered to fulfill our contract with the State. The Trustee’s need to make a resolution in April meeting to participate in the 2023-2024 Salt Contract with the State. Once that is done and I have the paperwork for the resolution I will put the paperwork together and submit it before the deadline. Once the salt spreader is removed from the truck, we will work on getting some of the wood debris cleaned up.

Dumpster Day is May 6th, from 0800 to 1200. What is the plan to get rid of old sign post and signs? My thoughts would be to haul in for scrap metal.

I talked with Phil and he’s planning to work for Danville Schools another year, but still plans on working part-time for College Township.

I’ll work at making space for materials for bunk rooms. Hopefully that project starts moving forward.

In response to Supervisor Smith’s report, all trustees are in favor of scraping sign posts.

Resolution Needed for Salt Contract (25 Ton with State Bid)
Trustee Houston made a resolution to participate in the ODOT salt contract for the 2023-2024 winter season. O’Connell  second. Houston yes. O’Connell yes. Ingles yes. Vote: All yes.

A visit to Motrim will be scheduled once the tractor is ready with Supervisor Smith and at least one trustee. Trustee O’Connell would be willing. When it is ready Trustee O’Connell will work something out with Smith. Trustee Houston will reach out to Jeff at Advantage Ag to check progress.


Updates on Memorial: AA King in preparation for submitting the CTFD Memorial to the Village of Gambier Steering Committee, passed out quotes: one from Jason Elliott, one from Great Escape. Compared quotes. The Township would be more inclined to go with the significantly lower quote (Elliott), who did the park between the Post Office and Village Market. The Township may want to add the removal of the pear tree on the East side as part of the project. The Township did have another bid from Liberty Lawn Care last summer, which was still higher than Elliott’s.

Donny Rogers from Ralston brought in a sample of stone that was 30x36x10. The base is significantly thicker. He recommended a sturdier base so that it does not get knocked over. With a maltese, a paragraph explaining memorial and 8 chiefs names, the cost is $2600. This includes delivery and set up. For a thinner, 4ft memorial (with 1ft being underground) the cost would be $3500. AA King and Trustee Igles will meet in the coming week to square out details and will consider putting the memorial with a sturdier base on a slab of concrete. The next step would be putting a proposal together for the committee. Mayor Kessler would be a great person to reach out to as far as next steps/recommendations. The Township would start with emailing the grant proposal to the Village. 

AA King has been working on a potential grant from Energy Co-op. Mike from Mt. Vernon Electric came and walked through the building and came up with a proposal to make the entire building LED. It would also include getting a light fixture for the memorial. Part of the proposal for the grant includes motion sensors for lights in bathrooms/hallways and bays. The total is approximately $4300. The Township would want to include weekly rental for a lift.  AA King will continue to move forward with grant writing. May be able to cut usage by a one-third.

Update on Bunks: The first month has passed with no word on the submission. It seems that review of drawings has been taking 2 months at state level. Trustee O’Connell will follow up on the submission. Likely, the Township is probably a few weeks away from hearing. If Trustee O’Connell does not hear back, the next step will be to follow up with state representatives. 

Trustee Ingles discussed PA System upgrade and issues with dropped calls. He contacted Mark O’Brien to update him. Chief Christopher informed Trustee Ingles in their last conversation that MVFD will likely not replace the station radio because that does not seem to be the problem. Trustee Ingles is working with O’Brien to figure out what PA system they could use for the new bunks that would be compatible with the radio that is already in the station. More to come.

Trustee Ingles brought up that a couple of legislators have introduced 750 million in grants for station building upgrades. He is following the news to see if they are approved. If they are, it may be an opportunity for the roof.

Fire report read by Ingles:

March calls – 

Kenyon: 11 (accounts for 2 weeks of break)
Village: 6 (all EMS)
Twp: 9 (most EMS)


The Service Center US Flag is torn. AA King has been researching options. Because the Service Center is a government building, the Township may be able to get a flag at no charge. Trustee Houston brought up the possibility of contacting the VA in Mt. Vernon as an alternative.  In the meantime, AA King will mend the flag as that is allowed as long as shape/colors are not changed. 

There have been issues with the opening front door and consideration should be taken on updating the entry system. Supervisor Smith is suggesting something that would keep track of who is in the building. The board suggests calling Custom Wired to come out and assess. The Township would want something simple and similar to what we have. The frame of the door is rusted and it could take a specialty commercial door installer to replace/repair.

Dumpster Day May 6: Supervisor Smith will be working and Trustee O’Connell will join. Trustee Ingles will likely be able to join as well.

Discussion took place regarding trustee timesheet review and submission.

Discussion took place regarding the progress of the employee handbook.

AA King Notary:  Background check and state renewal test completed. 

Fiscal Officer’s Report – April 12, 2023

Quarterly Reports

Quarterly reports have been completed and submitted/mailed for 1st quarter 2023 for both ODJFS and the IRS.


The renewal application was completed with changes and submitted back to Rinehart on March 15. The old mower, scbas, bottles, masks, and one power cot were removed. Rinehart confirmed they have received it and will be mailing it back with the changes.

General Fund Appropriations Transfer

$2190 was decreased in appropriations in the Other-other expenses line in the General Fund and reappropriated to Tax Collection Fees, Election Expenses, and Payment to Another Political Subdivision in order to properly document the 1st half settlement 2022 as a memo receipt. 

Fire Fund Appropriations Transfer

$3000 was decreased in appropriations in the Other-capital outlay line in the Fire Fund and reappropriated to Tax Collection Fees in order to properly document the 1st half settlement 2022 as a memo receipt. 

Cemetery Levy Updates

The Knox Co. Auditor’s office gave the Township a low estimate of what a .25 mill cemetery levy would collect based on 2022 values: $3429.98. They expect this will go up as we are in an update year. Prosecutor McConville confirmed that based on the amendment of R.C. 5705.19, the township may propose a continuing levy for cemeteries. We would need to state that the purpose of the levy is “for maintaining and operating cemeteries” pursuant to R.C. 5705.19(T) and that the levy is for a continuing period of years.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders and should reflect current actual financials.

Courtney DeCosky

Fiscal Officer

College Township

AA King informed the board that Covid reporting for the year is due at the end of April and will be completed by her and FO DeCosky. No Covid money has been spent for the reporting period. 

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, and Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm with a second by Ingles. Vote: All Yes.

At 8:36 p.m. the meeting was called back into order to approve the retreat minutes from March 8, 2023. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the retreat minutes from March 8, 2023; Trustee O’Connell second; Vote: All Yes.

Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:37 pm with a second by Ingles. Vote: All Yes.




March 8, 2023

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell, Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer (FO), Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector and Lora King, Administrative Assistant (AA). Also present were collaborative partners, Village Administrator RC Wise, via Zoom, and Kenyon’s Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith, in person. 

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from February 8, 2023; Trustee O’Connell second; Vote: All Yes.

Village Administrator RC Wise was invited to speak to the Board first.

The Village submitted a response to ODOT this week in regards to the proposed 13 to 17 ft wall at the roundabout, as outlined in stage one plans. The Village would like to see a more natural slope. ODOT will see if that can be done. Over time things will look more and more natural. The Village expects to get stage two designs mid-May. The next step will be deciding center design. Communication from ODOT has been great.

The Village Council is considering a designated outdoor DORA area, which was written about in Knox Pages.

Arbor Day event is April 27. Wiggin Street kids will be walked to the Community Park from the school for the ceremony.

Stick it to the Village is April 24 and May 1. Dumpster Day is May 6. The Township will let the Village know if they have a significant amount of documents to shred as they are considering another shred-it day.

Kenyon’s Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith joined the meeting at this point and was invited to speak.

Things are quiet on campus as the Kenyon students are on break. 

In general, construction is moving along. 

Both local and ODOT collaboration regarding the roundabout has been great. Things look to still be on track for a June 1, 2024, start date. Intersection will be out of commission for 4 to 5 months. 

Smith spoke with Chief Christopher, Rick Dzick, about the MVFD Contract, and they seem very happy with what is going on. MVFD has been approved for a safer grant which is going to allow them to add one person per shift for up to a year. Chief Christopher is also positive about the student intern program. He also noted that the MVFD will soon have a new medical director.

CEMETERYdiscussed at retreat


Inspector Yarman reported the prosecutor is working on the property on Zion Rd. He will get back to Roger in a week or two. Prosecutor McConnville also has a phone call into the health department regarding the property. 

Yarman has 2 permit applications out. The first on Zion Rd., a house just before the bikebath where they hope to rebuild a barn. The other is up on Quarry Chapel, in which a gentleman inquired about putting permanent greenhouse on a ½ acre lot. Yarman gave him an application.

Yarman reported the culvert near the NE corner of his property on Glenn Rd. is questionable. Asphalt is starting to cave. Trustee Houston has noted this and it is on his radar.

RPC will vote on executive members Thursday night. They did get a little more participation since the January meeting. 

There have been a couple meetings on the new building permits proposed by the commissioners. The commissioners are going to drop it because they don’t have the support.

Yarman may have the first zoning meeting near the end of April. He echoed OTA’s stance on airbnb’s and temporary housing: if the properties are maintaining residential appearance and are not creating a nuisance, let them be. 

No more word on building a cell phone tower. The person never got in touch with Yarman again.

ROADSdiscussed at retreat

FIRE mostly discussed at retreat. 

Next step for CTFD memorial: cost it out. Trustee Ingles and AA King will research. Also, hardscape proposals will need to be sought. Andy Franks (Great Escape), Jason Elliott, and Chris Hurlow at Fast Eddy’s may be a good place to start. Trustee Houstone will reach out to them. AA King will contact Ralston regarding the memorial and research some sort of 2-sided bronze plaque/sign. The grant money is available from the Village for the whole year. Once the Township submits their proposal, the Village will schedule a meeting to review. 

Fire report read by Ingles:

January calls – 

Kenyon: 13
Village: 1
Twp: 10

February calls – 

Kenyon: 9
Twp: 4
Village: 6


Trustee Houston made a motion for College Township to enter into an application for a grant with the Energy Cooperative to update lighting at the College Township Service Center. Bernie 2nd. All yes. AA King will begin to pull together information regarding the grant.

Trustee Houston made a motion for AA King to renew her notary. Ed 2nd. All yes.

Trustee Houston made a resolution to appropriate an additional $400 to meeting and travel expenses for training for the Fiscal Officer in the general fund. Bernie 2nd. Roll call. Houston: yes. Ingles: yes. O’Connell: yes. Vote: all yes.

Trustee Ingles made a resolution to create a records commission and appoint AA King as records manager. Trustee O’Connell 2nd. Roll call. Houston: yes. Ingles: yes. O’Connell: yes. Vote: All yes. AA King noted there are grant opportunities up to $5000 to assist with records retention. As we get going, she may be able to seek these out.

Fiscal Officer’s Report – March 8, 2023


While submitting end of year taxes, etc., it was discovered that I was incorrectly placed into social security in my first two months as an hourly employee in training. Taxes were fixed and properly reported for 2022. Furthermore, February and March 2022 reports have been submitted and paid to OPERS, as of March 7, 2023. I will be reimbursing the Township for my 10% employee portion.
Payment: $265.20
Township 14%: $154.70

Employee 10%: $110.50


The township’s comprehensive insurance policy with The Ohio Plan will be renewed on 6/8/23. Gary from Rinehart is able to meet with us, attend a township meeting or mail direct to review our renewal application. Enclosed in today’s paperwork is a copy of the Special Property Schedule, Statement of Values, and Vehicle Schedule for review. The full application has been emailed. It is requested that the application is completed and returned to Rinehart by March 31.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders and should reflect current actual financials.

Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer

Trustee Ingles has been working on updating the employee handbook and has it nearly complete with additions. The next step would be to get a copy to everyone so they can review. Trustee Ingles will email it out to Lora who will forward a digital copy out with a directly relevant subject line for easy email search. 

No correspondence

Trustee Houston made a motion to pay bills. Trustee O’Connell 2nd. All yes.

Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 5:12 p.m. Trustee Ingles seconded the motion. Vote: All Yes.




March 8, 2023

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 10:40 a.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell, Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer (FO), and Lora King, Administrative Assistant (AA). 

Trustee Houston stated the purpose of the retreat was to get an idea of where we see things in the future and plan accordingly. 


  • Forward thinking: would like to get it remapped and update markers. Currently, marble markers are used in the cemetery and many have sunk. At least two are completely out of the ground and lying in a flower bed. The trustees are considering a possible ¼ mill cemetery levy, likely permanent on the fall 2023 ballot. Its purpose would be updating markers and the security system, in addition to routine maintenance at this historical site the Township is mandated to maintain and keep records for. FO DeCosky will reach out to the Prosecutor’s office to begin the process, starting with the language on the ballot.
  • AA King noted there are rules and regulations we need to be aware of. Such as, having contact information and rules and regulations posted at the site. It does not have to name a specific person, just the office and number. 
  • AA King also noted, in regards to the Feb. 8 discussion on cemetery software, that the Township uses CIMS, who have been wonderful to work with. Everything has already been digitized. AA King projected the CIMS software and walked attendees through the back end.
  • Current cemetery prices: $700 to open and close a vault; $200 for cremation. Cost to purchase a single grave: $300; an entire lot: $1200. Prices are listed in the Rules and Regulations posted on the Township’s website.
  • The Township may also consider an annual increase on burial costs and purchases. Research should be done on other cemeteries in the area to compare costs.

Morning break from 11:47 to 11:57


Zoning will be covered in the regular Township meeting later in the day.

  • Trustees learned from the recent OTA conference that statewide, Airbnbs are not a problem as long as the properties are maintaining appearance and not creating a nuisance.


  • Trustees did the road survey 3/7/23 with Roads Supervisor Smith. Overall the roads are good. There are a few areas that will need to be addressed.
  • Trustee O’Connell will type up the roads report and submit it, along with last year’s report and the list of past projects to Knox County Engineer Keaton. Keaton would then do his own survey and render his opinion. Once projects and costs are identified the Township can start planning on a rotating schedule of what needs to be completed, with focus on culverts, patching and top-dressing. 
  • Trustee Ingles met with Motrim, who is installing the new tractor’s boom arm. Motrim would like the Township to do a pre-delivery inspection on-site, which would save any potential issues on delivery. It would also be beneficial to gain an understanding of how the equipment works. 
  • Once the Township gets notice that the tractor will be delivered, AA King will put out a notice on the website and Facebook, informing residents of the new purchase and the intent to do more edge cleaning and ditch scraping when the season arrives.

Lunch from 12:30-1:21p.m.


  • Discussion on Operation Equipment Employees and the hourly/weekly needs of the Township. The Township will get the roads projects evaluated and priced out to get an idea of what is left for salaries. Trustees will then reach out to Supervisor Smith for his input and consider the possibility of 1 operator v. 3 at more hours a week.
  • Sign posts have been delivered and the posts could be set prior to the signs arrival, 5 to 6 inches ahead of the current signs.


  • Bunk update: Revised plan has been stamped and submitted to the state. Trustee O’Connel thinks there is a good shot that it will be approved. The newest revision complied with code and exceptions. If it is denied, it would be time to reach out to legislators. It was noted that costs will have increased for bunks since it has been a considerable amount of time. 
  • CTFD Memorial discussion: Front NW flower bed would be an ideal location. The tree may be a Bradford pear which is banned in Ohio. Out of courtesy, the Township may want to let the Village know if they remove it. Removing the invasive species tree would give more space for the memorial to be closer to the sidewalk. The Township may be able to wrap sidewalk repair, tree removal, retaining wall and memorial installation into one project. AA King passed around a number of options for memorials, including granite, post and signboard, historical marker, etc. The final selection would have to be approved by the Village Council. The memorial could possibly be proposed as a project to the Village to secure a grant, which would include stairs, retaining wall, etc. AA King has an estimate for stairs upwards of $4800. Next steps would be to get some costs on different options, putting drawings together and proposing to the Village.


  • Record Retention: AA King researched the Ohio records retention requirements. The Township needs to have a records commission: Chairman and FO, that meet at least once a year.  The Township can possibly appoint a records manager. Trustees will review and consider.
  • AA King Notary is up for renewal, which the Township originally purchased. To renew is $156 total with Secretary of State filing fee, stamp, etc. Board will make a motion in the official meeting to proceed with renewal. 
  • Rinehart insurance renewal application is due at the end of March. AA King will check with Supervisor Smith to inquire if the Village uses the wood chipper. It could possibly be listed as surplus and then removed from insurance when sold. The Township still has fire equipment that it owns/covers and lets MTFD use. The Township does not have to replace it when it goes out, as outlined in the contract. FO DeCosky will follow up with Rinehart and complete. All decided it would be best to meet with Gary from Rinehart to discuss the details every other year.
  • Future Planning: Discussion on the possibilities for the future of the Township’s Service Center property. Revere had done a roof assessment for the building over the summer. There will be other major building expenses to upkeep and maintain. The Township hopes with careful spending, they will be able to address them in years to come.

Trustee Chairperson Houston made a motion to adjourn at 3:45 p.m. Trustee O’Connell seconded the motion. Vote: All Yes.



FEBRUARY 8, 2023 

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector. Collaborative Partners, RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, and Ian Smith, Kenyon College, were also present. Wise attended in person, while Smith attended via Zoom.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from January 11, 2022; Trustee O’Connell second; Vote: All Yes.


Village Administrator RC Wise was invited to speak to the Board first.

The Village appreciated the Township’s letter of support for the shared use path, however, the Village received a Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant in the amount of 352K which will pay for the shared use path from Ward/Wiggen down to SR 229. This will allow it to be completed at the same time as the round-a-bout.

ODOT is waiting for feedback on what the retaining wall at the round-a-bout should look like. Wise believes Kenyon has some input.

The Village’s maintenance facility finally has a backup generator. Village Council also approved the purchase and insulation of a bigger generator at the Community Center through Owen’s Electric of Marion. The approved generator will provide power to the entire building.


Trustee Houston has batteries from AA King to switch out for the cameras.

Trustee Ingles went to a tradeshow where there was some cemetery software on display. The software costs about $1,300 to get started, and likely $300 to 400 a year to maintain. This may be something to look at if the cemetery levy passes.


Kenyon’s Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith logged in to the meeting at this point via Zoom and was invited to speak.

Smith has been working on updating numbers for the college’s contribution for the MVFD contract. He will be getting back with FO DeCosky soon. So far, with the numbers DeCosky has sent him, it does not look too different from the first 2 years of agreement.

Trustee Houston filled Smith in on the ODOT conversation regarding the retaining wall with Wise. Smith reported that he had reached out to both Wise and Mayor Kessler to brainstorm on what would work for everyone. Smith did note that it is the Village’s decision to make in the end as it is the municipal entity.


Zoning Inspector Yarman had organizational meetings in January with the two zoning committees. He went over new zoning with the zoning commission over conditional uses/differences and language with the appeals commission. Inspector Yarman gave FO DeCosky an updated zoning handbook that was distributed in the regional planning meeting. She will scan/copy and distribute copies to all board members. This handbook was put out recently by the Knox County prosecutor.

Inspector Yarman attended the January Regional Planning Committee meeting. Of late, they are lucky if they can get 15 people there to vote (out of 75 members). Darell will start sending notices to trustees (not the FOs), as they are usually the voting members. Anybody can be designated to go. Regional planning is really about keeping the townships updated on other townships, issues, policies.

Inspector Yarman has not scheduled any more zoning meetings at this time. The shed has been removed on Laymon Road.

Some of the reflectors are off at the curve on Laymon Road by the Cookman residence. They need to be set straight. Trustee Houston will talk to Supervisor Smith about them.

Discussion took place regarding the house on Zion Road, which is abandoned. Inspector Yarman will inquire with the health department again at the next RPC meeting about options. He will also inquire with the prosecutor.


Trustee O’Connell reported that he had spoken with Road Supervisor Smith who confirmed the sign posts are in.

Trustees will coordinate with Supervisor Smith a time to complete another roads survey in early March. The survey is scheduled tentatively on March 7 at 10 am. They will meet at the Service Center. AA King had previously provided a spreadsheet with the last 7-8 roads projects. This will be used as a starting point. Eventually, both the project list and our recommendations for future projects will be sent off to Knox County Engineer Cameron Keaton for him to evaluate.



Ed exchanged some messages with Mark, who had been in touch with Jeff K. Jeff is working on an update per Bob Johnson’s direction. In a few days there will be a brief call. Jeff will get updated documents to Bob. After review, it can be sent back to the state.


Trustee Ingles met with AA King and Supervisor Smith last week regarding ideas for the memorial. All had done some research. They came up with the idea of doing something out front. The first step is getting the board to agree and approve where exactly it would be. The suggestion is just outside by flagpole, where it would be easy to run electricity and visible to passersby. For funding, it would likely be under 1OK for everything. With a plaque instead of a statue, it would be half the price. AA King will be bringing in some additional research. In summary, step one would be confirming location, step two would be pricing out materials, and step three would be obtaining funding, possibly some from the village planning committee, though Trustee Ingles could not bring it to the committee himself as he is on it. Trustees will have a look outside at the proposed spot. Trustee Ingles has also been looking for grants that may help with funding but has not successfully identified any thus far.


Trustee Ingles received an email from Chief Christopher regarding calls being dropped at the Service Center. The MVFD may need to purchase a new base station. The PA speakers in the Service Center also need to be updated. The new bunks may affect this as well. Trustee Ingles will speak with Supervisor Smith regarding this. More information will come as more is known.


Trustee Houston made a Resolution to Nominate David Heithause for the “At Large” representative seat on the District 17 Natural Resource Assistance Council (NRAC). Trustee O’Connell seconded.

Roll Call Vote:

Houston yes Ingles yes O’Connell yes Vote: All Yes.

Trustee Houston made a Resolution Establishing Membership in the Knox County Regional Planning Commission:

WHEREAS, the Township of College desires to participate in the Knox County Regional Planning Commission to implement the Comprehensive Plan for the orderly development and growth of the County and Township and to establish an attractive region around the Township: WHEREAS, the Board of Township Trustees of College desires to provide its residents, the services of the Knox County Regional Commission to promote the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Township of College.


VII. That the Township of College be a member of the Knox County Regional Planning Commission for planning services for the period beginning January 1, 2023 and Ending December 31, 2023.

VIII. That Roger Yarman represent the Township as its regular representative to the Knox County Regional Planning Commission and that Ed O’Connell be the Alternative to serve in the name and place of said Regular Representative in his Absence.

Trustee Ingles seconded. Roll Call Vote:

Houston yes Ingles yes O’Connell yes Vote: All Yes.

Fiscal Officer’s Report – February 8, 2023 

Amended Federal Taxes

With great assistance from UAN, amended 941s have been sent to the IRS for the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2022. These were necessary to correct incorrectly reported taxable wage earnings due to employees being reassigned to OPERS in accordance with state law. Employees W-2s correctly reflect 2022 taxable wages.

2022 Closed and Reports Submitted to AOS

2022 has officially been closed in UAN and the Township’s annual financial report has been filed with AOS as required by ORC 117.38 and OAC 117-2-03(8) via the AOS Hinkle System. The completeness and accuracy of the filing will be evaluated at the time the next audit is performed.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders and should reflect current actual financials.


  • All trustees attended and found most information useful and In the future, other Township employees may benefit from attending, including AA King, Supervisor Smith and FO DeCosky.


  • Discussion to be continued when AA King is present.


  • The Township retreat will be March 8, 2023 in Peirce Hall Pub, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The regular meeting will be moved to 4 p.m., also in Peirce Hall. FO DeCosky will inform regular meeting attendees. Both the retreat and the new time/location of the regular meeting will be posted publicly.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, and Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm with a second by Ingles. Vote: All Yes.



JANUARY 11, 2023 

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and Ingles; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Collaborative Partner, RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator was also in attendance. Former College Township Trustee Doug Mclarnan attended as an interested party in Knox County zoning.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve changes to the Organizational Meeting minutes to allow a bi-annual performance stipend with a 6-month review to the position of Roads/Maintenance Supervisor and also to allow a $2500 spending limit. Trustee O’Connell second. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the regular minutes from December 14, 2022, Trustee Ingles second, Vote: All Yes.

Village Administrator RC Wise was invited to speak to the Board first. He reported that the Village Council approved a resolution to apply for a Transportation Alternative Program grant. They have a design for a shared-use path from the Ward/Wiggin Streets crossing to the proposed roundabout on State Route 229. Council is asking for a letter of support from the Board. They are also looking for bids to replace the building generator at the Community Center.

Former Trustee Mclarnan added that he would like for the Village and the Township to get involved in the Knox County Commissioners on the procedures that are being proposed with Knox County building code procedures. He is recommending that more thought needs to be put into these proposed procedures.


Mr. Yarman reported that he has meetings set up for both Zoning boards later this month. He is suggesting that the Boards review Zoning resolutions regarding a residential building lot and conditional use. A registered letter was sent to the homeowner on Laymon Road with a shed in the front yard, as Roger has stopped several times to talk to them regarding getting rid of it. The homeowner has not picked up the letter. The matter will go to the Prosecutor next as it has been over 3 months.


Roads Report 

January 2023


John Deere mower taken in for service. Vibrator for the salt spreader was replaced under warranty. All Township items removed from the tractor.

Sign Grant:

All signs, posts and hardware have been ordered.


Nothing that I’m aware of.


Phil did a great job plowing and salting roads during the storm. We had our first burial in the Jewish Cemetery. We need to thank the Village for digging and filling the grave.


Mount Vernon Overhead Door fixed center bracket for roller and springs. We will need to replace two panels in the door that were damaged when the bracket broke.

AA King provided the Board with the spreadsheet put together on past road projects.

The Board took a short break at 7:11. They’re-adjourned at 7:14.

FO DeCosky updated insurance coverage on the new tractor. Trustee Houston made a motion to make on-line payments to The Peoples Bank for the new tractor. Second O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.


Trustee O’Connell updated the Board on the bunk construction. Currently, the State of Ohio is still showing that an inspection by an electrical engineer on the breaker box and a sprinkler system is necessary to move forward with construction. More phone calls have been made and updated letters will be drawn to address these issues.

The medic has been removed from insurance.

Discussion continued on a possible honorary monument for the former College Township Fire Department. Mr. Mclarnan stated that $150 has already been raised. Trustee Ingles suggested putting together plans for a project and presenting to a committee with the Village of Gambier that is looking to help fund local projects.

Mr. Mclarnan was presented with his cemetery deeds as he left the meeting.

Trustee Houston informed the Board that Ian Smith, Kenyon College, is looking for run numbers and operating costs form the Township in order to reevaluate their contribution towards the fire/ems contract with Mount Vernon Fire Department.

Fiscal Officer’s Report – January 11, 2023


Original Certificate-‘a11d Permanent Appropriations Certificate

On January 5 the Township received its starr’JPed copies of the certificates listed above from the Knox County Auditor’s office for calendar year 2023.

Quarterly Reports

Quarterly reports have been completed and submitted for 4th quarter 2022 for both ODJFS and the IRS.


Both MoTrim and Agriculture Ag should be in receipt of everything needed to finalize the New Holland purchase. FO DeCosky will be meeting with Agriculture Ag tomorrow morning to take in the keys to the trade-in and sign off on the final paperwork needed for the dealer. Loan paperwork has been completed at Peoples Bank by all trustees and FO.

Peoples Bank – Internet Banking

For review at the end of the meeting is the People’s Internet Banking Agreement. This will allow the Township to pay invoices electronically, such as the monthly storage unit fee. Any electronic payments will be listed for review at the monthly meetings.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders. Please note, while closing the previous financial year, our accounting system is in “temporary” mode. Until we transition out of temporary, reports are subject to change.

The Trustees were given their confirmations and general information on attending the annual Ohio Township Association conference on January 25 – 27.

Fiscal Officer DeCosky reviewed findings from the Special Audit that was completed. Purchase orders will be presented differently in the future and continue better practices that have been put into place recently.

Trustee Houston read a letter from an Addiction Treatment Division that is requesting that we add a link to the College Township website. After discussion, the Board decided that the information is readily available on the web and adding all worthy links would be cumbersome to the Township.

A retreat is tentatively scheduled for March 8, 2023 at 10:00 am with the regular meeting to follow immediately. Discussion will include long term planning for the Township.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, and Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 8, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:09 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




JANUARY 4, 2023

 Trustee Houston opened the meeting at 1:04 p.m. Those present were: Trustees Will Houston, Ed O’Connell, and Bernie Ingles. Also attending were Courtney DeCosky, College Township Fiscal Officer; Bill Smith, Road/Building Supervisor and Lora King, Administrative Assistant.

 Presiding Chairman Houston called the meeting to order and the roll was called: Houston; yes, O’Connell; yes, Ingles; yes. All present.



 Fiscal Officer DeCosky called for nominations for the 2023 Chairperson position of the Board of College Township Trustees.

Trustee Chair for 2023, Houston, motion made by Ingles, second by O’Connell. Roll Call Vote: Houston; yes, O’Connell; yes, Ingles; yes.

Assistant Trustee Chair for 2023, Houston, motion made by Ingles, second by O’Connell. Roll Call Vote: Houston; yes, O’Connell; yes, Ingles; yes.


Trustee Houston then took over as the Chairman of the meeting.




Name                                                                                Term

  1.     Todd Bell -Chair                                             1 year
  2.     Linda Cookman -Co-Chair                                       2 years
  3.     Phil Blubaugh                                       3 years
  4.     Tom Harrman                                           4 years
  5.     Dave Gorsuch                                                                 5 years

Alternate: vacant



 Name                                                                    Term

  1.     William Jones -Chair                                            1 year
  2.     Richard Rambo -Co-Chair                                            2 years
  3.     Florence Schermer                                             3 years
  4.     Karen Reddick                                            4 years
  5.     Anthony Bull                                              5 years

Alternate: John Bateman



Motion by Trustee Houston that all Appeals and Zoning Board Member terms be appointed as listed above and that all rates remain the same at $80.00/meeting; and further, that the Zoning Inspector rate is $463.50/month and the rate of Zoning Secretary is $136.50/meeting; second by O’Connell. Vote: All yes.



 Trustee Houston made a motion that the total amount of $700.00/grave opening and closing at Quarry Chapel Cemetery is in effect for the 2023 calendar year. Should the fee assessed for the opening and closing of grave sites be less than $700.00/event, the balance will be remitted to College Township for care of the Cemetery. A second was made by Ingles. Vote: All yes.

The fee assessed for the opening and closing of grave sites is paid to the Funeral Home handling the funeral for the Cemetery by the Interred’s estate. The Funeral Home will then pay College Township. Trustee Houston made a motion that the fee of $200.00 for opening and closing a site for a cremains burial can be paid by the Funeral Home in the same manner or directly from the Interred’s estate to College Township. A second was made by Ingles. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Houston made a motion to set the rate to purchase grave plots at $300.00 per plot: and $1200.00 for a lot of 4 graves. A second was made by Ingles. Vote: All yes.



 General contracted/road labor:         $15.00

Equipment Operator                        $22.00

Additional details per the position description.

Trustee Houston moved that the labor rates be approved for 2023 as listed, O’Connell second. Vote: All yes


 *Per the ORC, Equipment Operators for College Township shall be hired as an employee versus an independent contractor for the following reasons:

  1. The work done by the EO can be done under College Township/Roads/Maintenance Supervisor supervision
  2. College Township can control the hours of work and the tools and equipment used by the employee, also College Township has the right to control the manner in which the work is performed specifically according to College Township’s Procedures and Policies
  3. The position of an EO is a long-term need
  4. The work done by an EO is essential to the business of College Township. For example, the business of College Township is to keep the roads clear of snow and provide salting of the roads for the safe travel of its residents.


Trustee Houston moved that the part-time Roads/Maintenance Supervisor position shall be paid $30.00/hour commencing January 1, 2023 with a limit of 1040 hours per year (approximately 20 hours per week) with a Performance stipend of $4500. This position has a purchase limit of up to $2500 before Trustee approval. Additional details per the position description. Ingles second. Vote: All yes.


 Trustee Houston moved that the Trustees and Fiscal Officer of College Township receive the maximum salary as permitted by the Ohio Revised Code for calendar year 2023. Ingles second. Vote: All yes.



 Per Diem:

Breakfast                    $14.00

Lunch                         $16.00

Dinner                        $29.00

Full day                      $64.00

Meeting/registration at cost: educational class registration/material at cost: parking at cost.

Daily lodging $122.00


Houston made a motion that the Trustees supervising Fire is Ingles with O’Connell assisting as needed;

Houston made a motion that the Trustee supervising Zoning is O’Connell with Ingles assisting as needed;

Houston made a motion that the Trustee supervising Roads is O’Connell with Houston assisting as needed;

Ingles made a motion that the Trustee supervising Cemetery is Houston with Ingles assisting as needed;

O’Connell provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.



Trustee Houston moved that the part-time College Township Administrative Assistant shall be paid $15.00/hour commencing January 1, 2023, with a limit of 35 hours worked per week with 11 paid Federal Holidays. Additional details per the position description. O’Connell second. Vote: All yes



Trustee moved that the regular Township meetings be held on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the College Township meeting room located in the College Township Service Center. Ingles second. Vote: All yes.



Fiscal Officer DeCosky presented to the Board the Certificate of the Total Amount From All Sources Available for Expenditures and Balances for the end of the fiscal year, December 31, 2022. A motion to accept the Certificate was made by Trustee Houston, second by O’Connell. Roll call vote: Houston: yes, O’Connell: yes, Ingles: yes. Vote: All yes. 

Then Fiscal Officer DeCosky presented the proposed appropriations for 2023. A resolution to accept appropriations and submit to the Knox County Auditor for approval was made by Trustee Ingles, second by Houston. Vote: All yes. 

A motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Houston, second by Ingles. Vote: All yes.




DECEMBER 28, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell; and Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer. 

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from December 14, 2022; Trustee O’Connell second; Vote: All Yes.


There will be a burial on Friday morning at Quarry Chapel at 10:30 a.m. for Phyllis Guller. The Board sends their condolences. 


Not discussed.


There were no major accidents due to the recent winter weather. The Board sends thanks to Supervisor Smith and the crew for keeping the Township roads clear and safe. Trustee O’Connell also went out to help the crew. He noted there were lots of drifts. Spare wipers were purchased because of snapped wipers due to the cold.


Trustee O’Connell reported that there was no update on the bunks. The holidays have likely slowed things down. All are hopeful that things move forward quickly after the New Year. 

Trustee Ingles reported that the white medic is sold to Monroe Township. They came Thursday morning, December 23, to pick it up. The white medic had previously been declared surplus. Trustee Ingles made a motion to sell the medic for $1500, Trustee Houston 2nd. All: yes. Motion carries. Trustee Ingles will ask AA King to get the title together, and Ingles will take it to Monroe.


The new dishwasher for the Service Station will be delivered on Thursday. FO DeCosky will carry over the purchase order as the invoice will be received in 2023.

A final decision will be made in January whether to modify the existing light fixtures in the service station to LED bulbs or whether to replace the fixtures entirely.

Trustee Ingles will be joining the Village of Gambier’s Steering Committee. Trustee Houston will email Ingles the original invitation email and copy Mayor Kessler.

Trustees will make their final decision on their attendance at the OTA Conference and confirm dates and registration with AA King before the deadline on January 11.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve 2023 pay in accordance with budget; Trustee Ingles 2nd; Vote: All Yes. Motion carries.

The 2023 Organizational Meeting will be held Wednesday, January 4 at 1:00 p.m.

The Board and FO DeCosky will look to have a possible budgeting retreat in the new year to plan a five year budgeting forecast. The best time for this will be the first two weeks in March when Kenyon College is on break. More planning to be discussed. 

Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn 10:48 a.m; O’Connell 2nd; Vote: All Yes. Motion carries.




DECEMBER 14, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and Ingles; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Collaborative Partner, RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator was also in attendance. Ian Smith, Kenyon College, attended via Zoom.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the regular minutes from November 9, 2022, Trustee Ingles second, Vote: All Yes. 

Village Administrator RC Wise was invited to speak to the Board first. VA Wise reported that things were slowing down. He attended ODOT’s roundabout meeting. ODOT is planning to close the 229/308 intersection around June 1, 2024, for about 5 months. VA Wise also reported that information for a public hearing regarding the village’s zoning code is on the village website. The Village Council set the public hearing for Jan. 23 at 7pm, at the Community Center.  The Planning & Zoning Commission have been working with an outside consultant to redo the village’s zoning code. 

Ian Smith addressed the board via Zoom. Covid update: there have been no new cases at Kenyon recently. There was a bomb hoax earlier in the day that resulted in lots of activity, however, it was concluded that it was not a real threat. It was phoned in by someone who was unfamiliar with campus. Noone was hurt. Smith, adding to the roundabout news, has been pleased with ODOT’S willingness to listen and collaborate.

Trustee Houston, having attended the ODOT meeting, added to the roundabout conversation, noting that the intersection will likely be closed down on May 28. It will be a complete closure with a 4-6 month scope. With constraints of Kenyon wanting to start after Memorial Day, a complete closure is the most efficient way to achieve it in the timeline. ODOT should be able to reroute people to SR 36. Waiting on GEO technical information to come back which will determine how much of the slope will come back. Kenyon had 3-4 reps at the meeting and seemed happy with the designs. Other technical issues will be worked out with Kenyon/ODOT and the Village/ODOT. 


AA King reported one cremation lot has been sold in the last month. There are also a couple of deeds that are ready for signature this evening. AA King does not think the SD cards in the cameras have been switched out in a long time. Houston will reach out to past trustee McLarnan to inquire about the situation. Roger brought up the point that it may be valuable to hold onto data for 6 months before cleaning data. Houston mentioned Friends have selected Wade Gardens to plant two trees in the cemetery in honor of Tom Hoffmann.


Zoning Inspector Roger Yarman will set up two organizational meetings in January: commission and board of appeals. Two commission meetings will be necessary near the beginning of the year to make adjustments to 

Page 2, December 14, 2022

the zoning code. There are potential issues that need to be addressed in the code, for example, conditional use follows the owner, not the property. Other zoning issues listed below were discussed:

  • The contact details for the Zion Rd property have been found. The property includes an old barn, house, and dump trucks. Zoning Inspector Yarman has spoken with the owner, who said they are trying to address it. 
  • Zoning Inspector Yarman was approached by a realtor in regards to Tom Hoffmann’s properties on Quarry Chapel. There is a desire to split off some of the property from the 9-acre lot to the 1.9 acre lot, namely the barn which is currently located on the 9-acre lot. More discussions will be had. 
  • Further discussions will also take place about definitions in the zoning code; with better definitions, the township may have more control over the code. 
  • Zoning Inspector Yarman noted that there was a township plan adopted in the early 2000s. Yarman will get a hold of the copy and submit it to the board for their records.
  • Trustee O’Connell made it to the county wide meeting on December 13. Teresa Bemiller announced the county would be holding meetings and may be headed towards county wide zoning focused on building codes. This is because of the pressure that is happening from Intel. Yarman noted it could be beneficial for the county as building codes are essential for safety. 
  • Yarman will proceed in scheduling zoning commission meetings for changes in code and definitions. FO DeCosky will budget in appeals and commission in January and two more commission meetings in March/April.


December 2022


Salt spreader is on the plow truck and ready to go. I’ll take zero-turn mower to Ag-Pro for service after the first of the year.

Sign Grant:

I haven’t heard anymore from them at this point.


Nothing that I’m aware of. 


Leaves were moved under the oak tree at the cemetery. Dan Dennis will be back this winter to help plow snow. Phil will move leaves from shrubs at parking lot to put under big oak tree. 

Page 3, December 14, 2022


I need to order fluorescent bulbs for the bay. I think we should look into replacing lights with LED’s. We will need to replace light fixtures in the dayroom, due to them filling up with condensation from AC running so much in the summer. My thought is to move them away from air ducts and not to put in as many. All projects for next year, other than replacing burnt out bulbs.

Trustee Houston stated the ongoing need to compile recent asphalt contracts into a spreadsheet for Knox County Engineer Cameron Keaton. FO DeCosky and AA King will resume work on the spreadsheet.

Trustee Houston brought to the table Mayor Kessler’s request that a township trustee join the village’s steering committee as a community partner. The committee is charged with spending money toward the strategic plan.  Trustee Houston will forward the initial email request sent by Mayor Kessler.


Trustee Ingles sent the board an email about white medic. If we want to move in the direction of donating the cot system from that medic to MVFD and sell the medic to Monroe Township, we would need a couple of resolutions. Ingles will prepare some resolutions for the January meeting. All trustees agree that we have a relationship with MV and we need to honor it. Best interest of the township.

Runs: twp 10, village 6, college 19. EMS still outperforms any other calls.

Trustee O’Connell gave an update on the bunk construction. He reached out to Mark O’Brien today and had him check with the state reviewer. Mark sent the online response back from the state office: they are two weeks behind from when they said they would have the review returned. We do not have the results from the last submission yet. AA King mentioned the board may want to consider getting the other bay heater hooked up if it is going to be a while; the other is running more than it should. Trustee O’Connell will reach out to Mark O’Brien about reconnecting the other bay heater.


Fiscal Officer’s Report – December 14, 2022

Bank Reconciliation

Per the auditor’s recommendation via email on August 18, $226.12 was adjusted off UAN in order to reconcile with the bank.This amount had remained unsolved through the end of 2022. According to the auditor, taking this action is what is recommended by the Auditor of State. The Township’s bank reconciliation is now clear of any adjusting factors. An Amended Certificate has been received from the Knox County Auditor’s Office showing the reduction in the General Fund balance in that amount, as well as a reduction in appropriations in the General Fund for that amount.

Payment Reallocation

Payments in the amount of $417 previously allocated to the Fire fund under contracts, were reallocated to the FEMA fund to pay for AFG grant management, as grant money was managed out of that fund.

Page 4, December 14, 2022

Peoples Bank – Business Online Banking

Peoples Bank now has the capability of online banking, including scheduling payments and ACH payroll. Included in the paperwork this evening is the online banking agreement.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders. These reports should reflect an accurate reflection of township funds.

AA King reported that the service center’s dishwasher is out, and the cost of fixing is comparable to the cost of purchasing a replacement. Trustees agreed that the township should reach out to local vendor, Phil Herald. He may be able to fix it and, if not, the township could purchase a new one from him.

Trustees should start planning their attendance at the OTA conference in January.

Trustee Ingles updated the Board on the Employee Handbook. With the help of AA King, he hopes to have a copy for Board review after the first of the year.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, and Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. The next meeting will be the End of Year meeting Wednesday, December 28, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




NOVEMBER 9, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and Ingles; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector, was excused from the meeting. Collaborative Partners, RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, and Mark Ellis, Friends of Quarry Chapel, were also in attendance. 

Mr. Ellis was invited to speak to the Board first. He provided a yearly report of the Chapel’s activities. He reported the building and grounds are in good shape. Friends will have a roof inspection of the building and address a bat problem. The Board presented the idea of placing a small cemetery levy on the ballot in 2023 and would like to have the backing of the Friends. Mark agreed that a levy would be very beneficial. 

Next, RC Wise addressed the Board. He congratulated College Township on passing its recent fire levy. The Ohio Department of Transportation will be having a sit-down on December 7, 2022, to discuss stage one of the roundabout to be placed at the intersection of State Routes 229 and 308. Recent discussion will allow the cost of moving the water main that is under the ground there to be included in the price of the project instead of the Village absorbing the cost. The solar panels at the wastewater treatment plant are now in place and will be tied into the electrical system shortly. The Village expects a 15-20% savings on electricity. Village Council is getting ready to accept bids to change part of the community park to a nature playscape. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is helping communities to fund this new concept. COVID testing of the wastewater is still being collected weekly. The Village also received a $50,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to do lead line mapping to locate any leftover lead pipes within the Village. RC asked if the Board had any recommendations for an employee that would like to have a full-time temporary position as an equipment operator as they are in need of help until the end of the year.  

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the Retreat minutes from October 12, 2022, Trustee O’Connell second, Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the Regular minutes from October 12, 2022, Trustee O’Connell second, Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the Special minutes from October 20, 2022, Trustee Ingles second, Vote: All Yes.

Zach Green from the Knox County Health Department was on the agenda but had to cancel today. 


Roger Yarman was excused from the meeting. Paperwork was left with Trustee Houston. Examples of neighboring township wording regarding Air B&Bs were shared with the Board. 


Page 2, November 9, 2022


AA King has an interested party in purchasing a lot, they were provided a map and a discussion included which lot would meet their needs. The sale will be concluded once a check is received.



November 2022


Replaced hydraulic line on tractor. Township truck in for winter service at Donley Ford. I will make

appointment for JD mower to go in for service in December.

Sign Grant:

I haven’t heard anymore from them at this point.


Mowing is done for the year. No other issues to my knowledge.


We will start moving leaves at the cemetery on dry days. The thought is to put them under the big oak tree again.

Trustee O’Connell reported that he received a call from John Norris stating that he accidentally clipped the road sign at the corner of Monroe Mills and New Gambier Roads on the east side across from Quarry Chapel. It was a sign that was placed by Knox County several years ago. Bill will contact John and come up with a solution.

Doug McClarnan has put in an application for an Equipment Operator position and will submit a drug test this week. Trustee Houston asked if the insurance company recommends drug testing new employees. AA King said that drug testing was put in place by the former Board. Discussion on which drugs disqualify employment should continue. Trustee Ingles commented that changes should be correctly covered in the Employee Handbook.

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Trustee Ingles informed the Board that there is a Resolution that needs to be passed tonight in order to complete the donation of surplus SCBAs to Monroe Township. Ingles completed an inventory and found all but a couple of packs that are still somewhere in the building. Monroe has stated that after receiving these new SCBAs, they will be donating their surplus equipment to a Department in Kentucky that was hard hit by the flooding this past summer. When Monroe is at the Service Center, they are going to inspect the White Medic to determine their interest. Everyone has the understanding that the Stryker cot system, purchased through the AFG grant, does not come with the Medic. 

Chief Christopher from MVFD is interested in the cot system and would be willing to cover the cost of removing it from the Medic as long as the system is donated to MVFD.

The Fire Levy for College Township passed. The Board wishes to thank the residents for their support.

Trustee O’Connell gave an update on the bunk construction. After the last meeting, there was a phone meeting with the State of Ohio and DeZign. Bob Johnson reviewed the submittal after returning from vacation. Trustee O’Connell spoke with Mark of DeZign, everything is now in place with hopes of starting construction in the next few weeks. Mark will let the Board know of the timeline and any changes that will need to take place with the new submittal. There is a possibility of a change in expenses with materials also.

Trustee Ingles asked the Board to review and pass the Resolution for the SCBAs. Trustee Houston made a motion to accept the Resolution with a second from Trustee Ingles. Vote: All Yes.



Fiscal Officer’s Report – November 9, 2022

Internal Revenue Service Update

Final expected correspondence from the IRS has been received. All known balances, fines and interest has been paid and documented.

Auditor of State Request

The Chief Auditor for the State of Ohio contacted the office and requested information and documentation regarding possible fines and interests accrued by the Township in 2022.

Information with backup documentation was sent via USPS yesterday, Nov. 8. This information in the form of a list is included with your financials this evening, which also includes the final figures from the IRS.

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Two resolutions will be presented this evening:

  1. Resolution to donate surplus SCBA equipment to the Monroe Township (Knox County,

Ohio) Fire Department

  1. Resolution to offer paid Federal Holidays to the position of Administrative Assistant, effective immediately.

Fiscal Officer’s Training Day

I will be attending a Fiscal Officers Training day arranged by Knox County on Sat., Nov. 19.

They will be covering topics of interest to local fiscal officers and will introduce new officers.

Year End Procedures

In preparation for closing the year end as a newer fiscal officer, I will be attending a live webinar presented by UAN on Monday, December 5, which will walk through the proper procedures for year-end closing.

Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC)

The BWC has released our 12-month installment schedule for 2023. Monthly installments have been reduced to $133.78.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders. These reports should reflect an accurate reflection of township funds.

The final invoice from Ohio First Responder Grants for maintaining the AFG grant was received today, once the FEMA money is reallocated, Courtney will print that check for all to sign in the next few days.

The Spectrum service is now in place replacing CenturyLink for phone and internet, and DishTV for satellite. 

Trick or Treat was successful with help from five Kenyon students. Candy, glow sticks, sticker pages, and art pages were passed out.

Trustees should start planning their attendance at the OTA conference in January.

Trustee Houston made a motion to accept the Resolution for AA King to receive eleven paid holidays as listed in an attachment. Trustee O’Connell second. Vote: All Yes.

Trustee Ingles updated the Board on the Employee Handbook. With the help of AA King, he hopes to have a copy for Board review after the first of the year.

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All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, and Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. The next meeting will be the Regular meeting Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 6:30. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 7:42 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




OCTOBER 20, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 2:08 pm. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Bill Smith, Roads Supervisor, was also in attendance.

Trustee Chairperson Houston stated the purpose of the meeting was to proceed with a motion to move forward with the rental agreement for a 10 x 10 storage unit at Outta Space Mini-Storage and a motion to proceed with a tractor purchase from Advantage Ag.

Chairperson Houston made a motion to go into lease with Outta Space Mini-Storage rental. O’Connell 2nd. All: Yes. Motion carries.

Trustee Chairperson Houston made a motion to purchase a New Holland Tractor from Advantage Ag for the amount of $125,208.10, financed through Peoples Bank of Gambier. Ingles 2nd. All: yes. Motion carries.

Chairperson Houston made a motion to adjourn 2:19 pm. O’Connell 2nd. All: yes.




OCTOBER 12, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and Ingles; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; Roger Yarman, Zoning; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Collaborative Partners, Ian Smith, Kenyon, and RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator were in attendance. 

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from September 14, 2022, Trustee O’Connell second, Vote: All Yes.

RC Wise was invited to address the Board. Dumpster Day went well with recyclables bringing in $162 for 3200 pounds of scrap metal. Final bill is forthcoming. ODOT has released round one of their plans for the round-a-bout to be placed at State Routes 229 and 308. Comments are due by October 21. The Village will be sending a letter of intent for a TAP grant for the shared use path. Also, they will be submitting paperwork for a grant through the Ohio Public Works Commission to replace the water line on Duff Street.

Next, Ian Smith addressed the Board. When it comes to the round-a-bout, Kenyon is concerned with the fiber optics line that runs beneath. Aesthetics is also a concern. They will be watching the plans to get a better picture of how the construction will affect the hillside on State Route 308. Construction will be watched closely and traffic rerouting will take place if necessary. South campus housing is coming along. Family Weekend is this week. 


Roger Yarman reported that the new house on Baker Road is still working on a 3-sided farm barn. On Quarry Chapel Road, Lisa Jacobs will be replacing the garage with an attached walkway and will also have a small studio on the second level. Discussion continued on Airbnb regulations. Roger will not be here next month.



October 2022


Ordered cutting edges for plow. I will make a service appointment for the pickup at Donley’s to get it ready for the winter. I will take one of the chainsaws for service and chains to be sharpened.

Page 2, October 12, 2022

Sign Grant:

I sent State our Federal Number for the grant. I’m still waiting to hear back from them. We need to figure out where we are going to store all the material once we receive it. Possible yard barn?


The box culvert on Monroe Mills Rd is progressing, their hopes are to be finished the 12th. They’ve cleaned the ditch up nicely and we should finish up to bike trail.


Dumpster Day went well, we filled roughly six dumpsters. Trees removed next to road at Quarry Chapel.

We will make an attempt to mow all the roads one more time.


Tom Hoffman’s internment was completed with instructions from his wife, Jan. 

More discussion on a possible cemetery levy will be forthcoming.


Trustee Ingles informed the Board that the white medic is still under discussion with Chief Christopher. Ingles would like to see Mount Vernon purchase the whole vehicle. It would be up to them if they wanted to remove the cot and system then sell the medic without it.

The SCBA’s are unable to be returned to the manufacturer. It has been suggested that they be donated to another fire station that did not receive an AFG grant unless there is a local station that could use the donation.

Trustee Ingles will continue to gather more information on stations that need this type of equipment.


The Fiscal Officer’s Report for October 12, 2022 was included in the Retreat earlier in the day.

Replacing the phone, internet and TV is moving along with bundle pricing from Spectrum. Paperwork to start the work order was presented to the Board for their approval. AA King will submit the paperwork and schedule the work to be completed.

The Village Trick or Treat will be Monday, October 31 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. With Trustee approval, AA King will order treats and allergy safe handouts. A display at the Service Center will be coordinated with the on station crew from MVFD. 

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Fiscal Officer DeCosky asked the Board for a motion to start working on records that have been in storage. This work can be done in small increments of time when feasible. The motion was presented by Trustee Houston with a second from O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.

A quick note from a conversation between Bill Smith and AA King: Smith suggested that the old tractor could be turned in for a trade for the new tractor as soon as Roads is done with their mowing season. This would mean it would not have to be stored again for winter. This could be as soon as November 1. Trustee Houston also mentioned that the PTO chipper that the Township has shared with the Village will no longer be able to be used with the new mower as the boom arm will be using the rear PTO, and the new tractor will not come with an auxiliary PTO. The Board believes that the Village probably has a tractor that can run the chipper.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. The next meeting will be the Regular meeting Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 6:30. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 7:27 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




OCTOBER 12, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 9:59 a.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, Ingles, and O’Connell, Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer (FO), and Lora King, Administrative Assistant (AA). 


    • FO DeCosky shared financial reports, described changes in the Township’s Uniform Accounting Software (UAN), and described a decrease in anticipated gasoline revenue.
    • All present reviewed cash flow summary by fund for each of the Township’s funds.

Morning break from 11:15 to 11:36

  • All present discussed possible future revenues for the fire fund.
  • All present discussed a potential cemetery levy for 2023 to fund general maintenance for Quarry Chapel. All in favor.

Lunch break from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.

    • Trustee O’Connell shared that the bunk project should resume within a month or so.
    • When the bunk project is complete, the Township office will move back to the southwest room. Township employees will paint, clean, and whitewash the room. Further planning will hold off until there is an eta on bunk completion.
    • Trustee Ingles volunteered to review the handbook and company policies as described in the current handbook.


    • All present discussed the possibility of a process in which the Township can notify the County of a Bed & Breakfast. Township should be aware of Bed and Breakfasts for safety reasons, not to regulate. Chairperson Houston will reach out to Zoning Inspector Yarman to potentially reach out to the County to find out how other townships are addressing Bed & Breakfasts.
    • All present felt that our current zoning code helps to protect the Township. As things move along, the code can be revised, if needed.


    • Most Township roads are currently in good shape.
    • Chairperson Houston shared his correspondence with Knox County Engineer Cameron Keaton. He will want to know when a project was complete, what kind of project it was, how it was paid, and the budget. AA King will reach out to Roads Supervisor Smith to help locate recent invoices for each project and compile a spreadsheet of past projects. When complete, Chairperson Houston will get the information to Cameron Keaton.
    • All present discussed the need for more storage for Township supplies, including the tractor in the winter and multiple signs that will come from the sign grant. Several possible storage solutions were discussed.

Afternoon break from 1:42 to 2:06 p.m.

  • All present decided that the best temporary solution may be a rental storage unit, possibly one big enough to fit a tractor in the winter. AA King will research local units.
    • Tractor: The Township is in need of a new tractor with a boom arm in order to properly maintain township property. The Township received 2 quotes:
      • Advantage Ag quoted a New Holland tractor at $81,118.20. They would take $9,500 trade for our current tractor, which would bring the total down to $71,618.20. Fully loaded with the boom arm, the total would be $125,208.10.
      • Ag-Pro  quoted a John Deere tractor at $94,365.75. 
    • The initial quotes reflect that the New Holland is 13K less. The New Holland is also what the state uses. It was agreed that the tractor is needed and prices will rise the longer the township waits to purchase.
    • All present discussed the possibility of offering Roads Supervisor Smith a full-time position. All agreed that it would be ideal but did not feel that the Township’s revenue budget would comfortably accommodate a full-time supervisor position at present. However, the Township greatly values Smith’s contributions to College Township and in addition to his regular pay would like to offer him a monthly $750 stipend to help cover his health insurance. Steps will be taken to properly pursue this course of action, which would be finalized at the January 2023 organizational meeting if Smith accepts the offer.

Chairperson Houston made a motion to go into executive session to discuss township personnel. O’Connell 2nd. All: Yes. Motion carries. AA King left the room.

Executive session from 3:08 to 3:20 p.m.

AA King was invited back into the meeting. FO DeCosky and the trustees announced to King that they would like to raise her to $15/hour beginning in 2023, which will be properly outlined at the 2023 organizational meeting. Additionally, the township would like to add the benefit of paid holidays to King’s contract, effective following the November 9 meeting, where a resolution would be passed to add that benefit. DeCosky and King will research the official federal holidays leading up to that meeting.


    • All present agreed that a future .25 mill 4 year levy would be beneficial to cover the costs of lot markers, grounds maintenance, fence repairs, security cams, etc. at Quarry Chapel. Currently, maintenance for the cemetery comes out of the general fund, which has limited revenue.
    • All present discussed ideal timing to get the levy on the ballot, and agreed that November 2023 may be ideal to allow more time to get the word out and gain support from Friends of Quarry Chapel. Chairperson Houston will reach out to Friends of Quarry Chapel to begin that discussion.


      • All present discussed the difference of a joint fire district as opposed to multiple townships contracting with one fire department. It was also noted that at one point the Township had received a proposal put forth by Eastern Knox.
      • If the current contract with MVFD were to change, the MVFD would be required to notify the Township six months prior. Discussions will continue as needed in the future.
      • The rental contract between the Township and Medflight allows the Township to increase the rental fee by 3% annually. All present agreed that the Township should move forward with this increase to align with increasing costs. FO DeCosky will contact Medflight.
    • All present discussed potential plans for the previously proposed CTFD Memorial. Something that could be moved would be ideal. Originally, plans included a QR code that would allow the capability of viewing the rooster. Discussions will continue to determine what is wanted and what the cost will be. Once determined, a fundraising event may be appropriate to cover the costs.

Trustee Chairperson Houston made a motion to adjourn at 4:48 p.m. Trustee O’Connell seconded the motion. Vote: All Yes.




SEPTEMBER 14, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and Ingles; Roger Yarman, Zoning and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Collaborative Partner, RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator was in attendance. Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer, was excused from the meeting.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from August 10, 2022, Trustee Ingles second, Vote: All Yes.

RC Wise was invited to address the Board. On August 27, 2022, the Village experienced a water line break on Meadow Lane. After no response from a call for help from another source, RC called on Road/Maintenance Supervisor Bill Smith who responded with not only equipment but also his experience and 5 hours worth of his time to find the break and to get the situation under control. The Village is extremely grateful for the Township allowing Bill to respond but also for the fact that Bill responded so quickly on a Saturday evening. The Village is going to compensate Bill for his time. Dumpster Day will be October 1. The sidewalk on Wiggin Street is completed and 2 flashing speed signs received from grant monies are in operation, with the Village considering purchasing a third one. The Ohio Department of Transportation in their State Transportation Improvement Program for 2024-2027, sent out a draft copy for the proposed State Routes 229/308 round-a-bout to be scheduled for FY 2024 in their plan but could start as soon as July 2023. The shared use path will be scheduled closer to 2025. The Ohio Department of Health is working with the Village with testing at the wastewater plant. Results would give information about spikes in the Coronavirus. 


Roger Yarman reported that he has given a permit to Mike Andorffer for a 48’ x 48’ pole building on New Gambier Road to house large equipment. Lisa Jacobs had an architect call for a two-car garage with an office above addition she wants to put up on Quarry Chapel Road across from the old golf course. This is permissible even though it will have a small kitchen and bathroom as it continues to be a single-family residency.  



September 2022


All equipment is fine to my knowledge. I’m going to order 2 cutting edges for snow plow, so we have reserve.

Sign Grant:

We received the Sign Grant. I’m waiting to receive further information. I’ve been in contact with them a couple of times.


Mowing was completed along the roads; with all the rain we’ll have to start mowing again in the next week or so. I’ll check with County next week to see when they’re going to do box culvert on Monroe Mills Rd. We should have Bob Small or the County do a Roads evaluation for us this month or next month, so we can start planning our paving program.


Zach resigned his position due to moving back to Texas. We may need to try and fill his position.

Dumpster Day is first Saturday in October. We’ll need people to help with that, it’s a good opportunity for Trustees to meet residents of the Township.

The Board will entertain the idea of purposing a full-time package for the Roads/Maintenance Supervisor position after more information can be gathered from the budget. Trustee Ingles is suggesting that a full-time position will allow the Township to complete projects in a timely fashion. This will be a topic for the upcoming retreat.

Trustee Houston has a room reserved at the Kenyon Inn on October 12 from 9:30-4:30 at a cost of $100-$150 for a retreat. The normal October meeting will still follow that evening at 6:30. An agenda will be needed for the retreat to keep everyone on track. More information needs to be gathered for the proper way to post.


It was announced that the grant application for the Cemetery through the Ohio Department of Commerce was denied.

The Friends of Quarry Chapel have not removed two trees and stumps along Monroe Mills Road as of yet. 

Levy discussion will be continued at the retreat.

Page 3, September 14, 2022


Trustee Ingles updated the Board on their position of disposing of the Stryker cot and system that is still currently housed in the white medic. The cot and system were purchased with funds from a BWC grant and Trustee Ingles found that a final online report for the grant had not been completed. AA King was able to submit the report and now the cot and system belong to the Township. Mount Vernon Fire Department is interested in purchasing the cot and system to install in a new medic that they have on order. However, the Township has a couple of options. The cot and system could be sold still installed in the medic or they could be donated. As there still needs to be a solution with getting rid of the white medic, selling the cot and system to MVFD would be beneficial to both parties with the residents of College Township still getting use of them. In the past, MedFlight expressed interest in purchasing the medic with cot and system but Trustee Ingles has not heard back from them at this time. 

Also, Trustee Ingles spoke with Tammy Phillips who is the director of AFG for the state of Ohio regarding the SCBAs that were purchased by CTFD with the last AFG grant but never put into service. She said that there are three options. The Township can donate the equipment to another Department with proper documentation of the transaction, or the SCBAs could be exchanged for a different brand that would be in line with the brand that MVFD uses. Paul Merryman of Fire Safety Services came to the Service Center to take an inventory of what is here. He will let the Board know if FSS is interested in that kind of exchange. Last, they could be sold but the money would go back to AFG minus the 5% match from the Township. 

The topic of putting excess fire extinguishers in surplus has been put on hold for now.

Trustee O’Connell then gave an update on the ongoing property survey. He has been working with Dan Horowitz of CenturyLink/Lumen and the easement is now signed, returned to the Township, and forwarded to Morgan Giles and Chip McConnville. After the easement is recorded with Knox County by Giles, work can move forward with the Plans Examiner. Mark O’Brien is still standing by to complete construction. 


Fiscal Officer’s Report – September 14, 2022

Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor

Included in your paperwork this evening is the above noted resolution. If suitable, please pass the resolution for submission to our Knox County Auditor’s, due by October 3. It was confirmed with Prosecutor McConville that the Fiscal Officer (FO) did not need to be present for the board to pass this resolution. The FO will attest to its passing after confirming with AA King and the meeting minutes post meeting.

Financial Audit

The completion date for the audit had been extended to 9/9/2022 due to notes not being attached to year end Hinkle reporting for 2020 and 2021. Hinkle reports with notes were resubmitted on 8/25/2022. Included in your folders for the September 2022 meeting is the

Page 4, September 14, 2022

request for an Amended Certificate submitted to the Knox County Auditor, reflecting the adjustments to each fund, as well as a Resources Available for Appropriation report for 2022 that reflects the adjustments and a listing of all adjustments completed in UAN.

Gasoline Fund Appropriations Transfer

Appropriations were reduced in the Other-Other line in the Gasoline Fund and it is not anticipated to be spent. The $4000 was transferred into the OPERS line in the Gasoline Fund to cover State Retirement for employees.

General Fund Appropriations Transfer

Appropriations were reduced in the OPERS line in the General fund that is not anticipated to be spent. The $294.56 was transferred into the Other – Other financing line in the General Fund to account for state and local taxes that were paid in February and March of 2022, however, the payroll checks were duplicates and voided after tax payments were made. These over-payments will be credited when state and local taxes are paid in September.

City of Mount Vernon Payment/Purchase Order

You will be asked to sign a purchase order this evening specifically for payment to the City of Mount Vernon for half year Fire/EMS services. Funds were re-appropriated within the Fire fund to its Contracted Services line in order to pay the City’s contract fee out of one line item.

Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC)

The BWC will be onsite Tuesday, September 20, to conduct their annual audit for 2021. Requested documents will be ready. It is not expected that this onsite audit will take over two Hours.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders. Note, all audit adjustments have been completed. These reports should reflect an accurate account of financials. Also included with your financial reports is a draft of payments made to the IRS, OPERS, and ODJFS. This report is not yet complete as we are waiting on further correspondence from the IRS.

Chairperson Houston read through the resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission to renew necessary tax levies for Fire and EMS services with a motion to accept. Second by Ingles. Roll call: Houston – yes, Ingles – yes, O’Connell – yes.

A Resolution to participate in Dumpster Day was brought forward by Trustee Houston, second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.

When the final report of draft payments made to the IRS, OPERS, and ODJFS is complete, it will be forwarded to Chip McConnville. 

Page 5, September 14, 2022

The Philander Chase Foundation has asked for a letter of support for the Greenway Project in Knox County. AA King will produce this letter on letterhead and forward to Trustee Houston. 

The Board will work with Bill Smith to schedule a road survey with possibly Small’s or the County Engineer. 

After collecting several proposals from internet services, the Board would like to move forward with looking at working with Spectrum to replace CenturyLink/Lumen for internet and a phone line and DishTV for satellite.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. The next meeting will be a Trustee Retreat on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 9:30-4:30. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:33 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




AUGUST 10, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and Ingles; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Ian Smith, Kenyon College Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Stability Kenyon College; RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, attended as Collaborative Partners. Roger Yarman, Zoning, was excused from the meeting.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from July 13, Trustee Ingles second, Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from July 25, Trustee Ingles second. Vote: All Yes. 

Trustee O’Connell joined the meeting at 6:39 pm.

Ian Smith informed the Board that Kenyon will be within 1% of last year’s attendance numbers with a little under 1900 arriving soon to campus. The football team arrived today. Meadow Lane and South Campus construction is nearing completion. Taller construction fencing will be going up as work at Bexley continues.

RC Wise was invited to speak. The Wiggin Street sidewalk extension will be starting on Monday with Wiggin Street being closed from Meadow Lane to the Quarry Chapel Road intersection but will still be open to local traffic. The sidewalk along Woodside will be repaired from storm damage in June. The Village has signed a contract with Horizon to provide fiber internet to the community center and the wastewater plant. Currently, the wastewater plant only has DSL and it has proven to not be very reliable during critical times. The Village is trying to weather the storm of electric and gas rates. There are no aggregate contract agreements at this time with Constellation, the previous one ended in July. Residents are asking what the Village is going to do. Constellation will provide the Village with a reduced rate for the next four years but only for streetlights, the wastewater plant, etc. for now. The crosswalk in front of the child care center will have flashing lights placed soon.


Roger is out of town. Here is his report: 

Snell’s started their new place on Glen Road. Told Mr. Walker that his plan will be home occupation. Can’t find a good address for DePolo on Zion Road, still trying. RPC passed the development on the golf course in Centerburg. Lori Totman talked about the parks in the county.

Roger will be home on August 19th.

Page 2, August 10, 2022


Roads/Maintenance Supervisor Bill Smith submitted this report:


August 2022


We blew 2 hydraulic lines to mower head, lines were replaced. No issues with other equipment. My

suggestion would be a new tractor with boom arm mower by spring to start mowing season.


We received the Sign Grant. I’m waiting to receive further information.


Blue Denim removed tree on Baker Rd. Phil and I cleaned up debris on road sides.


Small’s completed projects on Baker Rd, New Gambier Rd and Monroe Mills Rd.


We need to start planning for the future and future cost. We need to look at equipment replacement, layout a schedule for paving of the roads, a plan for future employee’s and a cemetery fund.

Trustee Houston made contact with Brian Ball during the Knox County fair. Brian said that the Knox County Engineer’s office is always available for help with road maintenance. Trustee Ingles would like to see a plan that puts the road maintenance in a year-by-year timeline. 

Doug McLarnan joined the meeting.

All are in agreement to gather information this late fall/early winter regarding a new tractor with a boom arm. There are several local places that will accept government bids and offer to finance.

Brian Ball also suggested that all local entities, including the Township, should attend the Ohio Department of Transportation public announcement regarding the round-about at State Routes 229 and 308 to voice their opinion that the bridge on Laymon Road needs work (adding accessibility for foot traffic). The announcement should be before work starts in the year 2024.

Page 3, August 10, 2022


The Friends of Quarry Chapel have decided to remove two trees and stumps along Monroe Mills Road at no cost to the Township for public safety and aesthetics. Friends will also be planting two new oaks as a gift to the Township.

Lora has completed and submitted the paperwork for the Ohio Department of Commerce cemetery grant that can be applied for every other year. This year ODC is awarding up to $2500. She applied for the full amount so that the split rail fence can be repaired, two stumps can be removed along with a tree and stump that was damaged in June’s storm, renewing the CIMS (cemetery record) program for the next year, and money for postage and time spent to assure all grave owners have received a deed. 

Two deeds will need to be signed by the Board tonight as there may be a need by the owner soon. 


Discussion turned to the costs that are currently the responsibility of the Township such as phone and satellite TV. Spectrum has been contacted to provide quotes for cost-saving measures. Trustee Ingle will contact Chief Christopher about ways to come to an agreement between everyone, yet save money. Trustees agreed that Lora should move forward with getting solid quotes from Spectrum before making decisions.

Trustee O’Connell provided the Board with an update on the bunk construction. He has had several phone calls with Dan Zelkowitz of CenturyLink. Dan has helped put together an email to Steve Alt who is the next person in line at CenturyLink. Time is short as in October CenturyLink is being transferred to new ownership and our concern will be of little concern to the new company. College Township needs a paper that can be recorded so that the Township will be in compliance with Ohio Building Codes. 

The July MVFD run reports show that 8 runs were to Kenyon, 6 were to College Township and 2 were to the Village of Gambier. 

No new news on getting rid of the surplus extinguishers. Trustee Ingles will continue to work on. Depending on their condition, it could be donated to the Eastern Kentucky area that has seen significant flooding and damage recently. This could be a consideration of the white medic also.

Trustee Ingles reminded the Board of the wording in the Mount Vernon Fire Department contract and the 2019 Assistance to Firefighters Grant that he has been reviewing. Since the Stryker cot system for the white medic was purchased with grant funds, the system can not be sold or given away. It remains the property of College Township. There would be no issues with the cot being placed in the new medic that Mount Vernon Fire plans on purchasing, however, the new medic would need to be parked in College Township. The equipment from the grant is for the benefit of the Township residents. Trustee Ingles will have a discussion with Chief Christopher to start a line of communication as well as possibly a change in the wording of the contract. This communication will include all equipment purchased with the AFG grant and phone/tv in the Service Center.

Page 4, August 10, 2022


Fiscal Officer DeCosky reviewed her report with the Board:

Fiscal Officer’s Report
August, 2022

Financial Audit

The completion date for the audit has been extended to 8/19/2022. The auditor is working closely with the township on cash and cash reconciliations, going through old outstanding items and deposits in transit to properly state cash. Included in your folders is a list of fund balance transfers that have taken place, accounting for outstanding payments. More fund adjustments will take place as directed by the auditor. A draft of those adjustments are also in your folder. Once confirmed by the auditor, those adjustments will take place, and a request will be sent to the Knox County Auditor’s office for an Amended Certificate to correct the beginning of year unencumbered balances. At this time, it does not appear that appropriations will need to be reduced, eliminating the requirement of a board adopted resolution reducing appropriations.  

Internal Revenue Service Update

Communications have been ongoing with the IRS. College Township has been granted another 30-day hold to allow time to check for accuracy of payments assigned to the correct quarters and to calculate any possible fines. The township will contact the IRS again on August 25 to get final clarification on any amount owed.

Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are in your folders. Please note, once the fund adjustments as directed by the auditor have taken place, beginning of the year unencumbered balances will change.

Page 5, August 10, 2022

The Service Center roof inspection report that was provided by Revere Roofing was reviewed. It showed that the gutters on the east side are clogged, there are perforations on the west side, as well as a few other repairs that are needed. Revere also recommended that gutter shields be installed. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the gutter cleaning and repairing the west side perforations as long as the invoice does not exceed the quoted $750.00 (clean gutters $250.00 and perforations $500.00). Trustee Ingles second.

AA Lora is continuing to find an appropriate supplier pricing for electric and gas through the Apples to Apples program provided by the State of Ohio as prices continue to go up.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee Ingles. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:19 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




JULY 25, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 2:15 pm. Those present were Trustees Houston and O’Connell; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. Note, Trustee Ingles was not able to attend.

Trustee Chairperson Houston stated the purpose of the meeting was to proceed with the resolution for the replacement of the 1.0 mill levy and proposed the resolution:














_____________________________________MOVED THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION:







SPECIFIED AMOUNT OF REVENUE:  $__________________________






$ 0.10 CENTS




  3.       1.0 MILL(S);

$ 0.10 CENTS





             ________AN INCREASE, THE EXTENT OF THE INCREASE BEING:       ______MILL(S) 

  1.       PURSUANT TO R.C. 5705.03 (B)(1):

_______FIRE/EMS PROTECTION___________________________________________


_______________ ADDITIONAL LEVY

_______________ RENEWAL LEVY:                             ________INCREASE ________ DECREASE

_______X_______ REPLACEMENT LEVY:                    ________INCREASE ________ DECREASE


____________5705.19 (I)_______________________________;


___________5 YEARS_________________________________;







NOVEMBER 8, 2022;



 _______________  IF AUTHORIZED BY THE REVISED CODE, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PORTION OF THE TERRITORY OF THE TOWNSHIP.                                          ___________________________________________________;


THE TAX YEAR IN WHICH THE TAX WILL FIRST BE LEVIED IS________2023___________________;




    JULY 13, 2022; AND,








NOVEMBER 8, 2022




_____________________A MAJORITY AFFIRMATIVE VOTE IS NECESSARY FOR PASSAGE___________________________





___________________________________________FOR THE LEVY________________________________________________

_________________________________________AGAINST THE LEVY______________________________________________



______________________________________________SECONDED THE MOTION.




____________________________________________TOWNSHIP, KNOX COUNTY, OHIO

____________________________________________, TRUSTEE                                                                 

____________________________________________, TRUSTEE                                                                 

____________________________________________, TRUSTEE                                                                 



DATE: JULY 25, 2022



                    COLLEGE TOWNSHIP

                 KNOX COUNTY, OHIO


Trustee O’Connell second. Vote: All Yes.

Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 2:30 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




JULY 13, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and Ingles; Roger Yarman, Zoning; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant. RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, attended as a Collaborative Partner. Special guests attending by Zoom included Doug McLarnan and Tom Hoffman.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from June 8, Trustee O’Connel second, Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from June 15, Trustee O’Connel second. Vote: All Yes. 

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from June 6, Trustee O’Connel second, Vote: All Yes.

Trustee Houston made a motion to approve the minutes from May 11, Trustee O’Connel second, Vote: All Yes.

RC Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier, was invited to speak. The storm last week was hard on the Village. It was without power for four days. There is a need for a list of residents that are dependent on electricity for medical devices, etc. in future electrical outages. The Village incurred about $19,000 worth of expenses, mostly for diesel to run a generator at the wastewater plant. Blue Denim is working to clean up trees. There doesn’t seem to be any talk from FEMA regarding funds available to help cover storm damage costs.

Today signs were being placed at Ward and Wiggin streets due to the Village’s approval for a Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant. They are the flashing beacon type that assists pedestrians in crossing the street. The Village is also working with Kenyon to have one put up at Meadow Lane, close to the child care center.

The company Verdantis was selected by the Village, as they scored the highest, for help in designing a shared use path to take pedestrians from the Ward/Wiggin Street crossing to the proposed roundabout at State Routes 308 and 229. They should be able to start working on it after a meeting with ODOT next week. It should be funded on a 90/10 basis grant and be completed in time for the roundabout installation. Everyone would like to see the bridge at Laymon Road widened to include a walking path that could work out with the construction of the path and roundabout. Discussion would need to include Knox County Engineer Cameron Keaton. Trustee O’Connell will reach out to him. RC will email the Trustees his information regarding the bridge.

Village Council approved Smith Paving to complete a sidewalk from Wiggin Street to Meadow Lane to Quarry Chapel Road. It is a V3 design that won’t be perfectly straight but will save money.

Page 2, July 13, 2022


Roads/Maintenance Supervisor Bill Smith submitted this report:


July 2022


No issues to my knowledge. I did have a discussion with Trustee Houston on putting together a plan for Capitol Expenditures for equipment moving forward, so we don’t get caught in a situation that we have multiple issues all at once. Our first priority should be a tractor with boom arm mower.


I’ll move forward in hiring Ashley to fill in the holes we have in schedule.

Sign Grant:

All the paperwork was turned in before the deadline. They said we should know if we got the grant by mid to late July.

Storm Damage:

SOS cleaned up downed tree in cemetery and took down the remaining pine tree and removed stumps.

We will continue to clean up debris laying in the ditches, so mowing roads will be easier. I’d prefer to have at least 2 people working together on that project to make it safer. The tree on Baker has been that way for a long while was covered by the tree top that did come down. I would suggest that we have it taken down.


Signed contracts were returned to Smalls for road repairs and paving portion of Baker. The last time I talked with them, they were going to use our projects as fill ins, in their schedule.

Trustee Houston agreed with the need for a tractor with a boom arm as it would reduce upkeep for trees, etc. There are several companies within the county that offer government bidding and it could be financed.

Blue Denim has been contacted to take down a tree on Baker Road that a resident sent in an email regarding.

Page 3, July 13, 2022


Zoning Inspector Yarman reported that the property owner that has an old barn on his property will be selling the property and will have the barn torn down and eventually rebuilt on the Hal Walker property. There are no zoning issues with this move. There are plans to put a shop and home office in the barn. This still falls within regulations of home occupation of the house, garage, and outbuildings. The Airbnb issues are getting complicated and may start to be beyond our control. Residents will easily be able to find ways to get around these regulations. As the way things stand now, we don’t have these issues. It would be better to deal with them as they come up, however, it may be best that we don’t get into the legal aspects. Rentals have to be in a residence, and the allowance is one residence per property. Residents could rent the property for up to thirty (30) days. Anytime beyond that, they would become a resident. The Township got rid of mother-in-law suites 15-20 years ago as residents were splitting property out and asking for variances that were creating issues. Suites have to be attached to and be a part of the residence. 

There was no Regional Planning Committee (RPC) meeting last month due to a major storm. There is a spec list of requirements for new home construction that can be found on the RPC website. AA King will put the RPC link on the College Township website ( If the Trustees would like to make changes to the requirements, it can be done on pages that do not have a page number because that would not be part of the Resolution. If there is a page number, we can not change it.

As a couple of side notes: the only signage allowed by the Township are political and real estate for sale. Farmers/gardeners can sell produce in the township as long as 50% is grown within the township and they are township residents.


The Friends of Quarry Chapel have not made any further decisions regarding removing the trees along Monroe Mills Road.

SOS Tree Service cleaned up the storm damage last week.


The June MVFD run reports show that 12 runs were to Kenyon, 5 were to College Township and 7 were to the Village of Gambier. This again shows a strong need on Kenyon’s part, as they utilize the service the most. Trustee Houston received a call regarding one of the EMS runs for the Village that was for a resident having a heart attack. The resident needed to be revived in the ambulance and was very impressed with the service they received from the 3 First Responders who took the call.

Page 4, July 13, 2022

Trustee O’Connell gave an update on the property survey. He has sent many emails. Richland engineering did checks and Kenyon is good to go with the approval of the easement. However, there is a small corner that dips into CenturyLink’s property. O’Connell did speak with a representative from CenturyLink/Lumen and was directed to a person in their legal office in Kansas City. CenturyLink/Lumen is asking for more information and sent an email to O’Connell outlining what he needs. O’Connell is trying to get this put together. It does sound like something that they can accept even though it is a bit of a roadblock now. O’Connell is in contact with Attorney Chip McConville and Morgan Giles as there will need to be 2 documents: 1 with Kenyon and 1 with CenturyLink/Lumen, and then we should be able to proceed. Mark O’Brien has been informed and he is committed to staying with the bunk project. If all can be approved, copies of the easements and approvals will become part of the bunk construction package, which will be submitted to OBC in order for them to allow an inspection and to move forward on the construction. O’Connell will call Bob Johnson when the paperwork is all together, who may be able to provide guidance for an expedited review.

The Township has received its second ARAP fund deposit which will help with the final financial obligation for the bunk construction.


Fiscal Officer DeCosky informed the Board that she will be out of town from July 16-23, 2022 but will be checking emails and submitted this report:

Fiscal Officer’s Report
July 2022

Financial Audit

The new completion date for the audit is 8/1/2022. The extension is due to bank reconciliations having large other adjusting factors. The draft modification agreement is included in your folders.

2023 Budget

The draft of the CY2023 Budget is in your folders for review, as well as notes on how the numbers were calculated. The budget will be submitted to the Knox County Auditor’s office no later than July 20, 2022.

General Fund Appropriations Transfer

A total of $2380.00 was transferred into line item “Other-Other Expenses” in the General Fund. The additional funds were transferred from Travel and Meeting Expense ($1000), as it is not anticipated this amount will be used in that line, and Telephone ($1380), as there is no longer a F.O. home office with internet/phone/fax. 

Page 5, July 13, 2022

Internal Revenue Service Update 6/27/2022

After requesting and receiving account transcripts from the IRS, it was clear that more adjustments needed to be made to assign 941 payments to the proper quarter. The issues began in the second quarter of 2020 when 

a payment in College Township’s accounting software was never paid to the IRS. Since then, the IRS’s computer systems have been improperly assigning payments to the incorrect quarters.  As of a 6/27/22 

conversation with the IRS, the Fiscal Officer was instructed to call back in 3 ½ weeks, after payments have had time to show up in the correct quarter. Until then, College Township will disregard previous statements per instruction from the IRS. College Township has also been granted a four week hold on further penalties and interest charges.

Online Payments

We are continuing to research more opportunities for online payments to reduce paper/postage and avoid any potential penalty charges for delayed mailings. We will continue to update you as changes are made. There is a listing of automatic and online payments that will be distributed this evening for signature in order to operate with complete transparency and accountability.

Trustee Houston made a motion to accept the proposed CY 2023 budget for College Township, with a second from Ingles. Vote: All Yes.

Discussion moved on to the 1 mill levy that is set to expire. Trustee Houston questioned how the Board will let the taxpayers know this levy is necessary. Trustee Ingles has done some research on past levy numbers and shared that, historically, fire levies have passed with great numbers. Postings on social media and detailed ballot wording should be sufficient. 

Trustee Houston proposed a resolution to replace the existing 1 mill levy that is due to expire in 2022 for a replacement starting in 2023, collected in 2024. Trustee Ingles second. Vote: All Yes.

Trustee Houston proposed a resolution to raise the per diem mileage that was recently passed by the IRS (see attached). Trustee Ingles second. Vote: All Yes.

In light of utility costs increasing for everyone, AA King would like to do more research on the Township choosing its gas and electric suppliers. The Board advised that a 2-year contract with a locked rate would make the most sense when comparing these options.

AA King told the Board that Brad Beaver of Mount Vernon Overhead Door stopped at the Service Center yesterday to evaluate the troubles with the bay doors. He made note that all of the openers are aging. Door 1 is working well however, Brad will address the antennas on all the doors. Billing should be minimal. Trustee O’Connell inquired about some sort of service contract. Lora will ask Brad if something could be set up.

She also presented the Board with a copy of the latest report that was submitted on behalf of College Township by Micky Smith for the ongoing requirements of the AFG grant.

Page 6, July 13, 2022

Trustee Ingles noted that he has been looking into the wording of the past BWC grant and the AFG grant that was awarded to the Township. Equipment that was purchased for the College Township Fire Department with money from these grants can not be sold or given away without more research. The language of these grants on surplus equipment is very specific and must be followed or the money could be asked to be returned.

Trustee Houston announced that there will be a Special meeting on July 25 for levy follow-up. Trustee Ingles will not be able to attend, however, ⅔ voting is acceptable. The next Regular meeting will be on August 10, 2022, at 6:30.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 8:44 pm with a second by Ingles. Vote: All Yes.




JUNE 15, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston and Ingles, Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer (FO), and Lora King, Administrative Assistant (AA). Trustee O’Connell joined the meeting after the road repair discussion.

College Township has received multiple quotes from Small’s Asphalt Paving, Inc. for projects on New Gambier, Monroe Mills, and Baker Road. The third quote includes the chip and seal on Baker Road. These are three different projects and should be invoiced separately. Trustee Houston brought forward a Resolution to accept the third quote from Small’s Asphalt Paving, Inc., Project ID: 222534C-KCOL, in three phases. Ingles: Yes, Vote: All Yes. (Note, this passed without Trustee O’Connell’s presence.)


Discussion was held regarding Monday night’s (June 13) storm damage. Trustee Houston stated there will still be some follow-up in regards to clean-up, but for the most part, the ownership of clean-up is on the property owners. In the cemetery, another pine came down, one of the two that was remaining. It was agreed that the remaining pine should be removed as it has likely been weakened due to the other’s absence. Blue Denim and SOS will be contacted for quotes regarding the remaining pine removal and debris cleanup in the next few weeks to allow them time to clean up after the storm. 

AA King noted that the Township is eligible to apply for a cemetery grant every other year. The last was received in 2020. King plans on applying for the grant again. The grant could cover some future tree removal costs for the cemetery, while additional costs may go under the roads fund as the trees are hanging over the roads. King also noted that complaints have been brought to the Township regarding James Ingerham’s grave not being leveled off. It is the Township’s responsibility to level off and seed burials in the cemetery.

AA King will post on the Township’s Facebook page that Quarry Chapel Road and Gaskin Avenue are closed due to storm damage, until further notice. All will keep their eyes on Quarry Chapel Road to see when AEP makes their repairs and the Township can move forward with clean-up.

Trustee Chairperson Houston made a motion to adjourn at 2:28 p.m. Trustee O’Connell seconded the motion. Vote: All Yes.




JUNE 8, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston and O’Connell; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, Administrative Assistant.  MVFD Chief Chad Christopher; RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator and Ian Smith, Kenyon College attended as Collaborative Partners. Special guests included Mark and Denise Ramser, Chuck Woolison, Bernie and Linda Ingles, Doug McLarnan, and Roger and Mrs. Munday.

Bernie Ingles was sworn in as an appointed Trustee to resume the seat of retired Trustee Doug McLarnan by an oath given by Fiscal Officer Courtney DeCosky. Trustee Ingles was welcomed to the Board by Trustees Houston and O’Connell and took his seat at the table.

RC Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier, was invited to speak. He brought a final wish list from the Village for signs to include with the Ohio Department of Transportation Sign Grant that the Township will be submitting. The Village was able to receive a $600 credit from the recycling company used for Dumpster Day because of a mixup with a driver not taking a recycling trailer that had payable recyclables on that day. The Township has received the invoice from the Village for their share. There is discussion that shredding services be one time a year or every other year. ODOT has posted a RFQ for the shared path for the Ward/Wiggin Street crossing to the proposed round-about at State Route 229. The Village will be accepting engineering proposals up until June 17 with 80% of the design fee being paid by CORPO. The path and round-about could be built by 2024/2025. Knox County Engineers will need to come up with a solution for the Laymon Road bridge.

Next, Ian Smith of Kenyon College updated the Board. There were two commencements and a very large reunion weekend that were successfully held. The summer construction and renovations have begun, including south campus housing, student mod housing on Meadow Lane, which should be completed by fall. Bexley is moving along on the interior. There are strong student numbers for fall and campus will be full again. 

Trustee Houston asked if Kenyon would have an interest in extending the shared use path from Laymon Road to the Brown Environmental Center. The College would most likely have an interest, however, it was not up to Ian to respond.

Roger Munday, who is running for Knox County Commissioner this year, handed out a letter with information on his campaign status. 

Special guests, Mark and Denise Ramser, attended the meeting on behalf of the James Ingerham family. A Proclamation was read aloud by Trustee Houston, who shared kind words about Mr. Ingerham and presented a framed copy to the Ramsers. 

Page 2, June 8, 2022

To finish with special guests, Mount Vernon Fire Department Chief Chad Christopher spoke. He began with reminding the Board that it has been one year since College Township Fire Department received its last call, with MVFD manning the station starting in October. In that year, MVFD responded to 310 calls within the Township with 212 belonging to Kenyon. Of those 212 calls, 108 were false alarms. They are working with Kenyon Security and staff to lower that rate. That leaves 98 runs to the Village or Township. MVFD will not be putting any more money into repairs for the Township’s International Medic; it is ready to be gotten rid of. Discussion will need to include what to do with the power load system, purchased with grant funds. Chief Christopher also made the comment that the Student program is going well but needs to continue to make improvements.

Chief Christopher asked for an update on the bunk construction which is still on hold at this time due to the building being within 20’ of the property line. A letter has been given to Kenyon for a proposal to change the property line, but there has been no response as of yet. Construction could be finished once the proposal is accepted.

The Board was reminded that there is a surplus of fire extinguishers from CTFD. Trustee Houston made a resolution to deem the extra extinguishers surplus with a second from Trustee O’Connell. (Note: Since Trustee Ingles was just appointed, the Board felt that he should abstain from voting until his bond was in place) Vote: All Yes. 

Trustee Houston also brought forward a resolution to reassign the Trustee Supervision areas in light of Trustee Ingles past experience in the fire service. The resolution will turn Fire supervision to Ingles with assistance from Houston as needed. Zoning will be assigned to Houston with O’Connell assisting as needed. O’Connell will be assigned to Roads with Ingles assisting as needed. Supervision of Cemetery will remain unchanged, with Houston first and O’Connell assisting as needed. O’Connell gave a second. Vote: All Yes.


Zoning Inspector Yarman was unable to attend due to medical reasons but submitted this report. He has submitted a check and permit for the Snell residence on Glen Road. He is still working on the Airbnb zoning. He was unable to attend the Regional Planning Committee meeting last month. Another resident is inquiring about an easement and variance, however, he does not feel that it is feasible.


Roads/Maintenance Supervisor Bill Smith submitted this report:


June 2022


All equipment is in good shape.

Page 3, June 8, 2022


Phil and Zach are doing a great job in mowing roads, the cemetery and the park area on Laymon Rd.

They are also trimming trees in the right of way on the roads. They are working with Lora on the flower beds.

Sign Grant:

I’m still working on sign inventory for the grant. I was able to accomplish the curve study with Lora’s assistance. I’m going through the rules to see what signs we have to post, which will change the count again. My goal is to have that done by June 10, 2022. The Trustees will need to make a resolution that you are participating in the sign grant and one of you will have to be point of contact or overseer.


I received Roads Repair Proposal from Small’s Asphalt. My recommendation would be for Trustees to approve work for New Gambier Rd and Monroe Mills Rd. If those 2 projects are approved Rob Small and I will stay in contact on possible dates. If it looks like it may be a month or so, we will fill pot holes on New Gambier with cold mix. Baker Rd will need to be bid, due to it needing to be milled first.

Note: The deadline for the ODOT sign grant is June 17, 2022.

Discussion turned to the road project for Baker Road. The question was asked as to why milling is quoted so high. Trustee Houston will look into the project further by possibly meeting with Bill on Friday morning.

Trustee Houston made a resolution to accept the ODOT sign grant with a second from Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.


Blue Denim downed three trees in lots 31/42 and ground the stumps to ground level, the bill was paid online. The Friends of Quarry Chapel want to see the trees near Monroe Mills in full bloom for the season before making a decision on removing them. If it seems necessary, Friends will pay.


The May MVFD run reports show that 15 runs were to Kenyon, 1 was to College Township and 2 were to the Village of Gambier. This again shows a strong need on Kenyon’s part, as they utilize the service the most. The roof to the Service Center is around 20 years old with its last inspection being in 2005. More than likely, the warranty was for 15 years. An inspection should be scheduled to address any concerns at this time. Lora will call for a couple of quotes.

Page 4, June 8, 2022


Fiscal Officer DeCosky submitted this report:

Fiscal Officer’s Report
June, 2022

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS)

All OPERS reports and payments have been submitted to date. However, in preparation for our 2020/21 audit, some discrepancies have been noted. Further research will continue to make certain our records are accurate to what OPERS has filed.

Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS)

Quarterly reports for ODJFS have been submitted to date. A request has been made to waive penalty fees that have accrued. As of June 2, all fees have been waived in the amount of $2038.78.

Financial Audit

All requested material has been picked up by Wilson, Phillips & Agin, CPA’s, Inc. for our 2020/2021 audit. They have asked each trustee and the Fiscal Officer to complete a related party questionnaire, included in your materials this evening. They are aware that questionnaire participants are relatively new to the township and for the most part not involved in business during 2020/2021.

Bank Reconciliation

Our monthly bank reconciliation continues to carry deflating bank errors. Continued research will be done to properly reconcile the books. Discoveries made during audit preparation will bring the township closer to reconciliation.

2023 Budget

Howard Township Fiscal Officer Carole Gilmore will be coming on Monday, June 20, to assist the township in preparation for the 2023 budget. It will need trustee approval at our July 13 meeting.

Internal Revenue Service

After much correspondence with the IRS via phone, the township will soon be current with IRS payments, though a balance may remain for delinquencies and interest. The IRS has instructed the FO to reach out to their collections office on June 24 and request an account transcript. By this time, all previous 941 payments will be assigned to their proper quarter, and the remaining balance can be calculated.

Page 5, June 8, 2022

The Board was then presented with paperwork that needed signatures to change the position description and title for Lora King from HR Manager to Administrative Assistant and for the Township’s semiannual audit.

At 7:51 pm, Trustee Houston called for an executive session to talk about contractual obligations with MVFD in relationship with the community taskforce committee. Vote: All Yes.

The Board came out of executive session at 8:16 pm. Vote: All Yes.

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. It was announced that there will be a Special meeting on Monday, June 27, 2022, at 3:00 pm at the College Township Service Center. Trustee O’Connell made a motion to adjourn at 8:17 pm with a second by Houston. Vote: All Yes.

College Township

Knox County

Special Meeting

June 6, 2022

Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 2:58 pm and ask all to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Attending were Trustees Houston and O’Connell, Fiscal Officer Courtney DeCosky, Administrative Assistant Lora King, and two interested parties in filling the vacant Trustee seat; Phil Blubaugh and Bernie Ingles.

Trustee Houston welcomed Phil and Bernie while Phil passed out his letter of interest. Robert Jamison was unable to attend the meeting due to work but had a letter of interest presented to the Board. 

Discussion started with Phil:

Trustee Houston-What have you done for a living/skill sets/what can you bring to the table?

Phil-He is the transportation director for Danville Schools for seven years and has been with the district for 10 years, can maintain all kinds of large equipment, and works well with people (bus drivers, principal, vendors, parents)

Trustee O’Connell-Time conflicts?

Phil-Does work full time but during the summer is off at 2:00 pm and 3:15 during the school year, unless a conflict comes up

Trustee O’Connell-Are you able to deal with things that pop up?

Phil-He knows that it won’t be a walk in the park. He has heard about community members/taxpayer frustrations. Deals with similar situations in his current position.

Lora-Do you think you know local government enough/have time to study OTA handbook and meeting procedures?

Phil-Would have to take the time in order to fulfill his duty. He would also make time to help with plowing/mowing, whatever it takes to keep things safe for the Township.

Trustee Houston-Thank you for your interest and for coming to the meeting. Do you have to hold a mechanic’s license?

Phil-Not for Danville, chose not to join the Bus Association. He does all the basic maintenance (oil changes, lights, heaters, etc.)

Trustee O’Connell-Do they contract out heavier maintenance?

Phil-Yes, he has a few places to take the buses to. Right now is very busy as bus inspections will be in two weeks.

Trustee Houston-Started tagging along to meetings in October of 2020 and was appointed June 9, 2021 so he is still new to this as well. Could be bad snow days, etc. that we receive calls from schools needing roads cleared for transportation. Phil can bring insight to those situations.

Trustee O’Connell-Also new to this environment. Noticed what works best was good communication when we switch into the winter months. Worked well with Dan Dennis. The Township even helped with the Village.

Trustee Houston asked for an introduction from Bernie.

Bernie-Has lived in the Township for the last eight years, moved here after retiring because his wife is from Mount Vernon and they liked the area. He retired as Fire Chief from the City of Westerville. He has prior fire department experience. As Chief, he has lots of experience with council meetings and local government. He is familiar with OTA from attending meetings and working with Trustees, as well as lots of experience with budgeting, personnel management, working with committees, and developing diversion protocols for hospitals 

Page 2, Special Meeting, June 6, 2022

in the Columbus area. He has worked with Special committees, the 911 Communication Center, and is still a member of the Ohio Fire Chiefs. He has an Associate’s Degree in Fire Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Safety. Currently, he works part-time with the Ohio Fire Chief’s Assessment Center but it does not require a lot of his time so availability is not an issue.

Trustee Houston-What is your interest in being a Trustee?

Bernie-After 37 years he fell in love with public service. Growing up in Centerburg, he knew everyone there and got enjoyment in helping neighbors. As he moved on to  Lancaster and Westerville, he still found satisfaction in helping the community.

Trustee O’Connell-Would this fill some of your days?

Bernie-Absolutely as his part-time job takes little time.

Trustee Houston-How do you feel about having your contact information out to the general public?

Bernie-He is used to that when Chief, not an issue even with calls from residents at 8:00 pm at night. The Township perspective will be a learning curve but will figure out the process.

Trustee Houston made the comment that he is in the middle of his career. He is local most of the time, but his company is very demanding. Ed is in a similar situation. They are definitely looking for someone who wants to jump in and get their feet and hands dirty. Work would include answering Township calls, helping the Fiscal Officer with budgeting, etc. The Township needs someone who will come in and help with it all.

Trustee O’Connell-Do either of you have questions for us?

We do not have any union employees and the annual budget needs more work as time goes by. Past meetings are posted on our website to help a new Trustee get caught up. The Township employees 5 hired people with a 5 member elected Board, including the Zoning Inspector. We work often with Kenyon College and the Village of Gambier. Some meetings will be well attended by residents but then there will be months with little resident attendance. Friends of Quarry Chapel are collaborative partners.

Trustee Houston-Phil, do you have questions?


Trustee Houston-There is another interested person who could not attend the meeting due to his work schedule. The Trustees will reach out to both of you before our Regular meeting on Wednesday, June 8, 2022.

The interested parties were thanked for their time and participation in the meeting. At 3:38 pm, Trustee Houston moved that the Board and Lora go into executive session with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.

At 4:37 pm Trustee Houston moved to end executive session with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.

Trustee Houston moved to adjourn at 4:38 pm with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




MAY 11, 2022


Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and McLarnan; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; Lora King, HR Manager; and Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector.  RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator and Ian Smith, Kenyon College attended as Collaborative Partners.

Chairperson Houston welcomed RC Wise to speak first. The Village felt that Dumpster Day went okay, however, everyone felt that Rumpke could have done a better job. The shredding portion went very well as they were actually over-prepared. RC Wise presented the Board with a list of signs that are needed by the Village in cooperation with the Township for a grant through the Ohio Department of Transportation. Hardware for the signs should be calculated by the grant application. Trustee McLarnan included that it was nice to have to wait for the dumpsters to be replaced as they filled up during Dumpster Day, however, Redbox or Buckeye may be better options in the fall. All staff were helpful in making the day successful.

Ian Smith explained that Kenyon will be holding a double commencement for this year’s graduating class on May 21 and 22. The following weekend will be open for reunions. All rooms on campus have been reserved for alumni. It is likely that there will be no open hotel rooms in the area. A few students are participating in isolation due to COVID. There will be plenty of masks available for guests coming in although they are not mandatory.  Renovations on the Kenyon Inn will start once students leave this summer and dorm construction will start the Tuesday after Memorial Day. This will include placing signage, construction fencing, and taking down trees. Everyone should prepare for construction on the roads. There is hope that the lumber can be used/repurposed. Dirt may need to be brought onsite and might get complicated once the roundabout gets started at SR229 and SR308 in 2024. 2024 will also be the Bicentennial. Bexley Hall is coming along with the interior demo completed. The stairwell is in the process of being taken out. Construction should be done about this time next year and when completed it will be a 40 bed residence hall.

Page 2, May 11, 2022

Gary Walters from Rinehart Insurance joined the meeting via Zoom. He reviewed the current renewal policy with the Board to confirm coverages needed for the coming year. Total cost as the policy stands will be $9121.07 for June 8, 2022 to June 8, 2023.

Trustee McLarnan made a motion to accept the renewal of the insurance policy with Rinehart Waters Insurance for $9121.07 from June 8, 2022 to June 8, 2023. Trustee Houston second. Vote: All Yes.

A motion to pass the minutes from April 11, 2022 and April 13, 2022 was made by Trustee McLarnan with a second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.

A Proclamation for the recently deceased Trustee James Ingerham will be postponed until the June meeting as the family was unable to attend tonight.


ZI Roger Yarman turned in a permit from the Reddick residence. He is still working on how to incorporate zoning wording for Air B&Bs. Wording needs to be thoughtful to avoid a structure that is not a residence but more like a shed. Trustee Houston thought the topic would be worth consulting with Jonette Curry’s office since they are facing the same issues. Would an AirB&B need to be registered in the auditor’s office? Trustee McLarnan asked if there is a bill that takes away all power that a Township would have over AirB&B’s. Should we wait as this is still a gray area? Trustee O’Connell suggested that this could be a topic for a special meeting. Todd Bell said he would be on the Zoning Board of Appeals as an alternate. Trustee McLarnan moved for a resolution to add Todd as an alternate with a second by Trustee Houston. Roll call: McLarnan, yes; Houston, yes; O’Connell, yes. Vote: All Yes. FO DeCosky will get with Todd to get his contact information.

Page 3, May 11, 2022


Bill Smith submitted this report:


MAY 2022


All equipment is in good shape. The salt spreader and plow were removed from the truck and are stored in the salt bin. The mover was removed from winter storage at the Kokosing Gap Trail barn.


We hired Phil Blubaugh as a part-time equipment operator. Phil will fit in nicely and will be an asset as an employee. Phil and Zach worked Dumpster Day. I’ll work on a schedule for Phil and Zach for moving.


Construction? Space is getting smaller in the building, for all parties. Something needs to change soon.


The Salt Contract was submitted to ODOT. We need to move forward on New Gambier Road potholes. I can check with Bob Small and see what he thinks we need to do there. We’ll try to start mowing roads in the next couple of weeks. I’ll check the tractor over this week and get it fueled.

Cemetery is being mowed by Zach and he is doing a great job. A quote from Smalls should be received in a week or so. They might be able to quote the work out in three individual jobs so that the project does not have to be bid out. Campus Auto has been out of diesel several times lately. Trustee McLarnan suggested getting 5 gallon cans to have diesel on hand but they would need to be purchased. The Township does have Fleet cards with Marathon-would Mickley fuel do the same?

HR Manager King presented an article from a recent Ohio Township Association magazine regarding making a road signs chart that Bill wanted the Trustees to look at. Trustee McLarnan would like to see Bill adapt and use as he goes through the ODOT Sign Grant. Trustee McLarnan will call ODOT again to make sure all is good for submitting the application as he was told that the Township has been awarded the grant however, no confirmation letter has been received.

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Trustee McLarnan mentioned that the surplus snow plow still needs to be sold, he has tried many resources. He is hoping to get $500. 



Lora has received a quote from Specialty Outdoor and Blue Denim to remove several trees at the Quarry Chapel Cemetery. Three trees along the back fence row are impeding the sale of Lots 31 and 42, while 2 others in close proximity may not be useful once the other 3 are removed. The quotes also include removing 2 trees in bad shape along Monroe Mills Road between the road and the Porta-Jon. Blue Denim correctly quoted trimming the giant white oak to restore as much health as possible that is dropping dead limbs between the cemetery and the Chapel, while Specialty Outdoor misquoted that work by completely removing the oak. Other than the misquote on the white oak, both companies quoted the same amount. Trustee McLarnan said that he felt the while oak was fine last summer and suggested that the trimming be passed on and said that he remembers a discussion with the Friends of Quarry Chapel regarding the bad trees along Monroe Mills that they would have those removed. The Friends should be contacted to see if they will remove those 2 trees.

After further discussion, the Board decided to use Blue Denim to only remove the 3 trees in the way of the cemetery lots at this time but to return to the quotes for the other trees at a later time. Motion by Trustee Houston, second by McLarnan. Vote: All Yes.


Emergency runs from CTSC in April:

Township: 1

Kenyon College: 24

Village of Gambier: 5

Trustee Houston feels as if the bunk construction is not going anywhere and that we keep getting pushed aside by the State. Trustee O’Connell has emailed Bob Johnson and he has agreed to come in to look over the project on Tuesday, May 17 as Bob is familiar with the working of State building plans. Bob will give a proposal after reviewing, likely within a couple of days. At this time, Mark O’Brien has no answers for the Board. Bob will review and put together a document answering questions that the State is addressing.

Page 5, May 11, 2022

FO DeCosky presented a letter to Peoples Bank for the Trustees to sign that will close the secondary checking account that was collecting EMS billing for the last several years but is no longer needed since the College Township Fire Department was closed. She will deliver it to Penny Givens at Peoples tomorrow.

Lora has a call into Mount Vernon Overhead Door to look at openers that do not always work for Mount Vernon Fire.

Sennits Appliance will be in next week to complete the repair on the refrigerator.

The Committee Task Force that has been looking into ways to fund the continuing contract with MVFD are working together. Trustee McLarnan reminded the Board that the deadline to submit paperwork for a new levy is in August so that would need to be talked about by June. Trustee Houston mentioned that a special meeting or executive session could be called to talk about fire funding, however, he does not want to see a new levy especially since the taxpayers were promised. 



Trustee McLarnan turned his resignation to Chairperson Houston that stated his last day on the Board would be May 31, 2022. Trustee Houston made a motion to accept Trustee McLarnan’s resignation effective the closing minute of May 31, 2022 with a second by Trustee O’Connell. Both voting: Yes. (Trustee McLarnan abstained)

Although the Board has 3 candidates that are interested in filling the vacant seat, Trustee Houston moved to table the discussion since Trustee McLarnan will be serving until the end of May and the Board will make a decision in June. Second by Trustee O’Connell. Note: the new appointee would need to be in place by June 30, 2020 or it would go to the County to appoint. The appointed term will need to fill out the vacant seat until December 31, 2023.

Courtney gave an update on the budget including OPERS by handing a report to the Board. 


Page 6, May 11, 2022 


Fiscal Officer’s Report
May 11, 2022

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS)

All OPERS reports have been submitted to date. There is still an outstanding balance owed to OPERS of $525.62 for part of our employer portion for February 2022 and a recently submitted report for one employee in December 2017 for $395.52. Carole Gilmore will be coming to help tomorrow, May 12. I hope to work through these payments with her in the UAN system at that time and tie up all loose ends.

As required, our three part-time employees have been enrolled in OPERS. Two were previously entered into social security and have been transferred into OPERS. There is paperwork this evening regarding this change that requires governing board signatures.

An account authorization agreement will be submitted tomorrow, May 12, to authorize College Township to submit OPERS payments via ACH debits through OPERS ECS online payment system.

Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS)

Quarterly reports for ODJFS have been submitted to date. A request has been made to waive penalty fees that have accrued. As of this afternoon, May 11, we are still waiting on a response.

Financial Audit

Prosecutor McConville has received correspondence from the Auditor of State regarding our upcoming audit. Any potential issues will be addressed as part of our biennial audit this year.

Secondary Checking Account

There is a letter to be signed by the governing board this evening addressed to Penny Givens at People’s Bank authorizing that our secondary checking account be closed. Once closed the remaining balance of $35,868.45 will be transferred into our primary account under fund 2111 (fire fund).

Courtney DeCosky

Fiscal Officer

College Township

Page 7, May 11, 2022

She also reported that Carol Gilmore will be in tomorrow to provide more UAN assistance and Trustee Houston will pick up the final boxes from former FO Rambo and deliver them to Courtney tomorrow.

The Board gave permission to Courtney to pursue gathering information on the help of a CPA if needed.

A final look at the mock-up for the Service Center sign was handed out by Lora. The Board felt the project was ready for completion with the quote being shared with MVFD and MedFlight to pay for their own logos. Lora will reach out to each for final approval and to set up receiving their payments.

Discussion on the Service Center flower beds and stone steps was brought forward as weeds have taken over again this year. Zach, Phil and Trustee O’Connell will meet with Lora tomorrow at 5:30 to come with a plan. Hardscaping of resetting the stone steps and building a retaining wall by bay 5’s temporary parking will need quotes. One quote could include the Knox County Career Center’s landscaping program in August.

Further discussion will need to continue to see if a second Board meeting each month would be beneficial as work continues to need to be addressed.

Discussion was tabled in June of 2021 to change the title of Lora from HR Manager to Administrative Assistant. The change needs to happen as there was a large reduction in the number of employees. Administrative Assistant will allow Lora to continue a larger role in assisting the Fiscal Officer and daily operations of the Service Center. Trustee Houston moved to accept changing the title with a second by Trustee McLarnan. Vote: All Yes. Lora will provide new position description paperwork at the June meeting to make the title change official as of June 1, 2022.

Ohio Township Association memberships are up for renewal. Roger expressed an interest in becoming an affiliate member as the membership is only $30 per year and would allow him access to the OTA website as well as to receive the OTA magazine. Trustee McLarnan moved to renew the memberships including the affiliate membership for Roger with a second by Trustee Houston. Vote: All Yes.

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Trustee Houston put in a request that a list be made with the Board’s updated email addresses. Lora will put it together and send out by the end of the week.

There being no further business, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills and Trustee O’Connell provided a second. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston moved to adjourn the meeting with Trustee McLarnan giving a second. Vote: All Yes.




APRIL 13, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell and McLarnan; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; Lora King, HR Manager; and Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector. Mark O’Brien, DeZign and RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator attended as Collaborative Partners.

Chairperson Houston welcomed Mark and RC.

Mark was invited to speak first. He stated that he has been struggling to get the bunk renovation project approved by the State and is open to ideas. He has been aware of all of the issues but has been communicating with Trustee O’Connell to try to stay on top of it. Mark would like to do whatever he can to get it completed with the least amount of interruption to the Service Center. Trustee Houston asked if there was a timeline until a response could be received. It is unsure, Mark has had a hard time getting ahold of anyone at the State level but he was originally told the building had been grandfathered in regarding needing to have a sprinkler system. It could take up to 10 business days, if there is no answer by April 27, follow up will need to be done. The project should be completed quickly once work can start back up, however the bathrooms may need to pass ADA compliance. Amy Sockman may be able to help with a grant to renovate the bathrooms.

The Trustees approved returning the Port-a-john since there are no workers in need of it now.

RC Wise offered the Board a current copy of the Village of Gambier newsletter. A new kiosk for community messages was placed on the sidewalk outside of the Post Office on Friday. The $7000 in funds was provided thru the strategic plan under recommendation by the Steering Committee. For Dumpster Day on May 7th, the Village will be placing 4 dumpsters provided by Rumpke. Rumpke will need to place them on Friday and pick them up on Monday. Unfortunately, the Village does not have the ability to secure them for the whole weekend. All are aware that residents may bring items before Saturday morning and after.

When the Board questioned RC regarding a sign ordinance within the Village, RC responded that there is. He will look it up and forward the online link. RC informed the Board that he had viewed the webinar on the ODOT sign grant. Trustee McLarnan made a side note that the current Sherriff’s report on motor vehicle accidents on Quarry Chapel Road was not accurate. He also noted that not all road signs within the Township need to be ordered, just the ones that are needing replaced. College Township will need new stop signs, chevrons, and for 2 bike path crossings. He and RC will sit down soon and make a plan to submit to the grant. All noted that 43022 Day is April 30. Mount Vernon Fire Department, running out of the College Township Service Center, has been asked to participate in the parade. Any questions about the Day can be emailed to Kaitlyn Sockman.


ZI Roger Yarman reported that there are 2 pending permits.  Karen and Rick Reddick want to put a second garage on their home. This would meet codes and will be a single car attached to the house. The second permit is for an agriculture zoned property on New Gambier Road that the owner is requesting to take an acre and one half at the back of the property to sell to the Schermers. This kind of request can be done with agriculture zoning if the sale includes at least 5 acres, but this does not. It could be granted a variance of the acre and one half, however, a variance of this kind cannot be granted if it results in fiscal gain. Roger instead recommends spot rezoning to residential. He will try to meet with both parties. College Township has special purpose, agriculture, conservation (flood plane) and residential zoning. Roger will start to use the new Village kiosk to post meetings and Lora reminded him that they can also be posted on the College Township website and FaceBook page. Further discussion needs to continue on the Airbnb/rentals within the Township.


Bill Smith submitted this report:                                                                           


APRIL 2022


All equipment is in good shape. Need to remove salt spreader from truck and find storage for it and the plow. Road barriers and cones were ordered and delivered.


Received an application from Phil Blubaugh, I just need to set up interview. I spoke with Zach about coming up with a plan on the flower beds. Zach is working Dumpster Day.


We need to make a plan to move the office and putting a bunk where our office is now, before construction project is finished. Cosby Heating and Cooling serviced AC/Heating unit.


The sign inventory is pretty much done other than added signs we need to put up. I will apply for Salt Contract once I have all the paperwork. Need to do Roads Survey. If it hasn’t been discussed, you need to discuss box culvert on Monroe Mills Rd.

Trustee Houston moved to accept the ODOT salt contract for the 2022-2023 winter season. O’Connell  second. Vote: All Yes.

On Friday morning, April 15, Bill and Trustee O’Connell will drive the Township roads to complete a full future repairs needed report that will be shared with the other Trustees. Then Bill will walk the grounds of Quarry Chapel Cemetery with Trustee Houston to review upcoming projects needed and share this information with the other Trustees. 

Trustee McLarnan asked that a copy of March’s Board meeting minutes be forwarded to the County Engineer’s office to show the resolution for collaboration of the culvert repair on Monroe Mills Road.

FO DeCosky and Lora would like for all Service Center members to consider a joint plan that would allow the past CTFD office that is now being used for a bunk room to be returned to the Township. The plan would include trading rooms so that new flooring and mold remediation can take place. Relocation to the past office would allow all Township records and computer systems to be in one place with additional room for Board meetings. With help from Bill and the Trustees, most work could be done internally and material costs kept to a minimum. Trustee Houston will contact MVFD Chief Christopher soon to present the idea.  

Storage for the salt spreader should be discussed April 15 also.


James Ingerham, passed away on Monday, April 11. James was a teacher as well as a Clerk and Trustee for College Township. Snyder Funeral Home is taking care of the arrangements and has been in contact with Lora. She and Bill will handle opening/closing scheduling. Trees are still in need of being removed along the south fence line. It’s time to get estimates to get this work done. Cemetery profits should continue to go into the General fund. This fund can pay for tree removal in the Cemetery. Graffiti was found on fencing that guards the Port-a john from the parking lot facing Monroe Mills Road. Quarry Chapel Cemetery cameras will be checked Friday when Bill and Trustee Houston walk the grounds to see if they are still working. Resident G. Kopscick has sanded the fencing to clean off the graffiti. 


Emergency runs from CTSC in March:

Township: 4

Kenyon College: 14

Village of Gambier: 2


Lora provided an update to the Service Center sign. Legacy Signs has provided 4 mock ups. Discussion included removing the CT logo, reduce the size of the logos for MVFD and MedFlight, and have all wording/logos line up vertically. A final mock up and pricing will be presented at the May meeting.

FO DeCosky provided the Board with financial reports and an update including Fund cash balances in all funds. All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee McLarnan moved to pay bills. Second by O’Connell.  Vote: All Yes. Trustee McLarnan made a motion to adjourn at 8:34 pm, second by Houston. Vote: All Yes.




APRIL 11, 2022


Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 1:28 pm. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell and McLarnan; Courtney DeCosky, Fiscal Officer; and Lora King, HR Manager.

Chairperson Houston moved to approve the minutes from the March 9 regular meeting. McLarnan second. Vote: all yes.

Trustee Houston moved to approve the minutes from the April 1 special meeting. O’Connell second. Vote: All Yes.


Road and cemetery inspections need to be set up with Bill.

Trustee McLarnan has completed the course for the Ohio Department of Transportation Sign grant. He should be getting a packet soon. The Village of Gambier needs to do its own road evaluation and let the Township know which signs they will need as the order will include these signs. The grant includes a post and hardware for each sign, there is no cost to the Township. The Township does not have to purchase anything; the only cost is labor for installation. Monroe Mills Road and Laymon Road will only include signs at the road crossings. This will likely include new stop signs and curve signs. Trustee O’Connell will communicate with RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, to ask him to identify the Village’s order. If RC should have any questions, he can bring them to the Regular meeting on April 13. Trustee McLarnan will have the order completed to the point that it can be submitted when he is gone. Trustee O’Connell pointed out that chevrons by the bike path at Laymon Road are a priority. Trustee McLarnan pointed out that chevrons will also be a priority on Quarry Chapel Road and on Glenn Road where it takes a 90 degree turn.

Page 2, April 11, 2022


Trustee Houston and Trustee O’Connell have both been in contact with Mark O’Brien from DeZign. The construction is stalled. A sprinkler system needs to be igured out/approved before moving forward. They will try to come up with a plan with Mark this Wednesday. The bathrooms may need to have the doorways widened for handicap access also. Trustee O’Connell has an architect that might be interested in helping with these issues by coming to look at the site. Bob Johnson has a good understanding of Ohio Fire Codes but would want to be paid through the Township. In regards to the scope of work, Mark is responsible for the bunks and the sprinkler system and bathroom entries will bleed over. Consultation with the Knox County Prosecutor will most likely need to happen. Trustee O’Connell suggested that if the decision would be to move forward with another person, it would be best to have a meeting with the whole Board to go over all of the material from the beginning. Trustee O’Connell will move forward with arranging a time for Bob to view the building. Trustee Houston made a motion for Trustee O’Connell to reach out to Mr. Johnson for architectural services to help with future enhancements of the Service Center. Second from McLarnan; Vote: All Yes.


Cosby Heating and Cooling has been here to perform their maintenance agreement work for the first part of the year. The furnace filter was replaced and all equipment is in good working order at this time.

The secondary checking account lockbox that has been at Peoples Bank for the collection of medical billing will be closed at the advice of MedBill. FO DeCosky will work with Penny at Peoples.

Rinehart has asked for clarification on who will be responsible for the bunk renovation coverage. The Board decided that College Township will be responsible. The coverage with Rinehart will be reviewed at the May 11, 2022 meeting as Gary Walters from Rinehart will be attending via Zoom although it is unlikely that Trustee McLarnan will be attending. Trustee McLarnan suggested the possibility of getting competitive bids for insurance coverage next year including OTARMA.

Page 3, April 11, 2022

All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. FO DeCosky provided the Trustees the Township Annual Appropriation Resolution to be signed for the Fiscal Year 2022. There being no further business, Trustee Houston made a motion to adjourn at 2:32 pm, second by McLarnan; Vote: All Yes.





APRIL 1, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and McLarnan, Martha Rambo, newly retired Fiscal Officer (FO), Courtney DeCosky, FO in-training, and Lora King, Human Resources Manager (HR). Also in attendance were Knox County Prosecutor Chip McConville, Knox County Juvenile Probate Judge Jay Nixon, collaborative partner, RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, and resident Jeff Williams. Resident Tom Hoffmann attended via Zoom.

Village of Gambier Administrator Wise was invited to speak. He emphasized the Village of Gambier would still like to collaborate with College Township in the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) sign grant, if possible.

Trustee Mclarnan made a motion to appoint Courtney DeCosky as Fiscal Officer for College Township, assuming the remainder of Mrs. Rambo’s term commencing April 1, 2022. Trustee Houston seconded the motion. Vote: All Yes.

Judge Nixon invited Mrs. DeCosky to the front to administer Mrs. DeCosky’s Oath of Office as Fiscal Officer for College Township, Knox County, Ohio 43022. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mrs. DeCosky was officially appointed Fiscal Officer in good standing. The Trustees thanked Judge Nixon for attending and officiating at the Oath of Office.

FO DeCosky took a seat at the table. DeCosky reported that CenturyLink had not installed a dedicated line for internet, phone, and fax at her home address. Until such an installation could take place, DeCosky would designate the FO’s office at the College Township Service Center in order to proceed with necessary job functions, including issuing warrants. The office in the Center does have a lock, and Courtney will be distributed a key.

Mrs. Rambo joined the meeting and Trustee Houston asked for the status of the FO transition. Rambo reported that UAN equipment would be moved to DeCosky’s address as soon as Centurylink has installed a dedicated line. She also reported that the township’s dedicated lines at her home office had been disconnected as of March 31, 2022, and offered to continue with business operations on her personal wifi until the new line could be installed at DeCosky’s home. Trustee Houston asked for clarification on the process for logging into UAN. Rambo explained that a transfer of the UAN login was in place and that a letter had been drafted to notify the Board of Elections of Mrs. DeCosky’s appointment. She noted that work was being done with due diligence to notify vendors and the bank to alert them of the change of FO. Rambo also noted that DeCosky had completed all necessary paperwork with the HR Manager and had completed and passed the mandatory drug screening.

At 2:23 p.m. Trustee McLarnan moved to go into executive session. Trustee Houston seconded. Vote: All Yes.

The meeting was called out of executive session at 2:46 p.m.

Trustee O’Connell made a motion to rescind the resolution dated December 29, 2021, with a stated amount of $100/hour for Mrs. Rambo’s extended consultation services, noting that he did not recall the resolution being presented in that manner. Trustee Mclarnan seconded. All: Vote Yes.

Trustee McLarnan made a motion, based on consultation with Prosecutor Mcconville, that Carol Gilmore be appointed as consultant to DeCosky at the hourly rate of $35/hour.

Trustee Houston, on behalf of the College Township Trustees thanked Mrs. Rambo for her years of service and tireless commitment to the township. Trustee Houston seconded the motion. All: Vote Yes.

Trustee McLarnan reported that the township was advised by Prosecutor Mcconville to have all records returned to the College Township Service Center due to the special audit that he has called for College Township. All records will be stored in the locked storage facilities at the Service Center and will be relocated from Rambo’s home office as mover availability is confirmed.

Trustee Houston announced that all other agenda items would be moved to the regular College Township meeting on April 13 at 6:30 p.m, unless there is need for another special meeting as things move forward.

Trustee McLarnan opened the floor for questions. Trustee O’Connell asked who was handling correspondence with CenturyLink. HR Manager King confirmed she had been communicating with them and would continue to move forward with the transfer of lines to DeCosky’s home. Trustee Mclarnan inquired if DeCosky would be hiring King moving forward, and DeCosky confirmed.

Trustee McLarnan made a motion to adjourn at 2:57 pm, seconded by O’Connell. Vote-All Yes.




M A R C H 9, 2022 

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:34  p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell, and McLarnan; Martha  Rambo, Fiscal  Officer  (FO); Courtney DeCosky, FO in-training; Roger  Yarman,  Zoning Inspector (ZI)  and  Lora  King, HR Manager (HR). Collaborative Partners RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator; Ian Smith, PE LEED AP Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Stability Kenyon College; and Mark O’Brien, DeZign. Residents Rob                          Jameison, Tom Hoffmann, and Chuck Woolison, with special guests Harlow and Christine Walker were also present.

RC Wise was invited to speak. Since Spring is almost here, the Village of Gambier will be starting the SCATA project on Friday that will improve the technology at the wastewater plant by allowing remote monitoring control of the plant. The project has a cost of about $400,000 with $300,000 in funds received from Ohio Public Works. The mask ordinance was amended by the Village Council last Monday since the benchmark went down from high to medium. Looking forward to Dumpster Day and the shredding services that will be offered this year from Shred It. Gambier would like to collaborate with College Township in the Ohio Department of Transportation {ODOT) Sign Grant if possible.

Ian Smith reported that Kenyon is currently in Spring Break. COVID  rapid testing for students that are returning to campus and  Kenyon is consulting with Knox Public Health on a  regular basis. The  Bexley building is going under interior demo with hopes of occupation in August of 2023. The South end will have all new construction with the first round starting after the reunion in June. Tree work will be with a consultant regarding potential habitats for bats. No buildings will be going up this summer, however, work will start this Fall. Trustee McLarnan posed the question of the Mount Vernon Fire Department personnel being able to use the Lowery Center to work out and proving their vaccination status. Ian suggested that they refer to the desk for more information.

Trustee Mclarnan brought forward a Proclamation (see attached) to honor Harlow Walker who passed away in December of  2021. ZI Roger Yarman read the Proclamation out loud and presented a framed copy to Harlow’s son and daughter-in-law, Harlow and Christine Walker. A moment of silence was observed in Hal’s memory.

Surplus Bids were presented to the Board by FO Rambo. Surplus equipment that was offered by sealed bid by postings on the College Township website, at the Village of Gambier Post Office, and at the College Township Service Center. Three bids were received with one presented for a Motorola smartphone by Courtney DeCosky for $14.99 with no competing bid. Another bid for a HP Pavillion laptop was received by Richard Rambo for $15.00 with no competing bid. And a third bid for office furniture was received by Richard Rambo for $99.99 with no competing bid. Trustee Mclarnan moved to accept the bids as received with a second by Trustee Houston. Vote: All Yes.

The February 9, 2022 Meeting minutes and the February 28, 2022 Special Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve with a second by Houston.  Vote: All Yes. Judge Nixon will be contacted to confirm the April 4, 2022 appointment for FO DeCosky.

Mark O’Brien from DeZign spoke to the  Board informing them that just today he got a notice that the bunk renovation plans are partially approved. He plans on moving forward with the framing ASAP until he gets to the first inspections. The construction crews should be able to work through the Township bay and from the back of the building to not interfere with any other partner in the building. A construction trailer may be left on site. FO Rambo addressed Mark regarding the current costs of building materials that have increased significantly by asking if Mark feels that he can still complete the job within the costs provided in the contract and with the 10% provision. Mark asked that everyone be as open as possible about the changes in costs and supply availability that have incurred since the contract was signed. So far the difference in cost is hard to predict but he will keep as close to the contract as possible and that we be flexible to supplies that are available and have open lines of communication. Mark has permission to start the project.


ZI Roger Yarman found out that the last house on State Route 308, number 419  on the west side of the road with the hole in the roof, the downed trees, and the abandoned truck on the property is in the Village.

Also, he is still working on contacting the owners of a barn that fell in on Zion Road near DePollo Road. The Prosecutor will be announcing if funds are available for the Township to assist in the removal since it is an abandoned building.

The issue of the camper on New Gambier has been resolved.

In the last meeting of the Regional Planning Commission, they have been asked to approve preliminary plans for a subdivision close to the Mount Vernon High School in Hillard Township.


Bill Smith submitted this report:



All equipment good. We need to order cones and barricades. I will check into for some prices, a rough guess is around $1500. Lora will have a supply book with what I’m looking at. I’m planning to get our equipment out of storage the first part of April. Would we be able to store salt spreader at Trail Barn for the summer?


Zach’s official hire date was March 4, all his paperwork has been filled out. We are planning a day when we can get together and go over things in the Township and the cemetery. Dan’s hours have started to increase at the Parks District. We should be looking at hiring another part-time employee.


The furnaces appear to be working fine. I don’t know of any other issues. I’ll try to install water faucet in Township Bay this month. I’ve rearranged the storage for CTFD documents, so Township file boxes can be stored there until they can be gone through. I’m still going through CTFD files that we should be able to eliminate.


The County repaired Monroe Mills from previous flood waters. As of March 7, we have a collapse in Monroe Mills again, and the County has been notified. I placed cones around the collapse. We’ll work at getting sign inventory done this month.


I have all equipment checks done for our equipment. Lora and I will continue to work on Employee Handbook, and I’ll start working on SOG’s for Roads.

Trustee O’Connell told the Board how the new salt spreader has been a challenge but the issues have been working out. There has been a washout on Monroe Mills Road near the bike path crossing. We will be working with the Knox County Engineer as they maintain culverts and College Township maintains the road. For now, the road is open, the County will try to keep it open and if we can help with funds, the County can expedite the culvert repairs. The Board will need to determine an acceptable amount to put towards the project. Trustee McLarnan suggested that in the beginning of April, a Trustee along with Bill go out and make notes on what road repairs need to be done soon. Morris Township may be interested in purchasing the old plow equipment.

A Resolution was brought forward by Trustee McLarnan to provide $10,000.00 (ten thousand) to the Knox County Engineer’s Office for culvert repair on Monroe Mills Road near Zion Road. Houston: Yes, O’Connell: Yes, McLarnan: Yes. Vote: All Yes.

Salt was delivered today. HR King asked if Bill Smith has permission for purchasing up to $5000.00 (five thousand), the same as when he was College Township Fire Department Chief. There are orange cones, barriers, etc. that are in need of being purchased/replaced.

Trustee McLarnan moved to approve for the Roads/Maintenance Supervisor to be able to make purchases up to $2500.00 (twenty-five hundred) per item without Trustee approval prior to the purchase. A second was provided by Houston. Vote: All Yes.

Mr. Smith is currently completing reports that will show a road sign inventory on hand. Trustee McLarnan said that our ODOT grant application has been ok’ed and has been added to the list for him to take the grant education course.

Trustee O’Connell asked how many of the Township’s road signs need to be brought up to date. An inventory needs to be made in order to answer that question although the first step needs to be to make a resolution to participate in the ODOT grant program. Trustee Mclarnan made a motion to participate, with a second by Trustee O’Connell.

Tom Hoffman then spoke as a resident and representative of the residents of Quarry Chapel Road. He suggested that replacing outdated road signs is only one part of the equation. He feels that this is the time and opportunity to see if road signage can be increased especially in regards to where the bike path crosses roads. He would like to see the Township hire a Highway Engineer to see what can be done overall for road signage on the Township’s small mileage of roads. Tom has also talked with RC regarding the Village of Gambier collaborating with the Township in sign placement.

Within discussion, Trustee Mclarnan brought forward that an idea that after the road signage placement was complete, the next road focus would be a speed study on Laymon Road.

Research could be done to see if a Highway Engineer would be able to consult on both projects while in the area. Any research can be discussed at the Special meeting set for April 4, 2022.

Mr. Hoffman suggested that waiting that long to make contact with the Engineer will not allow for enough time before the May sign grant deadline. The Board said that they are willing to schedule Special meetings whenever necessary to move along deadlines.


Contact was made by Trustee Houston to the Chair of the Friends of Quarry Chapel. He will be conducting a walk-thru of the Chapel and cemetery with the Chair to become familiar with the property before a walk-thru with the Township.


In the end of February, there was an issue with the bay furnaces running continuously. Cosby Heating and Cooling serviced the units to find a small issue and that the units have not been serviced since installation in January 2019, specifically, the filters have not been changed. HR King asked the Cosby repairman to work up a yearly maintenance cost and presented it to the board. A motion was presented by Trustee Houston to enter into a yearly service agreement with Cosby Heating and Cooling to service 2 bay heaters and the common rooms heating and cooling unit. Second by O’Connell.

An email was sent out by Trustee Houston to several Township and Village residents to reactivate a committee for the purpose of gathering information for funding of the contract for fire/ems services with the City of Mount Vernon. The focus of the committee will be to answer the question “What should the rate of taxation be to support the contract with Mount Vernon City for fire/EMS service?”

Fiscal Officer Rambo advised the board that a new resolution needs to be made by them to form this committee since the committee will have a new purpose over the old committee. A resolution was not made back in November when the committee idea was first presented.

Trustee Houston, residents George Kopscick, Barry Bowden, and Tony Bull, and 2 members appointed by the Village of Gambier Council will serve.

The Board of College Township in a Regular meeting on March 9, 2022, resolved to initiate a committee task force made up of Trustee William Houston, residents Barry Bowden, Tony Bull, and George Kopscick, together with appointed members from the Village of Gambier, Village Council, Gambier, Ohio selected by the Village Council to review the financial revenue and expenditures for the Fire/EMS service currently in a contract with the City of Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, Ohio and the Village of Gambier, Kenyon College, and College Township, Knox County Ohio 43022.

Trustee Douglas McLarnan presented the Resolution:

Be it resolved that the Board of College Township Trustees shall initiate a committee task force made up of residents of College Township Barry Bowden and George Kopscick together with appointed members selected by the Village Council with the intent to review the financial revenue and expenditure from June 9, 2021, to December 31, 2021, assigned to the College Township Board of College Township Trustees. Trustee Houston provided a second to the Resolution.

The Board took a five-minute break: back in session at 8:43.


FO Rambo provided a presentation to the Board regarding steps that have been taken in making the transition between herself and the new FO, Courtney.

The Board came back to the discussion for a new sign to be placed on the Service Center by reviewing previous suggestions. Trustee Mclarnan suggests that each entity be responsible for their own logo with Trustee approval and being easily removed. The brass lettering already there in “College Township” will stay with new, matching lettering in “Service Center” and the street address be added underneath. College Township, MVFD, and MedFlight will be responsible for providing their logo and one-third of the cost of the overall signage. Although, Trustee Mclarnan was told by MedFlight that they are only interested in having their logo on the building.

Mousetraps are in need of being placed around the Service Center.

The Board reviewed the Run Report from MVFD. In February College Township had four runs, the Village of Gambier had one run and Kenyon College had 30 runs in 28 days.

Penny from Peoples Bank will continue to work with the Trustees and Courtney to complete signature cards for the Township accounts.

Bond paperwork from the insurance carrier was presented to FO Rambo to cancel her bond and also to Courtney to start her bond.

Plans will be made with Judge Nixon by Trustee Houston to set a time on Friday, April 1, 2022, at the Service Center to appoint Courtney as the new Fiscal Officer.

HR King and Bill Smith will work on fixing the door to the College Township storage room and she will also work on terminating two employees that are no longer needed or interested in working for the Township in the future.

The Board was brought up to date with new information regarding the copier contract with MT Business. The February ACH payment covered the final payment that was needed to end the contract, however, the equipment needs to be delivered to  North Canton and not Mansfield as first thought. Trustee McLarnan volunteered to take the copier.

FO Rambo has spoken with Tom Metcalf and he has agreed to the use of his truck and covered trailer to move the Fiscal Officer office from the Rambo resident to the DeCosky resident for $20 per hour. Two movers will be needed to be found.

Trustee McLarnan declared that he will attend the Knox Health Meeting on March 15, 2022, at 6:30.

As it is time to renew the insurance policy with Rinehart, the Trustees were provided a copy of the Declarations Page to make notes for any changes. Bill Smith will also contribute notes. Notes need to be returned before March 18, 2022.

FO Rambo provided the Board with financial reports and an update including Fund cash balances in all funds. All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Mclarnan.   Vote: All Yes. Trustee  Houston made a motion to adjourn at 9:37  pm, second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.




FEBRUARY 28, 2022

Trustee McLarnan called the meeting to order at  2:43  p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees O’Connell and McLarnan; Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer (FO); Lora King, HR Manager (HR); and Bill Smith,  Roads/Maintenance Supervisor  (R/MS).  Courtney  DeCosky, future appointed FO was also in attendance.


Trustee McLarnan is still working with the Ohio Department of Transportation on the Sign Grant. After the review of the application, the State informed McLarnan that the application can be reconsidered with more information from Trustee McLarnan. McLarnan has a contact with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) that is working to be successful in setting the grant.

There is still a learning curve with the salt spreader on the truck. It blew a fuse last week and Mr. Dennis took it to Hughes to have it replaced. If the fuse blows again, Hughes would like to have the truck return to service so that they can investigate. For now, Bill has put more fuses in the center console so that plowing could be finished before returning to Hughes for further service.

Monroe Mills Road is still closed pending a box culvert replacement. Trustee McLarnan suggested that College Township offer Knox County College Township funds of $10,000 to assist bringing the project to the top of the list for the Knox County Engineers Office. No Motion to proceed by the Board was heard.

Zack Keller has been approved after his interview with Bill and Trustee O’Connell. He has been sent to MOCC for his drug test. Lora will complete his personnel file once the test results have been received. Zack did have an opportunity to ride with Trustee McLarnan during a plowing session to get some familiarity with College Township equipment and roadways.

PAGE 2, FEBRUARY 28, 2022


The building plans for the bunk room renovation still has not been received by College Township or by Mark O’Brian. Construction materials have been received however, materials are limited.


The Knox County Township Association dinner will be held March 8, 2022 at 6:30 pm. FO Rambo, FO In Training DeCosky and Trustee O’Connell plan on attending.

FO Rambo, FO In Training DeCosky, and HR King will attend the Knox Soil and Water Conservation luncheon on March 18, 2022. They will also be attending online client webinars for Workers’ Compensation March 15th and 24th .

A Resolution was presented by Trustee McLarnan for a Proclamation to honor Harlow Walker. The Proclamation will be posted with Snyder Funeral Home before Mr. Walker’s memorial on March 5, 2022 and a framed copy will be presented to Mr. Walker’s family at the March 9, 2022 Trustee meeting. Second by O’Connell. Roll Call: McLarnan, Yes; O’Connell, Yes. Resolution passed. Vote: All Yes.

A Resolution was presented by Trustee McLarnan to amend the Resolution approved by the Board on December 29, 2021 to accept the resignation of elected official, Fiscal Officer Martha Rambo effective February 28, 2022 to March 31, 2022 by agreement of the College Township Trustees and Fiscal Officer Rambo on February 28, 2022 at 2:30 pm. Second was given by O’Connell. Roll Call: McLarnan, Yes; O’Connell, Yes. Resolution passed. Vote: All Yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee McLarnan made a Motion to adjourn with a second by O’Connell.





FEBRUARY 9, 2022 

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the  meeting to  order at 6:35  p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Houston, O’Connell and McLarnan; Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer (FO); and Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector (ZI). Collaborative Partners RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator; Ian Smith, PE LEED AP Vice President for Fa cili ties, Planning and Stability Kenyon College; and residents Chuck Woolison, Barry Bowden and Courtney DeCoskey were also present.

The January  12, 2022 Meeting minutes  were  reviewed and approved by the  Board of Trustees. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve with a second by Houston. Vote: All Yes.

Ian Smith reported that Kenyon has achieved level 1 (lowe’ st ) in  the  reporting of COVID cases on campus. Masks will be required when not outside or when participating in activities. The Quad and Academic Buildings are moving along in 2022. New construction for housing will begin on Meadow Lane. Spring break for students will be March 7-18. COVID testing to re-evaluate all. The Trustees told Ian that they appreciated the update.

RC Wise was invited to speak. He thanked the Board for the Townships help to the Village and Kenyon during the last snow storm. A contract with Rumpke Agra Sludge has been approved. The Village will take care of Agra Sludge. Paper shredding will be available for Dumpster Day this spring on May 7, 2022.


Roger Yarman reported that he has issued a new permit but was unable to review all of the property’s violations except on the trash that needed removed.

Trustee Mclarnan asked about the last house on State Route 308, number 419 on the west side of the road, regarding whether or not it is in the Township or if it is in the Village. There is a hole in the roof.

Also, there is a barn that fell in on Zion Road near DePollo Road. The Township can assist in the removal with funds since it is an abandoned building. Trustee Mclarnan asked Roger to try to solve the problem.

**To be clear from the Trustee Meeting of January 12, 2022: regarding the $500/day charge to the property owner of the camper on New Gambier Road, a Knox County Judge would impose the charge.


Bill Smith submitted this report:



Lock out hubs were replaced on the plow truck and low tire pressure indicator was fixed. The check engine light was on I reset it. If it comes on again, we will need to take it Donley’s and have it checked out. The salt spreader seems to be working better, the issue seems to be damp salt that gets crusted up and forms a layer.


Mr. Dennis has done well covering when needed to plow and salt the roads. I have an interview with Zach Keller the 10th, at 1715. If one of the Trustees would like to be here that would be great.


Some of the supplies for the bunk rooms has been delivered.

The water froze up in the building during the cold snap. One of the Firefighters from MVFD called me and I told him to open the closet in the back bathroom and turn on an electric heater. I did let them know when we get temps below 10 degrees and the wind blowing, to put the heater in the bathroom and close the door. I replaced the light in the entry way. It was cheaper to put up a new LED light than to replace the bulbs. I picked up supplies for installing a water spicket in the Township Bay at the Service Center.


Due to limited hours and plowing snow back, I haven’t had a lot of time to work on policies or paving schedule for last few years. Hopefully if we can get another part -t ime employee, I can split the work between them and have more time to work on those types of things. I ordered salt last week but haven’t heard about a delivery date.

Trustee Mclarnan added that the Signage grant is not officially open yet but he is having a hard time creating a login for the website. The grant may not be accessible because of the Township not needing at least $50,000 worth of signs and posts. He will look into the possibility of combining signage needs with the Village of Gambier.

More attention may be needed for the Quarry Chapel parking lot as a complaint was received that the snow had not been cleared. Discussion will be needed with Bill. Also, discussion will be needed with Mr. Dennis regarding pushing snow farther back on the roads.


The Board will need to find out who is the lead of The Friends of Quarry Chapel and have a discussion regarding updating the current lease agreement. Discussion points should include: possibility of The Friends reimbursing to College Township the cost to insure the Chapel, helping with costs to cut down trees, The Friends using Chapel photos without permission, College Township is unable to put funds into fixing the Chapel (The Friends do that), how The Friends pay for the Chapel electric, etc. Trustee Houston will reach out to Mark Ellis. College Township would like to explore the idea of the lease being updated for more than $1/year, maybe it should include the cost of the insurance policy.


Discussion started with a question of whether or not the MARCS pagers are able to be sold by College Township or would they need to be recalled like the ToughBooks were? FO Rambo confirmed that the 11 pagers (9 with chargers, 2 without) can be sold to another department. Trustee Houston asked for Eastern Knox County Joint Fire District Chief Stimpert to make an offer and the Township would like to see an offer of at least $2000 but will consider one that is close.

A committee to come up with a plan for future funding for the contract between the Township and Mount Vernon Fire Department is being put together. Trustee Houston had a meeting with the Mount Vernon City Auditor. A plan needs to be started.

Trustee Mclarnan put a call into the State regarding the bunk rooms building plan. The State replied that they did not receive the plans back. Mclarnan then called Mark O’Brien and he had his engineer send it in. It seems that the plan is being crossed in the emails with some confusion. Mclarnan will follow up with O’Brien again and keep up with it.


The Board came back to the discussion for a new sign to be placed on the Service Center by reviewing previous suggestions. Trustee Mclarnan suggests that each entity be responsible for their own logo with Trustee approval and being easily removed. The brass lettering already there in “College Township” will stay with new, matching lettering in “Service Center” and the street address be added underneath. Research needs to be done to find letters and how they can be installed.

A surplus laptop and an 8.5′ plow with mounting (Mclarnan will call around for interest, $2000 or OBO) was voted on to be sold. Trustee Houston made the motion with a second by Trustee Mclarnan; Vote: All Yes.

Courtney DeCosky will be appointed to continue the term of the current Fiscal Officer position with a special meeting on March 1, 2022 at 2:30 pm with Judge Jay Nixon. In the meantime, she can be training on UAN. College Township needs to let the State know that she is taking the position with her name, address and contact information sent out on the 1st_ Appointments will need to be made to install the dedicated phone, FAX and internet lines to the DeCosky home. A service will need to be hired to move the office furniture and equipment from the Rambo home to Courtney’s. Trustee Mclarnan suggested that Courtney be hired as an independent contractor at $20/hour to start training with FO Rambo and to help in the transition. A motion to hire a moving service was returned by Trustee Mclarnan with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.

A motion to hire Courtney DeCosky as an independent contractor was made by Trustee Mclarnan with a second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.

Paperwork has finally been received from Mansfield Technologies to end the contract for the Ricoh FAX/copier. The equipment can be purchased and then owned by the Township at a cost of over $900 or the Township can pay the return fee and physically return the equipment to Mansfield, OH. A motion was made to return the equipment was made by Trustee Houston with a second by Mclarnan. Vote: All Yes.

OPERS has contacted Roger and Doug to cash out their annuities because no reports have been submitted since August 2021. FO Rambo will address the issue.

FO Rambo provided the Board with financial reports and an update including Fund cash balances in all funds. All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Houston moved to pay bills. Second by Mclarnan. Vote: All Yes. Trustee O’Connell made a motion to adjourn at 9:44 pm, second by Mclarnan. Vote: All Yes.





 JANUARY 12, 2022

Trustee Chairperson Houston called the meeting to order at 6:43 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees O’Connell and McLarnan. Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer (FO); Lora King, HR Manager (HRM); Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector (ZI); and Bill Smith, Roads/Maintenance Supervisor (R/MS) also attended. RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator attended via Zoom as a Collaborative Partner. Residents Chuck Woolison and Courtney DeCoskey were also present.

The January 10, 2022 Organizational Special Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve with a second by Houston. Vote: All Yes.

RC Wise was invited to speak. He informed the Board that the grant that Gambier Village Council approved to apply for with Central Ohio Rural Planning Organization has funds that can be used to compliment what the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is doing with the “round about” at the intersection of SR 308, SR 229 and Laymon Road. ODOT will not be including any work with the multi-use trail or within the Gambier Village limits, therefore, the Village is applying for these funds to help. The Village hopes to hear of the results from the grant by March, 2022 but the grant is very competitive. New Village signs have been placed today. The Village is still looking into placing new solar panels near the water treatment plant.

Trustee McLarnan invited Courtney DeCoskey to attend the meeting as an interested candidate for appointment to the Fiscal Officer position that will be vacant on March 1, 2022. Discussion took place between the Board, FO Rambo and Ms. DeCoskey regarding what the position will include. Mrs. Rambo presented Ms. DeCoskey with several resource materials that will provide a start to understanding the position. Trustee McLarnan then pointed out that Ms. DeCoskey can not be appointed until March 1, 2022.

Page 2, January 12, 2022


ZI Roger Yarman reported that the camper on New Gambier Road has not been removed yet by the property owner. The property owner asked for an extension, however he has already had 6 weeks to do so. ZI Yarman is giving the property owner until January, 15, 2022 since it has been so muddy. If not removed by January 15, 2022, the owner was informed that the Township would charge $500 per day after that and the matter will be taken to court. Regional Planning will hold its Organizational meeting on January 20, 2022 at 6:00 at the Memorial building in Mount Vernon. A check has been turned in to FO Rambo for the permit for an addition on Laymon Road. The Zoning board and Appeals board will be holding their Organizational meetings tomorrow evening at the Service Center at 6:00 and 6:30.


Bill Smith submitted this report:




Repaired spinner on salt spreader over the weekend.

The plow truck is at Hughes Equipment getting new plow and salt spreader installed. The installation will take about 4 days.

**Trustee McLarnan and Equipment Operator (EO) Dan Dennis will plan on picking up the equipment on Friday. The old equipment is determined surplus. Surplus will be listed and could be put to auction. If radios do not sell, Roger will be contacted to see if they could be donated or sold to another fire department. Surplus could be sold to another department also. Motion was made by Trustee McLarnan to declare plow and equipment surplus, second by Houston. Vote: All Yes. Motion was made by McLarnan to declare radios and pagers surplus, second by Houston. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Houston will check with local Fire Chiefs for interest in the pagers and possible estimated value. **

Page 3, January 12, 2022

The Township tractor, trailer and mower need to be taken down to the barn at the bike trail.

The low tire pressure indicator is on again on the plow truck. R/MS Smith checked tires a week ago and they were okay. We may have to take the truck to Donley’s to get it reset.


EO Dennis got his first snow and ice removal last week and sounds like it went well until the salt spinner quit working. R/MS Smith reported that he and EO Dennis have been keeping each other informed on issues and things that need to be done. EO Dennis assisted with salting the Village of Gambier last week as the Village of Gambier salt spreader was not working. Good job Dan!

Trustee McLarnan informed R/MS Smith that there are a couple more applications to look through.

**A Trustee will follow up with the applicants. **


We will need to do something with the southeast door, R/MS Smith found it open last week. The hasp wasn’t hooked so it will blow open when bay door goes up and closes, due to pressure. R/MS Smith doesn’t know of any other issues. He would like permission to put the outside water spicket on the east wall on the inside, so we can wash the Township truck and other equipment.

** R/MS Smith will look into what materials are needed and should be able to do the work himself.**


R/MS Smith reported that he will supply a monthly calendar of his work schedule at Eastern Knox County Joint Fire District (EKCJFD).

** Trustee McLarnan and FO Rambo asked if the calendar could be printed and emailed as they cannot access Google. Research will be done to find an app that everyone can use and its cost.**

Other internal safe guards put into place by R/MS Smith include:

  1. A weekly truck check sheet for the Township truck in a binder that will stay in the truck.
  2. Same for the tractor
  3. Same for the mower
  4. Same for the trailer.

Page 4, January 12, 2022

College Township will add to the College Township Employee Official Handbook (Handbook) as we generate policy or put together a small Standards Of Guild lines (SOG) for the changes the Township has made on the Roads side and eliminated the Fire side.

** HRM King and R/MS Smith will start updating the Handbook and then collaborate with Trustee O’Connell to finish the first draft and then present to the Board.**

  1. He put together a roads sign booklet for each township road, so that we can do an inventory. There may be signs we have to add or want to add. Eventually, he’d like to have a spread sheet for all signs by road, location and when they were replaced. He’ll do the same thing for the roads when they are paved and he recommends a document of all work done with each road. This is definitely a work in progress which is new to all of us but together we can overcome the obstacles.

Trustee Houston thanked R/MS Smith for this new idea, the information will be highly beneficial when applying for grants. Many signs are past their date of replacement and a running record of paving is needed moving forward especially if the R/MS position gets replaced.

The Trustees completed the Roads Mileage Certificate needed by the County Engineer. FO Rambo will submit the certificate.

The Board was presented with an updated Position Description for the Equipment Operator position. After a reading and review, a motion was made by Trustee Houston to accept with a second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: All Yes.


Lot inventory is limited to 3-4 full lots left for sale. A walk about with R/MS Smith and the Trustees is needed to determine how many trees need to be downed in order to be able to offer all available lots that are left. FO Rambo reminded the Board that care needs to be given when taking down trees to preserve the integrity of unmarked graves that were found when the Cemetery had its sonar assessment. Quarry Chapel Cemetery lot, plot and opening and closing costs were changed at the College Township Organizational Special meeting held January 9, 2022.

Page 5, January 12, 2022 


A letter was provided to the Board following strict instructions by Micky Smith, Ohio First Responders Grants, LLC, that would allow Mount Vernon Fire Department to take over ownership of the past College Township Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) as requested by Mount Vernon Fire Department (MVFD) Chief Christopher. A motion was provided by Trustee McLarnan for MVFD and the City of Mount Vernon to take over the administration of AFG grant #EMW-2019-FG-04538. Second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. The letter was signed by all three Trustees. There was no notice of a cost to the Township to complete this transition. Trustee McLarnan showed the Board a press release that will be made public soon highlighting the Fire Engine donation to the Knox County Career Center. Trustee Houston will become the lead contact with MVFD and Trustee McLarnan will set up a meeting for the three gentlemen to ease the transition. The Township has received no information regarding the plans for the bunk renovation. Mark O’Brien of DeZign will continue to check on the progress of the plans.


Trustees Houston and O’Connell are signed up for the OTA winter conference. FO Rambo reviewed the furniture that will need to either transfer to the new FO or can be assigned a fair market value as surplus to be put up for sealed auction. Trustee Houston will contact Kenyon regarding a donation of their surplus office furniture. Trustee McLarnan moved to declare the desk and hutch currently in the FO office as surplus. Second by O’Connell. Vote: All Yes. All working files, warrents and supplies will need to either go to the new FO office or a storage solution will need to be worked out at the Service Center. Technologies will need to transfer also. A tentative timeline for February will need to start after February 15th.

Page 6, January 12, 2022

FO Rambo provided the Board with financial reports and an update including Fund cash balances in all funds. All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee McLarnan moved to pay bills. Second by O’Connell.  Vote: All Yes. Vendor checks were presented, however payroll checks are still to come as UAN provided a 2022 tax table download previously in the day and put a delay on those checks. FO Rambo will provide the checks for Trustees O’Connell and McLarnan to sign tomorrow. Trustee O’Connell made a motion to adjourn at 9:14 pm, second by McLarnan. Vote: All Yes.



January 10, 2022 

Trustee Mclarnan opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. Those present were: Trustees Ed O’Connell, William Houston and Douglas McLarnan. Also attending were Martha Rambo, College Township Fiscal Officer; Roger Yarman, College Township Zoning Inspector; and Lora King, College Township HR Manager.

Presiding Chairman McLarnan called the meeting to order and the roll was called: O’Connell; here, McLarnan; here, Houston; here. All present.


Trustee McLarnan called for review and approval of the December 8, 2021 Regular Meeting. There being no additions/corrections Houston moved to accept the minutes of December 8, 2021, O’Connell second. Vote: all yes. Trustee McLarnan called for the review and approval of the December 29, 2021 Special Meeting. There being no additions/corrections, Houston moved to accept the minutes of December 29, 2021. O’Connell second. Vote: all yes.


Fiscal Officer Rambo called for nominations for the 2022 Chairperson position of the College Township Trustees. Trustee Chair for 2022, Houston, motion made by McLarnan, second by O’Connell, Roll Call Vote: O’Connell; yes, McLarnan; yes, Houston; yes. Assistant Trustee Chair for 2022, O’Connell, motion made by Houston, second by McLarnan, Roll Call Vote: O’Connell; yes, McLarnan; yes, Houston; yes. Vote: all yes.

Trustee Houston then took over as the Chairman of the meeting.


Name                                                          Term

  1. Tom Harrman                                      5 Years
  2. Dave Gorsuch                                       1 Year-Chair
  3. Todd Bell                                               2 Years- Co-chair
  4. Linda Cookman                                   3 Years
  5. Phil Blubaugh                                      4 Years

Alternate: vacant


Name                                                             Term

  1. Karen Reddick                                        5 Years
  2. Anthony Bull                                           1 Year- Chair
  3. William Jones                                          2 Years- Co-chair
  4. Richard Rambo                                       3 Years
  5. Florence Shermer                                  4 Years

Alternate: John Bateman

Motion by Trustee McLarnan that all Appeals and Zoning Board Member terms be appointed as listed above and that all rates remain the same at $80.00/meeting; and further, that the Zoning Inspector rate is $463.50/month and the rate of Zoning Secretary is $136.50/meeting; second by O’Connell. Vote: all yes.


McLarnan made a motion that the total amount of $700.00/grave for grave opening and closing at Quarry Chapel Cemetery is in effect for the 2022 calendar year. Should the fee assessed for the opening and closing of grave sites be less than $700/event, the balance will be remitted to College Township for care of the Cemetery. A second was made by Houston. Vote: all yes.

The fee assessed for the opening and closing of grave sites is paid to the Funeral Home handling the funeral for the Cemetery. Houston made a motion that the fee of $200.00 for opening and closing a site for a cremains burial shall be paid directly to a contracted individual. A second was made by O’Connell.

Houston made a motion to set the rate to purchase grave plots at $300.00 per plot; and $1200.00 for a lot of 4 graves. McLarnan second. Vote: all yes.


College Township General contracted/road labor:                         $15.00

Equipment Operator:                                                                            $22.00

Additional details per the position description.

Houston moved that the labor rates be approved for 2022 as listed, O’Connell second. Vote: all yes.

*Per the ORC, Equipment Operators for College Township shall be hired as an employee verses an independent contractor for the following reasons:

  1. The work done by the EO can be done under College Township’s supervision
  2. College Township can control the hours of work and the tools and equipment used by the employee, also College Township has the right to control the manner in which the work is performed specifically according to College Township’s Procedures and Policies
  3. The position of an EO is a long-term need
  4. The work done by an EO is essential to the business of College Township. For example, the business of College Township is to keep the roads clear of snow and provide salting of the roads for safe travel for its residents.


Houston moved that the part-time College Township Roads/Maintenance Supervisor shall be paid $30.00/hour commencing January 1, 2022 with a limit of 20 hours worked per week.

Additional details per the position description. O’Connell second. Vote: All yes.


McLarnan moved that the Trustees and Fiscal Officer of College Township receive the maximum salary as permitted by the Ohio Revised Code for calendar year 2022. Houston second. Vote: all yes.

Per Diem:  
Breakfast $15.00
Lunch $16.00
Dinner $33.00

Full day $64.00 (Current Columbus, OH Per Diem rates from for January 2022)

Mileage                                   $.585/per mile

Meeting/registration at cost; educational class registration/material at cost; parking at cost.

McLarnan made a motion to pay the four (4) elected officials and one (1) Zoning Inspector the annual Health Care Reimbursement for 2022, not to exceed a total of $2000.00 each with the required paid invoices provided by each individual, given the General Fund has an adequate balance. Houston provided a second to the motion. Vote: all yes.


Houston made a motion that the Trustee supervising Fire is Houston with McLarnan assisting as needed;

Houston made a motion that the Trustee supervising Zoning is McLarnan with O’Connell assisting as needed;

Houston made a motion that the Trustee supervising Roads is O’Connell with McLarnan assisting as needed;

Houston made a motion that the Trustee supervising Cemetery is Houston with O’Connell assisting as needed; 

McLarnan provided a second to the motion. Vote: all yes.


Houston moved that the part-time College Township Human Resources Manager shall be paid $14.50/hour including Ohio Personnel Employment Retirement benefits commencing January 1, 2022 with a limit of 35 hours worked per week. Additional details per the position description. McLarnan second. Vote: All yes.


McLarnan moved that the regular Township meetings be held on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the College Township meeting room located in the College Township Service Center. Houston second. Vote: all yes.


The Fiscal Officer then presented the proposed appropriations for 2022. A motion to accept appropriations and submit to the Knox County Auditor for approval was made by McLarnan, second by Houston. Roll call vote: O’Connell: yes, McLarnan; yes, Houston; yes. Vote: all yes.

A motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Houston, second by Trustee O’Connell. Vote: all yes.

Meeting ended at 17:50.

DECEMBER 29, 2021  

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Woolison, Houston, and McLarnan. Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Lora King, HR Manager; and Ed O’Connell, Trustee Elect for CY 2022 also attended. Tom Hoffman attended via Zoom.



Discussions started with the Zoning Board vacancy that will be left since Ed O’Connell will start as College Township  Trustee CY 2022. The current alternate is John Bateman, a letter will be sent asking ifhe would be interested in filling thy vacant seat.



Trustee McLaman spoke with Hughes regarding the plow, they should be ready by the first week in January to install. There is no date at this point for when the salt spreader will come in. Downed  trees were taken care of by Trustees during a recent wind storm. Talk continued with Bill Smith in the past week on his position of Road/Maintenance Supenjisor for CY 2022. A Position Description and a Rates and Benefits agreement was put together to present to Mr. Smith. The Supervisor will be the first responsible for work that needs done, with delegation starting with newly  employed Equipment Operator Dan Dennis then Trustees. There is still a need for a second Equipment Operator.


Discussion took place regarding the lease agreement with the Friends of Quarry Chapel. FO Rambo stated that the current lease has not been updated since 2016. Insurance coverage is recommended to be evaluated for a revision to the coverage. Also the fee for the Quarry Chapel lease should be reevaluated which is currently set at $1 per year.

Page 2, December 29, 2021


FO Rambo informed the Board that Appropriations are still in the works in order to acquire funds to pay for the second payment to the City of Mount Vernon for the contract with Mount Vernon Fire Department. All 2021 bills are being considered to be paid before the end of the year. The Peoples Bank Lockbox will remain open as there are still 3 outstanding insurance payments that were billed by MedBill. Once those payments are received, the funds can be transferred to the primary checking account to help pay for the contract. The PO Box 109 that was assigned to the College Township Fire Department is no longer needed. A Motion was made to move funds appropriately to pay the contract for Mount Vernon Fire Department by the end of the year. Trustee Woolison made the motion, second by Trustee Houston; all in favor. A Resolution was made to close the PO Box 109, Gambier, Ohio 43022. Resolution m de by Trustee McLaman, second by Trustee Woolison. Roll call: Woolison, yes; Houston, yes; McLarnan, yes. Vote: all yes. Resolution passed.


A Resolution was made by Trustee McLarnan to cancel the Verizon cell phone no longer needed by Bill Smith. Second was made by Trustee Woolison. Roll call: Woolison, yes; Houston, yes; McLarnan, yes. Vote: all yes. Resolution passed.

A Resolution was made by Trustee McLarnan thanking Trustee Woolison for his many years of service as a College Township Trustee. Second was made by Trustee Houston. Roll call: Woolison, yes; Houston, yes; McLarnan, yes. Vote: all yes. Resolution passed.

A Resolution was made by Trustee McLarnan to accept Fiscal Officer Rambo’s resignation on February 28, 2022. Second was made by Trustee Woolison. Roll call: Woolison, yes; McLarnan, yes; Houston, yes. Vote: all yes. Resolution passed.

Starting at 3:20 p.m., The Board went into Executive Session to discuss the pay rate of the Roads/Building Supervisor and ended at 3:27 p.m..

A Motion was made by Trustee McLarnan to return from Executive Session and a second was given by Trustee Woolison. A Motion was made by Trustee McLaman to offer the position of Roads/Maintenance Supervisor a pay rate of $30 per hob- and to include a minimum of a 3 hour call out pay at the normal pay per hour. Second by Trustee Woolison. Roll call: Woolison, yes; Houston, yes; McLarnan, yes.

Vote: all yes. Motion passed.

A Motion was made by Trustee McLarnan to declare the Verizon phone as surplus equipment. Second by Trustee Woolison. Roll call: McLarnan, yes; Houston, yes; Woolison, yes. Vote: all yes.

Interviews for a FO should commence as soon as possible. There being no further business Trustee Houston moved to pay bills and Trustee Woolison provided a second. Trustee Houston moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Woolison second.

DECEMBER 8, 2021

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Woolison and Houston. Trustee McLaman was excused from attending in person and joined via Zoom. Let it be noted for the record: Trustee McLaman could attend the meeting but could not vote as a Trustee on this date December 8, 2021. Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Lora King, HR Manager; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector; and Ed O’Connell, Trustee Elect for CY 2022 also attended.

Ian Smith, PE LEED AP Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Stability Kenyon College, attending as a collaborative partner gave an update on Kenyon having only a .02% COVID positivity with starting the semester at a level 3 and back down to a level 1.The tower crane is gone.

RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, also attended as a collaborative partner and was invited to speak. He informed the Board that the Ohio Department of Transportation will be conducting a feasibility study for a “round about” at the intersection of SR 308, SR 229 and Laymon Road with a notice to proceed by January 2022 and built by 2024. Kenyon has been cooperative with allowing access to right a ways that will be needed which will speed up the process by a year. This project will not provide access to the trail nor will it touch the bridge on Laymon Road due to the fact that the funds available for the project are State and Federal. However, the question still is how will non­ motorists be able to maneuver the intersection therefore, more studies will need to take place. The Village is also looking into adding another element to Dumpster Day by bringing in a company that will provide a paper shredding service!. Trustee McLarnan asked if it was known how much Dumpster Day costs. The costs vary as to how many roll offs are filled that day and can be researched as to the cost of1 ea   ch dumpster. It may be worthwhile to compare costs to a company from Fredericktown.

Page 2, December 8, 2021


Roger Yarman reported that he had three junk cars to check on, one property had 2 cars with current tags, another has removed the car. A camper on New Gambier Road is to be removed by the property owner. If not removed by December 31, 2021, the owner was informed that the Township would charge five hundred dollars ($500) per day after that. Roger was not able to attend Regional Planning last month as his wife had COVID and he was quarantined. He’ll have two permits to turn in soon. Trustee McLaman reminded everyone to inform Mount Vernon Fire of any meetings that willI be conducted in the Service Center to be included on their calendar. Mrs. King will assume that responsibility. Roger was presented with his 2022 bond to sign.


Still waiting on Hughes regarding the plow and salt bed, hopefully they will be in by December. There are a couple of prospects for Equipment Operators. Talk will need to continue with Bill Smith on his position of Road/Maintenance SuJlervisor for CY 2022. Discussion took place on the need of an immediate need for an Equipment Operator for weather events until Equipment Operators are in place. It was decided that Ed O’Connell, Trustee Elect will be hired as an Equipment Operator to be available until that time. Trustee McLanan has contacted LTAP regarding a grant for eligibility to apply for help with road signage.


Discussion took place regarding the lease agreement with the Friends of Quarry Chapel. FO Rambo stated that the current lease has not been updated since 2016. Insurance coverage should be looked at again with a possible upgrade in coverage and review the yearly lease amount, now set at $1 per year, with a possibility of an increase.

Page 3, December 8, 2021


A new door closer was installed and new overhead door remotes were replaced per a Mount Vernon Fire Department request. The shower floors are being repaired and should be completed shortly. November Run Reports from MVFD were not provided to the Trustees. College Township had 9 calls and the Village of Gambier had 18. The current submission to the State of Ohio for the Bunk Renovation is on hold due to insufficient compliance submission of the project for a permit. Mark O’Brien will continue to work with them to get construction started as soon as possible. The Community Fire Committee was approved by the Village as long as they are provided more financial information. This committee will be able to provide help to the Trustees with moving the bunk renovation forward. MVFD Chief Christopher made a request to the Township to provide MVFD with the Toughbooks that were bought through a Federal Grant. The Toughbooks were outdated, therefore the Township decided to wipe them clean and recycle them during the Service Center renovation. A letter will be provided by the FO to Chief Christopher stating that they were disposed of correctly.


Discussion went to filling the FO position by February 28, 2022. Trustee Houston and Trustee Elect O’Connell were provided their bond paperwork for CY 2022 and Trustee Houston was sworn in as Trustee starting January 1, 2022. OTA Winter Conference rsvp’ s will be done by the FO. EOY meeting will be set for December 29, 2021 at 2:00. A Resolution was passed to become a member of the Knox Regional Planning Commission. Roger Yarman will be the Township’s representive with Trustee O’Connell as the alternate. The Resolution was brought forward by Trustee Woolison, with a second by Trustee Houston. Roll call: Woolison yes, Houston yes. Vote: all yes. There being no further  business  Trustee  Woolison moved  to  pay  bills and Trustee Houston  provided a second. Vote: All yes. Trustee Houston moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.




NOVEMBER 10 2021

Trustee Woolison opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those in attendance were Trustees Woolison and McLarnan. Trustee Houston was excused from attending in person due to illness and joined via Zoom. Trustee McLarnan noted for the record:

Trustee Houston could attend the meeting electronically but could not vote as a Trustee on this date November 10, 2021.

Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer (F.O.); Lora King Human Recourse Manager (HRM) attended.

R.C. Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier Ohio, and Mark Ellis of the Friends of Quarry Chapel were in attendance as Collaborative Partners. Ed O’Connell attended as a resident and elected Trustee for CY 2022.

Trustee Woolison invited R.C. Wise to update the entity on Village of Gambier activities.

Mr. Wise shared that the Village of Gambier authorized the Village Administrator to purchase a device known as an AMT that will electronically read Village water meter consumpt on readings from the Village office saving significant dollars over time at a cost of about seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) including fire hydrant  use in the Village. The Village continues to revise their parking ordnance and may be able to conclude the revisions and vote in the near future. The Village is in the

PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 10, 2021

process of partnering with the  City of Mount Vernon in CY 2022 hosting a celebration that was canceled in 2021 due to the pandemic.                                             Trustee Woolison asked R.C how “beggars’ night” went for the Village and the response was that it went well with no incidents·. Trustee McLaman asked F.O. Rambo how the event went at the College Township Service Center. Mrs. King was invited to respond. The Halloween evening event went well however MVCFD arranged for a short time crew of Kenyon students to help briefly and Medflight did not provide personnel.

Trustee Woolison called for the review and approval of the minutes from the College Township Board of Trustees Regular meeting of October 13, 2021. Trustee McLaman moved to approve the minutes of October 13, 2021 and Trustee Woolison gave a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Chairperson recognized Mark Ellis, President Friends of Quarry Chapel (FQC) to give the Board an update on the Quarry Chapel facility. A report to the College Township Trustees of November 10, 2021 was provided to the Trustees. Mark reviewed the content of the report briefly.

To quote Mr. Ellis, he said “the Quarry Chapel is re-emerging through the pandemic staying the course as a College Township touchstone and community center piece.”  There were eleven (11) weddings and one (1) memorial service in the Chapel in CY  2021. The Friends of Quarry Chapel are planning to host at least two (2) concerts and open houses in 2022. The Board of College Township Trustees was notified previously that the FQC increased the fee for renting the facility from three hundred dollars ($300.) to four hundred and fifty dollars ($450.)  Mr. Ellis reported that the increase followed “our” due diligence in the research of competive pricing and was in the interest of financial stability. Mr. Ellis reported that no customers looking for a wedding location complained about the fee. The fee for memorial services remains three hundred dollars ($300.) Trustee McLaman stated that he had no objecton to the rate increase to rent the Chapel. The Knox County Foundation continues to manage the Friends of Quarry Chapel Endowment fund and the Friends of Quarry Chapel fund. In 2021 the Friends of Quarry Chapel created a “Docent” program to encourage former board members and volunteers to participate in Chapel activities.

Merriam-Webster definition of Docent is a college or university teacher or lecturer; a person who leads guided tours especially through a gallery or museum.

PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 10, 2021

The Friends of Quarry Chapel intend that former board members and volunteers will participate as Docents in open houses and events. Additionally, an “oral” history project on the Chapel to be conducted in 2022 by faculty and students in the Kenyon College Department of Anthropology. The Friends of Quarry Chapel (by report)  are marketing a set of three roll-out posters that cover Chapel history, renovation and events. Mr. Ellis did not include the retail cost of the posters being marketed by the group.

Martha Rambo, FO College Township address d Mr. Ellis following the FQC written report and Marks remarks regarding the change in fees to rent the Stone Church of the Quarry Chapel. Mrs. Rambo said that the FQC changed the rental rates without conversation with the Board of College Township Trustees. The notice of rental rates to the Trustees was provided in written correspondence after the fact. Rambo        said further that the lease agreement between the FQC and the College Township Trustees was initiated in 2016 for a cost to the FQC of one dollar ($1.00) annually. That said, Mrs. Rambo recommended to the College                                                        Township Trustees that the lease be reviewed and amended as the FQC is profiting from a property owned and insured by the Board of College Township Trustees. F.O Rambo will provide the original lease agreement of CY 2016 to the Trustees; consult the entity property insurance company and recommend revisions to the agreement for CY 2023. Mr. Ellis further made a request to remove a failing tree from the Stone Church of the Quarry Chapel grounds at the expense of the FQC, and that the entity spray the parking area for weeds at the expense of the township. Trustee McLarnan  noted the request to spray the parking area to reduce weed growth.                                Trustee Woolison thanked Mr. Ellis for his report and said that the FQC requests would be reviewed and taken into consideration. Additionally, F.O. Rambo will look into the lease agreement, the current amount that the entity pays for property insurance and consideration from the Trustees for their intent to consider a revision to the terms of the agreement with the Friends of Quarry Chapel facility owned by College Township Knox County Ohio 43022

PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 10, 2021


Roger Yarman, College Township Zoning Inspector reported that the Regional Planning Commisson (RPC) declined to the request to change the Zoning designation from Agricultural to R-2 in Jefferson Township for the purpose of using the land for a “tree house” venue for lease. RPC recommended that Jefferson Township review and revise their Zoning Resolution to address the current land use in the entity. A zoning permit inquiry from a resident on Met-O-Wood Lane to demolish the existing house and keep the garage on river front property was heard by Inspector Yarman. Mr. Yarman replied that the property is restricted for new construction and the foot print of the residential home was required to be honored.  The resident will continue to talk to Mr. Yarman  about future plans.  A resident on Laymon Road built a second addition to a property and Roger is waiting for the permit to be processed. A property across from the Golf course on Monroe Mills road would like to build a second story addition to the residence. The resident has enlisted an architect and design company. Mr. Yarman recommended that the Knox County Health Department inspect the well water supply and the septic system prior to application for a College Township building permit.

RPC is seeking nominations for a seat on the commission and Roger requested that the Trustees provide nominees. In closing Inspector Yarman reported that he is continuing to pursue Zoning violations for junk car on resident property that includes an old school bus filled with trash that needs to be removed.


Trustee McLaman reported that the College Township salt truck is at Donley Ford to evaluate a mechanical problem prior to going to Hugh’s Equipment for a salt dump and equipment installation. If all goes well according to Trustee McLarnan all that      will be left to do is to dispose of the old truck snow plow.

PAGE 5 NOVEMBER 10, 2021

Trustee Mclaman reported that he talked to Victoria Beall about grant funding to replace road signs. Mr. Smith is recording the signs that need replaced and Doug is going to continue to work with Ms. Beall about the grant, matching funds and application. The equipment needed for warm weather is being winterized in preparation for winter storage. Resident Bowden has volunteered to drive his              own vehicle around College Township roads to assist current and future Trustees and employees to navigate the roadways and to plow snow. Trustee Houston will participate in the training.  Resident Bowden may ride in vehicles owned by College Township but is not insured to operate the equiqment.


Trustee McLaman brought forward the following Resolution:

The Board of College Township Trustees hereby resolves to amend the contractual agreement with Mark O’Brian, President of DeZign from forty­ nine thousand six hundred forty-five dollars and 98 cents ($49645.98) to fifty-four thousand six hundred ten dollars and  58 cents ($54610.58) that is equal to a ten percent increase due to cost of doing business.  Trustee Woolison provided a second to the Resolution.

Roll call:

McLaman      yes

Woolison      yes

Resolution passed; All yes.

Trustee McLaman requested that F.O. Rambo review and respond to a draft letter forthcoming  regarding  the development  of  second-generation College Township Citizen Committee. Doug was provided financials in October 2021 to make a request to the Village of Gambier for their participation in funding the renovation of the portion of  the College Township Service Center located at 102 E. Brooklyn St. Gambier Ohio 43022 now occupied by MVFS.

Trustee McLaman made a motion to purchase five (5) portable lockers from Lowes Mount Vernon for a price not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2000.) Second by Trustee Woolison. Vote: All yes.

PAGE 6 NOVEMBER 10, 2 21

Trustee Woolison moved to i stall a portable commode for the time required from start to finish fo renov tion and construction at 102 E. Brooklyn Street Gambier, Ohio 43022. Trust e McLaman provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.


F.O. Rambo reported to the  Trustees that the auction of miscellaneous equipment from 102 E. Brooklyn Street Gambier Ohio, 43022 netted five thousand three hundred ten dollars twenty-four cents ($5310.24.) Mrs. Rambo notified the Trustees of the following meetings:

Knox County Township Association meeting on December 7, 2021 6:30 pm

Regular College Township Trustee meeting December 8, 2021  6:30 Mclaman excused

End of the year (EOY) College Township meeting December 29, 2021 time to be decided

College Township Organizational meeting January 10, 2022 time to be decided                  I

Board of College Township Trustees Regular meeting/ date and time to be decided.

F.O. Rambo gave the Board financial reports and an update including fund cash balances in all funds. All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the meeting. There being no further business the fund cash balances certified lawfully       appropriated to pay bills reviewed. Trustee McLarnan moved to pay the bills and Trustee Woolison gave a second. Vote: All yes

There being no further business before the Board Trustee Woolison moved to adjourn with a second from Trustee McLarnan. Vote: All yes.




OCTOBER 13, 2021

Trustee Woolison opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.  A moment of silence was held for Hob Brown, in memory of his commitment to College Township and the College Township Fire Department.

Those in attendance were Trustees Woolison, McLarnan and Houston.  Also in attendance were Fiscal Officer Rambo (FO), and Human Resources Manager (HR) Lora King.

R.C. Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier attended as did Ed O’Connell.

Trustee Woolison called for review and approval of minutes from the Regular Board of College Township Trustees September 14, 2021 meeting.  Trustee McLarnan moved to approve with a second from Trustee Houston.  Vote:  All yes.  Trustee Woolison called for review and approval of the minutes from the Special Board of College Township Trustees September 23, 2021 meeting.    Trustee Houston moved to approve and Trustee Mclarnan provided a second.  Vote:  All yes.

Trustee Woolison invited R. C. Wise to update the Trustees on Village news.  R. C. reported that Dumpster Day collected six (6) ton of recyclable materials.  The Village is working with the Mount Vernon Fire Department (MVFD) to flush fire hydrants.  Due to another accident at the intersection of State Routes 229 and 308 and Laymon Road; more vegetation is being cleared to improve visibility.  Jesse Brassuell has been named Marshall for the Village of Gambier.  Parking and pedestrian safety has improved.  The Village has a Parking Ordinance in revision for a third reading in November.

PAGE 2 OCTOBER 13, 2021

The Village of Gambier will hold Halloween Trick or Treat on October 31, 2021 from five o’clock p.m. to 7 o’clock p.m.  Trustee Houston asked if there is a Burn Ordinance in the Village or Township.  Trustee McLarnan answered that there is not at this time. There is a State of Ohio burn ban in effect from 6 am to 6 pm at this time.

No Zoning Report was presented.  Roger Yarman was excused from the meeting.


The Trustees entered into discussion regarding the position of Equipment Operator for College Township. It was decided that the position would have a rate of pay of $22.00 per hour.  Duties of the Equipment Operator are to include:  operate snowplow/salt spreader; be available around the clock on an “on-call” basis; ensure roads are adequately and safely plowed, and ensure equipment is in proper working order.  Additionally, the position may include mowing and trimming roadways and the Quarry Chapel Cemetery.  In response to Trustee Houston’s question about cutting wood, and debris clean up; Trustee McLarnan responded that the position would include cutting trees to clear the right of way however the resident is responsible to remove debris on their property.  The position is under the supervision of the Trustees.  Trustee Houston stated that he would like to ride along on plow runs.  He also asked R. C. if the new Village Marshall may be interested in more employment.  Trustee McLarnan directed the FO to prepare a new position description for the position for thirty-five hours or less on an intermittent schedule to post in the community.

Trustee McLarnan reported that he is researching a grant to replace the remaining road signs that do not meet current State rule.  Trustee McLarnan then presented the following Resolution:

The Board of College Township Trustees resolve to purchase from Hughes Equipment the following:

Western 8.5’ Pro Plus straight blade snowplow assembly 2/halogen lights, complete truck-side mount, electrical harness and hand-held control, installed on a 2014 Ford F350 pickup owned by the Board.

PAGE 3 OCTOBER 13, 2021

(Resolution continued)

SaltDogg SHPE2000 salt spreader 2-1/2” stainless steel auger and trough electric 2.00 Cu. Yds capacity; double-wall poly-molded hopper; material spread up to 30’ 200 lb. vibrator, top screen, tarp, tie downs, remote auger bearing grease fit to be installed in the truck craft dump body.

Replace complete hydraulic system (pump, valve, reservoir and lines) on Truck craft dump body.  Total cost for material and labor is $14,480.   Trustee Houston gave a second to the Resolution to purchase the equipment with labor.

Roll Call

McLarnan              yes

Woolison               yes

Houston                 yes

Resolution passed; Vote:  All yes.

Trustee McLarnan reported that the “Speed Study” on Quarry Chapel Road in College Township has been submitted per the Knox County Engineer.  McLarnan also reported that Mr. Smith will mow the township one more time before winter.


Trustee Woolison reported that the cemetery is in good order and that he will collect the American flags remaining for winter storage.


Trustee McLarnan reported that the auction of remaining miscellaneous equipment in the fire station was successful.  Items that did not sell may be donated or disposed of as trash.

PAGE 4 OCTOBER 13, 2021

A letter dated October 6, 2021 from FEMA GO notified the Trustees that the Assistance to Firefighters Grant EMW-2020-FG-11761 was not funded.  The MVFD crew is now on-station at the fire house.

September Report:  34 runs with an average response time of 9 minutes.

Trustee McLarnan provided a report on revising the available parking at the Coollege Township Service Center to accommodate change of shift for MVFD, student parking and parking for employees and the building renovation crew.  Additional gravel spaces will be installed next to and beside bay #5 in the near future.  Bay #5 will be used for the delivery of construction materials during renovation.

Chief Christopher has approved lockers for the sleeping rooms for MVFD as recommended by Trustee McLarnan.  Additionally, Chief Christopher will take a total of 15 firefighter lockers from the building for use in other locations.  An invoice for the lockers will be prepared for MVFD.

The Trustees and resident Bowden have hosted MVFD for breakfast over the past month.  The next breakfast will be on October 31, 2021


Trustee McLarnan reported that conversation is on-going with Mark O’Brien, President of DeZign, the firm conducting the building renovation.  Chief Christopher is providing additional elements for construction needed by the MVFD and interiors are being discussed.

FO Rambo asked the Board if they wanted to pursue collection of delinquent tax collections.  The Trustees determined that they would table further discussion on collections.  HR King will be working on a College Township Service Center Use Management plan to be presented in the future.  Mrs. King also provided the Trustees with several sign designs for the front of 102 E. Brooklyn Street, Gambier Ohio to better identify the building.

The Trustees reviewed the designs and requested that further research be done on design and the composition of the sign.  Local sign companies will be included in the project.

PAGE 5 OCTOBER 13, 2021

FO Rambo provided the Board with financial reports and an update including Fund cash balances in all funds.  All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting.  There being no further

business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed, Trustee Woolison moved to pay the bills and Trustee Houston provided a second.  Vote:  All yes

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Mclarnan moved to adjourn with a second from Trustee Houston.  Vote:  All yes.




SEPTEMBER 23, 2021

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the Special meeting to order on September 23, 2021.  Those present were Trustees Woolison, and McLarnan.  Trustee Houston was excused.  Also present were Fiscal Officer (FO) Martha Rambo, Lora King, Human Resource Manager and Bill Smith, Roads Supervisor.   Ed. O’Connell, resident of College Township attended as a guest.  All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.

Trustee McLarnan presented the following Resolution:

Resolved, by the Board of Trustees of College Township, Knox County, Ohio in accordance with the provisions of law has previously adopted a Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing January 1, 2022 and

Whereas, The Budget Commission of Knox County, Ohio has certified its action thereon to this Board together with an estimate by the County Auditor of the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by this Board, and what part thereof is without, and what part within, the ten mill limitation; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Board of Trustees of College, Township, Knox County Ohio that the amounts and rates, as determined by the Budget Commission in its certification, be and the same are hereby accepted; and be it further

Resolved that there be and it’s hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said Township the rate of each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten-mill limitation.

Trustee Woolison seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows:


Woolison               yes

McLarnan              yes

Vote:  All yes and adopted the 23rd day of September, 2021

Attest as true to record:

Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer


Trustee McLarnan presented the following Resolution:

Resolved, by the Board of Trustees of College Township, Knox County Ohio in accordance with the provisions of law in Ohio shall collect the remaining 4.0 mill Fire tax levy through CY 2022 until its’ expiration.  Trustee Woolison seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows:
Woolison               yes

McLarnan              yes

Vote:  All yes and adopted the 23rd day of September, 2021

Attest as true to record:

Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer

Trustee McLarnan presented the following Resolution:

Resolved, by the Board of Trustees of College Township, Knox County Ohio in accordance with the provision of law in Ohio shall rescind a Resolution of August 23, 2021 in the matter of reducing the speed limit of Quarry Chapel Road (TR) 235) in College Township, Ohio 43022.  Trustee Woolison seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows:
Woolison               yes

McLarnan              yes

Vote:  All yes and adopted the 23rd day of September, 2021.

Attest as true to record:

Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer


In the matter of reducing the speed limit-Quarry Chapel Road, Township Road 235-IN College Township Knox County Engineers office;

Trustee McLarnan made the following Resolution:

Whereas, College Township Trustees provided an engineering request to the Knox County Engineers Office for a sped limit study on Quarry Chapel Road (Township Road 235) from the Village of Gambier limits to the intersection of Monroe Mills Road (Township Road 233): and

Whereas, the Knox County Engineer has performed the study which shows a reduced speed:

Therefore, let it be Resolved by the Board of College Township Trustees, County of Knox, State of Ohio, that we do hereby request the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation to reduce the speed limit on Quarry Chapel Road (Township Road 235), in College Township, Knox County, beginning at the Village of Gambier limits and continuing 1.2 miles to the intersection of Monroe Mills Road (Township Road 233) from 55 miles per hour to the requested speed of 35 miles per hour.  Trustee Woolison seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows:

Woolison               yes

McLarnan              yes

Vote:  All yes and adopted the 23rd day of September, 2021.

Attest as true to record:

Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Woolison moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trustee McLarnan provided a second.  Vote:  All yes.




SEPTEMBER 14, 2021

Trustee Woolison opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.  Those in attendance were Trustees Woolison, McLarnan and Houston.  Also, in attendance were Fiscal Officer Rambo (FO), Human Resources Manager (HR) Lora King and Roads Manager/Supervisor William Smith.  Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector was also present.  Sarah Feldkamp, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Knox County Ohio attended for Design Build proposal review.

Collaborative partners attending were R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator and Ian Smith, P.E. Leed AP Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Stability Kenyon College, Chad Christopher, Chief Mount Vernon City Fire Department (MVFD), and Tom Hoffmann, resident of College Township.

Mark O’Brien attended representing DeZign, a contracting firm submitting a project proposal for 102 E. Brooklyn Street, Gambier Oh 43022.

Trustee Woolison called for a review of the Design Build project to 102 E. Brooklyn Street Gambier, Ohio 43022.  FO Rambo had the original proposals and provided all Trustees and Attorney Feldkamp copies.  Two proposals for the project were received.


M3 Modern Builders, Inc.

Modern Builders, Inc provided a written Design/Build proposal price of $105,376 for the design services and construction of the proposed three sleep rooms within the existing “fire department” at 102 E Brooklyn Street Gambier, Oh.

****see attachment #1 for proposed scope of work, construction, general conditions, clarifications provided by Loren Phillips, Estimator.

No schedule of events or estimated duration of the project was included in the proposal. 


DeZign provided a written Design/Build proposal price of $49,645.98.


3 room addition rear of main garage area per job walk/dated scope 9 1 2021.

****see attachment #2 for proposed scope of work.

Schedule of Events contained in the proposal stated completion date of 4-6 weeks from the final approved State permitting process.  Timing is based on product availability for all scopes presented in the proposal.

Mark O’Brian, President

Trustee McLarnan read aloud each of the two proposals.  He then called for discussion.  Trustee Houston stated that he questioned the process and “why” a decision needed to be made in the meeting.  Roger Yarman asked Mr. O’Brian if there would be a “Performance Bond.”   Houston asked Mark about the determination of a time line.  Mark responded that he will start as soon as the contract is in place.  Trustee Houston asked if the State of Ohio fees are included in the proposal cost.  Mr. O’Brian responded to the Board that the State fees are included in the presented cost of the project.   R.C. Wise stated that Mark completed a building project for the Village of Gambier and that DeZign did an excellent job and the construction was well built.

Trustee McLarnan estimated that it will be a month or longer until the permits are in.  Doug asked Mark if dry wall was available and is the price fluctuating up and down.  Marks response about dry wall cost is that it does change all of the time.

At the conclusion of discussions regarding the Design/Build project proposals; Trustee McLarnan moved to accept the proposal submitted by DeZign, Mark O’Brian, President for the total project cost of $49,645.98.  Trustee Houston provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.


FO Rambo asked Mr. O’Brian how the draw of payments would be established for the project.  Mark responded that he would work together with the entity to establish payments to DeZign.

Trustee McLarnan requested that Ms. Feldkamp draft a contract for the Design/Build project between the Board of College Township Trustees and DeZign.  Ms. Feldkamp agreed however stated that the Prosecuting Attorney’s office prefers to review a contract provided by the entity.  Sarah will confer with Attorney McConville.

Trustee McLarnan thanked Ms. Feldkamp for attending the meeting.

Trustee Woolison invited Ian Smith to update the Trustees on Kenyon College happenings.  Ian reported that Kenyon has a very large student population this year with about 1900 students on campus, many variables have affected enrollment due to the pandemic.  Housing for Kenyon students and faculty has been secured for quarantine due to Covid exposure and/or testing positive for the virus.  The secured facility is also designed to provide wellness care.

Mr. Smith stated that about eighty per cent (80%) of faculty and employees of the college have received Covid immunizations to date. Kenyon is testing for Covid of exempt students weekly and using the protocols from the Knox County Health Department.  Students are eating their meals outside in the commons near Pierce Hall.  The outside dining will continue weather permitting.  The Kenyon Library is open and the new parking deck and academic buildings are on schedule to open fall of 2022.  There is no mask mandate for the out of doors, but masks are required when in public buildings.  Ian reported that students are being very careful and often wearing their masks outside.  Trustee McLarnan asked if the Village of Gambier requires masks in the general work area.  R.C said that the Village does not have that as a mandate.  All athletic programs are active at the College.

Mr. smith also shared that the new parking garage is getting a membrane on the roof so that grass will be grown on the roof surface.

Chief Christopher reported that MVFD will start hydrant flushing in the near future.  Chief Christopher will make a schedule beginning in October.


Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector reported that a resident talked to him about a property on New Gambier Road.  The resident wanted to know if a Semi truck could be parked at a private residence.  The Knox County Engineer did tell the resident that he needed to know which Township the property was located in.  Additionally, Roger directed the resident to gather more information about the property and suggest checking with the Highway Department and Regional Planning (RPC) .


In last month’s RPC meeting a proposed housing development in Centerburg was discussed without a final decision.


Trustee McLarnan moved to collaborate with the Village of Gambier for Dumpster Day October 2, 2021 from 8 a.m. to noon.  Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

Mr. Smith asked the Board about future plans to replace the township plow truck.  Doug has had conversation with vendors of plow trucks.  Vendors are saying that vehicles are not available for about a year.  Hughes Equipment is the vendor Trustee specifically referenced.   Bill reported that the Road Salt contract is approved and is priced at about $53/per ton.  The salt in the barn is adequate for the beginning of the winter season.

Trustee McLarnan talked to Cameron Keaton at the Knox County Engineers office and a representative from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT.)  The Engineer has all the data to calculate the results of the speed study conducted recently.

Trustee Woolison invited Tom Hoffmann to provide information regarding a Resolution passed previously in the matter of reducing the speed limit-Quarry Chapel Road, Township Road 235-in College Township.  Tom provided a brief historical background on the citizen effort to reduce the speed limit to 35 miles per hour (MPH.)   Mr. Hoffmann provided the Board with a copy of the previously passed Resolution on the matter.  He also provided an evaluation sheet that can be completed to identify a “Special Speed Zone.”  Tom is very confident that the work already done could result in lowering the speed to potentially 40 MPH.    The evaluation is how it may be possible to get the 35 MPH.    Tom requests that the existing Resolution be modified and that the Resolution states specifically 35 MPH.   Trustee McLarnan responded that the existing Resolution was written to an entity model.  Doug volunteered to talk to Josh and find out if the existing Resolution passed by the Board of College Township Trustees could be modified.  Mr. Hoffman said that it is very clear in in the groups choice to have the language changed and the MPH be stated specifically 35 MPH.  Tom provided a sample Resolution to the Board with the language requested by the citizens of the entity.  The Board determined that in a future meeting the current Resolution on the matter will be rescinded.  A new Resolution taking into consideration the sample provided by Mr. Hoffmann will be presented in a future meeting to the Trustees.

On another subject Mr. Hoffmann requested that the Village of Gambier donate excess mulch to the Quarry Chapel Cemetery.  R.C. Wise approved mulch for the cemetery.  Trustee McLarnan and Bill Smith will transport the mulch to the cemetery.



Trustee McLarnan reported that the Medflight lease is signed by all parties and is in effect.  MVFD is working in the station to organize and prepare to move into the building potentially on October 1, 2021.

H.R. Manager Lora King presented a draft Resolution to amend the name of the entity owned building located at 102 E Brooklyn Street Gambier Ohio 43022.  Copies of the draft Resolution were provided to the Trustees.  Discussion by the Board followed and a decision to rename the building was reached.

Trustee McLarnan provided the following Resolution:

Whereas, on July 4, 1979 the building at 102 East Brooklyn Street, Gambier, Ohio 43022 was dedicated as the home to the College Township Volunteer Fire Department; and

Whereas, on June 9, 2021 the College Township Fire Department was served with its “last call” and is no longer in service; and

Whereas, the building will continue to be owned and maintained by the Board of College Township Trustees with contracted fire/ems services operating from the building along with a College Township office and future meeting room;

Therefore, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of College Township Trustees affirmed that as of today that the building at 102 East Brooklyn Street, Gambier, Ohio 43022, be renamed as the College Township Service Center.

Trustee Woolison gave a second to the Resolution.

Roll Call

Woolison                    yes

McLarnan                   yes

Houston                      yes

Vote:  All yes.

FO Rambo provided the Board with financial reports and an update including Fund cash balances in all funds.  All correspondence sent and received was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business, the fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills being reviewed Trustee Houston moved to pay bills with a second from Trustee Woolison.  Vote:  All yes

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Woolison moved to adjourn and Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.





AUGUST 23, 2021

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the Special meeting to order at 2 o’clock pm on August 23, 2021.  Those present were Trustees Woolison, Houston, and McLarnan.   Also present were Fiscal Officer (FO), Martha Rambo and Human Resource Manager (HR) Lora King.

Trustee Woolison asked all to stand for the pledge to the American flag.

Collaborative partners present; R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator.

R.C. Wise reported that the Village of Gambier has adopted a mask ordinance in Village buildings.  The Village of Gambier has submitted grant applications for several projects.  In discussion of the applications for grants to the Village; the Trustees support all of the proposals.


Trustee McLarnan reported that a “verbal approval” has been provided to the Board from Prosecuting Attorney McConville for the “Design and Build” renovation to 102 E Brooklyn Street, Gambier Ohio. Trustee McLarnan added that the outline for the project includes:

Two (2) contractors are interested in the renovation project.

PAGE 2 AUGUST 23,2021

The advertisement for the project includes the following:

  • The project requires that bidder proposed contractors meet or exceed State of Ohio building code requirements;
  • That the vendor is a licensed Ohio Engineer or is an Ohio certified Architect;
  • Proposals due August 7, 2021 (revised following the meeting to September 13, 2021.)

Trustee McLarnan moved to proceed with the property design and rebuild project.  Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion.

Vote:  All yes.


Trustee McLarnan has been in discussions with MedFlight and per a full Board discussion; McLarnan will proceed with negations for a lease agreement with Medflight with draft review as follows:

Review and revise as needed the section on Insurance per College Township property insurance requirements;

Add to the agreement a three (3) per cent increase to the total lease agreement annually upon review should the operation of the physical building require additional revenue to provide utility per the lease agreement.

PAGE 3 AUGUST 23 2021

Trustee McLarnan reported that John Sperry, Auctioneer will be the auctioneer to sell any and all surplus entity equipment at future time to be determined.

Board of College Township Trustee Resolution to proceed to reduce the speed limit of Quarry Chapel Road, Gambier Ohio.

Be it resolved in the matter of reducing the speed limit of Quarry Chapel Road, TR 235 in College Township, Ohio 43022, to the Knox

County Engineers office for a speed limit study on Quarry Chapel Road from the Village of Gambier; Monroe Mills Road that is Township Road 233 and;

Whereas the Knox County Engineer has preformed a speed study that shows a reduced speed.

Now therefore;

Be it resolved by the Board of College Township Trustees, County of Knox, State of Ohio that the Board of College Township Trustees do hereby request  that the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation reduce the speed limit on Quarry Chapel Road (TR235) in College Township Knox County Ohio 43022 beginning at the Village of Gambier Ohio limit and continuation  onto the point one point two (1.2)  miles to the intersection of Monroe Mills Road (TR233) from fifty five miles per hour (55mph) to the speed warranted by the study performed by the Knox County Engineer, Knox County Ohio.

PAGE 4, AUGUST 23 2021

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Houston moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trustee McLarnan provided a second.

Vote All Yes.





Trustee Woolison opened the meeting at 6:30 P.M.  All stood for the pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.  Those in attendance were Trustees Woolison, McLarnan and Houston.  Also, in attendance were Fiscal Officer Rambo (FO), HR Manager Lora King, and Roads Manager/Supervisor William Smith.  Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector also was present.

Collaborative partners attending were R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator and Ian Smith, P.E. Leed AP Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Stability Kenyon College.

Guests attending:  Ed O Connell, resident of College Township and Zoning Board member for College Township.


Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector for College Township reported that he is the newly appointed Regional Planning Commission (RPC) Chairperson.  Inspector Yarman has collected several permit fees for construction in the township.  Yarman continues to work with other entities and the Knox County Auditor on Bed and Breakfast tax.   Trustee Houston requested more information regarding B&B local tax.  Mr. Yarman will provide more as it is available.   However, the B&B tax for those subletting a residence requires the owner to be in the proximity of the property.


Trustee McLarnan reported that the additional beds for Mount Vernon City Fire (MVCF) have been ordered and will be delivered and set-up in the near future.

Engine 451 has been sold as surplus apparatus to the Knox County Career Center.  F.O. Rambo will complete the sale and title transfer.

PAGE 2 AUGUST 11, 2021

The Board of College Township continues discussion with Medflight for a facility lease at 102 East Brooklyn Street for an emergency vehicle and a chase car.  The discussion will be finalized at the Special meeting scheduled for August 23, 2021.


Trustee Mclarnan brought forward a Resolution to reduce the speed limit on Quarry Chapel Road in Gambier Oh 43022.  The Resolution will be brought forward in a special meeting on August 23, 2021.  Trustee McLarnan reported on road signs at a three (3) way intersection that includes other contiguous entities.  Doug will contact the Trustees in the joining entities to request participation in the change in the road signs.  Trustee McLarnan is working on a project with the Knox County Engineer and the Village of Gambier to move forward on a speed study to change the speed limit on Quarry Chapel Road. Additionally, Doug reported that there may be grant funds that may be applied to cover improvements and cost for safety in the township.  Trustee Houston will work together with Trustee McLarnan on the review and possible application for Roadway improvement funds.  The application for the grant can be found on the Ohio Department of Transportation web site.


F.O. Rambo provided the Trustees new information about the AFG grants of 2020 and 2021 from Micky Smith, contract grant administration about obligation and process.

Following review of the correspondence and entity responsibility the Board of College Township Trustees made the following motion:

Trustee Houston moved that no action in response to Mr. Micky Smith’s correspondence will be taken at this time; however, the correspondence will be provided to the Knox County Prosecuting Attorney for opinion.

A second to the motion was given by Trustee Woolison.

Vote:  All yes.

Trustee McLarnan moved that the entity accept the contribution/cost share with the Village of Gambier to satisfy the remaining loan to College Township for equipment with Stryker Financial for a total of $8815.10 which is for equipment on the apparatus for fire and rescue.  Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion.

Vote:  All yes.

Trustee McLarnan provided a Resolution to accept the offer of $750.00 from the Knox County Career Center, Mount Vernon Ohio for the entity owned Fire Engine.  Trustee Houston provided a second to the Resolution.

Roll call

McLarnan       yes

Houston          yes

Woolison        yes

Resolution passed.

PAGE 3 AUGUST 11, 2021

A draft proposal from Medflight for a Real Estate Lease Agreement between College Township and Ohio Medical Transportation, Inc to lease space located at 102 E. Brooklyn Street Gambier, Ohio 43022 for the purpose of parking two (2) vehicles for the purpose of rescue service.  The proposed lease agreement is for three (3) years; requires annual approval and given an increase in entity expense may add three percent (3.0%) for the added cost.  Lessee shall pay a monthly rental of $1250.00 (One thousand two hundred and fifty dollars) during the Term.  Rent shall be paid in advance on or before the first (1st) day of each month. Trustee McLarnan resolved to accept the Real Estate Lease Agreement pending approval from the Knox County Prosecuting Attorney.

Trustee Woolison provided a second to the Resolution.

Roll call:

Mclarnan        yes

Woolison        yes

Houston          yes

Resolution passed


All correspondence sent by and received by the Board of College Township Trustees has been discussed in the body of the meeting.  Therefor being no further business, Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills.  Trustee Houston moved to pay bills and Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion.  Vote:  All Yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Woolison moved to adjourn and Trustee Houston provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.





JULY 14, 2021 

Trustee Woolison opened the meet ing at 6: 30. P.M. All stood for the pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those in attendance were Trustees Woolison, McLarnan and Houston.

Also, in attendance were Fiscal Officer Rambo, H.R Manager L King; and, Roads Manager/Roads Supervisor Smith.

Collaborative members present: R.C Wise, Village of Gambier. Ian Smith of Kenyon College provided a written report as he was not able to attend.

Guests: Bill Panitt and Tom Hoffmann


Fiscal Officer Rambo opened one (1) sealed bid for the BlackBerry Cell Phone.

A bid of $11.00 was presented by Ashley Thompson. Motion to accept the bid presented by Trustee McLarnan, and a second to the motion was provided By Trustee Woolison

Vote:    All yes. Motion approved.

Trustee Woolison invited R.C. Wise to give an update from the Village of Gambier. R.C. reported that the Village will receive about one hundred thirty thousand dollars from the ARP grant for two consecutive years. The grant will address water and sewer projects currently planned. An Ohio Public Works grant to be received will be used to upgrade technology in the Village water plant. This investment may reduce the need for a plant manager on site at the water treatment plant . The Village did not receive the TAP grant . ODOT has provided preliminary plans for a round a bout and a walking pat h. R.C. plans to meet with the County Engineer regarding the design that includes the bridge. Knox County Parks is also looking into grants that will help with the path that is part of the park system.  Trustee Houston attended the last Village Council meeting. Will addressed Council with a request from the Board of College Township Trustees to assist in funding a final payoff of the Board owned heart devices.

R.C. recommended that Trustees put the request in writing to the Mayor of Gambier.

Ian Smith was unable to attend the meeting and provided a report for the Board. Regarding general college activities; Ian stated that the college is moving ahead with plans for housing many more students on campus than usual due to an unexpectedly large freshman class; Two partners canceling several of Kenyon’s traditional fall off-campus study programs because of European COVID issues; and thirty-six more “super seniors” who would have graduated in May. The Mount Vernon Fire Department {MVFD} Fire Marshal has approved the Kenyon Inn for housing up to fifty-nine student beds. A recen t question to Ian was the MVFD response time to a recent gas leak on campus . Trustee McLarnan did tell Mr. Smith that a MVFD run log had not been received but most likely would be provided upon a request to Chief Christopher.


Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector provided his report prior to the meeting. Mr. Yarman reported that the variance passed on the Vance property. Trucks on New Gambier Road are okay with tags. One more junk car requires removal.   A Variance meeting for a property on Baker Road set back is scheduled for July 22, 2021. A Zoning Permit was issued for resident Vance.


Trustee McLarnan will discuss sinage change with Harrison Township as the township line cross over and the sign markings need improvement . A group of residents living on Quarry Chapel Road known as the “Friends of Quarry Chapel Road “propose a road stripping project on Quarry Chapel Road at a cost of $3,000 to be donated by the group and completed in CY 2021. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve the road striping on Quarry Chapel Road paid from a donation from a resident group; and further, the Board of College Township Trustees have now and forever no obligation to maintain the road edge striping on Quarry Chapel Road, Gambier and College Township, Knox County Ohio . A second to the motion was made by Chuck Woolison. Vote: All yes. Mr.  Tom Hoffmann provided a check for $3000 to Fiscal Officer Rambo.

Bill Smith reported that he has mowed roads and the cemetery. It has been too wet to mow a second time this past week. Trustee McLarnan asked Bill for an inventory of existing signs that are updated to the new standards along with posts and bolts for mounting. Doug reported that there is a grant the College Township is eligible to apply for to cover the cost of road signs in 2022. Doug will contact the Township Association for further details.


Trustee Mclarnan provided a transition report and updated building renovation plans. A meeting with Chief Christopher and Lieutenant Laymon will be arranged by Doug. The renovation of the old radio room will be completed as soon as possible with Trustee Mclarnan taking the lead on the project.

Bill Smith reported that he is sorting surplus equipment into boxes so that it can be relocated. Some older radios have been identified and the newer radios are being set aside for MVFD to determine from the surplus what they may want kept in the building. MVFD has requested that an auction not be held until they can look over the surplus. Trustee Mclarnan stated the MVFD will need four beds to accommodate the staff on station.

Trustee Mclarnan is meeting with the Life Flight mobile ICU coordinator to discuss space in 102 E. Brooklyn Street that could be leased to house the mobile unit.

Trustee Houston presented the following Resolution:

The Board of College Township Trustees having declared the 2017 Ford Explorer Predator command vehicle surplus; do hereby accept the offer from the City of Mount Vernon to purchase the vehicle for $22,500.

A second to the  Resolution was given by Trustee Mclarnan.

Roll call:

McLarnan      YES

Houston          YES

Woolison        YES

Vote: All yes

Bill Smith will work to have the 1991 engine evaluated for weight and possible disposal as “scrap.”


Fiscal Officer Rambo provided the Trustees with a copy of the proposed CY2022 Appropriation budget and a written explanation by fund of the appropriations. Following discussion, Trustee Woolison moved to approve the College Township CY2022 Appropriation budget; second given by Trustee Mclarnan. Vote: All yes. Fiscal Officer Rambo will deliver the budget to the Knox County Auditor.

All correspondence sent by and received by the Board was discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances and certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills. Trustee Mclarnan moved to pay bills and Trustee Houston made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes. Trustee Houston moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Trustee Mclarnan. Vote: All yes.




JUNE 16, 2021

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the Special meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. All were invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present were Trustees Woolison and McLaman, Lora King, William Smith, and Will N Houston III and Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer. Trustee McLaman moved to take a five (5) minute recess that was seconded by Trustee Woolison. Vote: All yes.

At 2:15 p.m., Judge Jay W. Nixon joined the meeting. Trustee Woolison moved to reconvene the meeting. Trustee McLaman provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Judge Nixon invited Mr. Houston to the front to perform a ceremony to swear Mr. Houston in as a College Township Trustee, Knox County, Ohio 43022. At the conclusion of the ceremony Mr. Houston officially joined the Board of Trustees as a member in good standing. The Trustees thanked Judge Nixon for attending and officiating at the ceremony.


Trustee McLaman reported that the Knox County Prosecutor has determined the proposed College Township road work for CY 2021 may not be done using a “Force Account” for payment. Trustee McLaman then informed the Board that no road work in College Township would take place in CY 2021. Trustee McLarnan continued his update pertaining to College Township road signage that he will meet with the Harrison Township Trustees to explain the requested road signs as the signage will impact egress in Harrison and College Townships. Regarding a proposal from the group known as “Residents of Quany Chapel Road;” to provide $3000.00 in contribution to College Township for striping Quarry Chapel Road in College Township, Knox County Ohio 43022 by a professional company; the Knox County Prosecutor has approved the receipt of donation. The payment for the road striping will be made by College Township upon receipt of the contribution and invoicing from the contractor.


The Board entered into a discussion regarding the disposal of surplus equipment from the College Township Fire/EMS department. Trustee Houston moved to auction Engine 451 on line if possible. In the event the Command vehicle can not be sold to the City of Mount Vernon for Mount Vernon Fire; it too shall go to auction. Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

As planning to renovate 102 E. Brooklyn Street Gambier, Ohio continues; Mount Vernon Fire Chief Christopher is involved in the planning and renovation. Fiscal        Officer Rambo reported that there are two vendors interested in bidding the project and have been provided information to both as they request it.

Chief Christopher let the Board know that the AFG 2020 funding “looks good” to receive.


Trustee McLarnan requested that the CY2022 budget required for submission on July 20, 2021 be provided for review on July 14, 2021 at the Regular meeting of the Trustees.

More discussion (per Trustee McLaman) will continue regarding the 4.0 mill Fire Levy expiring in CY 2021 and collected through CY 2022. Mr. Smith reported that moving equipment and auction items continues in the building with effort being made to clear the rear bay area for renovation.

There being no further business Trustee Woolison moved to pay bills and Trustee Houston provided a second. Vote: All yes. Trustee McLaman moved to adjourn the Special meeting. Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.




JUNE 9, 2021 

Trustee Doug McLarnan of the Board of College Township Trustees hosted guests and Professor Charles Rice, Kenyon College retired. Professor Rice presented the Key Note address recounting his time as a Firefighter and the Chief of the College Township Volunteer Fire department from a historical perspective. The Knox County 911 dispatch center presented the College Township Fire and EMS response tones over the Fire Department loud speaker that is known as Last Call for the closing of the College Township Fire/EMS Department 450. William Smith, Chief College Township Fire and EMS Department (CTFDEMS); Ashley Thompson, Assistant CTFDEMS and department firefighters present, proceeded to the station flag pole and lowered the American and CTFD flags for the last time.

Trustee Charles Woolison called the Regular meeting of the Board of College Township to order at 7:20 P.M. All in attendance stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place. Those present were Trustees Woolison, Bowden, and McLarnan. Additionally, Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Lora King, H.R. Manager; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector; William Smith, Chief CTFD/EMS; Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief CTFD/EMS; Krista Howard; J. Burke Howard; Corey Samuel, Volunteer Technical advisor; Will N. Houston, George Kopscick, R.C. Wise, and Ian Smith also were in attendance.

Collaborative Partners present were R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator and Ian Smith representing Kenyon College.

Guest present; Gary Walters of Rinehart, Danners Walters Insurance Company

Trustee Woolison invited Mr. Walters to review the College Township Property Insurance proposal (**see attachment #1). Changes to the previous calendar year policy of 2020/2021 are reflected due to a reduction in vehicles and equipment previously insured for CTFD/EMS. Mr. Walters reviewed the opportunity for entities to evaluate insurance cost and bond replacement under OH H.B 291 that allows for replacement bond cost with private insurance. H.B 444 allows entities to cancel required bonds and change to entity insurance. Also included in the insurance policy coverage was an increase in coverage for crime. Trustee Mclarnan did request a quote from the vendor on what an increase in the Bond change in the Crime coverages will cost. Mr. Walters will provide the  information.  Trustee Mclarnan reported that he too will look into the question with the Ohio Township Association.  Mr.  Walters reviewed the CONTRACT FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES BETWEEN COLLEGTE TOWNSHIP AND KENYON COLLEGE WITH THE CITY OF MOUNT VERNON, OHIO. 

Mr. Walters requested the Trustees to revisit item #9 pertaining to the term “general liability insurance;” regarding the College Township apparatus and equipment owned inventory. Gary requested that the Trustees revise the language in the contract.

The Board of Trustees determined that the insurance vendor keep “comprehensive coverage” on the 2017 Ford Command vehicle and Engine 451 until such time as the apparatus is sold.

Trustee Bowden moved to approve the 2021-2022 Property Insurance proposal with Rinehart, Danners and Walters with revisions as discussed. Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.


Zoning Inspector Roger Yarman reported that a Zoning Commission Board meeting is scheduled for June 22, 2021 at 102 E Brooklyn Street, Gambier to review a resident request for a Zoning variance. The appropriate paperwork is sub mitted and the Special meeting will be publici zed. Forth coming Zoning Resolution meetings are planned regarding “junk cars.”


Fiscal Officer Rambo provided the Trustees with a Position Description for a College Township Roads Maintenance Supervisor commencing June 10, 2021. Trustee McLarnan recommended William Smith to fill the Roads Maintenance Supervisor at a rate of pay of 26.00 per hour in a salary position through December 31, 2021 at which time the position  will be re-evaluated  prior to the 2022 Organizational meeting. Trustee Bowden presented that there may be an opportunity to share the College Township position with the Village of Gambier.

Trustee Bowden resolved that the position of College Township Roads Maintenance Supervisor be approved through December 31, 2021. Trustee Mclarnan provided a second to the resolution .


Bowden              YES

McLarnan           YES

Woolison           YES

Vote: All yes.


Cory Samuel, Volunteer Technical support specialist for the CTFD reported that all of the sensitive documents previously generated by the CTFD/EMS have been secured and one copy is to be mai nt ain ed in the College Township Fire Safe and one copy in the Fiscal Officers fire safe. All of the CTFD/EMS communication on the Google site have been destroyed. The wireless connection has been reconfigured and is ready for Mount Vernon Fire to use. The property technology at 102 E Brooklyn Street, Gambier, Ohio 43022 is set for long-term stability. The passwords to technology have been provided to Chief Christopher. New access to the internet has been established for L. King and W. Smith in the building. The Mount Vernon FD network is physically and dynamically set-up for MVFD. As renovation to the property progresses; additional changes may need to be made for the wiring connections and service.

Bill Smith reported that the inventory and determination is on going in progress. Trustee McLarnan stated that he would contact Auctioneers and determine an auction date. Regarding the disposal of the “Command vehicle,” Bowden stated that Mount Vernon could get a new vehicle potentially for a comparable value and he will suggest that to Chief Christopher.

Chief Christopher has plans to remark apparatus with both entity markings on the vehicles. The student program per Trustee McLarnan is progressing well as transition continues. Kenyon College students that are staying in Gambier for the summer may be used by MVFD for summer duty and be paid and supervised by MVFD.

Trustee Bowden resolved to abolish the CTFD/EMS position of Chief, CTFD/EMS; Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the Resolution.


Bowden          YES

McLarnan      YES

Woolison        YES

Vote: All yes

Trustee McLarnan resolved to abolish the CTFDEMS position of Assistant Chief, CTFD/EMS; Trustee Woolison provided a second to the Resolution.


Bowden           YES

McLarnan       YES

Woolison         YES

Vote: All yes

Trustee Woolison moved to allocate all surplus equipment identified by the entity as surplus and be placed for an auction, date to be determined. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Bowden moved to pay forty hours of Personal time off accrued to William Smith. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Barry E. Bowden moved to appoint William Houston III to the Board of College Township Trustees effective immediately with his retirement from the Board. Trustee Mclarnan made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes

Fire Report

Mr. Smith reported that the department finished out staffing with five (5) part time employees and a couple of volunteers with student core members. All of the available employees and volunteers helped with the reorganization of the  station  as they could.  Chief Smith reported that the Department has had an outstanding staff on the CTFD that dedicated a lot of time and effort to make CTFD the best that it could be. In his report; Smith stated that “words can not express the appreciation that he has for each and every one of the CTFD staff and they are all my family.”

Regarding equipment; the red medic repair at Fredericktown Chevrolet resulted in no charge. Most of the equipment from Engine 451 has been removed by Chief Smith. Additionally, Chief Smith reported that there is still much to do and accomplish with the closing of CTFD.  He reports that he will be working on closing things out with the State of Ohio for Fire, EMS and DEA. The drug inventory was done and MVFD has all the drugs locked up in the station with a MVFD lock. Chief Christopher and Mr. Smith communicate on a daily basis and are working to accomplish the tasks ahead .

Smith reported that he did twenty-five (25) hours of inspector duties at Kenyon College in the past month.


May 2021 36
Total 2021 149

Runs in June 2021            08

Total Runs in 2021          157


Fiscal Officer Rambo presented the Trustees with a proposal to change the Position Description of H. R. Manager to College Township Compliance Officer. Trustee Mclarnan tabled the discussion requesting time to evaluate position duties.

A current invoice dated due June 26, 2021 from Stryker for the contract to purchase CTFD/EMS equipment was provided to the Board for discussion relating to the agreement balance of $10,578 .12 with monthly payments of $881.51. The decision regarding the contract will be tabled until further discussion with the Village of Gambier is held in the coming weeks.

The Board discussed the current progress with construction companies to renovate the property on 102 E Brooklyn Street, Gambier Ohio 43022. Two (2) vendors are in the process of preparing bids for the renovation.

All correspondence sent by and received by the Board of College Township Trustees has been discussed in the body of the meeting. There being no further business Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills.  Trustee Woolison moved to pay bills and Trustee Mclarnan made a second to the motion. Vote: All Yes. Trustee Mclarnan moved to hold a Special Meeting on June 16, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. to continue the Fire Department transition to the City of Mount Vernon, swear in Mr. Houston as Trustee, and to conduct the business of the Board for personnel and bills and claims. Trustee Woolison made a second to the mot ion. Vote : All yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Mclarnan moved to adjourn and Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.




MAY 21, 2021

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the meeting to order. All in attendance stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 1:00 p.m. The Special meeting was held in the College Township Fire Department day room at 102 E Brooklyn Street, Gambier, Oh. Those in attendance were Trustees Bowden, McLarnan, and Woolison; Fiscal Officer (FO) Martha Rambo; HR Manager Lora King; College Township Fire/EMS Department Chief (CTFDEMS) Bill Smith; CTFDEMS Assistant Chief Ashley Thompson; CTFDEMS Firefighter Chris Caito; and CTFDEMS IT Support Cory Samuell. Special guests included Mount Vernon Fire Department (MVFD) Chief Chad Christopher; and MVFD Lieutenant Trevor Williams.

Discussion first turned to moving Chief Smith from full-time Chief to full-time Roads/Maintenance Supervisor. FO Rambo recommends that the Chief benefits of personal time off (PTO) and vacation be paid out so that there can be a clean cut between positions. The new salaried pay rate will be $26.00/hour, 40 hour/week flexible work schedule with no overtime, however  will include family health insurance,  PTO of 40 hours to be used in one-hour increments, two (2) weeks of paid vacation with one (1) week buy out at the end of 2021, and Ohio Public Employee Retirement System (OPERS) contributions. The HR Manager position will stay put for now. Trustee McLarnan moved to accept the personnel positions discussed, Trustee Bowden second. Vote: All Yes.

Page 2, Special Meeting May 21, 2021

Cory Samuell was then asked to address those in attendance regarding the transfer of technology services within the station and the safeguarding of electronic documents. Cory will continue donating his time and services to CTFD until June 9, 2021 at which time he will put together a plan and advise the Board and Chiefs on the proper steps necessary to secure fire and EMS paperwork, properly shut down the CTFD Google suite, and to separate the building’s internet technology including the firewall so that College Township’s internet connection will be separated from the internet connection that MVFD will provide for its employees which Cory felt was the best option.

The need and use for all pieces of technological equipment is still uncertain at this time. Three iPads purchased for medics and firetruck use will stay with the vehicles with the understanding that MVFD will use but change out the SIM cards to pay for the service. The HR and Chiefs computers/monitors/mice/keyboards/docking stations will be retained for the future Compliance Officer and Road/Maintenance Supervisor positions. All others will be properly stored until their use is determined.

Ultimately, the Board is giving permission to Cory and MVFD to work out the best solution for both parties.

CTFD Association will be determining how they will be disposing of Association property and then dispersing leftover funds to other 501 c3 organizations. 


Page 3, Special Meeting May 21, 2021

The College Township lockbox at People’s Bank will need to remain open until at least the end of 2021 in order to ensure all collections with MedBill issued are received. Also, Assistant Chief Thompson will be asked to be employed as a contracted hire on an “as needed” basis to process EMS billing until the receipts for billed service are complete.

Fiscal Officer Rambo recommended that Mrs. Thompson be paid at the rate current to her Assistant Chief Position of $19.00 per hour.

Inspections in College Township and especially for Kenyon College will need to be coordinated with MVFD  going forward so Chief Smith can be available to assist in the inspections.

The LifePaks lease will need to continue, however has a May 2022 lease buy-out. Chief Christopher will check with Stryker on the contract.

Chief Smith will get exact dollar amount of the buy-out. The Village of Gambier has expressed interest in helping out in transition costs as long as a specific need is outlined and addressed. The Stryker buy-out could be presented to the Village in July 2021. If the buy-out is not an option with the Village, Trustee Bowden does not expect to pass the monthly payment on to MVFD.

Trustee McLaman asked Chief Smith how the drug license and drug transfer will be resolved. Chief Smith answered that he will call and have the license cancelled. Issues with drug transfers will need to be worked out between the two entities.

Air Paks are going to stay in the station and be put into service with MVFD as more compatibility has been found.

Page 4; Special Meeting May 21, 2021

Not all radios will be needed by MVFD. A count will need to be made so that surplus can be disposed of. Chief Smith will coordinate with Chief Christopher to determine this number.

Trustee McLarnan will arrange for an auction and date for surplus items to be sold. An auction date most probably will not be until late July.

The price of the Chief car will be better determined closer to the sell date with a fair market appraisal from Donley Ford. Chief Christopher is interested in the car; however, if value is over $30,000, he suggested selling it outright. Trustee Bowden explained that the Township has to be due diligent with the People’s money by selling it for as much as possible. Apparatus and station markings were brought forward. There needs to eventually be some kind of integration of both markings to show College Township on the trucks and to show MVFD on the building as ”Station 492”.

Implementing the Kenyon student program will be a cultural change for MVFD. Students may be used for summer duty while being under the pay and supervision of MVFD.

Finally, Trustee McLaman suggested that MVFD Lieutenants work with hydrants within the area.

After the issues were covered, all in attendance toured the station.

There being no further business before the Trustees, Trustee McLarnan moved to adjourn. Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.





Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the meeting to order. All in attendance stood  for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 6:30 p.m. The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place. Additionally, the  meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not comfortable with ”in person” attendance could attend electronically. Lora King acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting and record of attendance procedure. Let this official record show that all in attendance in person or electronically constitutes  ”attendance.” Those present were Trustees Woolison, Bowden, and McLarnan.   Additionally,  Martha  Rambo,  Fiscal Officer; Lora King, H.R. Manager; Roger  Yarman, Zoning Inspector; William Smith, Chief College Township FireEMS Department (CTFDEMS.)

Residents of College Township George Kopscick and Will Houston were in attendance.

Captain James Thompson, and Shawn Farner CTFDEMS were also in attendance. Samantha Scoles of the Mount Vernon City Council was in attendance as well.

Collaborative Partners Ian Smith of Kenyon College and R.C. Wise of the Village of Gambier were a part of the meeting.

Trustee Woolison called for the review and approval of the Regular minutes of the Board of College Township Trustees of April 14, 2021. Trustee McLarnan motioned to approve and Trustee Woolison gave a second. Vote: All yes. Trustee Woolison called for the review and approval of the minute of a Special Meeting on April 29, 2021. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve and Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. All minutes were provided prior to the meeting electronically for review. Trustee Woolison recognized guests in attendance.

PAGE 2 MAY 12, 2021

Ian Smith reported to the Trustees that Kenyon Commencement is scheduled for May 21, 2021 at the Kenyon College football field with limited attendance. Waste water surveillance has been low recently with students leaving campus. Ninety percent (90 %) of the students have been vaccinated for Covid. Kenyon is joining other educational providers to discuss and determine if returning students will be required to be vaccinated prior to return in the 2022 school year. Additionally, temporary drive ways have been established in order to deliver a large statue that will be installed on the top of the new Library. The delivery process requires large cranes and additional labor that will be loud, so all will know that the process is underway.  Trustee Bowden asked that Ian let them know when the statue is being installed as they would like to watch.

Trustee Woolison asked if other guests had comments. R..C. Wise is currently not attending and Mr. Houston had no comments. Captain James Thompson of the CTFDEMS  responded with a question for Mr. Kopscick. Captain Thompson asked George why when the comparison of ”call per run”, why were other entities compared for five years but CTFDEMS was compared at two years. Mr. Kopscick responded that he was looking at data and averaged the data per run in the document he prepared. George stated that the run data did not vary much. The intent of the information presented to the City of Mount Vernon was to determine the ”value” of the proposed agreement between Mount Vernon and the Board of College Township Trustees. Mr. Kopscick said that he thought that it was a very fair comparison.

Captain Thomson continued with a question to the Trustees. The question from Captain Thompson was ”why wasn’t a College Township Trustee in attendance at the City of Mount Vernon Council  meeting instead of a Village resident?”  Trustee  Bowden responded that the Trustees were not invited to the Council meeting and that the Trustees did not find it ”proper” to show up at the meeting. Trustee Bowden continued saying that the City has all of the information pertaining to the contract. The Council nor the Safety Service Director did not present any questions prior to the meeting. Trustee McLaman did attend  the Council meeting electronically and was not called on to answer any questions during the meeting.  Mr.  Kopscick added that he attended the meeting with a prior request to speak at the meeting. Georges  intent was to attend as a resident and did not speak on behalf of College Township.


Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector, reported that a permit application has been provided to a resident for a pole building on Quarry Chapel Road. The resident was provided the specifications required for the building. Another resident of the Township has been notified that he has an unlawful vehicle on the property. If the vehicle is not removed, a violation of the Zoning Resolution will be issued to the resident. Trustee Bowden said that he observed that the vehicle has been moved.

PAGE 3 MAY 12, 2021

Mr. Yarman provided the Trustees with correspondence from the Knox County Prosecuting Attorney regarding property on Met-O-Wood Lane at 19537..  The letter is a ”NOTICE OF ZONING VIOLATIONS. ‘

Trustee Bowden added that a record of a March 30, 2005 ”Variance” request was provided to the resident on May 14, 2021 by Mr. Bowden. Per resident request, Trustee Bowden placed the copy of the document in the mailbox of the resident.


Inspector Yarman requested that a Trustee accompany him to inspect the property at 19537 Met O Wood Lane, Gambier Oh 43022 to determine if the property in question meets the Agricultural District criteria per the current Zoning Resolution Permit.

Trustee Bowden stated that his observation is that the resident is living unlawfully in the building and has been for several years.. Mr. Yarman reviewed the variety of options that the resident could look into that have been given to the resident. Trustee Woolison or Trustee McLaman will accompany Mr. Yarman on a site visit of the property. Trustee Bowden also volunteered to participate in a visit if its in the evening per the residents’ schedule. Mr. Yarman will contact the resident.

Additionally, Mr. Yarman reported that he has a Zoning permit out on a property on Baker Road. The permit is for ”new construction.”

R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, joined the meeting. R.C. reported to the Trustees that neither his link to the meeting nor the Mayor of Gambier’s link was working. R.C. sent a link to the Mayor. The Village officially heard that the Tap Grant was not approved due to the amount of the request. The Village has been advised to revisit the grant application with partnerships with other entities through multiple grant cycles. A survey is underway for Village Zoning ordinance. Responses will be reviewed and considered. Kenyon College has submitted requests for a variance on the building height of three (3) student resident halls planned for construction. Gambier Village Council approved the request made by Kenyon College. The Village received a Recycling grant for new reycling bins to encourage recycling.

Councilwoman Herr is working with other Council members to organize a July 4th parade in the Village. In closing, R.C. reported that a new system to make payments on line to the Village is in place. A small fee is attached to the on-line system for payment.

Trustee McLaman added information regarding the State Route 229 conversation and improvements in progress with the Ohio Department of Transportation. Trustee Bowden is continuing to talk to contractors about the work at the salt barn. More information about the estimated cost is in progress and will be discussed in June.      Mr. Yarman asked if the Village parking situation has been resolved.  R.C. replied that as the Kenyon students leave, the parking for residents in the Village should improve. Additionally, the Village is placing a ”boot” on vehicles illegally parked. The Village is not necessarily interested in revenue from parking  fines but rather would like people to be more courteous and respectful. Trustee Bowden said that he would still like to borrow the

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Village backhoe for use in the Quarry Chapel Cemetery, to which R.C. replied that Trustee Bowden just need to provide a date and time to use the backhoe.


Trustee Bowden reported on proposed College Township road work that is being done under ”Forced Bid.” Smalls Asphalt and Paving has presented their interest in the work that is planned for approximately 1300 feet of paving of lime stone chip and seal. The project cost estimate is $29,546.35. Trustee McLaman added that he talked to the Knox County Engineer regarding the proposal and that the cost was a little higher due to using the limestone but it is okay.  Trustee Bowden provided the following Resolution:

Pending the review and approval from the Knox County Prosecutor to enter into a contract with Small Asphalt and Paving for CY 2021 Road Improvement using a ”Forced Account,” the Board of College Township Trustees accept the proposal from Smalls Asphalt and Paving as presented.

Second to the Resolution given by Trustee Woolison.

Roll Call

Bowden           yes

McLaman       yes

Woolison          yes

Vote: All yes.                                 Resolution passed

Trustee Bowden reported that Smalls Asphalt and Paving did cold patching and berm repair and also spread limestone at the Quarry Chapel parking areas. The first mowing of the season is nearly completed. The mower is now in for a clutch repair that is estimated at about $800. Trustee Bowden is making all aware of the lack of equipment and that he will not be available to mow using his equipment. His suggestion is that the Trustees hire a service or volunteer their time and equipment.

Trustee McLaman reported that signs have been installed. There is a conversation with Harrison Township to add Stop signs to slow west bound traffic coming into Gambier. Trustee will talk to the Harrison Township Trustees about the proposed added sign.

On Quarry Chapel Road, a traffic count was conducted recently. The data from the study is not yet published. Regarding the ongoing Ohio Department of  Transportation (ODOT) conversation regarding State Route 229 traffic and safety.    Trustee McLaman, Ian Smith and R.C. Wise attended a meeting with the Chief of Staff of ODOT.  Ian provided a summary of the ”Gateway” intersection at 229 and 308.  The  ODOT trimming, additional lighted signs and additional speed signs are in progress. Additional

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traffic counts by ODOT will be conducted in late summer. A traffic light has not been approved however a ”Round A Bout” is a possibility on State Route 229 that is estimated at a cost of three million dollars. The College Township partners attending the meeting with ODOT were not satisfied. Trustee McLaman volunteered to contact Mid-Ohio Regional Planning (MORPSY) for advice on additional steps to make the intersection of 229, 308 and Laymon Road safer. R.C. Wise commented that every possible measure is needed or the ”carnage” will continue.


Trustee Bowden reported that the Cemetery has been mowed and trimmed. The Jewish Cemetery grows fast and needs to be attended to regularly. Fiscal Officer Rambo requested that when the Jewish Cemetery is mowed that the time taken to mow is recorded as the Jewish Cemetery Society does pay the entity for mowing the grounds.

Trustee Bowden asked Trustee Woolison to check on a Veterans flag stake that is broken and needs replaced. Trustee Woolison reported that he has placed new flags and two (2) new emblems for Veterans in the Quarry Chapel Cemetery.


Chief Smith reported that the power cot was installed into the white medic by Burgess Ambulance. All items from the AFG grant have been delivered. Current staffing with ten (10) part time employees  continues.  A couple of volunteers  and student core members  are also contributing to staffing.  The student core has  backed off due to their exam schedules at Kenyon College. Three Kenyon Students will be staying through June 10th and two students may be staying for the entire summer. Engine 451 has a ”seal” problem and is twenty-nine (29) years old.  The Knox County Career Center is interested in the Fire Truck for educational and training purposes. Trustee Bowden is an advocate for making the vehicle surplus and donating the engine to the Knox County Career Center. The Knox County Prosecutor will be consulted and his opinion will be provided in the coming months.

The Chiefs vehicle was taken to Donley Ford for repairs. Engine 451 needs to be declared surplus or obsolete. Chief Thompson is working on inventory lists for the medics, rescue and grass truck.  A list of surplus items to put into auction is being developed  and the  ”LifePacl5” lease is being reviewed. Trustee Bowden asked  when the Life Pac lease is paid off. Chief replied that the lease payment will be complete  in CY 2022. Chief Smith will contact Stryker Financial and get the estimated month to date pay off. Four (4) hours of inspector duties at Kenyon  College were completed  recently. A complete ”run report” is attached to the Chiefs report and found in the public record.

Fiscal Officer Rambo has arranged for an appraisal of the Chiefs vehicle at Donley Ford on May 27 so that a fair value can be established by the Trustees to sell the vehicle.

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Trustee Bowden asked if there is now a collaborative effort with Mount Vernon Fire Department (MVFD) for inspections especially those needed by Kenyon College. Chief Smith responded that the inspections are being done collaboratives to the extent that MVFD inspectors are able to participate. Trustee Bowden pointed out that the run response to Kenyon College was very high. Chief Smith stated that the run response to the Gund Gallery of Kenyon College was a very important ”save” as the fire was significant and had the potential to destroy the building and contents. Trustee Bowden remarked on a timely response with trained personnel is critical.

Chief Smith then presented a letter to the Board of College Township Trustees and read the letter to the Board.

In summary, Chief Smith wrote that he wanted to thank the Trustees for giving him the opportunity to serve as the Fire Chief for College Township Fire Department for the last thirteen years.  Being the Chief has been an honor and a privilege. A deep debt of gratitude  is owed to all those who have served CTFD. We all know for a fact that CTFD can’t be sustainable at its current revenue, with the staffing it requires to run a fire department. In his letter, Chief Smith stated that in his opinion, the Trustee appointed committee should have contacted other departments  as well as the City of Mount Vernon. This is the third time ”we” have contacted the city of Mount Vernon to potentially contract with them. Smith wrote; in my  opinion, this sets Chief Christopher up to fail and truthfully none of us should want that for him. I do want the best for all parties involved but ultimately, I want the best for our community, we owe that to them for always being supportive. With all that said as Chief of College Township Fire Department, I can’t agree with this decision, based on the fact that there was no meeting or conversation with Chief Stimpert and a Board member from Eastern Knox Joint Fire District (EKJFD) to make afair and equal comparison. ***SEE ATTACHMENT #2 FOR THE LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE COLLEGE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES FROM CHIEF WILLIAM SMITH CTFD OF MAY 11, 2021.

Trustee Bowden responded to Chief Smiths letter presentation saying that Chief Smiths statement about Fire  Protection makes ”perfect sense for MVFD to take on College Township.” Is a large undertaking. Additionally, Bowden thanked Smith for his letter but did say he ”disagreed” with Chief Smiths opinion as Bowden did work to communicate with EKJFD and the response was slow in coming. When EKJFD did provide a contract proposal the yearly increases for the contract exceeded that of the MVFD proposal.

EKJFD did not provide guaranteed on station personnel with the qualifications stated in the MVFD proposal. With that (said Bowden,) looking at all the information and community input, I do not agree with your statement regarding the decision made by the Trustees. Had the Trustees not done their work, and worked together with the community the choice to contract with MVFD would have been done alone, but it was not. Trustee McLarnan said that costs to operate the departtnent safely is unknown but

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estimated at $750,000 which remains to be seen in the future. Trustee McLarnan referred to Mr. Kopscick who provided his estimated cost in comparison to the proposed cost to contract with the City of Mount Vernon that was provided to the Trustees. Mr. Kopscick, in his response to Trustee McLaman referred to the entity as ”we.” Trustee McLaman referred to the Auditor of State (AOS) audit, and the preliminary finding that the revenue to support the CTFDEMS is not enough to provide sustainability. McLaman also stated that the proposal to contract with MVCF will save our tax payers over time on their property taxes. Captain Thompson stated that conversation regarding options for review to finance the CTFDEMS were not valued and not reviewed. Resident of College Township Kopscick responded.

Mr. Kopscick stated that he saw the EKJFD bid and it was a ”poor bid.” The initial proposal from EKJFD did not meet the proposal from MVFD. Captain Thompson stated that EKJFD was not provided the same opportunities in the same time frame as the City of Mount Vernon. Resident Kopscick continued his response to say that Trustee McLaman did acknowledge Captain Thompson’s position. Captain Thompson provided data on mutual aid to MVFD. Captain Thompson reported that he agrees 100% with Chief Smith. Captain Thompson said that the fact that Dzik got placed on administrative leave as the City of Mount Vernon Safety Service Director when in negations with College Township, an agreement with College was rushed through and even the City of Mount Vemon Council questioned the presentation to Council for approval. Chief Smith provided statistics on the number of Firefighter Paramedics that CTFDEMS had employed prior to Covid. All Fire departments lost staff as the departments in the area pulled their staff back into the home stations.   Trustee Bowden reported  that he corresponded with Chief Christopher regarding inventory documented. Chief Christopher reported to Trustee Bowden that he anticipates that part-time staff will be in the College Township station by July or August 2021. Trustee Bowden stated that he has worked  with Chief Christopher and trusts him to keep his word to his best ability. Trustee McLaman stated that he has talked with the City of Mount Vernon’s Financial  Officer about the projected cost of operating the College Township station. Captain Thompson questioned the Trustees about the new SCBA equipment that has not been permitted to be on the CTFDEMS apparatus. Trustee Bowden responded that he does not agree with statements given in the meeting by Captain Thompson and therefor the meeting proceeded to additional topics.

Chief Smith reported that the department has planned for a picnic in honor of the graduating Kenyon College Senior, and will follow the traditional practice of driving the graduate to the Kenyon graduation ceremony in a fire truck.

Trustee McLaman thanked Chief Smith for all of his comments and hard work over the years. Additionally, McLaman supported all of the comments made by Trustee Bowden in that the decision to contract with MVFD is the best decision for fire protection in College Township.

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Trustee Bowden and Chief Christopher talked together about beginning the contract on Monday June 14, 2021. Fiscal Officer Rambo stated that a change in MVFD assuming the College Station would need approval from the Prosecuting Attorney. Fiscal Officer Rambo will contact Attorney McConville regarding a change in the proposed start date.

Mrs. Rambo addressed the Trustees regarding station renovations and proposed use of space by the Board of College Township Trustees. Rambo stated that the integrity of preserving documents is essential and required. The entity has not ever purged old documents.  For the past five years as time permitted, the Fiscal Officer and the Human Recourse Manager have been reviewing the records in preparation for record destruction. Trustee McLarnan stated that in his opinion the records should be stored and not sorted.

Mrs. Rambo questioned where the Trustees plan to provide storage of documents. The proposed plan for shared space in the fire station is not appropriate or safe. Trustee Bowden responded that the priority is to have the building ready for MVFD to move into the station. Additionally, Trustee Bowden said that the entity documents should be secured and that the building made ready for change of operation.

Trustee Bowden proposed a ”work day” for the Trustees to participate in organizing the station together.  Mrs. Rambo  asked  the Trustees to participate in making a transition plan that all can agree to. Trustee Bowden asked if there is room in the mezzanine to rearrange the space to accommodate record storage. Mrs. King responded that currently there is so much clutter in the space that it is unlikely that there is enough space. Trustee Bowden stated that conversations have been in progress to repurpose the building.

RUNS IN APRIL 2021                                 30                               TOTAL RUNS IN 2021                                 113


Trustee McLaman reported that Andy Neighbarger has looked at the renovation proposal but has not provided a cost proposal.

Mrs. Rambo provided the Trustees with documentation that was factored to ”payout” both the Chief and Assistant Chief. The proposed payout was approved by the Prosecuting Attorney. If the date of the beginning of the MVFD contract changes, then the calculations will have to be redone. Rambo also told the Trustees that personal time off (PTO) is not a benefit and therefore is not included in the payout.

Trustee McLaman reviewed the revised Road Maintenance Supervisor PD and recommended that the position be salaried. And further, the salary should be factored at $25.00 per hour for now but could be higher after more investigation.

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Correspondence sent and/or received was addressed in the meeting. There being no further business Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills. Trustee Woolison moved to pay bills and Trustee McLaman made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

There being no further business befo1·e the Board, Trustee McLaman moved to adjourn and Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.




APRIL 29, 2021I

Trustee Chairperson Charles Woolison opened the meeting and invited those present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Those present included Trustees Woolison, Bowden and McLarnan. Additionally, Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer and Lora King Human Recourses (HR) Manager attended. Additionally, present were Captain James Thompson CTFDEMS; John Knepper, Chip McConville, Knox County Prosecuting Attorney, Ian Smith, Kenyon College; Mike Hillier, Tammy Woods, and Samantha Scoles, Mount Vernon City Council; Joseph Adler; Guest 1, Janet Byrne Smith; Blackhawk and Shawn Farner 2020; George Kopscick, resident, Grant Pepper of Knox Pages, Emma Wender CTFDEMS, Melissa Nixon, CTFDEMS and Juan Martinez Diaz De Leon, student Kenyon College.

Trustee Woolison requested that all present add their name to an attendance sheet and to be polite and speak one at a time not interrupting others.

The Special meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distancing and Covid appropriate practices are in place. Additionally, the meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not attending in person could attend electronically. Lora King acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting and the record of attendance procedure. The Board of College Township Trustees electronically provided meeting and recorded as a part of the record transcription. The official record shall show that all in attendance in person or electronically constitutes attendance.

Trustee Chairperson Woolison then turned the Special meeting over to Trustee Barry Bowden, College Township Trustee responsible for the operation of the CTFDEMS.

Trustee Bowden welcomed all in attendance.  His opening remarks included a brief overview of the Fire Service provider contract negotiations, the conclusion from the Joint College Township Committee that did extensive research and community conversation, and the preliminary report from the Auditor of State Performance audit. Ms. Terry Woods of the Mount Vernon City Council asked the Board for their anticipated length of a Fire Service contract between Mount Vernon City and College Township. Trustee Bowden responded that initially, the entities are looking at a five (5) year contract that will be reviewed annually for the duration of the contract. Trustee McLarnan added that the proposed contract is a “win-win” for both entities. Ms. Woods asked a question regarding the inventory and equipment list that is currently not included and viewed as “to be arranged (TBA).”

George Kopscick responded and introduced himself to attendees. George reported that a preliminary list of apparatus and equipment has been provided to Chief Christopher but it is not complete at this time. All of the apparatus and equipment considered as part of a Fire Service Contract is in excellent working condition.  Trustee Bowden added that all of the equipment and apparatus is well maintained and meets all standards required. Ms. Woods was given an opportunity to respond to the question of being uncomfortable with the current proposed contract. Ms. Woods replied that she finds it unusual to see a contract without an accurate apparatus and equipment list.

Trustee Bowden said that one vehicle will be surplus and auctioned or sold out right and one vehicle is included in the proposed agreement with the City of Mount Vernon to be purchased at fair value and used by the MVFD.

Mr. Hilliar of the Mount Vernon City Council said that it is his understanding the run/response times for Mount Vernon will improve with the station in the east section of the City as well as run and response in College Township with a fully staffed station.

Additionally, Mr. Hilliar clarified the information provided to City Council that the MVFD will rotate equipment and assets as they determine appropriate between the City and College Township. Trustee McLarnan responded saying that equipment, assets and apparatus will be used efficiently for the benefit of both entities.   Mr. Kopscick suggested to Mr. Hillier that he talk to Mr. Dzik for additional financial reports and the prediction that the proposed agreement will give the capability to the entities to “grow ” a Capital fund for the replacement of apparatus. Mount Vernon Council woman Scoles asked the Board to estimate the amount of time the CTFDEMS Chief spends on Fire Inspections. Trustee Bowden replied that a monthly report is provided to the Trustees from Chief Smith that has the actual hours he spends on fire inspections and that information can be provided to Council.

Trustee Bowden added that the MVCFD officers are all certified Fire Inspectors and the demand for inspections can be met in the MVCFD.

Mr. Ian Smith of Kenyon College entered the dialog “on behalf of Kenyon College,” saying that the proposed contract for Fire Service is viewed as “bridging the gap” and promoting Kenyon Colleges entry into a new era. Together with the Board of College Township Trustees, the City of Mount Vernon and Kenyon College the proposed contract provides financial sustainability, positive motivation and security for all.

Trustee McLarnan closed the dialog with the following highlights;

  • College Township residents and Kenyon College faculty, staff and students will be assured quality Fire Service protection
  • College Township residents can count on a continued level of Fire Service that provides the best ISO rating possible
  • The use of apparatus, equipment and the facility will continue to be owned locally and used to the fullest extent
  • The contract as well as hours of dialog with MVFD and Chief Christopher indicate that the Keyon College student involvement with Fire Service is valued and will continue
  • There will be a 25% increase in daily minimum staffing to go from 9 to 12 with the addition of part-time employees
  • Employee career paths will be improved and the opportunity for advancement will increase
  • MVFD will expand and create further relationships
  • The mission of College Township is to SERVE THE PEOPLE


Board of College Township Trustee Barry Bowden moved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, College Township, Knox County, Ohio has for many years provided fire and ambulance services to its residents through its Fire Department pursuant to Revised Code Section 505.37 et seq.; and

WHEREAS, the Township Trustees recognize the thousands of hours of service of its Department members and the generous tax support that residents have provided for the Department; and

WHEREAS, the Township Trustees have carefully examined how to provide quality fire and EMS protection to township residents and the Kenyon College community, and WHEREAS, the Township Trustees have examined proposals for fire and EMS service from other departments in Knox County and have determined that financially and from a standpoint of quality service that it is in the best interest of College Township to engage the services of the City of Mount Vernon Fire Department to provide fire and EMS services to the Township; and

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of College Township Trustees, meeting in a special session on April 29, 2021, that College Township take the following actions concerning provision of Fire and EMS:

SECTION 1. Contract with the City of Mount Vernon

The Trustees hereby approve the Contract for Emergency Services for College Township and Kenyon College for five years, commencing upon approval by all parties and running through May 31, 2026. If the contract is not approved by the City of Mount Vernon and Kenyon College, this resolution shall have no force or effect.


  1. If, at its May 10, 2021 meeting, the Mount Vernon City Council approves legislation with an emergency clause directing the Safety Service Director to immediately enter in the contract, the Department shall be disbanded effective 11:59 p. on May 31, 2021
  2. If at its May 10, 2021 meeting, the Mount Vernon City Council approves legislation without an emergency clause directing the Safety Service Director to enter into the contract, the Department shall be disbanded thirty days later upon the legislation’s effective date. This would result in the Department being disbanded at 11:59 m. on June 9, 2021
  3. The Trustees hereby deappropriate all funding for the Fire Department effective upon the disbandment date, and direct the Fiscal Officer to prepare an amended certificate to that
  4. The Trustees hereby direct the Fiscal Officer to work with the Knox County Prosecutor’s office to negotiate the termination of all existing contracts involving the College Township Fire
  5. All assets belonging to the Fire Department remain the property of College Township until disposed of by the Trustees according to Ohio

College Township Trustee Douglas McLarnan seconded the resolution.

Barry Bowden; Trustee     yes
Doug McLarnan; TrusteeCharles Woolison; Trustee     yesyes
ATTEST     Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer

In further business Fiscal Officer Rambo provided copies of existing and proposed Position Descriptions to the Trustees to review and discuss in a future meeting including: CTFDEMS Chief PD and salary and benefit package (current)

CTWP Equipment Operator (current)

CTWP Roads/Equipment and Maintenance Supervisor (draft proposed)

There being no further business Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances and certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills. Trustee McLarnan moved to pay bills and Trustee Bowden made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee McLarnan moved to adjourn and Trustee Bowden gave a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.




APRIL 14, 2021 

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the meeting to order. All in attendance stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 6:30p.m. The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place. Additionally, the meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not comfortable with “in person” attendance could attend electronically. Lora King acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting and record of attendance procedure. Let this official record show that all in attendance in person or electronically constitutes “attendance.” Those present were Trustees Woolison, Bowden, and McLarnan. Additionally, Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Lora King H.R. Manager; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector; William Smith, Chief College Township FireEMS Department (CTFDEMS), Capt. James Thompson, CTFDEMS; Emma Wender, CTFD/EMS Andrew Sims, CTFD/EMS. Residents of College Township attending included; Will N. Houston III; Thom Hoffman, George Kopscick, Ann Moffit and Leah Kessler, CTFDEMS, Marilyn Kousoulas, resident College Township; Morgan Carey, Firefighter, former EMS CTFDEMS Coordinator.

Collaborative partners attending included R.C. Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier and Ian Smith, PE LEED AP Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Stability Kenyon College.

Trustee Woolison called for the review and approval of the March 10, 2021 review and approval Regular meeting minutes of the Board of College Township Trustees. Trustee McLaman moved to approve with a second from Trustee Bowden. Vote: All yes.

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Trustee Woolison called for the review and approval of the Special Meeting minutes of March 31, 2021. Trustee McLaman moved to approve the minutes of March 31, 2021 and Trustee Bowden provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.


Zoning Inspector Yarman provided a written report in advance of the meeting as follows:

The property on Quarry Chapel Road has two more weeks to remove the trailer in the front yard of the residence. Regional Planning is canceled for the month of April 2021.

Reference resident of 19537 Met O Wood Lane, Gambier Ohio 43022

Inspector Yarman issued two permits for two agricultural buildings on or about September 15, 2018. The resident asked about putting a residence in one of the buildings. The resident was informed by Mr. Yarman that the permits were issued for agricultural buildings, not residential buildings. The buildings could not be made into a residence without variances for the setbacks and road frontage. The resident stated that she understood. The two permits are 17-18 and 16-18 and Inspector Yarman explained the process of going a variance and the resident signed both permits.

On March 26, 2021 Inspector Yarman was told that the resident might be living in one of the building permitted as agricultural. Mr. Yarman reports that he went to the property and found one buildings incomplete. As the permits are issued for two years the permits were expired. The resident completed a new application for the new building. Mr. Yarman issued a new permit for an Agricultural building as #2803 dated March 27, 2021. The resident asked about the building being a residence again. Mr. Yarman explained that the permits were agricultural and could not be lived in.

The workers were putting drains in the floor of the permitted building and with my experience, they looked like toilet and sink drains. The workers were questioned and they stated that it was for washing cattle. They did not have a permit for gray water and sewage. The well to these two building had a new well head on it and Yarman was told it was an existing well.

Inspector Yarman was told that the resident and her family might be living in the building upon checking the residents Facebook account, photos were found that identified the property and showed it as a residence. A mailbox set up for the address of the property shows as a residence. All of the documentation has been provided to the Knox County Prosecutors office as of April 8, 2021 so that it can be determined by Mr. Yarman if the building is being used as a residence in

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violation of the College Township Zoning regulations. The Assistant Prosecutor will review the documentation provided and send the resident a letter referring to the regulations about the fact that a resident cannot live in an agricultural building per permit. Mr. Yarman also reported that one of the buildings might be too close to a high-pressure gas line owned by Columbia Gas. Mr. Yarman has contacted Columbia Gas and is waiting on a reply.

See attachment #1 for Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspectors report.


Trustee McLarnan reported on recent interactions with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding State Route 229 at intersections that cross the State Route in College Township. An effort has been made by ODOT to clear road side brush and tree limbs that limit a drivers view of oncoming east and west traffic on 229. Mr. McLarnan further said that drivers when entering and or crossing Route 229 often fail to see oncoming traffic coming from the east at a higher speed as permitted. ODOT does not view intersections in College Township at State Route 229 as a high accident area. More discussion will be done but Trustee McLarnan reported that it is unlikely that ODOT will provide additional assistance to reduce the speed of traffic passing through College Township. Curve signs on Quarry Chapel Road have been installed with significant work by McLarnan to gain permission for setting the signs per the State of Ohio.

Trustee McLarnan resolved to submit a written agreement to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT annual road salt bid in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 5513.0l(B) and hereby agrees to all of the terms and conditions in its participation of the ODOT road salt contract. A second to the resolution was provided by Trustee Woolison.

Now, Therefore, be it ordained by the following authorized persons that this participation agreement for the ODOT road salt contract is hereby approved, funding has been authorized and the Political Subdivision of College Township agrees to the terms and conditions regarding participation on the ODOT salt contract.

Roll Call:

Bowden                   yes

Mclarnan                yes

Woolison                 yes

Vote: All Yes

Resolution passed

Attest: Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer

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Trustee Bowden reported that Smalls Asphalt and Paving is doing some additional road work to patch asphalt and berm the roads. The invoice for the work has not been received.

Trustee McLarnan reported that the entity road tree trimming has been completed per agreement but there is a resident that would like additional trees inspected.


Trustee Woolison reported that he has arranged for flags and new military markers with the Veterans agency and will install the flags and markers in the coming week. Trustee Bowden reported that mowing at the Q.C. will begin in the next week.

Trustee Woolison called on R.C. Wise to report on the Village of Gambier news. R. C. shared that only one bid for road improvement was received and awarded to Smalls Asphalt and paving. The annual spring “Dumpster Day” event funded by the Village and the Township is May 1st and has been publicized. The Village is addressing action steps in their Strategic Plan and targeting Zoning ordinances that may need revision per an audit of the codes in the Village.   Input from residents is being solicited in a variety of ways. The Village plans to install new signage that is more current and reflects the nature of the Village through a grant. The Village plans to install a message board that will digitally inform residents of events.

R.C. extended an invitation to the township to submit timely information to the message board once it is installed. The Village has hired a new Fiscal Officer to begin duties in May under the supervision of the retiring Fiscal Officer for a month. The new Fiscal Officer comes with experience having worked within the Auditor of States office among other duties in former employment.

The Village has been contacted per the potential American Rescue plan $490,000 award but the actual award and requirement for expenditures has not yet been received. The Village will work on a plan for priority expenditures should the grant be received.

Trustee Mclarnan asked R.C. about the TAP grant and R.C. reported that he had no word to date of the application. Trustee Bowden continues to work on improving the salt bin and expanding the apron to the bin. Trustee Mclarnan has a second concrete vendor to bid the work and he will provide the information to Trustee Bowden and R.C.

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Chief Report:

Chief Smith reported that Blubaugh Body and Frame will be installing the diverter valve on the White Medic this week. Once we get the White Medic back from Blubaugh Body and Frame we will schedule the cot to be installed at Burgess Ambulance.

Regarding staffing what unit days that aren’t filled with part-time staff, volunteers and part time employees have been covering as volunteers.

Chief Smith reported that he is working on writing a letter to the Trustees that will have additional information and concerns regarding the transition of the department to Mount Vernon City. Additionally, Chief Smith said that his position with the CTFDEMS has been his commitment for twenty-five (25) years of his life and that he intends to see the transition take place in a professional way. Smith said that he believes that Eastern Knox Fire District (EKJFD) deserves the same opportunity in consideration of a Fire Service contract as was given to the City of Mount Vernon. Before making a commitment, Smith told the Board that all possible options and provider interests needed to be exhausted prior to a final decision. Chief Smith did acknowledge that ultimately the Board of Trustees will make their decision with the best interest of the community in the forefront. Chief Smith told the Trustees that he considered an article published in Knox Pages a slight on the Chief and the department. Trustee McLarnan responded that the article was not to his liking as well. However, McLarnan continued by siting the Auditor of State Performance Review outcomes that documented a need to provide Fire Service in a different way. By supporting the City of Mount Vernon contract proposal; the Trustees have the ability to provide quality of responses to the residents, a tax and collection reduction for residents and structure and staffing of the Fire Service that is not currently provided. McLarnan continued by saying that it will take time to organize a transition in Fire Service; and transition needs to begin immediately.

Mrs. Marilyn Kousoulas asked the Board what will happen to the residents when Fire Service transition occurs? Trustee Bowden responded with an explanation of revenue and expenses paid from the current property tax levied for Fire Service and how that revenue would continue to be spent for Fire Service. Bowden also explained that the elected officials will remain in office and that the entity will maintain the other revenue funds collected, retain ownership of the property on 102 E. Brooklyn Street, Gambier Ohio and all of the apparatus and equipment currently in perfect operating condition to be used by the future Fire Service Provider. Mrs. Kousoulas asked about the current taxed millage for the Fire Service. Trustee Bowden responded by saying that a reduction in taxes for the township will be constantly monitored and will be acted on when College Township has established a consistent funding and expense flow with a contracted Fire Service. Trustee Bowden supported his response with information contained in the ACS performance review documents that included cost per resident and cost per run calls in the entity.

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Trustee McLarnan asked the gallery if the current staff would agree that operating this department is tenable? Several employees in the gallery responded “not exactly.”

James Thompson, Captain CTFDEMS presented the Board with statistics on a transition plan that included a Volunteer run Fire Service in College Township versus a paid-part-time department. His presentation included a demonstration of returning to a Volunteer Department with a volunteer stipend for runs taken that would significantly reduce cost. Captain Thompson said to the Board that at 12:01a.m. on June 1 all CTFDEMS employees will leave and the station will “go dark .” To let 50 plus years go at this point without further discussion is not acceptable to the firefighters that serve the township. Captain Thompson closed his proposal by saying that if Kenyon’s original support would have considered options other than the City of Mount Vernon, the situation could be different. Captain Thompson proposed to the Board that the contract dates be changed from June 1 to December 31, 2021. Trustee McLarnan responded to Captain Thompson saying that the current economy and location doesn’t support a volunteer department. The proposal of a volunteer department is not sustainable. Trustee Bowden added in response that the current reserves available for Fire Service have never been so low and further that there is no time available to change dates for transition. Captain Thompson recommended that the Board rethink rejoining Monroe Township as a Fire Service provider option as the Monroe entity is in transition as well. In closing, Thompson said that firefighters do not give up and not revisiting the possibilities beyond the City of Mount Vernon is quitting and giving up.

Chief Smith reported that the “Chief’s vehicle” is being serviced for a recall and replacement on a warped rotor. Engine 451 is scheduled for repair and the white medic is back in service with the cot to be installed in May. Four (4) hours of inspection duties were completed at Kenyon College by Chief Smith. Chief Smith asked Trustee Bowden if “fit testing for the new SCBAs with Drager Representation be scheduled for Friday April 16 as planned” Trustee Bowden responded to Chief; yes, go ahead but do not put the equipment into service at this time. Bowden continued with a statement that included putting the equipment into service at a later time is possible, and the masks could be cleaned.

Runs in March 2021                              33

Total runs in 2021                                 84


Fiscal Officer Rambo reviewed previous month “old business” with the Trustees including:

UAN new equipment arrived and is installed; there is not a proposed College Township Joint Committee meeting date as the committee has fulfilled its commitment; there is not a proposed

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date for a community College Township Town Hall meeting; and there is not a proposed date for a CTFDEMS and Board of College Township Trustees meeting.

All correspondence sent and received for the Board has been discussed in the body of the meeting.

There being no further business, Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances and certified lawfully appropriate to pay bills. Trustee McLarnan moved to pay bills and Trustee Bowden made a second the motion. Vote: All yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee McLarnan moved to adjourn and Trustee Bowden gave a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.


The property on Quarry Chapel has two more weeks to remove the trailer in the front yard. Regional Planning is cancelled for this month.

Reference: Vicki Vance 19537 Met-a-wood. On about 9/15/18, I issued Vicki Vance two permits for two AG buildings. She asked about putting a residence in one of them. I told Ms. Vance that these were AG buildings and not residences. They could not be made into a residence without variances for set-backs and road frontage and she stated that she understood. The two permits were 17-18 and 16-18. I explained the process of doing variances and she signed both permits.

On March 26, 2021, I was told that she might be living in one of the buildings.  I went to the property and found one building incomplete. Since our  permits are for  two  years, they had expired.  She filled out a new application for the new building. I issued a new permit for an AG building, #2803, dated 3/27/2021. She asked about the building being a residence again. I explained to her that they were AG buildings and could not be lived in.

The workers  were putting drains in  the  floor of this building and with my experience, they looked like toilet and sink drains. I questioned the men and they stated that it was for washing cattle. They did not have a permit for gray water and sewage.  The well to these two  buildings had a new well head on it  and I was told it was an existing well. I was told that Ms. Vance and her family might be living in the other building. I checked her Facebook account and found photos that seemed to show this. There is a mailbox set up for the address to be used for a residence.

I took everything I had to  the  Knox County Prosecutor’s  Office on April 8, 2021, so I could find out if it was being used as a residence in violation of College Township Zoning regulations. The Assistant Prosecutor was going to review the evidence and send Ms. Vance a letter referring to the regulations about the fact that she cannot live in an AG building. Also brought to my attention, one of the buildings might be too close to a high-pressure gas line owned by Columbia Gas. I have a call into them and I have not heard back from them yet.

Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector




Trustee Chairperson Charles Woolison opened the meeting and invited those present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Those present included Trustees Woolison, Bowden, and McLarnan. Additionally, Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer and Lora King Human Recourses (HR) Manager attended.

Additionally, present were R.C. Wise Village Administrator for the Village of Gambier, Ian Smith, PE LEED AP Vice President for Facilities, Planning & Stability Kenyon College; George Kopscick, resident Village of Gambier; Chad Christopher, Chief Mount Vernon Fire Department; Richard Dzik, Safety Services Director City of Mount Vernon, Ohio; Elizabeth Herr, President Village of Gambier Ohio Council, Diane Kopscick. Resident College Township; Ross Wind, Fire Fighter, College Township Fire Department; Andrew Weber, Assistant Chief Turro Fire Department; Tom Hoffman, resident; Will Houston, resident; Eileen S. Dudgon (MedBill) Elizabeth Foreman, Gambier Village Council; Josh Staats, CTFDEMS Firefighter; Sharon Schott; Douglas Givens; Unnamed attendees; Larry Stimpert; Melissa Nixon, CTFDEMS Firefighter; Mr. Dobalina; Sarah Feldkamp, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Knox County; Barbara Wortman; Emma Wender, CTFDEMS Firefighter; James Thompson, CTFDEMS Firefighter.

Trustee Chairperson Woolison turned the meeting over to Trustee Barry Bowden, College Township Trustee responsible for the operation of the College Township Fire and EMS department (CTFDEMS.)

Trustee Bowden welcomed all in attendance. Attendees were provided the notes from the Joint Committee meeting of March 18, 2021, and the

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information provided in a slide format from Auditor of State (AOS) Mark Puttick who performed an audit of the CTFDEMS for years 2014 to 2020 along with a team of Auditors for the AOS office responsible for Performance Audits requested by individual entities. The final report will be available when it is released by AOS Keith Farber. Trustee Bowden concluded that the CTFDEMS Department is not funded adequately to be an independent Fire Department.

**see attachment #1 Committee notes and AOS slide presentation.

Trustee Doug McLaran addressed the meeting attendees saying that he wanted to thank everyone for coming to the meeting. He continued by saying that it is a sad day for him to be meeting to determine the future of the CTFDEMS as he served as a volunteer for the CTFD before becoming a Trustee for College Township. The CTFD has a long history of being one of the best volunteer departments in Ohio.

Trustee Bowden reviewed data summarized by George Kopscick (see attachment #2) that provides an easily read summary of Service Alternatives for CTFDEMS operations.

George’s summary included an overview of proposals for contract service from Mount Vernon Fire Department and from Eastern Knox County Joint Fire District for the operation of the CTFDEMS station located at 102 E Brooklyn Street Gambier, Ohio 43022.

Trustee McLarnan stated that a significant effort has been made by the entity on behalf of the residents to keep a good response time rating Insurance Services Office (ISO) that impacts resident property insurance.

Mr. Kopscick referred to attachment 2 as he reviewed the detailed results of College Township resident surveys together with an in depth analysis of data from the Knox County Auditor. The data showed that Mount Vernon Fire Department demonstrated better service to residents including response to a scene time.

The vision from the Joint Committee and relayed to the Board of College Township Trustees is that the FD station in Gambier will become a satellite station of the Mount Vernon Fire Department with a change in the organization of the station; change in staffing with response to emergency calls improved. George added that CTFDEMS Chief Smith is commended for the excellent operation of the CTFDEMS in the current climate and limited financial resources.

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Mr. Dzik reviewed the proposal from the City of Mount Vernon to contract with the Board of College Township Trustees for operating the station in Gambier.    Mr. Kopscick stated that a 365/24/7 Fire and EMS service is exciting and what the community wants. There will be “mutual aid,” in Knox County and it becomes a “win/win” for all of the residents. With the increased commitment of dollars from Kenyon College, the Trustees have the ability to make this transition successful.

Ian Smith, representing Kenyon College told the attendees that Kenyon is committed to a “long term” partnership that is sustainable. Kenyon Administration views the potential contract  with the City of Mount  Vernon as a “need,” and not a “want.”

Trustee Bowden stated that the taxation of residents to generate the revenue needed to contract out the CTFDEMS is a significant issue for the Trustees. The Board of Trustees has managed to operate a “top-notch” FD for a  very long time with limited revenue with the use of volunteers and paid part-time firefighters. The time has come to recognize that College Township is exhausting the money saved for emergency spending. Deficit spending is now inevitable. There will be costs for transitioning to a new entity operating the CTFDEMS and now is the time to recognize the emergency so that transition is successful as the Fire station is an asset. In the best interest of the residents of College Township, Mr. Bowden supported contracting the Fire Service operations with the City of Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon Fire Department. Trustee Woolison asked what would become of the current employees of CTFDEMS.    Mr. Dzik responded by saying that the City of Mount Vernon does require full-time fire fighter applicants to successfully pass a  Civil Service exam. Applicants seeking part-time employment are not required to take the Civil Service exam.

Trustee Barry Bowden provided the following Resolution Trustee McLarnan made a second to the following Resolution:

Based on the Joint committee recommendation and a review of all data provided including a thorough review and report from Auditor of State Mark Puttick; The Board of College Township Trustees resolves to pursue contract negotiations with the City of Mount Vernon Ohio 43050 to operative the College Township  Fire EMS Department located in Gambier, Ohio 43022 for a period of five (5) years with annual review.

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Roll call:

Woolison yes

Bowden yes

McLarnan yes

Vote: All yes Resolution passed

A brief discussion followed with all in attendance regarding the lack of diversity in the Mount Vernon Fire Department; current Kenyon students working for CTFDEMS that will suffer hardship without the part-time employment and Mount Vernon’s age requirements for employment. Mr. Dzik stated that the City of Mount Vernon is working to improve “diversity and expand opportunities for part-time employees.

Trustee Woolison thanked the Joint Committee for the work done and the informative and comprehensive reporting.

There being no further business, Trustee McLarnan moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Trustee Woolison. Vote: All yes.


Trustee Charles Woolison opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. inviting all in attendance to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Trustee Woolison requested to all in attendance addressing the Board to state their name and to respect others by speaking one at a time and not interrupting others.

Those present were Trustees Woolison, Bowden, and McLaman. Additionally, Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Lora King H.R. Manager; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector, William Smith, Chief College Township Fire/EMS Department (CTFDEM) Ashley Thompson, Assistant ChiefCTFD/EMS; Capt. James Thompson, CTFD/EMS; Emma Wender, CTFD/EMS; Andrew Sims, CTFD/EMS. Residents of College Township attending included; Will N. Houston III; Thom Hoffman; Ann Moffat and Leah Kessler. Andrew Weber Assistant Chief of Turro Fire Department was also in attendance.

Collaborative Partners attending included R. C Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier, and Ian Smith, PE LEED AP Vice President for Facilities, Planning & Stability Kenyon College.

The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distancing and Covid appropriate practices are in place. Additionally, the meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not attending in person could attend electronically. Lora King acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting and the record of attendance procedure. Board of College Township Trustees electronically provided meetings are recorded as a part of the record transcription. The official record shall show that all in attendance in person or electronically constitutes attendance.

Trustee Woolison called for the review and approval of the February 10, 2021, Regular Meeting minutes of the Board of College Township Trustees. Trustee Bowden moved to

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approve with a correction to page three first sentence KCJFD to Eastern Knox Joint Fire District (EKJFD) … with a second from Trustee McLarnan. Vote: All yes.

Correction noted and made to the official record by F O Rambo.

Trustee Mclarnan invited Ian Smith to provide a Kenyon College update. Mr. Smith shared that students and faculty were adhering to the “mask mandate” and of the recent two-hundred sixty (260) tests administered for the Covid virus; all were negative.

Trustee McLaman remarked that he is seeing students wearing their masks in a variety of activities. Students will have days off from now until the end of the term instead of the traditional spring break. Student exams will take place mid-May and graduation will follow May 22, 2021. The Library project is on schedule. The parking garage will be the last of the newly constructed buildings to open. In response to a question about the crane, Ian reported that it will be on campus for an undetermined length of time in order to lift a specially designed sculpture onto the roof of the new library.

Trustee McLaman thanked Ian for the update on Kenyon College and invited R.C. Wise to share the Village of Gambier news. R. C. said that the Village is opening bids this month on street resurfacing that will take place on Meadow Lane, Wiggin, Duff, Brooklyn, and Ward streets.

The Village will hold a Special meeting on Monday, March 15, 2021, to act on the Mayor’s recommendation to Council for a Fiscal Officer. Also, in the Special meeting, an Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) agreement will be presented and voted upon. Mr. Wise noted that ODOT has been working to trim trees and make the line of vision when entering State Route 229 better for traffic safety. A grant written by the Village to District 17 award notice is pending. The grant will fund technology to operate and monitor the wastewater plant remotely should the Village receive the award.

Trustee Bowden reported that he has met with Central Ohio Concrete for an estimate to expand the concrete pad in front of the road salt bin located at the Village of Gambier service building. As the salt bin has a tip; it will require a catch basin for runoff.

Bowden stated the expense to expand the pad and create a catch basin will be at the expense of College Township. R.C. and Barry will meet at the location to further discuss the project in the coming week.


Zoning Inspector Yarman reported that the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) was canceled but that a committee of the RPC met to discuss changes to language regarding easement management for running creeks and streams that require authorization from the Knox County Commissioners. The committee is working to draft new language to improve the management of areas of concern. The example Roger used was a problem in Hilliard Township following flooding and clean-up that was delayed due to the current requirements in the easement language. Additionally, Mr. Yarman reported that a

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building permit issued for swimming pool construction by a resident on Met-O-Wood Lane has not been returned and that he is following zoning language being developed to address Air B&B’s in the event it becomes appropriate to discuss the addition to the College Township Zoning Resolution.


Trustee McLarnan provided two (2) estimates for entity tree service for the Board to review. Trustee McLaman moved to accept the estimate from Specialty Outdoor Services not to exceed $2500 pending the company provides documents that they are insured and bonded for tree removal across the township. Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes. Trustee Bowden reported that the plow truck had been out for service and is now returned. Additionally, Bowden discussed with the Board trading in the truck for a new replacement and he will research the cost and value of the existing vehicle. Trustee Bowden estimates that a new vehicle will cost somewhere in the vicinity of $60,000 to $70,000.

Trustee Bowden moved to approve Smalls Asphalt and Paving to cold patch and berm roads in the entity that have been surveyed and require repair. Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion. Vote:  All yes.

Trustee Bowen reported that the entity would not seek a CY 2021 Road Improvement project. College Township will use a “force account” for the few road improvements needed not to exceed $45,000 for the calendar year.

Trustee McLarnan spoke with the County Engineer regarding a road study at no cost through Mid-Ohio on Quarry Chapel Road in an effort to address resident concerns. Additionally, Trustee McLaman reported on a meeting he had on February 25, 2021, with a consultant assigned to the investigation of traffic flow and egress onto State Route 229 from Laymon Road. McLarnan and the consultant traveled 229 and visited intersections that intersected the route in the vicinity of Kenyon College and the Village of Gambier. ODOT and the consultant have not been in contact to date to explore grants to fund improvement to the intersections in question.  Trustee McLaman did send correspondence to ODOT with specific concerns regarding accurate “road count” and the potential for an extended period to evaluate the traffic as the weather improves and the use of State Route 229 by tourists increases to access the Gap Trail and the Scenic Kokosing River access points. No response has been received to date.

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Trustee Woolison reported that he has made the necessary arrangements to get flags for the cemetery. Trustee Bowden is planning to get both parking areas graveled at the Cemetery and will place the order with Smalls Sand and Gravel.


Chief Smith congratulated Chief Thompson for passing the National Registry and now has her Ohio card for Paramedic.

The student core has received the first round of the Covid 19 vaccine. Clean Air Systems has installed the exhaust removal system. Blubaugh Body and Frame will be installing the divert valve on the White Medic this week. The student core has been assigned unit days. What unit days that are not filled with part-time staff, volunteers and part-time employees have been covered by volunteers.

An appointment will be made for Engine 451 to have axle seals replaced. The “Chiefs” car has a recall and also needs service to replace a warped rotor.

The annual Brown Family Environment Center Prairie burns went well and community residents were informed using a variety of resources in College Township, the Village, and the College. Additional planned “burns” are scheduled in the township. Mr. Heithaus will contact Chief Smith when the dates are scheduled.

The LEPC Table Top went well. There was a good turnout from Knox County. Mount Carmel has continued their weekly EMS training four (4) hours a week. Four (4) hours of Inspector time duties for Kenyon College were logged.

Chief reported that the new Kenyon Library has unique safety features including a hydro sprinkler system that is a “wet” system. The new Kenyon parking garage will have a “dry” fire suppression system. The operation of the new sprinkler systems will be a learning experience for everyone.

Trustee Bowden reported that he is not prepared to address the questions regarding the Mount Vernon City proposal for Fire Service as the Eastern Knox Fire District has not responded to a request to address the same questions to date. Trustee McLaman said that he contacted EKFD recently and left a message that College Township was eager to receive their response as soon as possible. Trustee Bowden reported that he, Ian Smith, and George Kopscick met with the City of Mount Vernon as an information exchange and to address questions brought forward by

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the Joint Committee. From the College Township perspective, it would be difficult to put a dollar amount to the total cost of a contract. For College Township it would be better to assign the revenue received by the entity from annual property tax. Given that; then approximately one (1) mill of the annual Fire Fund new 6.0 mill levy would be held back to cover the cost of annual utility, property insurance, and miscellaneous expenses. The Trustees discussed with the Fiscal Officer the probability that one (1) mill of the total collection would cover necessary expenses should a contract for Fire Service be engaged. Trustee Bowden estimates that it is sufficient and is a reasonable target. Fiscal Officer Rambo is not in agreement and does think that a higher percentage of annual property tax revenue received by the Fire Fund may need to be considered. The Trustees were provided the first half property tax settlement for CY 2020 data that was received on March 9, 2021, and electronically deposited into the entity checking account. Trustee McLarnan reviewed the receipts collected from each of the levies. Rambo pointed out to the Board that the delinquent taxes were the highest seen in her tenure.

Trustee McLarnan said that the first-half settlement is typically larger than the second half. Mrs. Rambo addressed the first and second half “rollback” dollars and fees for collection with the Board.

The distribution of the first half settlement will give the Joint Committee more information to work with.

Trustee McLarnan spoke with the Auditor of State (AOS) Mark Puttick about the final report of the Performance Audit that has been in progress for several months. The AOS team is willing to provide preliminary information from the audit but the final audit report will not be released until it is reviewed by the AOS Farber.

Trustee Bowden will make the necessary arrangements to schedule a date for the Joint Committee meeting and contact the AOS team so that the preliminary information can be shared at the meeting.

Trustee McLarnan spoke with Sarah Feldcamp, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Knox County Prosecutor Office. Doug invited Attorney Feldcamp to attend the meeting on March 10, 2021, via Zoom. Trustee Bowden volunteered to send all of the current documents that relate to discussions about a change in Fire Service in College Township to the Prosecutors office so that both Ms. Feldcamp and Mr. McConneville can review the information.

Trustee McLarnan reported that previous to this meeting; he worked together with Chief Smith to develop written questions that employees had for the Trustees. A list of eleven (11) questions was developed and given to Trustee McLaman (Attachment 1.) The questions were circulated to Trustee Bowden and Trustee Woolison. A written response from the Board of College Township Trustees was made available to Chief Smith for employees of the CTFDEMS department (Attachment 2.) Trustee McLarnan committed reasonable time to discuss the questions in the Regular meeting of the Trustees on this date.

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Trustee McLaman read each question and summarized the responses from the Board. A discussion followed with the Board and those in attendance. The Trustees were unified in their goal to be transparent and maintain safety and adequate personnel in the Fire Department. In Trustee McLarnan’s introduction to the response to employee questions he wrote:

“Overall two factors ultimately dictate the future of emergency service response from a Gambier station. First the cost of operating an effective safe 24/7/365 staffed department and second the ability to fund the cost. ” Trustee Bowden added that in consideration of two (2) Fire Service contracts submitted; by comparison, the proposal from the City of Mount Vernon demonstrated a higher capability of sustainability and commitment to the Township.

Trustee McLaman reported to those in attendance that change is coming. The Board has great concern for the employees of the entity and invites more questions and discussion of what will occur in the near future. Trustee Bowden added that the Board intends to select a Fire Service provider in April 2021.


Fiscal Officer Rambo requested that the entity computer be replaced by UAN be retained as a backup hard drive and parts. Trustee Woolison moved to keep the retired computer equipment for use by the Fiscal Officer, Trustee Bowden provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

The correspondence sent and/or received was addressed in the meeting. There being no further business Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances certified lawfully appropriated to pay bills. Trustee Woolison moved to pay bills and Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion. Vote:  All yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee McLaman moved to adjourn and Trustee Bowden provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Questions for Trustees 

  • What will the additional cost for utilities, insurance, and maintenance be?
  • Have Trustees asked for a specific dollar amount from the Village or Kenyon?
  • Have Trustees put a Business Proposal together for CTFD to remain independent?
  • Wouldn’t the first order of action be to secure additional funding?
  • Wouldn’t it make sense for MVFD to have a part-time program in place before negotiating with MVFD?
  • If Kenyon and or Village are considering coming up with additional funding for MVFD, why wouldn’t they do the same for CTFD to keep local control?
  • The Chiefs and Officers as well as staff have put a lot of time and effort into keeping CTFD successful, why would Trustees, Kenyon, and the Village be willing to let it go?
  • Is anyone looking at long term effects this could have on all of Knox County Departments?
  • If it’s decided not to stay CTFD and since all employees of CTFD have a lot at stake in the de­cisions to be made, would there be any considerations to employee input for a decision between MVFD and EKCJFD?
  • What is the ultimate goal of this committee and the Trustees? Service, cost, sustainability or longevity, fulfilling commitment.
  • What happens once CTFD is closed and the contracted Department wants to increase funding by more than double to keep Gambier Station manned?

Response to questions for Trustees:

The following responses to the questions can be discussed at the next College Township trustee meeting in open session. A reasonable time will be allotted to discuss these questions as any written response will not be able to fully answer the posed questions completely.

Overall two factors ultimately dictate the future of emergency service response from a Gambier station . First the cost of operating an effective safe 24/7/365 staffed department and Second the ability to fund the cost. The Board of Trustees have over the years worked to increase the capacity of the department and sought out thru several studies and numerous meetings to increase funding.

  1. Building utilities and insurance cost from 20, to 30 thousand dollars per year. Some of these costs are born by the Fire fund and primarily the road funds . The cost of utilities usually increases from 2 to 5 percent per Insurance costs have remained stable.
  2. The trustees have made taxpayers the College and the Village aware of the shortage of dollars to operate the department. Presently the Taxpayers are completely behind the Department and provide 12.25 mills for the department . The College provides 148.000 dollars and the  Village nothing.  TheVillage has been approached to  provide up to 80.000 in 2021 but to date has not budgeted any amount. The Trustees thru many consultations and budget projections believe a cost for providing emergency services would be 650,000 on the very minimal side and 750,000 to include even minimal raises and capital expenses. To do so with only tax dollars would mean at an average 30,000 per mill real estate tax rate it would take over 23 mills.
  1. Talk of a business plan has been around for years and the answer is the annual budget and revenue projections are the budget. A Township cannot budget more than the estimated income and cannot borrow money to operate as would a business and cannot operate at a deficit.
  1. Yes, this is why no contract can be negotiated until funding is secured . However, Trustees now have proposals and can and have requested details thru a written list of questions. Meanwhile , potential additional funds are being negotiated.
  1. It would be a plus. Trustees are seeking assurances of the ability to increase staff and are confident the two potential contractors would be able to provide services . There would certainly be challenges to work thru.
  1. Kenyon has committed funds necessary to reach the projected cost of a contracted service, see their letter. However the cost of in house services appear to be beyond local resources.
  2. The efforts of the Departments Officers and staff have not gone unnoticed . The Trustees have made every effort to stretch available funding but cannot dictate other organizations funding . The pivotal point for the departments  future began with the decline in availability of volunteers and the attempt to supplement the volunteers with paid staff . This worked for a few years but when the Monroe Township trustees were approached to increase their contribution in 2017 they declined to go beyond 5 mills and decided to form their own department . A district was proposed then and again in 2020 and then again and again; Monroe declined. A district could have been financially possible with Monroe providing $250,000, College Twp providing $250,000, and other partners providing $250,000 with billing making up the rest.
  1. Yes , Both proposals address this and if the student program can be strengthened an the number of full time and part time responders hired this should not be a barrier to moving forward.
  2. Employee input will always be considered but ultimately it is the Trustees as the elected officials who will make the decision based upon what achieves the goal of meeting the emergency medical and fire protection needs of the residents in the Townships jurisdiction.
  1. Ultimately all of these factors are considerations . No matter what decision is made there will always be unknowns. This is an essential service and with the unfortunate realization of the inability to provide a fully funded independent department College Township is still fortunate in having supportive taxpayers and the College to meet the challenge to keep a fully functioning department in Gambier.
  2. The proposals presented address this. Trustees are confident that the future costs can be met as it is everyone’s best interest to maintain a station in Gambier .




FEBRUARY 10, 2021

Trustee Charles Woolison opened the meeting at 6:34 with an invitation to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Those present included Trustees Woolison, Bowden and McLarnan.  Additionally Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer, Lora King H.R. Manager, Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector, William Smith, Chief College Township FireEMS Department (CTFDEMS); Capt. Morgan Carey CTFDEMS; Lieutenant Douglas CTFDEMS; CTFDEMS Firefighters Castle, Neal, Caito, Mackey, Nixon, Holley and McCartney-Wells.

COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS:  R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator: Ian Smith, Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability for Kenyon College; Samantha Scoles, Mount Vernon City Council.

Ms. Sophie Krieheusky, Leah Kessler, Victoria Osbourne, Juan Mcatur, Justin Perdoins and Trevor Williams participated in the meeting as interested individuals.

The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices are in place.  Additionally the meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not attending in person could attend electronically.  Lora King acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting and the record of attendance procedure.  The official record shall show that all in attendance in person or electronically constitutes as in attendance.

Trustee Woolison called for the review and approval of the meeting minutes of January 13, 2021.  Trustee Bowden moved to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of the College Township Trustees.  Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.

Vote:  All yes.

Trustee Woolison welcomed all attending the meeting.  He invited Mr. I. Smith to update the Trustees on events and activities at Kenyon College.  Mr. Smith had no report for the meeting.

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R.C. Wise thanked the Trustees for their letter of support to the Village of Gambier for a grant with The Ohio Department Transportation/ Transportation Assistance Program (TAP.)  R.C. said that he would meet soon with ODOT to take pictures in the location of State Route 229 and Laymon Road.


Trustee Bowden reported that the Salt Contract has been fulfilled and a load of road salt is received.  Trustee McLarnan is working on new signage for several signs to mark a variety of roads in College Township that include chevron  curves, pedestrian crossing, extended view stop reflectors,

Mr. Tom Hoffman provided a draft sample resolution for the legal use of a golf cart on College Township Roadways.  Trustee Bowden said that he is opposed to a golf cart Resolution as it represents a “safety issue.  Trustee McLarnan will take the information to the Knox County Committee for review and discussion.

The draft submitted by Mr. Hoffman was discussed by the Trustees and tabled for additional research and discussion.

Trustee Bowden reported that he is looking for a concrete vendor to expand the concrete pad at the salt barn.


Chief William Smith CTFDEMS reported that the Department will have a Medic at the Lowery Center Area on the campus of Kenyon College for COVID vaccines on Friday the 12 of February from 9 am until 11:30 am.  The Department has received the LUCAS from Stryker, as appointed in the AFG.

CTFDEMS has 17 12-hour shifts open in February.  Some of the shifts have been taken by volunteer, Chief Smith and Assistant Chief Thompson.

The Red Medic was repaired at Fredericktown Chevrolet.  Engine 451 is out of service.

Capt. Carey has set up Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACVLS) classes on Saturdays for the department.

Chief Smith reports 2.0 hours of inspections as the Inspector for Kenyon College.


“As you are aware, I am opposed 100% to CTFD being taken over by the City of Mount Vernon for multiple reasons and I have discussed those reasons with you and the committee.  I believe that CTFD could do what it needs to do with the same funding from Kenyon that was discussed at the last committee meeting for MVFD.  The City will demand more money to keep a station here in the very near future.  With that said, I know

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EKCJFD is interested in CTFD if the Department is not going to remain, as its own entity.  Their Board meets tomorrow and Chief Stimpert will present a proposal to his Board.  I believe it’s in the best interest for everyone involved, not to make any decision until all the cards are put on the table.”

Trustee Bowen reported that the CTFD Joint Community met and unanimously voted to proceed with negations with MVC for a service contract to operate CTFD.

RUNS IN JANUARY 2021 23                     runs in 2021    23




How long has this discussion been in discussion?  Why are we just hearing this now?   Therefore, we are going to lose our jobs.

Bowden:  No one has said that you are going to lose your jobs.

McLarnan:  Trustee McLarnan replied that the entity is in a financial situation.  The entity is out of resources to guarantee CTFDEMS SERVICE.


“Are you aware that the City of Mount Vernon (MVC) is seeking additional revenue to “add to” the CTFD proposal with Kenyon College?

McLarnan:  Are you aware that it takes close to one-half of a million dollars to operate the College Township FD?

Bowden:  The Board is not able to match the recourses passed by taxpayers, to pay for the fire and ems services that the residents have requested.  Further, Mr. Bowden stated that the goal of the entity is to be sustainable.

 An annual revenue to expenditure budget for the CTFD   $750. 000.000

Trustee McLarnan said to the gallery:
“I have been on the department or in the entity longer than anyone else.”  The information has been fluid.

McLarnan: “I have been asked if the CTFD can be a Volunteer Department.”

My answer is no.


The Trustees knew that revenue was going to be less than needed for operations but it appears that the Trustees just moved to get a contract with MVCFD.

McLarnan:  Trustee McLarnan said that he has advocated for a Village of Gambier Income Tax for CTFDEMS unsuccessfully.  Conversation with the Village have been

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consistent with the revenue of $750,000 to operate a fire department in the manner residents have requested.  Property tax revenue is not adequate to cover today’s expense.  The question is; where is the money going to come from to run CTFDEMS?

“An income tax on village residents and also for the employees working for Kenyon College would reduce the deficit revenue needed to operate the fire department.

GALLERY:  When CTFDEMS responds to calls including those from contiguous locations on the CTFD run card, then we respond.  I think that CTFD should be paid for said runs.

Additionally from the gallery: “there is a lack of information given to the employees and I think it is a problem.”   A department that responds 24/7 with fire and medics should be compensated.  Firefighters and Paramedics have joined CTFDEMS because they want to be in this department servicing the community.

Bowden:  Trustee Bowden said that the Trustees have been completely “transparent.”

McLarnan:  “the first rule of firefighting is; “never panic.”

The Knox County Pages article was quoted from the gallery.  The information will be researched and provided to the Trustees.  Of note, the Knox Pages article referred to by CTFDEMS employees does not specifically quote any official representative from College Township.

Bowden:  Trustee Bowden stated that the Mayor of MVC and Mr. Dzik did say that MVFD is looking for a MVFD location on the east side of Mount Vernon.

McLarnan:  Our intent with CTFDEMS has been to build “capacity.”  MVCFD has built “capacity.”  CTFDEMS has built a reputation of excellent response, dedication, and service.  The CTFDEMS has not achieved capacity to operate with existing revenue.

GALLERY:  Trustees need to read the article in the Knox Pages.  What happens when MVCFD comes back to College Township and requires more money for a contract?  More than the current quoted $750,000 you say now is needed to operate.

George Kopscick:  What is the important question?

What does a fire station need to do to operate with a minimal tax base?  There is a lot at stake.  I heard a comment to have a “public meeting.”  A public meeting is a good idea.   Kenyon College is the entity that can make a difference in funding our fire station. Kenyon has the money to contribute.

GALLERY:  $394,000 should cover the cost to operate CTFDEMS.

Bowden:  Trustee Bowden responded that in no way is that possible as the cost of insurance, vehicle service, maintenance on equipment, heat, water, sewer, trash, required testing, required licensing and more factor into the cost for operations.

Gallery:  I have experience in fire department budgeting and expenditure from more than one department and I can say that Danville can operate fire payroll on $394,000.  The comment continued to include that the speaker thought that the discussion was about payroll and not the operational costs of the department.

Bowden:  Trustee Bowden said that the Trustees have worked tirelessly to achieve “sustainability.”  Property Tax is the only guaranteed revenue for the Fire Fund.  Kenyon College administration has been involved in talks about the disparity between received revenue and service provided for many years.  The inevitable lack of revenue was well documented and predicted if the CTFDEMS continued to operate as it had done in the

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past.  The independent audit of the department will be completed and reviewed.  A preliminary meeting with the auditor in October documented that the CTFDEMS is not sustainable with the current revenue available.

The City of Mount Vernon presented the Board of College Township Trustees a service contract proposal that has merit.  Regardless of what the rumor mill is spinning or an article in a rag paper with no comments from our entity, no agreement between the City of Mount Vernon and the Board of College Township Trustees has been made.

Rambo:  I affirm Trustee Bowden’s statement about a contract for Fire Service between College Township and the City of Mount Vernon.  There is no contract and I am the Fiscal Officer for the entity and can state that no contracts move through the entity without a Fiscal Officers review and the review of the Knox County Prosecuting Attorney.

Chief Smith:  MVCFD has not settled their union agreement.

Gallery:  Why don’t we just walk today?

McLarnan:  Trustee McLarnan replied that when the Trustees have answered all the questions then they would move forward.

GALLERY:  Because firefighters cannot control the outcome why stay?

McLarnan:  The Board has total confidence in the staff.  Beyond that, we know how dedicated you are in your service.  We cannot however answer questions that we do not know the answers to.

GALLERY:  Kenyon College students are required to pay a “student activity fee.”  To my knowledge, it is for “random student activities” that are not defined.  However, as I have looked into the fee; it has been used to supply food truck vendors and supplemented the Kenyon endowment funds for growth.  Why can’t a student fee be the decision of the attending student?  Why can’t the CTFDEMS be added to the tuition-based fee I pay?

Bowden:  Trustee Bowden replied that the college has always been appraised in a collaborative partnership.

Chief Smith:  As Chief, I have recommended a tuition fee for the CTFDEMS for many years.

GALLERY:  Kenyon students provide significant revenue in tuition and more to the college.

Bowden:  Trustee Bowden said that the department has and continues to do a great job.  However, what happens when the sitting Board of Trustees retires?  We are going to make a decision.  As the Trustees present are polled; Bowden, Woolison, and McLarnan will not seek re-election in their next terms.   Further Trustee McLarnan stated for the record that he supports the township as an entity become part of the Village of Gambier.

Trustee Bowden moved to proceed in negotiation with the City of Mount Vernon, Ohio for securing a fire service contract for College Township, which includes the Village of Gambier and Kenyon College.

Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion of Trustee Bowden.  Vote:  All yes.

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Trustee Bowden moved to retire the 4.0 mill tax levy due to expire on December 31, 2021.  Trustee McLarnan made a second to Bowden’s motion.  Vote:  All yes.

Of note, tax levies are collected “previous year.”


All correspondence sent or received by the Trustees was presented in the meeting.  There being no further business Fiscal Officer Rambo presented fund cash balances certified by the Fiscal Officer to demonstrate the money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay bills.  Trustee McLarnan moved to pay bills and Trustee Bowden made a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Bowden moved to adjourn and Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

January 27, 2021

College Township Joint Committee Meeting

Topic: Committee review of Mount Vernon City (MVC) Fire Contract Proposal of January 5, 2021 to assume management of the College Township Fire/EMS Department 

Committee members present: Barry Bowden, Tony Bull, R.C Wise, Liz Forman Donna Scott, Ian Smith and George Kopscick.

William Smith, Chief, College Township Fire/EMS Department and

Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer and recorder of the following notes attended the meeting.

College Township Trustee Bowden thanked the committee members for attending and gave the meeting over to George Kopscick to review and discuss the current proposal from the City of Mount Vernon regarding Fire/EMS service to all residents of College Township including the Village of Gambier and Kenyon College (See attachment 1.)

On January 21, 2021, George provided a document to the committee that described two (2) Fire and EMS service options that are compared in his document. (See attachment 2.)

George provided a brief review of the current proposal from MVC as well as the service options developed in previous meetings with the committee members.

Mr. Bull asked for clarification on the duration of the MVC proposal. It appears to be for three (3) years and the committee was looking at five (5) year. Mr. Bowden replied that the contract duration is up to MVC to declare however, the three (3) year duration is in the current proposal and is provided to stay within the current financial climate that includes many factors that cannot currently be anticipated.

Bull: Is the document being reviewed a proposal for negotiations or a proposal to enter into contract?

Kopscick: MVC has provided an “offer” that has been reviewed by MVC Council It is a “stand alone offer and considered a contractual proposal.

Bowden The first choice for a new MVC Fire Station is not available so MVFD is now looking at different locations for a proposed new Fire Station.

Chief Smith: MVC FD does not currently have the position of “part-time” firefighter employee; and the language and position description is not in the current contract in negations for the MVCFD.

Kopscick: Mr. Dzik reported that part-time employees are in the current negation union package.

MVC FD contract expired 12/31/2020


Smith: If a 3 year proposal is available; why not a 5 year agreement?

Bowden: Good question; I will promote a 5 year agreement to MVC.

Bowden: Mr. Bowden did a brief review of the current Property Tax millage collected for the purpose of Fire and Emergency service and the years that the levy collection is due to expire. Additionally Bowden told the committee that he has an equipment, building and apparatus approximate cost report from Chief Smith.

Chief Smith: If the MVC proposal moves forward to agreement then the AFG Federal monies and equipment purchased with Federal money will be forfeited.

Forman: If the equipment purchased with the AFG money is received prior to April 2021, can it then be declared as property of CTFD/EMS?

Chief Smith: No, it cannot as the reporting period is for three (3) years.

Kopscick: What is the AFG award?

Chief Smith: It is approximately $280,000 and the equipment awarded in the grant has been ordered and will begin arriving soon.

Bull: If MVC looks at the current available inventory of equipment that is factored into their proposal; does that, include the recent awarded equipment in the grant?

Chief Smith: Possibly

Bowden: It is the intent of the Board of College Township Trustees to hold one (1) Mill of Property Tax for the purpose of Fire and Emergency Service on the ballot for approval in the future to fund maintenance and improvements to the College Township Fire Station in Gambier that the entity owns free and clear.

Kopscick: MVC is now making the standard contract for rate collection with its current entities a total of 5 mills. College Township Trustees may then collect the six mills so that a MVC contract requiring five mills minimum will be available.

Chief Smith: Five mills is just for operations and not necessarily for around the clock coverage and a fast response time to residents. MVC is not guaranteeing local coverage from the Gambier Station.

Bowden: I can personally report that the CTFD station has not been staffed appropriately for the past several weeks. I have been to the station when it is dark without employees on shift. This is not said in any way about Chief Smith or Chief Thompson. It is said as the Trustees receive monthly reports of the number of unfilled shifts.

Other local FD’s are experiencing the same problem. Bowden expressed his concern that in order to stay an independent FD; $650,000 is required to sustain the quality of service residents have always been afforded. College Township is not able to generate that amount of revenue for sustainably of the department. Bowden stated that he thinks that it is time to take MVC at their word and move forward.

Chief Smith: MVC FD has not maintained their own average run response without mutual aid. CTFD/EMS picks up MVC FD runs frequently. If the proposed agreement moves forward then you all need to know that if MVC FD has all resources committed to runs; College Township including the Village and Kenyon College will get a response from another entity that is responding to mutual aide. Further Chief Smith stated that he will seek employment with Danville or another contiguous entity, and that most of the current employees of CTFD/EMS will seek employment to the east of the entity.

RC Wise: How are the responses to calls to CTFD/EMS with the shortage of staff?

Chief Smith: The Department has never not responded to a call.

Kopscick: The MVC offer includes additional employees in the proposed agreement.

Bowden: MVFD has experienced significant Covid related illness and absence. Chief Smith and Chief Thompson are irreplaceable. What will happen to CTFD/EMS if both choose to move on?

Bowden to Bull: What is the consequence to CTFD if a call is not met with a response and the outcome from the call run is catastrophic? Is this a potential liability to the township?

Bull: Most likely yes.

Chief Smith: MVC FD could also miss the run call for College Township.

A brief committee discussion took place about other entities with College and University students and faculty embedded in the total population that Fire and Rescue are providing service.

I Smith: Kenyon College does not have a plan to have their own Fire and Emergency services. Further I Smith referred the committee to page 2 of the MVC proposal to look again at the cost of personnel for the College Township Station and the proposed personnel cost increases over a 3-year agreement.


Bowden: MVFD is committing to two Paramedics per shift in the College Township Station and that is a “game changer.”

Forman: The Kenyon fire alarms on campus are often pulled as a prank. Can the cost of response be recovered?

Chief Smith: Fire alarms sounding on camps indicate that the response is to a fire and emergency. It is  an immediate response.

Bowden: Quick response to calls is very important.

Forman: Is it possible to get a set of formulas to get an idea of what monies may be generated to determine revenue? A small percentage of an income tax to generate revenue for Fire and EMS and a Kenyon portion that could increase annual revenue projection would help.

Bowden: An annual percentage of 3 % increase would possibly generate the needed revenue annually in addition to Property Tax collection and awarded grants.

The committee discussed the redetermination of Knox County Property tax for funding Fire and Emergency service as the most recent was done in 2020 and will be seen in the current resident Property tax due. If there were an agreement to have our entity contract out Fire and Emergency service then the negotiations’ would include a variety of resources to generate revenue for Fire and Emergency service.

Kopscick: The #1 priority is to answer the question of what do we want to do to sustain Fire and Emergency service to the residents.

Forman: It may be time to tell our community that there is change coming. The Village may need to tell residents that the money may need to be redirected to pay for Fire and Emergency service. Further Forman stated that she does not know if the Village of Gambier will support an income tax, or other means to support Fire and Emergency service.

R.C.: Yes, I agree with Liz.

I Smith: The need is to maintain quality Fire and Emergency service to the community. It will be a tough conversation with the Kenyon Administration regarding the best choice for Fire service and it will not be easy.

Forman asked of I. Smith: “do you think that Keyon would provide an agreement that commits to a multi-year agreement for ten (10) years that could enable College Township and the Village to count on money over a long time to support Fire and Emergency service.?)

I Smith: Mr. Smith respond to Ms. Forman that he would look into an answer to her question further.

Kopscick: There is no conclusive committee consensus to the topic in discussion this afternoon. There are questions brought forward that need to be answered.

Bowden: Yes, Chief Smith brought up good points

Chief Smith: If a decision is made; or the current Firefighter employees think that the decision has been made to contract with MVC FD; there will be no firefighters or medics working for this department.

Bowden: If CTWP can come up with the revised agreement to take the MVC proposed agreement, it is the best for College Township to accept the proposed contract.

Chief Smith: Ian did you previously suggest a student fee of $250.00 per enrollee as a Health and Safety tuition addition? Because with a student fee for service from CTFD/EMS then there is the potential to generate $450,000 annually.

R.C.: Some entities choose to operate their own fire departments. What are the FD Chiefs opinions about MVC FD versus other entity Fire and Emergency services?

Chief Smith: It is more beneficial to College Township and the townships to the east for rapid response to keep the CTFD/EMS station in Gambier under the current entity. MVC FD will take all of the available firefighters and paramedic resources and will leave College Township, Danville, Fredericktown and East Knox Fire District without a pool of candidates to fill positions in our departments. Kenyon College students, faculty and support staff will be at risk for service. Kenyon College is the very reason that College Township is considered a very high-risk location. The daily population of College Township expands by 3,000 individuals on a daily basis. All of those individuals are supported and served by the CTFD/EMS without question; and without a fee for service in the event of a fire situation. In the event of an EMS service response; the individual will be billed for the service but it is “soft” billed and never sent to collection in the event of nonpayment.

Forman: It is so comforting to me to have a local fire department. The Fire Department here is so good.

Bowden: Trustee Bowden gave a brief review of the historical fund cash balances that College Township reported and how those funds have significantly declined over the past four years as the entity has been spending cash reserve to meet current encumbrances. The cash reserve are being depleted rapidly and will not sustain another year of operations in the CTFD/EMS.


Bowden: College Township Trustee Barry Bowden called the following question to the committee for an individual vote to the following question:

As a member of this committee do you vote to proceed with the negotiation of the Mount Vernon City proposed contract to assume the operation of the College Township Fire/EMS Department?

Bowden            yes

Kopscick abstain

R.C. Wise       yes

Tony Bull        yes

Ian Smith  yes

Liz Forman yes

Donna Scott   yes

All yes.

Attest: Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer College Township Recorder for the meeting held on January 27, 2021




JANUARY 13, 2021

Trustee Chairperson Woolison called the meeting to order.  All in attendance stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 6:30 p.m.  The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place.  Additionally the meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not comfortable with “in person” attendance could attend electronically.  Lora King acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting and record of attendance procedure.  Let this official record show that all in attendance in person or electronically constitutes “attendance.”

Those present:

Charles Woolison, Douglas McLarnan and Barry Bowden College Township Trustees.  Also present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; William Smith, Chief College Township Fire and EMS Department (CTFDEMS 😉  Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief CTFDEMS; Lieutenant Bernie Douglas CTFDEMS; Captain Morgan Carey, CTFDEMS.

Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector provided a written report and was excused from the meeting.

Will Houston and Tom Hoffman attended as residents of College Township. Ian Smith, Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability for Kenyon College provided a written report and was not present for the meeting.  R. C. Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier attended.

Trustee Bowden moved to approve the minutes of the Board of College Township Trustees Special Organizational meeting held January 11, 2021 and Trustee McLarnan moved to second the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

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Trustee Woolison reviewed the written report provided by Ian Smith.

Mr. I. Smith reported to the Trustees that conversations with the Knox County Health Department (KCHD) have centered on safeguards in place for the Covid pandemic.  The KCHD is not able to provide information to the public regarding the timeline for the Covid vaccine to arrive in Knox County; or the number of vaccines available for delivery.  Every effort is being made to prepare for the vaccine distribution when it becomes available.  Kenyon College President Decater is preparing correspondence to Governor DeWine regarding the fatal motor vehicle accident of December 2, 2020.  The effort by Kenyon College joins the Village of Gambier and the College Township Trustees to address the dangerous intersection at State Route 229 and Laymon Road in College Township.

R.C. Wise, Administrator Village of Gambier shared with the Trustees that work continues on the Village of Gambier Community Center with the installation of compliant entrance doors and the rest of the Cares Act monies spent for the Village.

R.C. asked the Trustees to provide a “Letter of Support” for the Village of Gambier’s grant application to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grant. The grant submitted by the Village of Gambier is to provide better safety for motorists and non-motorized travel in College Township.  Included in the project is the creation of a multi-use trail on Laymon Road in College Township that contains some of the more significant features and attractions to residents and visitors. Trustee McLarnan moved to support the Village of Gambier grant application to ODOT for the TAP grant, Trustee Woolison gave a second.  Vote:  All yes.

Trustee McLarnan will prepare a draft of the letter of support to Fiscal Officer Rambo.  Mr. Wise asked that the letter be sent electronically to the Village of Gambier.

Trustee Bowden discussed a College Township proposal with R. C. about expanding the entrance to the road salt bay concrete pad to improve accessibility of the product and improve safely getting the product.   Mr. Wise will talk to the Village personnel and propose a joint effort to improve the physical area of the salt bay storage area that serves both College Township and the Village of Gambier.


Trustee Woolison read a brief report submitted by Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector; excused.

Mr. Yarman reported that the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) meeting was held electronically with poor attendance.  Outstanding issues were addressed and resolved.  The subdivision in Hillard Township was discussed without resolution.  The Organizational meetings for the College Township Zoning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on January 19, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the College Township Fire Station.  Mr. Yarman said that there is no alternate for the Zoning Board of Appeals at this time.  Additionally, Roger reported that he has had no further contact with the property owner Mr. Mike Andorfer on New Gambier Road.

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Trustee Bowden and R.C. Wise discussed changes at the Village salt barn earlier in the meeting.  Barry recommended to the Board that College Township move swiftly to remove dead trees and brush along the designated township roadway to reduce the potential for falling timber and limited visual field.  Bowden stated that most of the dead wood is Ash and needs removed as soon as possible.  Trustee Bowden presented that the “Road Fund” had adequate revenue to address the issue and recommended to the Board that vender ”Blue Denim” be contacted immediately so that the work could be scheduled.

Trustee McLarnan did not oppose the need for the work but did submit that a second vendor estimate would be reasonable and appropriate.  Trustee Bowden and McLarnan will survey the work needed to done as recommended and obtain bids from two (2) vendors.

Trustee McLarnan told the Board that he continues to be in contact with Mr. Joshua Otworth and Representative Carfagna about the recent fatal accident at State Route 229 and Laymon Road in College Township.  No remedy has been provided to date.

Mr. Hoffman told the Board of Trustees that he was concerned about the entity cutting down trees that may be on resident land that residents do not want removed.  Trustee Bowden replied that the trees of most concern are dead Ash and need removed, as they are brittle and likely to fall in severe weather. Bowden told Mr. Hoffman that the trees that College are cutting would be clearly marked prior to cutting.

Mr. Hoffman stated his concern about the entity measures to manage roadways during the recent severe weather event.  A vehicle went off the road into his yard.  Mr. Hoffman said that he was concerned about the treatment and snow plowing of the roadway.  Trustee Bowden said that he had treated and snow plowed the road in discussion however, the severe weather continued through Christmas Eve and into Christmas day.  The accident without injury may have been driver error and not due to lack of roadway management.  Further Trustee Bowden said that the Trustees are making every effort to conserve entity resources and that Trustees Bowden and McLarnan are taking responsibility to manage the roads in bad weather.  Some additional part-time employees are called upon in some situations to assist at an hourly rate far less than employing a full-time employee to perform the work on roadways for the township.  Trustee Bowden thanked Mr. Hoffman for his comments.

Trustee McLarnan and Trustee Bowden will begin to evaluate resources in the Road Fund to determine if the fund will support the purchase of a new vehicle to plow and manage the roadways in the entity.


Trustee Bowden reported that the white oak tree in front of the Quarry Chapel Cemetery and was dead has been removed.  The stump is notched from the ground up so visitors can reach its top to survey the cemetery. Regarding the question of deeds to lots and plots

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to the Quarry Chapel Cemetery, Mrs. King responded that the project to digitize the cemetery has now been loaded to a “Cloud” storage system with the help of a grant from the Department of Commerce.  The digital program includes a deed templet.  As time permits deeds will be those currently holding a receipt of purchase that acts as a deed and certificate of ownership.


William Smith, Chief CTFDEMS reviewed his written report to the Board.  Chief Smith reported “some” personal protective equipment (PPE) was received from Emergency Management of Knox County/Knox County Health Department.  The Health Department is aware that CTFDEMS will assist in vaccinations if needed and that reasonable notice to assist is needed to coordinate with staff. The Performance Audit with the Auditor of State is on-going and timely responses continue to be provided as requested.

Mr. Mickey Smith has applied for the AFG for fire hose and appliances.  The required documents approving the bids for the AFG previously submitted are signed and returned.  A grant application for Training Reimbursement through the State Fire Marshall has been submitted.  A grant application for equipment through the State Fire Marshall will also be submitted in January.  The department is looking at a grant through the State of Ohio for EMS services as well as grants through Firehouse Subs.  The department has six (6) open shifts in January 2021.  One part-time employees has been hired with an EMT-BFF1 certification and in class to finish the FF2 certification.

The white Medic is repaired and is back in service for the weekly rotation. An appointment has been made for the red medic to go to Fredericktown Chevrolet for check engine issues and warning light for the engine to go into “limp engine” mode.

All of the training in the department is being done electronically on a DEU site or by Webcast.  Duty Crews are doing hands-on training as well.  CTFD will be lead department for the LEPC Table Top this year.

Chief Smith reported that he has done three hours of inspector duties for Kenyon College.

Weekday Monday logged the highest call and transport rate on a seven (7) day week12:00 o’clock noon is the most common time EMS is called for trends on the average were for complaints of respiratory distress and stomach pain.


  • To review and revise EMS procedures
  • To decrease the response time to a scene
  • To increase staff and employee availability in the department
  • To implement better holiday and shift rate of pay for staff
  • To improve the tracking of personal protective equipment (PPE) available and used.

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  • To provide continuous staff training and education on the recording and documentation system in place and required

***Captain Careys report is recorded as heard in a public meeting.  For the full report, contact Chief William Smith.

Trustee McLarnan said that the proposal brought forward by Captain Thompson in CY 2020 to implement structured employee “on-call” procedures and payment is still in consideration. Captain Thompson said the “time is a commodity” and until CTFD creates incentive for employees to work weekends and holidays the department will lack for qualified personnel.

Trustee Bowden responded to Capt. Thompson by acknowledging his statement and saying that money will always be an issue and that the entity is evaluating the Fire fund budget and appropriations to determine if a change in employee wage is possible.

Capt. Carey reported to the Trustees that he has talked to MedBill about new legislation coming into action on February 1, 2021 that will permit a Medic to run with one staff on board with the resolution of the entity.  This permits Medic runs to sign off on the billing documents with one (1) paramedic attending. Additionally, Carey reported that drivers could be trained by the department to take the run and transport patients if the required resolutions are recorded by the township.

Trustee Bowden requested that Capt. Carey in collaboration with Chief Smith and Chief Thompson draft a document that complies with the new legislation and bring if forward to the Board as soon as is reasonable.

RUNS IN DECEMBER 2020            20        TOTAL RUNS IN 2020         417


Fiscal Officer Rambo and Human Recourses Manager King reviewed a draft policy for the entity.  The policy known as The College Township, Knox County Ohio Fiscal Officer Emergency Plan is drafted from a templet provided to townships from the Ohio Township Association.  The plan is recommended to all townships to adopt for application should the Fiscal Officer become unable to perform the duties of the office.

A letter to Trustee Bowden from J. Sturgeon, P.E. District Five Deputy Director.

Fund cash balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated the money on hand or in the process of collection, and lawfully appropriated to pay bills.  Trustee Bowden made a motion to pay the bills and Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Bowden moved to adjourn and Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.




JANUARY 11, 2021

Trustee Bowden opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Those present were: Trustees Charles Woolison, Barry Bowden and Douglas McLarnan. Also attending were Martha Rambo, College Township Fiscal Officer; William Smith, Chief, College Township Fire Department (CTFD); Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief, CTFD; Jim Thompson, Captain , CTFD, and Lora King, College Township HR Manager. Guests attending included Ian Smith, Kenyon College Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability; RC Wise, Administrator Village of Gambier; and Will Houston, resident.

Presiding Chairman Bowden called the meeting to order and the roll was called: Bowden; yes, McLarnan; yes, Woolison; yes. All present.

                        MEETING MINUTE APPROVAL

Trustee Bowden called for review and approval of the December 9, 2020 Regular Meeting. There being no additions/corrections, McLarnan moved to accept the minutes of December 9, 2020, Woolison second. Vote: All yes. 

Trustee Bowden called for the review and approval of the December 29, 2020 Special Meeting. There being no additions/corrections, McLarnan moved to accept the minutes of December 29, 2020, Woolison second. Vote: All yes.



Fiscal Officer Rambo called for nominations for the 2021 Chairperson position of the College Township Trustees.

Trustee Chair for 2021, Woolison, motion made by McLarnan, second by Bowden. Roll Call Vote: Bowden; yes, McLarnan; yes, Woolison; yes.

Assistant Trustee Chair for 2021, McLarnan, motion made by Bowden, second by Woolison. Roll Call Vote: Bowden; yes, McLarnan; yes, Wollison; yes.

Charles Woolison then took over as the Chairman of the meeting.


Name Term

  1. Phil Blubaugh                                                            5 years
  2. Tom Harrman     1 year
  3. Dave Gorsuch     2 years
  4. Florence Schermer     3 years
  5. Linda Cookman     4 years

Alternate: vacant



Name             Term

  1. Ed O’Connell     5 years
  2. Karen Reddick     1 year
  3. Anthony Bull     2 years
  4. William Jones     3 years
  5. Richard Rambo     4 years

Alternate: John Bateman

Motion by Trustee McLarnan that all Appeals and Zoning Board Member terms be appointed as listed above and that all rates remain the same at $80.00/meeting; and further, that the Zoning Inspector rate is $463.50/month and the rate of Zoning Secretary is $136.50/meeting; second by Bowden. Vote: All yes.


  1. Chief $67,000/year $5,633.33/month

In addition to the CTFD Chief salary, the position is provided a vehicle, OP&F Retirement, PTO @ 40 hours annually, three (3) weeks annual paid vacation, medical and cellular phone expenses paid.

McLarnan moved to accept the rate of pay and benefits as listed for the position of Chief; Bowden second. Vote: All yes.

  1. Assistant Chief $37,000/year $3083.33/month

In addition to the CTFD Assistant Chief salary, the position is provided OP&F Retirement, PTO @ 40 hours annually, two (2) weeks annual paid vacation, and cellular phone expenses paid.

Bowden moved to accept the rate of pay and benefits as listed for the position of Assistant Chief; Woolison second. Vote: All yes.


  1. CTFD Officers Corp

Commencing January 1, 2021, CTFD Officers shall be paid the following hourly rates:

Captain: $15.00/hour

Lieutenant: $14.00/hour

Bowden moved to accept the rate of pay as listed for the positions of Officers; McLarnan second. Vote: All yes.

  1. EMT Basic with Fire Card: $10.00/hour
  2. EMT Advanced with Fire Card: $11.00/hour
  3. EMT Paramedic with Fire Card: $12.00/hour

Bowden moved to accept the rate of pay as listed for the positions of EMT/Firefighters; McLarnan second. Vote: All yes.

*Trustee McLarnan stated that FD rates will be reevaluated in the 2nd quarter of 2021.


McLarnan made a motion that the total amount of $600.00/grave opening and closing at Quarry Chapel Cemetery is in effect for the 2021 calendar year. Should the fee assessed for the opening and closing of grave sites be less than $600.00/event, the balance will be remitted to College Township for care of the Cemetery. A second was made by Bowden. Vote: All yes.

The fee assessed for the opening and closing of grave sites is paid to the Funeral Home handling the funeral for the Cemetery. A fee of $150.00 for opening and closing a site for a cremains burial shall be paid directly to a contracted individual.

Bowden made a motion to set the rate to purchase grave plots at $250.00 per plot: and $1000.00 for a lot of 4 graves. A second was made by McLarnan. Vote: All yes.



Fire/General contracted/road labor: $10.00/hour

Equipment Operator $22.00/hour

Additional details per the position description.

Bowden moved that the labor rates be approved for 2021 as listed, McLarnan second. Vote: All yes.


McLarnan moved that the Trustees and Fiscal Officer of College Township receive the maximum salary as permitted by the Ohio Revised Code for calendar year 2021. Bowden second. Vote: All yes.

Bowden moved that the position of Fiscal Officer shall receive an annual “use of personal cell phone” stipend of $900.00 per year commencing January 1, 2021. Woolison second. Vote: All yes.

Per Diem:

Breakfast $12.00

Lunch $14.00

Dinner $30.00

Full day $56.00

Meeting/registration at cost: educational class registration/material at cost: parking at cost.


McLarnan made a motion to pay the four (4) elected officials and one (1) Zoning Inspector the annual Health Care Reimbursement for 2021, not to exceed a total of $2000.00 each with the required paid invoices provided by each individual. Bowden provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

*Provided the General Fund has adequate revenue to support the expenditure. 


McLarnan made a motion that the Trustees supervising Fire is Bowden with McLarnan assisting as needed;

McLarnan made a motion that the Trustee supervising Zoning is Woolison with McLarnan assisting as needed;

McLarnan made a motion that the Trustee supervising Roads is Bowden with McLarnan assisting as needed;

McLarnan made a motion that the Trustee supervising Cemetery is Woolison with McLarnan assisting as needed;

Bowden provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.


Bowden moved that the part-time College Township Human Resources Manager shall be paid $13.65/hour commencing January 1, 2021 with a limit of 35 hours worked per week. Additional details per the position description. Woolison second. Vote: All yes.


Bowden moved that the regular Township meetings be held on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the College Township meeting room located in the College Township Fire Station. McLarnan second. Vote: All yes.



The Fiscal Officer then presented the proposed appropriations for 2021. A motion to accept appropriations and submit to the Knox County Auditor for approval was made by Bowden, second by McLarnan. Roll call vote: Woolison: yes, McLarnan: yes, Bowden: yes. Vote: All yes.

A motion to adjourn was made by Trustee McLarnan, second by Bowden. Vote: All yes.

College Township

End of Year Special Meeting

December 29, 2020

Trustee Chairperson Barry Bowden called the Special meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees to order at 7:05 p.m. on December 29, 2020 and invited all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

The Special meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place. Additionally the meeting was held electronically through Zoom so that those not comfortable with “in-person” attendance could attend electronically. Lora King acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting attendance procedure. Let this official record of the Special meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees show that the attendance whether in person or electronically constitutes “attendance .”

Those present were College Township Board of Trustees Bowden, McLarnan and Woolison. Additionally Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; William Smith, Chief College Township Fire Department (CTFD); Ashley Smith Assistant Chief CTFD; James Thompson, Captain CTFD; Lora King, College Township Human Recourse Manager and Cory Samuel, College Township Technical Support Volunteer Advisor.

Additionally, Tom Hoffman, resident of College Township and R. C. Wise, Administrator of the Village of Gambier attended.

Trustee Bowden called for the review and approval of minutes submitted previously to the Trustees for meetings held on October 23, 2020, October 27, 2020, December 9, 2020 and December 16, 2020. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve all minutes as listed and submitted. Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Bowden welcomed R. C. Wise and invited him to present to the Board.

R.C. reported that improvements by the Village to the Gambier Community Center are progressing as planned. A meeting of the Village of Gambier Collaborative Finance Committee is being planned for a date soon to be announced.

Trustee Bowden thanked R.C. for the information.

Trustee Bowden reported that he is in talks with Mount Vernon City Fire Department to schedule a meeting. Trustee McLarnan reported that he would provide a meeting date to review the State of Ohio, Office of the Auditor audit finding report of the CTFD.

Trustee Bowden welcomed Tom Hoffman and invited him to address the Board. Tom requested that the Trustees move to resolve to get started on the Quarry Chapel Road, College Township Road number 235 Safety Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Warrant for Speed Zone change from forty (40) miles per hour (MPH) to thirty­ five MPH.

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On December 29, 2020, the Board of College Township Trustees met in a public Special meeting. Trustee McLarnan resolved the following:

WHEREAS Quarry Chapel Road (College Township Road# 235) is located within College Township; and

WHEREAS, The Board of College Township Trustees desire to explore the possibility of reducing the speed limit on Quarry Chapel Road between its intersections with Monroe Mills Road and the Village of Gambier Village limit in Gambier Ohio 43022;

NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of College Township, Knox County, Ohio at least two-thirds (2/3) of all members concurring;

  • That the Board hereby requests that the Knox County Engineer conduct an engineering study under the criteria established by the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation to determine whether the current speed limit is reasonable and safe under the conditions that exist on the above-cited Quarry Chapel Road, Gambier, Ohio
  • That the College Township Fiscal Officer is responsible to deliver a copy of this resolution to the Knox County, Ohio County
  • Resolution to adopt: Douglas McLarnan, Trustee
  • Second to the Resolution to adopt: Charles Woolison, Trustee

Roll call:

Bowden:     yes              McLarnan:     yes              Woolison:     yes

Vote:  All yes

Attest: Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer College Township, Knox County Ohio.

Trustee McLarnan has requested that the Resolution contained in the official record of December 29, 2020 Special meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees be reviewed by the Knox County Engineer for form and accuracy prior to the Board approval of the record.

Additionally, Mr. Hoffman stated that more signage is requested and possibly a solar powered lighted sign that he estimated for a cost of between $3,000 to $6,000. Tom also requested that the Board seek additional patrol service from the Knox County Sheriffs Department on Quarry Chapel Road; College Township Road 235.

Trustee McLarnan stated that he would contact Mark Putnick, Auditor State of Ohio for a meeting date and time to review his audit findings of the audit conducted in FY 2020 of the College Township Fire Department.

Trustee Bowden reported that he has written correspondence to the Governor, State of Ohio, Mike DeWine; State of Ohio House of Representatives District 68 Rick Carfagna; The Ohio State Patrol, Commander and Superintendent; Cameron Keaton, Engineer, Knox County Ohio and the Ohio Department of Transportation Director of Highway Safety that will be provided to record regarding the traffic accident on December 2, 2020

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regarding the tragic traffic accident on December 2, 2020 at the intersection of State Route 229 and Laymon Road. Gambier Ohio 430223. Trustee Bowden’s letter will also be posted on the web site.


Fiscal Officer Rambo provided the Trustees with the most current financial reports as of December 29, 2020. Reports included the FY 2020 revenue receipt report; the fund cash balance report, the fund status report, and the appropriation status report for all funds.

Mrs. Rambo reviewed each report with the Board and made recommendations for the FY 2021 appropriation budget.

Trustee Bowden moved to appropriate the full rate of pay as determined by the ORC for Trustees and the Fiscal Officer. The Zoning Inspector, Zoning Board and the Zoning Commission and Human Recourse Manager will be paid at the rate of pay determined in the 2021 Organizational meeting.

A second to the motion was given by Trustee Woolison. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Bowden said that it is the intent of the Board to keep all hourly rates for the CTFD at the current hourly rate; as well as the rate of salary and benefits for the CTFD Chief and Assistant Chief. The Board will discuss hourly rates, salary, and benefits for the Chief and Assistant Chief for the CTFD after the March 2021 property tax settlement is received. It is the intent of the Board to increase hourly rates for Firefighters by two dollars ($2.00) per hour based on the employee certification and the rank held in the Officer Corp. providing the receipts of revenue support the change in rate. Salaried administrative positions with the CTFD will be determined following the completion of the annual employee performance evaluations.

Trustee Woolison moved to split Trustee McLarnan’s monthly salary equally between the General fund and the Roads fund as Mr. McLarnan is performing duties required to maintain the College Township roadways. Trustee Bowden provided a second.

Vote: All Yes.

A proposal previously submitted October 5, 2020 by Captain James Thompson to develop and establish implementation of “on-call” shifts to help supplement paid staff in the event of additional calls and/or when student corps are out on break was brought forward to the Trustees. The proposal was tabled previously in a Regular Public meeting in FY October 2020. Captain Thompson reviewed the proposal for the Trustees. Following discussion the Trustees tabled the proposal.

Trustee McLarnan reported that he has talked to the Emergency Management Agency Director Mark Maxwell and the Knox County Commissioners about a request to resolve that the political subdivision of College Township, Knox County Ohio withdraw from the current Emergency Management Agency operating in Knox County Ohio. As the correspondence from Mr. Maxwell was received on December 8, 2020 the Board of College Township Trustees did have adequate information to respond to the request on the requested date.

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In a public Special meeting on December 29, 2020 Trustee Douglas McLarnan made the following Resolution:

WHEREAS the political subdivision of COLLEGE TOWNSHIP, KNOX COUNTY OHIO is a member of the Knox County Emergency Management Agency (KCEMA) and;

WHEREAS the Board of College Township Trustees resolve to dissolve all contractual agreements with KCEMA and withdraw from the current agency on this day

December 29, 2020.

The College Township Fiscal Officer is requested to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the Knox County Commissioners.

Resolution to adopt:      Douglas McLarnan, Trustee

Second to the Resolution to adopt: Barry Bowden, Trustee

Roll call:

Bowden:      yes                McLarnan:     yes                 Woolison:     yes

Vote: All yes

Attest Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer College Township, Knox County, Ohio 43022 


Trustee Bowden greeted Mr. Tom Hoffman and invited him to address the Trustees. Tom said that he would like the entity to share documents that are being reviewed and discussed in public meetings be available to participants attending the meeting. Fiscal Officer Rambo responded by saying that an effort to provide the meeting documents reviewed and discussed by the Trustees will be available to participants as the entity becomes more familiar with conducting meetings in the Zoom format electronically. And further, Mr. Hoffman said that the management of snow removal on December 24, 2020 during a significant weather event did not meet his expectation as there was a motor vehicle accident on Quarry Chapel Road that resulted in a vehicle sliding off the road on to his property.

Trustee Bowden responded to Mr. Hoffman’s complaint by providing a detailed report of the College Township response to the severe weather event on Christmas eve and Christmas day 2020. Trustee McLarnan added that College Township is making a strong statement in their effort to reduce employee cost for road maintenance by using Trustee documented time and some minimal contract employees to perform all duties to maintain safe roadways in College Township. Trustee Bowden said that the unusual freezing rain, black ice and considerable snow fall presented hazardous driving conditions and that regardless of the entity effort to treat the College Township roadways; driver error is most likely the reason that the vehicle left the roadway.

Mr. Hoffman thanked the Trustees for their time.

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Trustee Bowden welcomed Chief Smith to the meeting and asked him if he wanted to discuss anything with the Trustees.

Chief Smith said that following the review of the financials with Fiscal Officer Rambo and the Trustees that he recommends that there be consideration in calculating the 2021 Fire budget and appropriations for the Chief and Assistant Chief positions to be compensated for working on holidays. And further, Chief Smith said that if not for the position of Chief; at least consider the rate calculation for the Assistant Chief position given the added duties now being performed by the Assistant CTFD Chief.

Trustee Bowden answered that the revenue budget will determine changes that are very much needed and deserved by all employees of the CTFD. The Board will look closely at the March 2021 tax settlements to determine if the FY 2021 budget can support increases in CTFD pay rates.

Trustee McLarnan volunteered to research the implementation of CTFD payroll management through a vendor in an effort to offset the increased responsibilities of the Fiscal Officer. Doug will report his findings in a future meeting.

Trustee Bowden moved to authorize encumbrances and expenditures on and after January 1, 2021 as “temporary” encumbrances that may be incurred throughout the first quarter of 2021. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion.

Vote: All yes.

Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that all correspondence has been addressed in the meeting. Fund cash balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated the money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to by the bills. Trustee McLarnan moved to pay the bills, and Trustee Woolison seconded the motion.

Vote: All yes.

Trustee McLarnan moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m., Trustee Bowden made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.




DECEMBER 16, 2020


Trustee chairperson Barry Bowden opened the Special Meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees with the Pledge of Allegiance at 1:00 p.m. Those present included Trustees Bowden, Douglas McLarnan, and Charles Woolison. College Township Fire/EMS (CTFD/EMS) Chief William Smith, Assistant Chief Ashley Thompson, College Township Fiscal Officer Martha Rambo, and HR Manager Lora King attended. Mr. Mickey Smith of Ohio First Responders Grants, LLC attended. 

Chief Smith requested time to review the bid packets and bids submitted with Mickey Smith.

The following bids were reviewed and the Board of College Township took action on each as described.


Clean Air Concepts     $60,823.00     ACCEPTED


Stryker                        $42,528.72     ACCEPTED


Stryker                        $14,881.40     ACCEPTED

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Trustee Bowden resolved to accept the bid of $60,823.00 from Clean Air Concepts of 11449 Deerfield Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 for the purchase of a Vehicle Exhaust Removal System with six (6) SSRM systems, four (4) SFTM systems and one (1) SSRM system with two (2) hose drops.

He also resolved to accept the bid of $42,528.72 from Stryker Medical Sales Corporation of 11811 Willow Road NE, Redmond, Washington 98052 for the purchase of an Ambulance Power Cot and Cot Loading System.

Last, he resolved to accept the bid of $14,881.40 from Stryker Corporation Through its Medical Division of 11811 Willow Road NE, Redmond, Washington 98052 for the purchase of an Automatic Chest Compression Device.

Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the Resolution that includes three (3) bids to be accepted. Roll call: Bowden-yes, McLarnan-yes, Woolison-yes. Vote: All yes.

There being no further business; Trustee Bowden moved to adjourn at 3:10 p.m. with a second from Trustee Woolison. Vote: All yes.




DECEMBER 9, 2020

Trustee Barry Bowden called the meeting to order and invited all present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 6:30 p.m. The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location w*ere social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place. The meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not comfortable with ” in person” attendance could attend electronically. Lora King, Human Resources Manager for College Township acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting attendance record. Let the official record of the Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees show that the attendance whether in person or electronically constitutes attendance.

Those present were Trustees Barry Bowden, Douglas McLarnan and Charles Woolison. College Township Fire/EMS (CTFD/EMS) Chief William Smith; Assistant CTFD/EMS Chief Ashley Thompson; Morgan Carey, Captain CTFD/EMS; Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer and Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector. Collaborative Partners present included R.C. Wise, Administrator Village of Gambier and Ian Smith, Kenyon College Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability. Two guests attended from the Village of Gambier. Tom Hoffman also attended as a resident of College Township.

All held a discussion regarding the tragic traffic accident in College Township on December 2, 2020 that resulted in one (1) fatality and three (3) serious passenger injuries. There is a survey gathering data on the intersection of State Route 229 and  Laymon Road where a large number of accidents have occurred.  The Trustees will put the survey on the College Township and College Township Fire Department web sites for distribution. Additionally Ian Smith will pursue further data and information from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) about the accident, past accidents; and what can be done to achieve a more safe intersection.

Trustee Bowden requested that the Board review and approve the meeting minutes submitted to the Trustees prior to the meeting electronically.

Trustee McLarnan moved to approve the meeting minutes of November 11, 2020 for the Regular meeting, with a second from Trustee Woolison. Vote: All yes.


Trustee Bowden welcomed R.C. Wise and invited him to address the Trustees. R.C. stated that the Village of Gambier is reviewing a grant that is the “invitation to apply” status which initially was to create pedestrian foot traffic access from Gambier to the Brown Environmental Center and the Kokosing Gap Trail. Given the recent fatal traffic accident in College Township at the location designated in the proposed pedestrian foot traffic route, the Village of Gambier Council has determined that more information and potentially a revised plan is needed. R.C. said that there have been nineteen (19) accidents in the last ten (10) years at the 229 and Laymon Road intersection.

Trustee Bowden said that he would work on a letter to ODOT, the Legislature and local residents on behalf of the Trustees that details the “critical” need for improved traffic and speed control on State Route 229. Trustee McLarnan said that he has talked to Representative Rick Carfagna House District 68 ® about the accident and the need for a traffic light at the accident intersection. Doug reported that the ODOT Performance Audit reports are not necessarily accurate and the Knox County Sheriff reports are more accurate. Tom Hoffman stated that the voice of our citizens has a large impact on making change and supported the push for letters and petition signatures regarding the dangerous intersection in College Township. Roger Yarman, College Township Zoning Inspector said that clearing the intersection on both sides of St.Rt. 229 of scrub and tress that impede a clear visual path going east and west is absolutely necessary. Ian Smith said that he would look into the Public Records for a better report on accidents recorded at the intersection.

Trustee Bowden welcomed Ian Smith and invited him to address the Trustees. Mr. Smith reported that there are sixty-six (66) Kenyon College Students remaining on campus at this time. The students are residing in a “concentrated” area on campus. Kenyon College continues to submit water samples to the Village of Gambier for testing. Kenyon College has a plan to welcome students back on February 1, 2021. The plan is dependent on guidelines as set forth by the Governor and the Ohio Department of Health. Additionally, Mr. Smith stated that there were construction crew workers that tested positive for Covid and are in quarantine.


Bond for the position of Zoning Inspector was signed by Mr. Yarman and witnessed by Trustee Bowden. A Resolution for membership in the Knox County Regional Planning Commission for CY 2021 will be addressed in the general presentation and business as put forward by Fiscal Officer Rambo.


Trustee Bowden reported that the mowing equipment is in good condition and stored for the winter. A delivery of road salt is expected in early spring 2021.



Trustee McLarnan reported that the College Township Trustees volunteered to repair the roadside fence at the Quarry Chapel Cemetery (QCC) to secure the cemetery for the vehicle traffic on Quarry Chapel Road, Gambier Ohio. The QCC surveillance cameras have been reviewed and replaced for surveillance.


The College Township Fire Department is on lock down. The daily duties are laid out for cleaning the station and the trucks. Additionally, required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is made ready for all runs.  An effort is being made to get the necessary PPE for the department. PPE items are expected from the Knox County Emergency Administration Agency (EMA) and Captain Carey has ordered other items through our supply vendors. The half mask respirators have been delivered and most personnel have been fit tested.

Chief Thompson prepared a new presentation of the 2020 round of the Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant (AFG.) Chief Thompson provided the Trustees a detailed outline of the CTFD/EMS proposed AFG grant as provided to Ohio First Responders Grants, LLC (OFRG) for review and submission. The Board has retained the company of OFRG to submit the AFG for 2020. Trustee Bowden provided the following Resolution:

The Board of College Township Trustees resolves to submit an Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant in the funding period CY 2020. Further, that Ohio First Responders Grants, LLC shall prepare the grant submission per contracted agreement. Second to the Resolution given by Trustee McLarnan.

Roll Call:

Bowden            yes

McLarnan         yes

Woolison        yes Vote: All yes.

Chief Smith reported that CTFD/EMS did not receive MARCS grant for radio fees from the State Fire Marshal. Chief intends to apply for the Training Grant and the equipment grant from the State Fire Marshal in mid-December CY 2020. There are currently fifty­ three (53) open shifts in December CY 2020. Two (2) interviews for part-time fire employees are scheduled for December 14, 2020.


The white Medic is at Purrformance Diesel and the diagnostics are done. Parts are ordered for repair of the Medic. An estimate for the repair is forthcoming. All training is being done on a website based CEU site. Chief Smith reported that no inspections are requested to date. The inspections on the Kenyon College Library will begin in late December.

Trustee McLarnan determined that the CY 2019 AFG bids will be opened on December 16, 2020 at the College Township Fire Station with both “in person” and electronic participation through Zoom.

The Trustees, Chief Smith and Chief Thompson discussed the CY 2020AFG application for apparatus including fire hose. Additionally, the discussion included the recommendation from Mr. Mickey Smith to apply in order to be current for the next round of AFG applications when CTFD/EMS will be eligible to apply for a new vehicle. The retiring CTFD vehicle known as an “engine,” is now a heavy “engine tanker.” Captain Morgan Carey reported on the EMS Safer Supply Grant with a potential of $56, 000 available to apply for. However, Captain Carey said that there are significant restrictions required in the grant specific to the hire and employment of Fire Fighters. Trustee Bowden said that he would not support a Safer Grant application if it resulted in the potential return of grant funds being returned to the Federal Government. The Trustees on an application to the Safer grant made no further discussion or decision.

Trustee Bowden made the following Resolution:

The Board of College Township Trustees authorize CTFD/EMS Chief Smith and Chief Thompson to submit the necessary documents to Mr. Mickey Smith of OFRG to complete the CY 2020 AFG and submit the application. The CY 2020 AFG will contain the required information to request funding for fire hose and apparatus. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the Resolution.

Roll call:

Bowden            yes

McLarnan        yes

Woolison          yes

Vote: All yes

Runs in November 2020:          33                           Total runs in 2020:                            397


Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that College Township has received $33,553.35 from the Cares Act, Covid Relief. She reported that the CMS Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System is delayed until 1-1-2022.

The Knox County Emergency Management Agency has requested the township entities provide a Resolution to withdraw from the current Emergency Management agency in an effort to transition the agency to control by the Knox County Commissioners.


Trustee McLarnan stated that as the request to township entities came without the necessary time for entity consideration and response that the request to resolve be tabled until further information is reviewed. That said the issue is tabled.

Fiscal Officer Rambo brought a Resolution for membership in the Regional Planning Commission before the Trustees. Trustee Bowden resolved:

WHEREAS , the Township of College desires to participate in the Knox County Regional Planning Commission to implement the Comprehensive Plan for the orderly development and growth of the County and Township and to establish an attractive region around the Township:

WHEREAS, the Board of Township Trustees of College desires to provide to its residents , the services of the Knox County Regional Planning Commission to promote the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Township of College.


That the Township of College be a member of the Knox County Regional Planning Commission for planning service for the period beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021.

That the following first named individual represents the Township as its Regular Representative to the Knox County Regional Planning Commission and that the second named individual be the Alternate to serve in the name and place of said Regular Representative in his/her absence.

Regular Representative             Roger Yarman 18760 Glen Road Gambier Ohio 43022

Phone: 740 397 2458

Alternate       Douglas McLarnan 8593 Big Run Road Gambier Ohio 43022

Phone: 740 398 3165


Trustee McLarnan made a second to the Resolution for membership in the Knox County Regional Planning Commission.

Roll call:

Bowden            yes       McLarnan                        yes       Woolison                        yes. Vote: All yes.

Mrs. Rambo provided the Trustees a copy of the Amended Certificate from the Knox County Auditor that provided the collection rate of the New College Township CTFD Fire Fund levy for their information.

Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that all correspondence sent and received has been addressed in the meeting.

Fund Cash Balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated the money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills.


Trustee McLarnan made a motion to pay the bills and Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Woolison moved to adjourn and Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.




NOVEMBER 11, 2020

Trustee Barry Bowden called the meeting to order and invited all present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 6:30 p.m. Recognition of all United States Veterans was presented by Trustee Bowden in honor of Veterans’ Day. The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place. The meeting was held electronically through Zoom meetings so that those not comfortable with “in person” attendance could attend electronically. Chief Ashley Thompson of the College Township Fire/EMS Department acted as the administrator of the Zoom meeting attendance procedure.

Let the official record of the Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees show that the attendance whether in person or electronically constitutes “attendance.”

Those present were Trustees Barry Bowden, Douglas McLarnan and Charles Woolison. College Township Fire/EMS (CTFD/EMS) Chief William Smith; Assistant CTFD/EMS Chief Ashley Thompson; Captain James Thompson CTFD/EMS; Captain Morgan Carey; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector and Martha Rambo Fiscal Officer of College Township. Also attending were George Kopscick, Gambier Village Resident; Ian Smith, Kenyon College Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability; R.C. Wise Village of Gambier Administrator; Mark Ellis, President of the Friends of Quarry Chapel (FQC), and Tom Hoffman, resident of College Township. Alec Wood, Gambier Village Council and Jake Mackey joined the meeting later in the agenda to watch and listen to reports.

Trustee Bowden called for the review and approval in a motion of the October 14, 2020 Regular meeting minutes of the Board of College Township Trustees. Trustee McLarnan made the motion to approve the minutes with a second provided by Trustee Woolison.

Vote: All yes. Trustee Bowden moved to approve the minutes of the October 23, 2020 Special Meeting. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Bowden moved to approve the minutes of the October 27, 2020 Special meeting and Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Bowden welcomed Mr. Kopscick and invited him to address the Trustees. George reported to the Trustees that a committee recently formed in College Township is looking into the sustainability of Emergency Service for the Township. Per the committee request, Mr. Kopscick is expecting a revised quote for service provided by the Mount Vernon Fire Department (MVFD) by the end of CY 2020. A review of the work completed regarding the Community of College Townships input that

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recognized the need for a staffed Fire Station in Gambier, and a budget that included revenue and estimated expenditures to maintain the CTFD/EMS in its current location. Additionally, George reported that it is his opinion that there is “overwhelming” community support for the passage of the CTFD/EMS levy on the ballot for November 3, 2020. The committee agreed to schedule another meeting as early as practical in CY 2021. The committee meeting will be scheduled once the requested information from the City of Mount Vernon is received and reviewed by the committee.


Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector reported that there is a home under construction on Baker Road and a remodel on a home on Glen Road are in progress.

Trustee McLarnan moved to reappoint Roger Yarman as the Zoning Inspector for CY 2021 and to have a new Bond issued for the appointment. Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes. Mr. Yarman also reported the Regional Planning (RPC) is still undecided on the Centerburg golf course proposal; construction in the area is on the rise in the community.


Trustee Bowden welcomed Mr. Mark Ellis, President of the Friends of Quarry Chapel to the meeting and invited him to address the Trustees.

Mark reported to the Trustees that the “Quarry Chapel has stood the test of time since 1863 and stayed the course in 2020.” The FQC have adapted to public health and safety measures established by the State of Ohio with guidance from the Knox County Health Commission, Julie Miller.

All of the concerts and open houses were cancelled in accordance with the COVID-19 safety standards. There were seven (7) weddings hosted in the chapel in 2020. Three (3) weddings were cancelled at the onset of the pandemic but rescheduled under conditions approved by the Knox County Public Health Department.  One (1) wedding was cancelled and fees were refunded in full. The FQC also hosted one (1) memorial service. The Chapel and the grounds on which it has flourished have been kept in good order including restorative stonemason work on the building in 2020. Consistent and professional lawn care has been maintained. Mr. Ellis invited the Trustees to visit and inspect the Quarry Chapel at their convince.

Mr. Ellis stated the intent of the FQC to provide the annual rental fee of one (1) dollar in the month of November 2020 for CY 2021. In closing, Mark thanked the Trustees for the good working relationship in the interest of preserving and animating our community touchstone.

Trustee Bowden welcomed Tom Hoffman and invited him to address the Board.

Tom talked to the Trustees about an ongoing effort to post the Quarry Chapel Road speed limit at thirty-five (35) mile per hour. The effort includes enforcement and other potential safety enhancements such as additional signage and increased law enforcement patrol of

PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 11, 2020

the road. A list of potential remedies was provided. The Trustees and Mr. Hoffman agreed that legislative changes that would allow for local control of the speed limit should be pursued through elected representatives and the Ohio Township Association.

Trustee Bowden welcomed R.C. Wise, Administrator for the Village of Gambier to the meeting and invited him to address the Board. R.C. congratulated the Trustees and CTFD/EMS on getting the Fire levy passed. R.C. stated that it is obvious that the public sees value in having the Fire Department be in Gambier. R.C. shared that the Gambier Community Garden received a third (3rd) place award from the Columbus Dispatch on their judging in a “Best Community Garden” competition. R.C. continued by reporting that the Village of Gambier submitted a Letter of Intent to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the Transportation Alternatives Program. The Village should know next month (December 2020) whether the Village will be invited to send in a full application for the project that involves a multi-use path from Ward Street and Wiggin Street to the Kokosing Gap Trail.  An abbreviated Highway Safety Improvement Program Application has been submitted to ODOT for the installation of rapid flashing beacons at the newly aligned crosswalks at Ward and Wiggin Streets. The Village has an internet auction going on now through November 19, 2020 at The Village is making capital investments into the Gambier Community Center allowable with CARES Act funding. Improvements to the Center include “hands-free” faucets, touchless toilets and automatic exterior doors.

Additionally R.C. reported that the Steering Committee from the Strategic Plan has resumed meeting to prioritize projects from the plan. The Knox Community Foundation has pledged $40,000 a year for four (4) years to help implement the plan. College Township Trustee Bowden was on the original committee and would be welcomed if he could continue to serve on the committee. Should Trustee Bowden decline to continue on the committee; another representative from College Township could attend the monthly Zoom meetings. Trustee McLarnan thanked R.C. for his comprehensive report to the Board.

Trustee Bowden welcomed Ian Smith, Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability for Kenyon College to the meeting and invited him to address the Board. Ian reported that the Resident Halls at Kenyon College would close after Thanksgiving break. Reopening the Resident Halls for seniors, juniors and sophomores is planned for February 2021.  Wastewater samples are being taken for buildings that are still being used by students. Kenyon has initiated the practice of limiting student travel off campus unless the student has a valid reason for leaving Gambier. There are currently four (4) cases of Covid since August 2020. The individuals’ diagnosed include one (1) employee, and three (3) others. Kenyon College has been named in the top ten (10) in the United States for Covid response.

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Trustee Bowden reported that blades for the mower are replaced; fifty (50) percent of the Township mowing is done. There is a good supply of road salt in stock and the current contract of one (1) load of road salt will be filled later in the winter months. The trailer for roadwork is in storage and the small mower, leaf blower are being stored at the Fire Station. Bowden recommended a sign is needed on Laymon Road. Work to replace the fence on Quarry Chapel Road in front of the chapel is being planned with the Trustees to volunteer their time to replace the damaged fence.


CTFD/EMS Chief William Smith reported that the Fire Station has returned to “lock down” mode with daily duties laid out for cleaning the station and the trucks along with the required PPE attire for all employees taking runs.

The AFG CY 2021 grant is on hold until a meeting is held with the Trustees can be arranged to discuss the grant proposal and decide if a new Project Management Agreement can be voted on and signed. The State Fire Marshal Grant for Training reimbursement opens in mid-December 2020. Staffing shifts in November had forty-one (41) openings. Three (3) Kenyon College Students are accepted from the firefighter recruitment process. The administration of Kenyon College has determined that students leaving campus for Thanksgiving break will not be permitted to return to campus early. With that said, Chief Smith reported that the department will not be able to enroll students into EMT class, however the FFl class starts mid-February so those candidates should be able to enroll to the FF1 class.

Pump testing was done November 6, 2020. Chief Smith stated that he is going to cancel the air pack testing for the older air packs. Due to a shortage ofN95 masks, 3M half mask respirators with P100 filters have been ordered for department employees using Cares Act monies. The white medic needs to be serviced at Purrformance Diesel to see if the “run” problem can be repaired. An “extrication” class will be held on November 15, 2020.

Dr. Kalnow was “on station” earlier in November 2020 for EMS training and the discussion of the currant Protocol document and medication administration in use for the department. The department is continuing to work on protocols and medication administration with Dr. Kalnow to get the revised plan in place.

Chief Smith reported that he did not have any inspections to date.

Runs in October 2020:             24

Total runs in 2020:                 364

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Fiscal Officer Rambo provided the Board with a recommendation from MedBill CEO Eileen Scarrett-Dudgeon to evaluate the current Charge Master for EMS billing to determine if an increase in the rates is warranted. Eileen provided correspondence to the Board that said in part; “traditionally most department increase at least two (2) percent each year to “match” the usual Medicare increase. MedBill does not have the final information on an increase from Medicare for 2021 at this time.”

Mrs. Rambo took the existing Charge Master and added what the categories for billing could be estimated for a rate increase of two (2) percent, three and one-half (3.5) present, five (5) percent and six (6) percent.

Trustee McLarnan moved to approve five (5) percent Charge Master EMS billing rates across all billing categories; Trustee Bowden provided a second to the motion.

Vote: All yes.

The Fiscal Officer distributed a sample Covid policy to the Trustees and the Fire department for review/revision and implementation. Captain Carey reported (regarding the sample Covid policy) that the Officers would work on the policy and bring the department opinion back to the Trustees. He reiterated that due to the Fire Station “lock down” that the station is being sanitized twice daily in addition to deep cleaning of the equipment after all runs. Captain Carey stated that the employees are going beyond to stay safe and well.

Regarding Medical and Health insurance provided by the Board, Fiscal Officer Rambo distributed correspondence from the Health Insurance provider; The Knox County Commissioners that stated the Commissioners were moving from being self-insured to a group policy through a new vendor. A copy of the letter was also given to CTFD/EMS Chief Smith. Chief Smith had researched other vendors and insurance policies prior to the meeting. It was decided by the Trustees that College Township would join the new Health and Medical insurance group through the office of the Knox County Commissioners. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve a CY 2021 contract for insurance through the Knox County Commissioners; and further that the employee share for a Family insurance plan would be fifteen (15) percent of the annual cost for insurance.

Trustee Bowden provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Correspondence from Julie Miller, RN, MSN Knox County Health Commissioner received on November 10, 2020 was sent in advance of the meeting to the Trustees. Health Commissioner Miller issued an alert for all of Knox County due to a significant increase in diagnosed Covid-19 cases in the county. In her correspondence; Mrs. Miller stated that the reason for the increase in Covid-19 cases is attributed to the unintentional passing of the virus to one another from close contact in stores, businesses, churches, schools and at home. County residents are being observed not wearing masks, socially distancing from one another or practicing good hand washing hygiene. Commissioner Miller wrote; “as community leaders, I implore you to consider sharing a message with your constituents about the importance of mask wearing, avoidance of large or informal

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gatherings or meetings.” She asked all employers to consider having employees who can work from home to do so. As community leaders now is the time to be good role models working collectively to protect our residents for the health of the community.

Lora King, Human Resource Manager for College Township reviewed the current expenditures being paid for with CARES Act money. As purchases are made, new items needed to address Covid-19 added expenses are added to the priority list. Trustee McLarnan stated (for the record) that additional personnel costs that can be funded with CARES Act money are to be added to the priority list and paid from Fund 2272, the Coronavirus Relief Special Revenue Fund.

All correspondence sent or received in the office of the Board of College Township Trustees was presented in the body of the meeting.

Fund Cash Balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated the money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills Trustee McLaman made a motion to pay the bill, and Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

There being no further business before the Board Trustee McLaman moved to adjourn and Trustee Bowden provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.




Trustee chairperson Barry Bowden opened the Special Meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees with the Pledge of Allegiance at 1:00 p.m. Those present included Trustees Bowden and McLaman. College Township Fire/EMS (CTFD/EMS) Chief William smith; Assistant CTFD/EMS Chief Ashley Thompson and Captain James Thompson CTF/EMS attended. Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer of College Township Knox County Ohio attended. The bids for the AFG award were opened on October 23, 2020 in compliance to the bid specification notice. Mr. Mickey Smith of Ohio First Responders Grants, LLC attended.

Chief Smith requested time to review the bid packets and bids submitted with Mickey Smith. The following bids were reviewed and the Board of College Township took action on each as described.

SCBA: SCBA UNIT including harness/backpack, face piece and 2 cylinders

Warren Fire $140,996.00 DECLINED
Howell Drager $119 363 00 ACCEPTED
Fire Safety Svc $130,817.95 DECLINED




Stryker $13,079.00  


PAGE 2 OCTOBER 27, 2020


Stryker                           $19,331.08                       Power lift cot

$23,197.64                       Power load

TOTAL                           $42,528.72                                        DECLINED


Rossman enterprises INC Clean Air Concepts

$68,227.00 (per specification)                               DECLINED

Trustee Bowden Resolved to accept the bid of $119,363.60 from Howell Rescue System (DRAGER) of 2673 Culver Ave. Kettering, Ohio 45429 for the purchase of SCBA units, harness/backpack, face piece and 2 cylinders times (x’s) twenty (20 units. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the Resolution. Roll Call: Bowden, yes; McLarnan, yes. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Bowden moved to re-bid the AFG equipment not awarded at the discretion of CTFD/EMS, second made by Trustee McLaman.

Vote: All yes.

There being no further business; Trustee Bowden moved to adjourn at 3:42 p.m. with a second from Trustee McLaman. Vote: All yes.




OCTOBER 23, 2020


Trustee Chairperson Barry Bowden opened the Special Meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees with the Pledge of Allegiance at 1:00 p.m.

Those present included Trutees Bowden and McLarnan. College Township Fire/EMS (CTFD/EMS) Chief William Smith; Assistant CTFD/EMS Chief Ashley Thompson and Captain James Thompson CTFD/EMS attend. Mr. Paul Merryman of Fire Safety Service attended.

Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer of College Township Knox County Ohio assumed the duty of opening the AFG Grant bids at 1:20 pm The following bids were opened:

SCBA: SCBA UNIT including harness/backpack, face piece and 2 cylinders

Warren Fire                      $140,996.00

Howell Drager                 $119,363.60

Fire Safety Services        $130,817.95


Stryker                              $ 19,331.08 Power Lift Cot

$ 23,197.64

TOTAL                              $ 42,528.72

PAGE 2 OCTOBER 23, 2020


Stryker                               $ 13,079.00

$ 14,881.40

TOTAL                               $ 27,960.40


Rossman Enterprises, INC Clean Air Concepts

$ 68,227.40 (per specification)

Trustee Bowden moved to reconvene a Special meeting on October 27, 2020 for determining a bid commitment with Mr. Mickey Smith present to review the specifications of the submitted bids. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

There being no further business; Trustee Bowden moved to adjourn at 2:50 p.m. with a second from Trustee McLarnan. Vote: All yes.






Trustee Doug McLarnan called the meeting to order and invited all present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 6:30 p.m.

The Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees was held in an appropriate location where social distance and Covid appropriate practices were in place. Additionally the meeting was held electronically through Google meetings so that those not comfortable with “in-person” attendance could attend electronically. Lora King acted as the administrator of the Google meeting attendance procedure.

Let this official record of the Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees reflect that the attendance whether in person or electronically constitutes “attendance.” Those present were Trustees Charles Woolison and Douglas McLarnan. Trustee Bowden was excused. Additionally present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Lora King, Human Resources Manager, William Smith, Chief College Township; Fire and EMS Department (CTFD/EMS) Ashley Thompson

Assistant Chief CTFD/EMS; Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector, Eileen Scarrett-Dudgeon, CEO MedBill Resources and Morgan Carey, Captain CTFD/EMS.

Collaborative partners present included R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator and Ian Smith, Kenyon College Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability, and George Kopscick, resident of College Township, Ohio.

Trustee McLarnan called for the review and approval of the Regular minutes of the Board of College Township Trustees meeting of August 12, 2020. Trustee Woolison moved to approve the minutes with a second from Trustee McLarnan. Vote: All yes.

Trustee McLarnan invited R.C. Wise to address the Board.

Mr. Wise reported that the Village of Gambier would again collaborate with College Township to hold a township wide trash collection known as Dumpster Day on October 3, 2020 from 8:00 to 12:00 noon. Both the Village and the Township will publicize the annual Fall Dumpster Day. The Village continues to study traffic patterns and is looking at putting flashing beacons at crosswalks for pedestrian traffic. An internet auction is being planned for Village surplus equipment with the date to be announced later.

Trustee McLarnan thanked R.C. for his update. Ian Smith was then invited to address the Board.


Mr. Smith reported that in the first three (3) weeks of Kenyon College Students returning to campus; no students tested positive with over two-thousand tests administered.

Construction on the new Library continues and all are becoming accustomed to the rigorous requirements for social distancing and wearing masks.


Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector reported that a Township resident is beginning a rehabilitation project on a house on Glenn Road that includes interior plaster, new electric, plumbing and a second room on the residence. The construction plans are not complete at this date so no building permit has been issued. The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) met and had the necessary attendance for a quorum. RPC reviewed and approved the financing of sewer and water utility for a new development in Centerburg.


Trustee Bowden submitted the following report.

About seventy-five (75) % of the fall mowing is complete. The rest will be finished later in October. Bill Smith is authorized to order new blades for the Ford side-arm mower.

Chris Gantt continues to do an excellent job mowing the cemetery and Kokosing River landing and Laymon Road. All required time sheets have been submitted to Lora King for August 2020. I suggest that the Township remove the dead Oak tree on the cemetery property, as it is a hazard to both the Quarry Chapel Cemetery and Quarry Chapel Road. I recommend this action be taken with or without any potential grant money.


Mrs. Rambo reported to the Board that the most recent burial plot in the cemetery needs additional topsoil due to the past rain causing the site to settle significantly. Family and friends of the deceased are very concerned and calling daily. Trustee McLarnan stated that the repair will be made as soon as possible; and that the family members are welcome to contact him for assurance.


Chief Smith reported that the funding for the Department is at a critical point as we are all aware. We need to setup work sessions as soon as possible with the Village Administration and Kenyon College (Ian Smith) to determine the potentials in funding the Fire Department. Everyone needs to understand the impact this will have on the community if there is no Firehouse here. This has to be a collaborative effort from all parties to be successful. We do need to put a business plan together to show all parties what is needed to run the Department and meet all the standards that are required; the


time period to get where we need to be, the cost for that service and the different possibilities in meeting those costs.

GRANTS: The Department should be getting an answer on the AFG grant any day now. The Department has begun to bring in vendors for the items on the grant application.

STAFFING: There are thirty-seven (37) shifts open in the month of September to date. All of the students on the Department are back. Two (2) local volunteers have received their VFF and EMTB cards. The Department has hired a new part timer that is a FF2 and Paramedic.

EQUIPMENT: Replacing the tires on the Chief’s vehicle has been postponed as long as possible and now needs addressed. The red medic is going into service for frontend repairs and pump testing as soon as can be approved.

TRAINING : There will be an extraction training in September with two (2) cars. INSPECTIONS: Two (2) Fire Inspections for renovation at Kenyon were held for a period of one (1) hour. The Gambier Child Care Fire Inspection required one (1) hour completing. Three (3) tent inspections for Kenyon required one and one-half (1.5) hours to conduct. The Wiggin Street Elementary Fire inspection took one (1) hour to conduct. CONTACT TRACING: The Department did a tabletop exercise with Kenyon for Covid-19 contact tracing for a period of three (3) hours.

PERFORMANCE AUDIT: Chief reported that he is sending information to the auditor as requested. Additionally, Chief has been in communication with the Auditor several times for questions that he has about the Fire Department.

CTFD/EMS Captain Carey reported that a review of EMS supply through the Vendor used exclusively (Boundtree) should be approximately $9,000 for CY 2020. Captain Carey is also looking into Flu vaccine for the department through the State of Ohio protocols for immunization of Firefighters.

RUNS IN AUGUST 2020:  39                       TOTAL RUNS IN 2020: 289 


Fiscal Officer Rambo presented a Resolution to Accept the Amounts and Rates determined By The Budget Commissions and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. CY 2021 Budget Resolution as follows; and found in full in Appendix two of this report:

Trustee McLarnan moved the adoption of the following Resolution:

Resolved, By the Board of Trustees of College Township, Knox County, Ohio, in accordance with the provisions of law has previously adopted a Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing January 1, 2021; and

Whereas, The Budget Commission of Knox County, Ohio has certified its action therein to this Board together with an estimate by the County Auditor of the rate of each tax


necessary to be levied by this Board, and what part thereof is without, and what part within the ten mill limitation; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of College, Township, Knox County, Ohio that the amounts and rates, as determined by the Budget Commission it its certification, be and the same are hereby accepted; and be it further;

RESOLVED, that there be and it’s hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said Township the rate of each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitation.

RESOLVED, that the Fiscal Officer this Board be and is hereby directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor of Said Cow1ty.

Mr. Woolison seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows:


Trustee McLarnan yes

Trustee Woolison yes

Vote: All yes.


Trustee Woolison resolved that the Board of Trustees of College Township would accept the round two allocations of funds to spend on Covid-19 related expenses that were not anticipated nor budgeted for in the current CY 2020 budget. Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the Resolution.


McLarnan        yes

Woolison         yes

Vote: All yes.

Trustee Woolison moved to appoint Trustee Bowden and Anthony Bull to the Community Committee for CTFD/EMS long term planning. Further, Trustee Woolison named Trustee McLarnan as the alternate to the committee. Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee McLarnan provided a Resolution for the appointment of David Heithaus to the  “at large” representative seat on the District 17 Natural Resource Assistance Council. Trustee Woolison provided a second to the Resolution of appointment of David Heithaus. ROLL CALL

McLarnan yes

Woolison         yes

Vote: All yes.


Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that all current correspondence has been addressed in the meeting. Fund Cash Balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated the money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills. Trustee Woolison moved to pay the bills, and Trustee McLarnan seconded the motion.

Vote: All yes.

Trustee McLarnan moved to adjourn the meeting, Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.



On September 9, 2020 at the Regular meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees, Trustee Douglas McLarnan made the Resolution to nominate David Heithaus for the “At Large” representative seat on the District 17 Natural Resource Assistance Council (NRAC), a second provided by Trustee Charles Woolison.


McLarnan        yes

Woolison         yes

Vote: All Yes


 Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer






Trustee Barry Bowden called the meeting to order and invited all present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag at 6:30 p.m.  Those present were Trustees Barry Bowden, Charles Woolison, and Douglas McLarnan.

Additionally present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Lora King, Human Resources Manager; William Smith, Chief College Township Fire and EMS Department (CTFD/EMS); Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief CTFD/EMS; and Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector.

Guests attending, Kathy Yarman College Township Resident; Leeman Kessler, Mayor Village of Gambier; George Kopscick, resident of College Township and Betsey Heer, President Village of Gambier Council.

Collaborative Partner attendance:  Ian Smith, Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability and R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator.

Trustee Bowden recognized Mr. Smith and invited him to address the Board.

Ian Smith reported to the Trustees on the Kenyon College opening and the Colleges efforts to open with all Covid-19 requirements required per the Governor of the State of Ohio, Mike DeWine. Tents on Center Path at Kenyon will be set up to greet each student and do a health screening prior to moving into the student residence locations.  Smart thermometers are being issued to all students and faculty for temperature checks.  The Smart thermometers report directly to Health Services electronically for monitoring.

All students will be required to read the “Kenyon Compact.”  The Compact outlines all campus expectations that comply with the State of Ohio Governors Covid-19 mandates.  Masks and social distancing are required at all times by all students and faculty regardless of the activities engaged in.  Kenyon College has leased the Comfort Inn for the entire 2020/2021 school year for a location to isolate students testing positive for Covid-19.

Trustee Bowden thanked Mr. Smith for his report.

Trustee Bowden invited R.C. Wise to address the Board.

Mr. Wise reported that the construction projects for road, drainage, and fire hydrants are nearly completed.

The Village signed a new Sherriff contract for one deputy on day shift.


PAGE 2 AUGUST 12, 2020

Trustee Bowden called for a review and approval of the Regular minutes of the Board of College Township Trustees of July 8, 2020.  Trustee Woolison moved to approve the minutes as written; Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

Trustee Bowden called for a review and approval of the Special meeting minutes of July 16, 2020. Trustee Woolison moved to approve the July 16 Special meeting minutes and Trustee Bowden provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.


The Ballenger zoning request for Zoning was approved.

One additional request for a Zoning permit has been requested and will be approved.


Roadway Improvements for CY 2020 are completed and payment has been issued in full.

All of the mowing is up to date and all roadways are well tended.

Trustee Bowden reported that additional trees and brush will be cleared time permitting.

Trustee McLarnan recognized the crew on a recent accident in Gambier involving a vehicle and young child.  CTFD/EMS saved the life of the child.  Without a fire house in College Township the child would not have survived waiting for a squad outside of College Township.  The Board of College Township Trustees congratulate the CTFD/EMS employees that were involved in the rescue for their heroic effort, and for saving the life of a child in Gambier.


Trustee McLarnan reported that he has the surveillance cams working on the Quarry Chapel Cemetery and Church property.

Mrs. King reported on the application of a grant for the Quarry Chapel Cemetery for the Sims cemetery software and for the partial cost of tree removal on the Quarry Chapel Cemetery property, that is a hazard to the Cemetery as well as to the roadway in front of the Chapel.   Trustee Woolison thanked Mr. Smith for his help in preparing the Cemetery for a burial service.  Bill gave his time and effort to make cemetery grounds ready for the burial.

PAGE 3 AUGUST 12, 2020


CTFD/EMS Chief Smith reported that funding is at a critical point as we are all aware.  Continued collaboration with Kenyon and the Village is essential.  A business plan needs to be put together to show all parties what is needed to run the

department, meet all of the standards required, the time period to get where we need to be, the cost for the service, and the different possibilities in meeting those costs.

The department should hear about the AFG Grant any day.  Vendors are being contacted to preview the items that are written into the grant.

There are thirty (30) shifts open this month.

All student members will be back this month.  The department has two (2) local members that will be testing for their 36VFF and EMTB cards in the nest week or so.  Alec Mackey will start EMTB in September at the Ohio Fire Academy.

The red Medic is going to need front-end repairs and two (2) new tires.  Pump testing will be scheduled in the next week this month. Chief Smith will schedule pump testing in the coming weeks.

The department has two to three volunteers starting Firefighter 1 training in the coming weeks.  Fire Inspections are now coming into the department for Chief Smith to conduct.

Chief has contacted Kenyon College and the Knox County Health Department regarding “contact tracing” for Covid-19 and provided Mrs. King’s contact information.  No response from Kenyon or the Health Department have been received.

Runs in July 2020   41

Total runs in 2020  250


Fiscal Officer Rambo provided a notice from the Knox County Auditor of the Budget Commission meeting scheduled in August.  The notice to the Trustees invited them to attend with a scheduled appointment.

The College Township Board of Trustees audit for CY 2018 and 2019 is complete.  Mrs. Rambo provided the Trustees the “MANAGEMENT LETTER” from the accounting firm of Wilson, Phillips & Agin, CPA’S INC. who conducted the audit for Auditor of State, Keith Faber.  Audits are always viewed as an opportunity for the administration of the financial reporting of an entity to become more refined and transparent.  College Township received one “non-compliance citation” for late certification of a Super Blanket Certificate for expenditure.  The recommended remedy will be applied in the future.   A document from the accounting firm was provided to the Trustees that

PAGE 4 AUGUST 12, 2020

certified their receipt of the audit report; and required their signatures to either attend a post audit conference; or to waive meeting and accept the report as provided.

Trustee Bowden moved to accept the Audit report of College Township for years 2018 and 2019 from the firm of Wilson, Phillips & Agin, CPA’s Inc. of Zanesville, Ohio 43701 on behalf of the Auditor of State, Ohio Keith Faber; Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

Trustee Bowden welcomed Mr. George Kopscick to address the Board.

George is a College Township resident.  He independently wrote a document that contains information from a variety of sources that is titled; “COMMENTS

 PROPOSED COLLEGE TOWNSHIP MILLAGE INCREASE”             Mr. Kopscick presented his document to the Trustees and those in attendance.  He answered all attendee questions and facilitated discussion regarding the information contained in his document.  The document in its entirety is attached to the minutes of the meeting as ATTACHMENT 1

Following extensive discussion and a period of “question and answer,” Village of Gambier Council woman President Heer proposed a collaborative committee be formed to further discuss the funding needed for the CTFD/EMS department.  Trustee McLarnan proposed that a meeting of prospective committee members be scheduled for the 1st Tuesday after Labor Day, that being September 15, 2020.

Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that all current correspondence has been addressed in the meeting.  Fund Cash Balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills.  Trustee McLarnan moved to pay the bills presented with a second by Trustee McLarnan.  There being no further business, Trustee McLarnan made the motion to adjourn at 9:42 p.m., and Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.




Trustee Doug McLarnan opened the Special meeting at 4:00 p.m. on July 16, 2020 at the College Township Fire and Emergency Medical Service station located at 102 E Brooklyn Street, Gambier Ohio, 43022.

Those present were Trustees Doug McLarnan and Charles Woolison.  Trustee Barry
Bowden was excused from the meeting.  Additionally, Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer attended.

The purpose of the Special meeting was to review and approve the 2021 College Township Appropriation Budget as well as any unpaid bills due in July.

Mrs. Rambo provided the Trustees with the draft appropriations as well as all unpaid bills due in July.

Following a review of the draft appropriation budget and current revenue and current expenditure reports for all funds, the Trustees made a motion to approve.

Trustee Douglas McLarnan moved to approve the 2021 College Township Appropriation Budget as submitted to the Knox County Auditor in a timely manner.  Trustee Woolison gave a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.

All expenditures remaining due and payable in the month of July, 2020 were reviewed and discussed.  F.O. Rambo will issue payment on the due bills and provide checks for signatures later in the month.

Fund cash balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo, demonstrated money on hand or in the process of collection, and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills.  Trustee Woolison moved to pay the bills presented with a second by Trustee McLarnan.  Vote:  All yes.

There being no further business, Trustee Woolison made the motion to adjourn at 5:30 p.m.  Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.  Vote:  All yes.




JULY 8, 2020

Trustee Doug McLarnan called the meeting to order and invited all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at 6:30 p.m.  Those present were Trustees Doug McLarnan, and Charles Woolison.  Trustee Barry Bowden is excused from the meeting in advance.  Additionally present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; William Smith, Chief College Township Fire and EMS Department (CTFD/EMS); Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief CTFD/EMS, James Thompson, Captain CTFD/EMS, Lora King, Human Resource Manager, College Township, and Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector.

Guests:  Kathy Yarman, resident College Township

Collaborative Partner; R.C. Wise, Administrator the Village of Gambier, Ohio 43022

Trustee McLarnan invited Mr. Wise to address the Trustees

R.C. reported that the renovation of the Village of Gambier Community center almost complete

The Village has received approval from the Knox County Commissioners to make street improvements at Wiggin and Duff Streets in the Village.  Trustee McLarnan requested that R.C. assist in getting a meeting date with the village on or near July 19.  Doug requested that the meeting be in the evening and outside in a covered shelter.  R. C. will work on getting a date with the Village.  Doug also reported that the Auditor of State, Office of Business Management (AOS, OBM) is prepared to begin the joint audit of the CTFD/EMS with the Village.  The requested participants are R.C. Wise, the Board members of the College Township Trustees, and the CTFD/EMS Chief, William Smith.  Lora King provided a copy of the final Collaborative Community Garden report to Mr. Wise.


Zoning Inspector Yarman reported that a resident has requested a Variance hearing scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the CTFD/EMS located at 102 E. Brooklyn Street Gambier, Ohio 43022.  As an adjacent landowner to the Ballenger property, a notice along with the required information will be provided at the hearing.

The Ballenger property is located at 19799 Baker Road, Gambier, Ohio 43022.  The resident is stating that the two-hundred (200) feet required becomes a problem with the slope of the ground.  There are two (2) stakes in the field marking the one hundred (100) foot request and the two hundred (200) foot requirement.  The slope of the property will cause water and drainage issues to a dwelling.   The fee for the hearing is paid.

Trustee McLarnan reported that an individual regarding a housing development proposal in College Township has contacted him.  Additional information will be provided as it is received.


Trustee Bowden submitted a report on July 7, 2020.  The first mowing of the township roads was completed on June 30, 2020.  A cracked weld on the support arm of the Ford mower was found.  Gambier Welding repaired the crack.  Eight (8) ton of top soil was ordered and used to fill in low areas, settled gravesites and reseeding of areas in need of grass.  There is about one (1) ton of soil remaining to be used at the Quarry Chapel Cemetery in the future.  Trustee Bowden reported that all consider removing a dead oak tree on the Quarry Chapel side of the Cemetery as well as some Ash trees on Laymon Road above the Cookman residence.


Trustee McLarnan reported that he has checked the cameras at the cemetery and found one not working and one overgrown.  He is in the process of checking the cameras and getting the data.

Mrs. King reported to the Trustees that the Quarry Chapel Cemetery software program is changing to a “Cloud Base” program.  If the contract with the vender is not renewed, the software program will become obsolete.  The cost of the new Cemetery cloud program is $337.00.  A grant through the Ohio Department of Commerce is currently open for application of up to $1000.  Mrs. King requested approval from the Trustees to apply for the grant to cover the Cemetery software and potentially some of the cost of tree service needed at the Cemetery.  The Trustees agreed that applying for the Cemetery grant was a good idea.  Thanks to resident Tom Hoffman for the grant information. Additionally, McLarnan reported that the City of Mount Vernon has set up all of the equipment to collect traffic flow on Quarry Chapel Road.   The data from the traffic count will be evaluated and shared with the Friends of Quarry Chapel Road committee.


Chief Smith reported that the funding for the Department is at a critical point as we are all aware.  We need to setup work sessions as soon as possible with the Village Administration, and Kenyon College to determine the potentials in funding the Fire Department.  Everyone needs to understand the impact this will have on the community if there is no Firehouse in College Township.  This has to be a collaborative effort from all parties to be successful.

No information has been received regarding the submission of the AFG Grant.  Additionally Chief Smith stated in his report that the funds received from HB 481 could be beneficial to the operations of the CTFD/EMS Department. There are forty-four (44) open shifts for July.  Both CTFD/EMS Chiefs’ continue to cover open shifts.

The Tuesday night trainings have begun again in July.  There are two (2) trainings scheduled with Kenyon Safety in July.  Ladder testing is scheduled for July 9, 2020.  Howell Rescue will be servicing the rescue tools on July 23, 2020.  Breathing Air was in on June 30, 2020 to service the air fill station. Chief Smith also reported that there are gas wells being capped on Big Run and Zion Roads.

Runs in June 2020:  40      Total runs in 2020:  209


Fiscal Officer Rambo requested the Trustees sign paperwork required by the AOS for the current audit in progress.  Additionally Mrs. Rambo reported that the HB481 COVID Fund money has been received and deposited.  The Trustees entered into discussion regarding the best way to allocate the revenue.  No final decision was reached.  A Special meeting to review and approve the 2021 College Township Appropriation Budget was set for July 16, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the CTFD/EMS station.

All correspondence sent and/or received was discussed in the body of the meeting.  Fund cash balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills.  Trustee Woolison moved to pay the bills presented with a second by Trustee McLarnan.  Vote:  All yes.   There being no further business, Trustee Woolison moved to adjourn; Trustee McLarnan provided the second to adjourn. Vote:  All Yes.




Trustee Barry Bowden called the meeting to order and invited all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at 4:30 p.m. Those present were Trustees Barry Bowden, Douglas McLarnan, and Charles Woolison.

Additionally, present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; Bill Smith, CTFD Chief; Ashley Thompson, CTFD Assistant Chief; Lora King, HR Manager; and Morgan Carey, CTFD EMS Captain.

Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector was excused from the meeting and provided a written report.

Collaborative partners present were R.C. Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator and Ian Smith, Kenyon College, Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability.


Trustee Bowden called for the review and approval of the April 8, 2020 and May 13, 2020 regular meeting minutes. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve both meetings’ minutes with a second from Trustee Woolison.

Vote: All yes.

The Board invited Ian Smith to address the Trustees.

Mr. Smith reported that Kenyon College will have the largest freshman class in the history of the College. Resident halls are being prepared to address the needs of the students with newly implemented procedures to address the Covid-19 pandemic. Faculty has been moved from residence in apartments that are being renovated for student residence. The new Library construction is proceeding well, as is the new parking deck.

R.C. Wise was then invited to address the Board.

Dumpster Day was well received and successful this spring. A rummage sale of items left by students is being prepared. The Village will be working with Chief Smith on replacing several fire hydrants within the Village. Head Start will be in need of more space to welcome students back in the fall. Classroom for Head Start may potentially be a reconfiguration of the gym in the Village of Gambier Community building. Trustee McLarnan added that he has talked with the Auditor of State (AOS) Office of Budget and Management (OBM) about conducting an audit of the Township and the Village of Gambier. The AOS has waived the customary fee of $60,000 for the project and will now assist at no cost to either entity. Trustee McLarnan moved that College Township move forward with the AOS to enter into an agreement with the OBM to have an audit conducted. Trustee Bowden made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Mr. Wise congratulated the Trustees on obtaining service at no cost to both the Township and the Village. Trustee Bowden stated that the new Fire Tax levy on the ballot in November is an essential source of revenue to make the College Township Fire and EMS department successful. Trustee Bowden requested that Mr. Wise promote the passage of the Fire levy with the Village of Gambier administration and also residents of the community.

R.C. concluded his update with the announcement of the appointment of a new Village Council member, and that he is trying to get the Library in the Community Center opened for resident access. Also, the Village 4th of July annual parade has been cancelled. Trustee McLarnan said that perhaps the CTFD/EMS could display vehicles and have staff present outside to celebrate the holiday.


Trustee Bowden presented a Road Way improvement change order to add to the approved contract. The change order was for the completion of the 2019 Road Way project. Follow discussion, Trustee Bowden moved to approve the change order to the approved contract for the amount of $11,097.30 which modifies the approved contract with the approved expenditure for the 2020 Road Way project of $55,470.05. Trustee Woolison provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

The Knox County Engineer told Trustee McLarnan that there is an abbreviated method to advertise roadway improvement adds to the Road Way Improvement contracts annually to reduce the cost of advertisements. Fiscal Officer Rambo stated that the Engineers office provides the template and instruction for contract bid advertisement that is followed per direction. If there is a different way to advertise for cost saving; the Engineers office needs to change the instruction. Mrs. Rambo will follow up on the issue with the County Prosecutor for opinion. The Trustees reviewed correspondence from the Friends of Quarry Chapel (FQC). The FOC is comprised of the property owners on and residents along Quarry Chapel Road. A list of residents was provided as well as signed statements from same.

The FOC is requesting that College Township undertake steps to establish a Speed Zone on Quarry Chapel Road.

Following discussion, the Trustees tabled the request. Trustee McLarnan will investigate the request further and provide the FOC with further steps to be taken in response to the request.


Zoning Inspector Yarman was excused from the meeting. A written report by Roger included the following: two zoning permits have been issued, one agricultural, one paid at $688.00. He has talked with the property owner on New Gambier Road about splitting the lot. He has 3 acres and wants to split 1 ½ off. Roger advised him that it would take a variance to do what the resident is proposing. The request to review the variance would be required to go through both the Zoning Board and the Zoning Commission at expense to the resident. Roger further told the resident that even after following the submission and review, the request would not be granted. Additionally, Roger reported that there are no Regional Planning meetings currently scheduled.


The Board addressed a letter received from Tom Hoffman regarding having the speed limit of the Quarry Chapel/Monroe Mills intersection area enforced at the currently posted 35 MPH signage. College Township has an additional sign to post in the area. State Highway Patrol advised that they will enforce the 35 MPH limit, adding that there have been 2-5 accidents in the area since 2015. Traffic counts in 2018 were considerably higher than before at 720. It was recommended the Board considers a new traffic count using an Engineer and/or Mount Vernon counter. Trustee Bowden said that historically the traffic count is directly related to the time of year. Trustee McLarnan will compose a letter to Tom Hoffman and outline the efforts made to evaluate the process taken by the Township.

(**see additional information regarding Quarry Chapel Road in the Roads report.)


Trustee Bowden invited Chief Smith and Chief Thompson to address the Board.

CHIEF REPORT                               Runs in May 2020: 25 Total runs in 2020 169 

Chief Smith reported that the AFG Grant has been pushed back due to funding for COVID. The funding for the department is at a critical point as we are all aware. We need to setup work sessions as soon as possible, with the Village administration and Kenyon College to determine the potentials in funding the Fire Department. Everyone needs to understand the impact this will have on the community, if there is no Firehouse here. This has to be a collaborative effort from all parties to be successful.

The Department has 20 empty shifts for June. The Chiefs have continued to cover open shifts.

There is assigned mandatory trainings monthly for Fire and EMS on 24/7. Hopefully we can get back to doing trainings on Tuesday nights soon. COVID: The department continues to wear appropriate PPE for potential COVID patients with minimal used to date.

A letter was sent to Dr. Schermer regarding changes in the CTFD/EMS position of Medical Director. Chief Smith thanked Dr. Schermer for his services to the CTFD/EMS department, and to the community. A meeting with Dr. Schermer was not able to be scheduled that resulted in the written communication. The appropriate paperwork has been sent to the Ohio Pharmacy Board for the new Medical Director. A teleconference is scheduled with Medical Director Kainow for June 12, 2020.


Fiscal Officer Rambo presented the Trustees with a draft Resolution to affirm funds received from H.B. 481 authorizing Local Government request its share of funds from the Knox County Coronavirus Relief Distribution Fund.

Trustee Bowden made the resolution that the Board of Trustees of College Township affirms that all funds received from the Knox County Coronavirus Relief Distribution Fund pursuant to HB 481 be expended only to cover cost of the Township consistent with the requirements of section 5001 of the CARES ACT as described om 42 U.S.C. 601(d) and any applicable regulations and guidance only to cover expenses. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the Resolution.

Roll Call

Bowden             yes

McLarnan          yes

Woolison           yes                                          Vote: All yes

(*the Resolution in its entirety is attached to the minutes of June 10, 2020)

The annual property insurance premium and cost of insurance was reviewed by the Trustees. Trustee Woolison moved to approve the annual property insurance premium expenditure for 2020-2021.

Trustee Bowden proved a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that all current correspondence has been addressed in the meeting. Fund Cash Balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills. Trustee Woolison moved to pay the bills presented with a second by Trustee Bowden. There being no further business, Trustee Woolison made the motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion.

College Township


WHEREAS, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, 116 Public Law 136, (the CARES Act) was signed into law by the President of the United States on March 27, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the Ohio General Assembly established a process for distributing funds provided by the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” in House Bill 481 of the 133rd General Assembly (HB 481); and

WHEREAS, HB 481 requires subdivisions receiving funds under Section 1 of the act, to pass a resolution affirming that funds from the County Coronavirus Relief Distribution Fund ma be expended only to cover costs of the subdivision consistent with the requirements of section 5001 of the CARES Act as described in 42 U>S>C>M 601 (d), and any applicable regulations before receiving said funds; and

WHEREAS, College Township is requesting its share of funds from the Knox County Coronavirus Relief Distribution Fund.

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of College Township affirms that all funds received from the Knox County Coronavirus Relief Distribution Fund pursuant to HB 481 be expended only to cover costs of the Township consistent with the requirements of section 5001 of the CARES Act as described in 42 U.S.C. 601 (d), and any applicable regulations and guidance only to cover expenses that:

  1. Are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); and
  2. Were not accounted for in College Township’s most recently approved budget as of March 27, 2020; and
  3. Were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020 and ends on December 30, 2020.

FURTHERMORE, in compliance with HB 481, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of College Township that the College Township Fiscal Officer take all necessary action to:

  1. On or before October 15, 2020, pay any unencumbered balance of money in the College Township’s local coronavirus relief fund to the Knox County Treasurer;
  2. On or before December 28, 2020, pay the balance of any money in the College Township’s local coronavirus relief fund to the state treasury in the manner prescribed by the Director of the Ohio Office of Budget and Management; and
  3. Provide any information related to any payments received under HB 481 to the Director of the Ohio Office of Budget and Management as requested.

Adopted on: June 11, 2020

MAY 13, 2020

Trustee Barry Bowden called for the opening of bids for the College Township Roadway Improvement 2020 project at 6:15 p.m. Those present were Trustee Bowden, Trustee McLarnan, and Trustee Woolison. Also attending were William Smith, Chief College Township Fire and EMS (CTFD/EMS), Lora King, Human Recourses Manager, and Denise Enders, Smalls Asphalt Paving Inc. 10229 Killduff Road, P.O. Box 5522 Gambier, Ohio 43022.
One bid was received and opened from Small’s Asphalt Paving Inc. for the bid amount of $44,372.75. The Knox County Engineer estimate for the 2020 project was estimated at $58,505.48.
Trustee McLarnan moved to accept the 2020 Roadway Improvement project in College Township from Small’s Asphalt Paving Inc. for the submitted amount of $44,372.75 with a projected date of completion of
September 15, 2020. Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion.
Vote: All yes.

Trustee Barry Bowden called the Regular meeting to order and invited all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were Trustees Barry Bowden, Charles Woolison, and Douglas McLarnan. Additionally present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer, William Smith, Chief CTFD/EMS, Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector, Ian Smith, Kenyon College Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability; Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief CTFD/EMS; James Thompson, Captain CTFD/EMS, Andrew Simms, CTFD/EMS, and R.C. Wise, Administrator the Village of Gambier.

Trustee Bowden invited R.C. Wise to address the Board.
Mr. Wise thanked the Township for applying for the Community Garden Grant and the hard work provided to build the garden extension with new beds. The Community Garden expansion project has already exceeded demand and all the new garden beds are rented. R.C. updated the Trustees on the Village of Gambier projects and the status of Corona-19 Virus related issues. Additionally, R.C. reported the Village of Gambier Community
PAGE 2 MAY 13, 2020

remained closed, a construction meeting to do paving in the Village is planned, there is a new stop sign at Brooklyn Street and Chase Avenue, and the Fall Dumpster Day was a success. The Village has decided that they will keep a contract with the Knox County
Sheriff’s Department with revision to bring the contract up to date.
Trustee Bowden thanked Mr. Wise for attending the meeting and providing his report.
Trustee Bowden invited Ian Smith to address the Board. Ian reported that the Kenyon College Administration is bringing students back to campus for the 20-21 school year. Attention is being paid to those students that are returning from foreign countries. Kenyon College anticipates a higher enrollment for the 20-21 academic year than in previous years.
Kenyon College campus construction projects are progressing well.
Trustee Bowden asked Mr. Smith if it was possible to move up the receipt of the Kenyon contribution to the CTFD/EMS, as it would benefit the revenue flow for the Department. Mr. Smith will inquire about the contribution receipt. Chief Smith will submit the annual letter to the Board of Directors of Kenyon College for the contribution to CTFD/EMS.
Trustee Bowden also told Mr. Smith that Chief Smith and the Department have been working on proposals for alternative funding through Kenyon College to provide revenue to the CTFD/EMS.
Trustee Bowden thanked Mr. Smith for attending the meeting and providing his report.

Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector reported that a building permit was authorized for a resident without fee for an agricultural building. The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) held a discussion regarding possible development south of Centerburg, and a potential Knox Community Hospital affiliated clinic south of Centerburg. Roger also reported that there might be a structure on acreage by the Kenyon College observatory that is not authorized.

Trustee Bowden reported that the Ford tractor will be taken out of storage for mowing, and some cold mix patching is still need on Baker and Laymon roads.

PAGE 3 MAY 13, 2020


Trustee Bowden reported that two (2) loads of 57 limestone have been spread on both parking lots at the Quarry Chapel. Trustee Bowden requested an estimate from Mohican Valley Fence for taking out and replacing split rail fence along Quarry Chapel Road on the side of the Q.C. cemetery. Mohican Valley Fence quoted the work at $1613.00.
Trustee Bowden also reported that the township is currently not able to get top soil to repair the cemetery ruts and a gravesite that has settled due to weather conditions.


Chief Smith reported that the department is waiting to hear about the AFC grant, and that the department did not receive the equipment grant from the State Fire Marshal.
Two CTFD/EMS Kenyon College Students that are in the EMT-B training will take their practicals on Saturday May 16, 202 and they have already passed National Registry. Alec’s EMT-B class at the Fire Academy is postponed. Those that are in Medic class have been doing on-line classes. Chief stated that he is not sure how the State of Ohio and Registry are going to deal with these programs for ride time and clinical time served by students enrolled. Firefighter 1 class starts at the end of August 2020.
There are eighteen (18) empty shifts for May. Chief reported that he has been filling in empty night and weekend spots. There are two (2) students that want to be here over the summer and Chief is working on the request.
Mandatory trainings monthly for Fire/EMS on 24/7 have been assigned to employees. Additionally EMS and web based training weekly through Ohio Health is assigned to staff.
The reports and emails are read daily, spreadsheets for potential transport and PPE use is recorded. Two (2) patients have been transported with symptoms with no positive test for Covid. The weekly meetings with EOC have ended.

The white medic was repaired at Blubaugh. Chief reported that he replaced a broken tailgate handle on Grass truck 451. An estimate for repair of Engine 451 is being pursued by Chief Smith. Fire hose testing will begin once the weather turns warm and dry.
The contract for a Medical Director has been received and is being processed. There are no inspections to report. Weekly communication with Kenyon College Campus Safety is ongoing.
Trustee Bowden moved to approve an agreement with OhioHealth for the contracted position of CTFD/EMS Medical Director for the period of one year commencing on the

PAGE 4 MAY 13, 2020

date of both parties signed agreement. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion. Vote: All Yes

The Board of College Township Trustees unanimously commends Chief Smith and Chief Thompson along with the department staff for their invaluable service to the department.
Your service is highly respected.

Trustee Bowden moved to designate the week of May 17-23, 2020 as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK.
Whereas, emergency medical services is a vital public service; and
Whereas, the members of emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and
Whereas, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and
Whereas, emergency medical services has grown to fill a gap by providing important, out of hospital care, including preventative medicine, follow-up care, and access to telemedicine. And
Whereas, the emergency medical services system consists of first responders, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, emergency medical dispatchers, firefighters, police officers, educators, administrators, pre-hospital nurses, emergency nurses, emergency physicians, trained members of the public, and other out of hospital medical care providers; and
Whereas, the members of emergency medical services teams, whether career or volunteer, engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and
Whereas, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week; now
Therefore, We, the Trustees of College Township, Knox County, Ohio, in recognition of this event do hereby proclaim the week of May 17-23, 2020 as
EMERCENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK with the theme, EMS Strong; Beyond the Call: Ready Today, Preparing for Tomorrow, We encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities.
Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Fiscal Officer Rambo presented the Board of College Township Trustees the following Resolution:
To proceed with submission of the question of levying a 6.0 tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation for the purpose of providing and maintaining Fire and Emergency service per Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 5705.035705.191, 5705.192 and 5705.25. These sections of the ORC authorizing submission of the question of the tax include 5705.19 (I). The term of the tax is for five (5) years: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.

PAGE 5, MAY 13, 2020

This tax is levied upon the entire territory of College Township and will be presented to the taxpayers in the General Election on November 3, 2020.
Resolution 2020-1 as presented is a Resolution of Necessity and shall commence collection on January 1, 2021.
Trustee Bowden moved to approve the College Township Resolution # 2020-1 to place a 6.0 mill NEW tax levy outside of the 10-mill limitation on the ballot for the people on November 3, 2020 in the General Election for the purpose of Fire and Emergency service per ORC 5705.19(I)
Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the Resolution # 2020-1.
Roll Call:
Bowden yes
McLarnan yes
Woolison yes
Vote: All yes

Trustee Bowden moved to reduce elected and appointed official salary hence forth by ten percent (10%) including the positions of Trustee, Zoning Inspector, Board and Committee members of the Zoning Board and the Zoning Commission. Further to reduce the total numbers of hours of employment of the Human Recourse Manger by same commencing July 1, 2020. The elected official in the position of Fiscal Officer shall not collect any stipend attributed to cell phone use on behalf of College Township in the calendar year of 2020; with the designated annual salary remaining as budget for calendar year 2020.
Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion.
Vote: All yes.

Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that all correspondence and business has been discussed in the meeting.
Fund cash balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills. Trustee Woolison moved to pay the bills presented with a second by Trustee McLarnan. Vote: All yes.
There being no further business, Trustee Woolison made the motion to adjourn at 9:22 p.m. Trustee McLarnan made a second to the motion to adjourn. Vote: All yes.

APRIL 8, 2020

Trustee Barry Bowden called the meeting to order and invited all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Trustees Barry Bowden, Charles Woolison, and Douglas McLarnan. Additionally present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; William Smith, Chief College Township Fire and EMS Department (CTFD/EMS) and Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief CTFD/EMS. Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector had the opportunity to attend the meeting telephonically. Lora King College Township Human Recourse Manager participated telephonically.
Collaborative Members in attendance included Ian Smith, Kenyon College Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability.
Collaborative Members attending telephonically included R.C Wise, Administrator Village of Gambier and Betsy Heer, President Village of Gambier Council.
Nick Sabo of the Mount Vernon News covered the meeting for the newspaper.
The April 8, 202 Public meeting of the Board of College Township Trustees is restricted to essential employees of College Township only. The public is duly notified of the closed meeting space due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The public is invited to join the public meeting by dialing into 774 220 4000. The telecommunication participant number and access code are available on the College Township website and the College Township Fire Department website. The access code is 9386342
College Township website addresses are:

Zoning Inspector Yarman submitted a written report that detailed his work for the month of March and into April. Resident response included a discussion regarding the sale of a land parcel that by the Zoning Resolution is not eligible to be split, an Agricultural Zoning Permit issued to a resident, and investigation into several residential properties that have inquired about obtaining a Zoning Permit for construction.
Resolution Authorizing Participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts Awarded in 2020

Trustee Mclarnan made the following Resolution:
College Township, Knox County, Ohio (the Political Subdivision) hereby submits a written agreement to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) annual road salt bid in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 5513.01(B) and hereby agrees to all of the terms and conditions in its participation of the ODOT road salt contract.
PAGE 2 APRIL 8, 2020

College Township, Knox County, Ohio electronic order for Sodium Chloride (road salt) will be the amount that the Political Subdivision agrees to purchase from its awarded salt supplier at the delivered bid price per ton awarded by the Director of ODOT; and the Political Subdivision agrees to purchase a minimum of 90% of its electronically submitted salt quantities from its awarded salt supplier during the contract’s effective period.

And the Political Subdivision agrees to place orders with and directly pay the awarded salt supplier on a net 30 basis for all road salt it receives pursuant to ODOT salt contract.
Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the Resolution.
Roll Call:
Bowden yes
McLarnan yes
Woolison yes
Vote: All Yes
Following review of the Knox County Engineers estimate for the cost of Roadway improvements in College Township and discussion on the Roadway Improvement project for College Township, Trustee Bowden moved to accept the estimate from the Knox County Engineer and proceed with the described project. Trustee McLarnan provided the second. Vote: All yes.
Trustee McLarnan stated that he is not in favor of finishing Laymon Road (which was in the 2019 Roadway Improvement project but not completed in the contract year) unless revenue from the County Gas Tax provides adequate revenue into the fund.
The Trustees authorized the project be advertised and put out to bid.

Trustee Woolison reported that he has obtained new American Flags from the V.A. to place appropriately in the Quarry Chapel Cemetery.

William Smith Chief CTFD/EMS reported that a Fire Marshal Grant for training reimbursement was received. The Shriners donated funds to purchase two no-touch thermometers.
Regarding staffing, Chief Smith reported that there are seventeen (17) empty shifts for April.
The Department is trying to keep up on daily reports, filling out daily reports, and doing weekly webex with Chiefs and Knox County leadership. The Department has a descent amount of supplies and has not needed to use much of it yet.
Parts for the white Medic are still in transit, there are no inspections to report at this time.
The Department received a subpoena for our run information from a mutual aid run with Bladensburg and the attorney has requested telephone depositions.
Trustee Bowden requested that Chief Smith conduct an inventory of the Departments Personnel Protective Gear. Additionally, Trustee Bowden reported that he has been in
PAGE 3 APRIL 8, 2020

conversation with the City of Mount Vernon regarding their proposal to College Township for operations of the CTFD/EMS Department. It has been decided by the Trustees to table discussions with the City of Mount Vernon until after the General Election in November.
Mr. Sabo of the Mount Vernon News asked the Board about the proposed new 6.0 Mill Fire levy and whether it would be collected in addition to the current tax levies. Trustee McLarnan responded that the current levies would be collected through their expiration and renewed if warranted.
Mr. Smith reported to the Board that Kenyon College will enter into a written agreement for the annual contribution from Kenyon College in 2020 keeping the current rate of $140,000, and further will commit to no less than $140,000 for the next five (5) years.
Ms. Heer stated that she would like to see an annual cost increase from the College to the CTFD/EMS in a new agreement. Additionally, Ms. Heer would like the Trustees to request an extension on the June 1 deadline to respond to the Mount Vernon City Fire Department proposal.
Trustee Bowden responded that given the current Pandemic, timelines would naturally shift.
The College will reevaluate their contribution to College Township/Fire and EMS after the Covid pandemic has passed. Ian stated that it is the intent of Kenyon College to continue financial support for the operations of CTFD/EMS.
Trustee Bowden thanked Ian for advocating with the College on behalf of the CTFD/EMS.
Runs in March 2020 30
Total runs in 2020 124

Trustee Barry Bowden made the following Resolution:
Now therefore, be resolved by the Board of College Township Trustees at least two-third of all of the members of the Board concurring that:
The amount of taxes that will be raised within the ten-mill limitation will be insufficient to provide for the necessary requirements of the Township
It is necessary to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation
Pursuant to R.C 5705.03 (B) (1):
The purpose of the tax is for Fire and Emergency Medical Service.
• The levy type is NEW
• The term of the tax is continuing and commences on January 1, 2021 for five years.
• The tax is levied on the entire territory of College Township.
• The date of the election at which the question of the tax shall appear on the ballot is November 3, 2020

PAGE 4 APRIL 8, 2020

Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the Resolution.
Roll Call:
Bowden yes
McLarnan yes
Woolison yes
Vote: All yes.

Fiscal Officer Rambo reported that all correspondence has been addressed in the meeting.
Fund cash balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills. Trustee McLarnan moved to pay the bills presented with a second by Trustee Woolison. There being no further business, Trustee McLarnan made the motion to adjourn at 9:35 p.m.
Trustee Bowden made a second to the motion to adjourn. Vote: All yes.

MARCH 11, 2020
Trustee Barry Bowden called the meeting to order and invited all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Trustees Barry Bowden, Charles Woolison, and Douglas McLarnan.
Additionally, present were Martha Rambo, Fiscal Officer; William Smith, Chief College Township Fire and EMS Department {CTFD/EMS); Ashley Thompson, Assistant Chief CTFD/EMS, and Lora King, HR Manager.
Roger Yarman, Zoning Inspector was excused from the meeting and provided a written report.


R.C. Wise, Administrator Village of Gambier
Ian Smith, Kenyon College, Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability
Betsy Heer, President Village of Gambier Council
Danial J. Weckesser, candidate for Sheriff, Knox County Ohio
Trustee Bowden invited Mr. Weckesser to address the Trustees.
Mr. Weckesser is a Republican Candidate for the position of Knox County Sheriff. He stands on a platform that includes: upholding the Constitution and all of the rights it bestows on the people, and protection of Second Amendment Rights and to keep and bear arms. He reported that he does not support Red Flag Laws. Mr. Weckesser also reported to the Trustees that he vows as the elected Sheriff to serve all of Knox County by partnering with citizens and providing patrols to all townships.
Additionally, Mr. Weckesser stated that he will assign a Detective exclusively to elder abuse. He will endorse proactive enforcement on narcotics. As sheriff, he pledges that the Sheriff’s Department will be transparent and provide citizens direct access to him personally as the Sheriff.
Trustee Bowden thanked Mr. Weckesser for attending the meeting and his presentation to the Board.
Trustee Bowden called for the review and approval of the February 12, 2020 Regular meeting minutes. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve the meeting minutes of February 12, 2020 with a second from Trustee Woolison. Vote: All yes. Trustee Bowden called for the review and approval of the February 27, 2020 Special meeting minutes. Trustee McLarnan moved to approve the meeting minutes of February 27, 2020. Trustee Bowden provided a second for approval. Vote: All yes.

Page 2, March 11, 2020

Trustee Bowden invited R.C. Wise to address the Board

R.C. reported that he and Trustee Bowden will work together on the Village Community Garden expansion project. Mohican Valley fence has the design for the additional plots and has provided an estimate for the expansion. Trustee Bowden will secure the additional materials with funds provided through a grant from Knox County Foundation.
Ian Smith, Kenyon College, Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability was invited to address the Board.

Mr. Smith reported that all Kenyon Students were informed that spring break would be extended one (1) week with on-line seminars. Firefighter students may petition the college to remain on campus with the expectation that as few as possible students would remain on campus as possible. Students that do remain on campus will be required to remain on campus and not travel around the country. The hours at the KAC will be reduced, the swim team is going to the national championship then the students will go home.
Kenyon College will follow the national CDC guidelines for sanitation while the students are gone from campus. There are approximately one hundred (100) students remaining on campus at this time.

Zoning Inspector Yarman was excused from the meeting. A written report by Roger included the following: a zoning permit has been issued for a house on New Gambier Road; the RPC passed an entry plat for a sub-division in Hillard Township on Wilson Road; there is still an application out for a barn in the Township; Mr. Bateman has received his own Zoning book printed in the College Township office and there is no drive culvert needed for the building site on New Gambier Road. Mr. Yarman thanked the Trustees for re-hiring him on March 1, 2020.
Trustee Bowden reported that he has contacted the Knox County Engineers office for an official Roadway improvement bid packet that is based on work not completed in the 2019 project. The 2020 Road Salt contract was reviewed by all Trustees. Trustee Bowden moved to approve the minimum required to secure the State contract for road salt in 2021, Trustee McLarnan gave a second.
Vote: All yes. Trustee Bowden made a motion to participate with the Village of Gambier for the spring clean-up and Dumpster Day the second Saturday in May, Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.

Trustee Bowden invited Chief Smith and Chief Thompson to discuss the proposal to College Township for Fire/EMS protection. Chief Smith pointed out the negative aspects of OPTION # 1.
Chief Smith and the Trustees agree that Mount Vernon FD “needs” the money and space for their department expansion. Betsy Heer, President of the Gambier Village Council asked the Board if there has been any conversation from MVC regarding the MVCFD Fire Proposal. Trustee Bowden replied that no information has been provided. Trustee Bowden stated that he will reach out to Mr. Dzik regarding the current opinion of the City of Mount Vernon residents.

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Staff currently employed by CTFD would have to apply to MVFD and be approved for employment. No current employees currently working have a guaranteed position with MVFD.
Bowden, if CTWP FD drops the torch with the Kenyon Students; it will not be recovered.

Trustee McLarnan stated that he is leery of MVFD as an entity because the contract would be good only until they accrue enough money to fund a new station on the east side of MV.
Staffing the station with one Chief and limited firefighters is not safe. Bowden agreed. Bowden also stated that when Smith is working his 40 hours as Roads, he is still available to take fire runs.
Trustee McLarnan stated that this may be the best time to brown out the station.

Smith and Bowden stated that they are not in agreement with reducing staff and not taking runs.

Chief Thompson passionately stated that every effort is being made to reduce cost and maintain quality community service and response time. Both CTFD Chiefs feel strongly that it is time to approach Monroe Township to develop a new contract for EMS service. Chief Smith will contact Monroe Township Trustees.
Council woman Heer stated that her suggestion regarding the MVCFD proposal is that option #2 may give the CTFD more opportunities to keep the Fire Department rights and operations while contracting with MVC. Option #1 is a good choice, but when MVC decides to create another fire station on the east side of the city, Gambier station would no longer be needed.
In review of the CTFD Chief position description and the Roads Maintenance Supervisor position descriptions in draft form; Trustee Bowden made the motion to approve the Roads
Maintenance/Supervisor position description as full time; and to make the CTFD Chief position part time with no benefits and a monthly stipend. Trustee Woolison made a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.
Trustee McLarnan is working to arrange a meeting with the Knox County Prosecutor for Trustee McLarnan and Mrs. Rambo to attend in the coming weeks regarding written questions previously submitted to the Prosecutors office.
Trustee Bowden stated in the meeting that he wants the final decision regarding the operation of the CTFD to be a consensus across a large sector of the residents in College Township.
Trustee McLarnan suggested that a facilitator be engaged to lead another College Township resident meeting to identify the strengths and weakness of contracting with the City of Mount Vernon; creating a Fire District or keeping the CTFD in the operational scope of College Township. Trustee Bowden stated that further discussion for another public community meeting will be had in future meetings.

Mrs. Rambo provided the Trustees with the 1st half settlement of property taxes from the Auditors office; the general fund generated $31,609.33; fire fund $96,983.89 for a total deposit of
$108,595.22. Delinquent taxes totaled $4,442.79 between both collected tax funds.

Trustee Woolison will attend the Soil and Water lunch and Trustee McLarnan will attend the Township Association quarterly meeting.

Page 4, March 11, 2020

All correspondence received and or sent by College Township was reviewed in the general meeting.

Fund cash balances certified by Fiscal Officer Rambo demonstrated money on hand or in the process of collection and lawfully appropriated to pay the bills. Trustee McLarnan moved to pay the bills presented with a second by Trustee Woolison. There being no further business, Trustee McLarnan made the motion to adjourn at 10:15 P.M.
Trustee Bowden made a second to the motion to adjourn. Vote: All yes.

College Township

Knox County

Special Meeting

February 27, 2020

An open house was held at College Township Fire Department (CTFD) with 33 guests attending. The open house was held in hopes that College Township (CTWP) and the Village of Gambier residents would be in attendance to learn more about the financial future of CTFD. Members of the CTFD Fire/EMS department, Trustees and friends walked the visitors around to look at the station, equipment and informational posters.

Trustee Barry Bowden introduced CTFD/EMS Chief Bill Smith and invited him to introduce his Firefighters.

Trustee Bowen opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. and welcomed the guests.  An attendance sheet was circulated by Trustee Chuck Woolison. The recorded attendance was 33 guests; 4 elected officials; 1 administrative CTWP employee; and 8 CTFD/EMS staff. Trustee Bowden asked the gallery to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Trustee Bowden reviewed the purpose of the meeting and provided a brief review of the revenue and expenditures of the CTFD/EMS. College Township Fire and EMS is a 24/7, 365 day Department; staffing the Department is a minimum of 2 employees on station backed up by volunteers; 2700 residents of College Township, 1370 daytime employees of Kenyon and Village businesses, plus visitors are served by our Department every day; our Department receives 400+ calls per year; College Township and the Village of Gambier currently have a fire insurance rating of 4 due to full-time staffing at our Department, and College Township Fire and EMS is a primary backup Department to all surrounding areas.

Bowden explained the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating with a question from the gallery regarding the ISO scale.  The scale is a 1 to 10 rating with CTFD rating at a 4 ISO. The lowest number being the best number on the rating scale. There are only 4 fire departments in the state of Ohio that have a 1 rating, which is very rare.

Trustee Bowden is quoted as saying “…if you lose a fire department; it is hard to get it back.”

Trustee Doug McLarnan then addressed the guests.

This fire department is currently at 100 runs in the new year and that run volume is up. The highest number of the runs are at Kenyon College, with the Village of Gambier coming in second.  The next highest volume currently in 2020 is mutual aid to Monroe Township, making up almost 25% of Monroe’s runs.  Run volume is increasing annually, however the population is not increasing that much.

Betsy Heer, Village of Gambier Council President, Village business owner, and Village resident, asked the Board how much money is in reserve. Fiscal Officer Martha Rambo took that question by explaining how the Township has $175,000 currently in a CD with People’s Bank in Gambier and that approximately 70% of that is money for the fire department.

February 27, page 2

EMS billing funds are currently about $16,000 in reserve.

Trustee McLarnan reported that Monroe Township has the 3rd highest population in Knox County.  College Township lost $193,000 when Monroe went to providing their own Township Fire and EMS service. Additionally, he stated that College Township is the smallest entity in the State.

Trustee McLarnan used his own property tax assessment as an example of taxes that generate revenue for Fire and EMS.

Increased tax levy collection and additional revenue from grants for equipment and supplies are examples of the ways our Township can receive additional revenue.  The critical factor is the cost for personnel now that CTFD is no longer a volunteer department but a paid part- time fire department.

Townships can only raise funds through property taxes, medical billing, contracts for service, donations and contributions; 6 ¼ mills of property tax equals $140,500 per year; each mill of real estate tax in College Township produces $26,600 on 2019 values; medical billing is estimated at $56,000 per year (depending on the number of EMS runs); Kenyon contribution is $140,000 per year, and the total estimated revenue per year is approximately $340,000.

Medical billing for EMS service to the community was enormously hard to get and took two years to beginning billing and receive payments. College Township has an independent vendor that bills for EMS services directly.

Trustee Bowden commented on how the Fiscal Officer has to meet all of the new governmental guidelines and assist the Fire Department in the required data for grant applications, Medicade billing, reporting and distribution of revenue. The HR Manager assists the Fiscal Officer with data collection.

The Department has no debt; annual cost to test and maintain equipment is over $40,000; new fire trucks cost $400,000+ and new ambulances cost $200,000+; the Department has 20 part-time Fire and EMS employees; part-time on station Fire and EMS personnel are backed up by 11 volunteers (primarily Kenyon students); part-time EMT’s are paid $10, $11 and $12 (according to education level) and line officers are paid $15 per hour; 24/7, 365 days equals 8760 hours for each position; cost to train and equip each volunteer is $8850, and annual cost to operate and have employees on station is $500,000+.

Trustee McLarnan explained that CTWP is short approximately $200,000 as we need $500,000 to operate the department in the way that our residents expect.

The last levy passed with remarkable success; however, we are still going to be $280,000 short with paid part-time employees.

Trustee McLarnan then turned the floor over to Chief Smith.

Chief Smith presented that he is responsible to run the current firefighters that are on payroll.

February 27, page 3

Chief Smith reviewed the training requirements in terms of the initial certification needed to be a Firefighter and continuing education. To maintain the cards, Firefighters have to maintain continuing education. Trustee Bowden added that CTWP has previously assisted in the Firefighter’s cost for training. Chief Smith reviewed the cost of classes for the initial Firefighter I license as well as the cost to keep the license, and to progress onto the more advanced training and performance levels with the gallery.

Stipends are paid for volunteers and employees that are off shift but respond to a call depending on the firefighter’s card.

Additional duties of CTFD Fire Department Chief include the certification to perform building inspections for Wiggin Street school, The Head-Start Childcare, and all of the Kenyon College, existing buildings as well as new construction in progress; hydrant inspections and meetings with local government and with the Knox County Fire Chiefs.


Resident Questions and CTWP Trustee Answers

Q: Who would do the external audit?

A: The State of Ohio.

Q: How is the performance audit paid for?

A: The performance audit is provided by The State of Ohio, State Auditors Office at no charge.

Q: What is the average charge and collection for a resident that requires medical and EMS?

A: $1500 per run may be charged but collection is at about 50% of the actual cost to CTFD/EMS.

Q: Why are we doing mutual aid? How is that aid effecting our costs when CTFD gives more aid than it receives?

A: Mutual aid generates revenue with EMS as we are able to bill for the service if our EMS is first on scene to provide service.

Trustee Bowden added the benefits of mutual aid and the use of county wide assets to tackle difficult emergencies, practice team work and skill development, and provide excellent “hands on” experience for all of the Knox County Fire Departments.

February 27, page 4

Q: Why doesn’t College contract with Pleasant Township for service?

A: CTWP has discussed the idea with Pleasant Township and they are not interested due to the cost.

Q: Why doesn’t College contract with Knox Community Hospital (KCH) for service?

A: CTFD does contract for some services with KCH for services that the hospital is able to provide.

Q: Can CTWP go into negations with Kenyon College for a written agreement for the continuation of

financial support to the CTFD? Are the Trustees going to approach Kenyon College for a secure financial solution?

A: More negations for a Kenyon College annual contribution to CTFD will begin in 2020 for future funding.

A College Township resident addressed the Trustees and gallery by commending CTFD/EMS Chief “Bill Smith” for his excellent leadership and dedicated service to all of College Township. The spokesperson thanked Chief Smith for all he does. The gallery, Firefighters, and the Trustees applauded the Chief and CTFD/EMS for their excellent care and service.

Q: Does CTWP/CTFD use professional grant writers who have additional knowledge on how to write federal grants, and where to find more grants to fund CTFD?

A: CTWP and CTFD have employed professional grant writers for complicated Federal applications. Additionally, CTFD employs experienced Firefighters that are experienced grant writers. Chief Smith and Assistant Chief Thompson complete many annual State grant applications.

Q: Can the Trustees plan a follow-up community meeting?

A: Yes, as more information is available, another community meeting can be planned

February 27, page 5

Q: Would a November 6.0 mill levy for CTFD be added to the current 6.25 mills currently collected?

A: A 6.0 mill new levy would be collected in addition to the existing 6.25 mills of roll back and old assessment value for a total of 12.25 mills.

Trustee Bowden explained the Ohio Police and Fire (OPD&F) retirement rates in comparison to Ohio Public Employee Retirement System (OPERS) in regards to moving Chief Smith to part-time Chief and back to a full-time road position. Smith is a very valued employee with all of his skill and talents.

Q: What is College Township looking for from the Village of Gambier? RC Wise, Village of Gambier Administrator, is offended that the Board has said twice that the Village is not “stepping up”.

A: Creating a better funding mechanism for the CTFD that serves all of CTWP.

Village of Gambier Administrator, RC Wise, stated that Village residents pay property tax in support of the CTFD and he takes issue for the second time with the Trustees in the way they present information regarding Village resident revenue contribution to operate CTFD. Additionally, a Village resident commented on the repeated efforts by the CTWP Trustees to get more funding from Kenyon College. The resident also stated that a Kenyon Administrator should be on the CTWP board. Trustee Bowden explained that the Ohio Revised Code determines the composition of the Board of Trustees so therefore; no other representatives may be on the board.

A resident addressed the Trustees regarding the historical attempt to solve revenue problems for the Fire Department by obtaining the money to operate Fire Department from Kenyon College. The resident stated that Kenyon College is not a “cash cow”. And further stated that the college is the largest employer in the township and that “there would not be a Village of Gambier without Kenyon College.

Trustee Bowden responded to the comment by stating that Kenyon employees only pay 1.5% income tax.

Another resident stated that the college holds property that does not generate tax dollars to support the entity.

Trustee Bowden did say that it is very possible that a new 6.0 mill levy may be on the ballot in November 2020.

February 27, page 6

Trustee McLarnan added that having done all of the research based on tax revenue generated on his own property; at the end of the day, one way or the other our residents will have to pay. That cost will either be with a higher levy and the security of a local Fire Department or the cost will include higher homeowner’s insurance and a longer wait time for emergency services.

Trustee McLarnan gave a statement regarding the lack of support from the Village of Gambier and the lack of willingness to afford the CTFD additional revenue.  Conversations with the Board of Kenyon College Administration is ongoing. Conversations with our collaborative partners is time honored and has been successful.  This is a wonderful place to live.

Trustee Bowden mentioned that College Township board meetings are every month on the second Wednesday.  A resident could attend a regular meeting and assist in the scheduling of another special community meeting.

Trustee McLarnan thanked the community for their attendance and long-time support.

There being not further business; Trustee Bowden moved to adjourn the meeting and Trustee McLarnan provided a second to the motion. Vote: All yes.